Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

You gotta have dreams, right?


I'm 28, 5'9, and 67kg. Around 5 years ago, I was 77kg and pretty fat with very little muscle. I then cut on and off for 2 years, making tons of mistakes along the way. I got down to around 59kg, and realized I was way too small and weak. I then did SS, got too fat (ate way too much), then cut again. I then did Madcow 5x5, got too fat, and cut again. Next came 5/3/1, fatness, and another cut. Along the way I plugged many leaks. One of them was that I would count my calories diligently until dinner, and then eat whatever for dinner without going overboard. Looking back, that was a really dumb move because I ended up eating way too much on both cuts and bulks. My cuts were really slow and I put on weight way too quickly when bulking.

Once I figured this out (duh), my previous cut was the best ever and I was pretty easily able to lose weight. Now, I plan on going on a long, slow, bulk (300 calories above maintenance).

That was the introduction to my previous log 3 years ago. I'm now 31, still 5'9, and around 71kg. I did a few bulking and cutting cycles, but it was becoming really monotonous and I was taking a lot of mini breaks. Enter crossfit. I stumbled onto the website of one, signed up for an induction class, and was hooked after day 1. I liked the structure and the competitive nature of it. I also liked how you had to be good at everything to be good at crossfit.

Crossfit Journey

I started in October 2016 and until around December 2017, just did crossfit. I stayed around the same bodyweight, my lifts went up, my endurance improved, my gymnastics got better, I learned the olympic lifts, and I finally didn't have to deal with feeling fat and skinny from all the bulking/cutting cycles. Having said that, I think I've reached the point where I need to do less crossfit to become better at it.

After a year and a half, I think I'm finally a pretty average crossfitter. Here are some of my numbers:

Squat: 127.5
Front Squat: 115
Deadlift: 145
Bench Press: 84 (estimated)
Overhead Press: 62.5
C&J: 77.5
Snatch: 52.5 (a bit old, should be closer to 60)

5k run: 24:37
1k row: 3:40

Jackie: 10:03
Fight Gone Bad: 225
Crossfit Open 2017: 28th percentile
Crossfit Open 2018: 45th percentile

Strict Pullups: 13
Muscle Ups: 1
Handstand Pushups: 14

What I'm doing now

My gymnastics is relatively stronger than my strength and endurance, and my weightlifting is pretty rubbish. Here is a rough weekly plan for the next couple of months.

5/3/1 - 2 sessions a week (combining BS and BP in one session, DL and OHP in the other)
Pete's plan beginner - 3 a week (it's a rowing program, to get a solid aerobic base)
Olympic lifting class - 1/2 a week
Crossfit class - 1/2 a week
Run - 1 a week (I wish I could run more, but it destroys my legs)

The End Goal

The goal is to just become as good at crossfit as I can and to keep getting better. I turn 40 in 2027 and there is a 40-45 division at the Crossfit Games, see you there.

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12 April 2018 at 05:36 PM

385 Replies



75 Bench Press, 60kg
*Every time you break, complete 10 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (2x22.5kg)

-Rest 5:00-

75 Ring Rows
*Every time you break, complete 10 Bench Dips

9:55, 7:42 - 50kg for 48 reps, 40kg for the remainder, 20kg rows

10 Minute EMOM:
:40 of Rower Hamstring Curls, :20 rest
:40 of Feet Elevated Glute Bridges, :20 rest


Really fun. Good old upper body pump. My muscular endurance with pushing is terrible. People with similar/worse bench always do better than me at these high rep ones.

I went 15-12-9-6-5, then dropped down to 40kg. Rows with the 20s were really easy. Ring rows were 15 and then 6x10. I made them easier after a while by changing the angle.


For time: (In teams of 2)
5,000m Row
One partner rows at a time. "Resting" partner must hold 2x32kg in a farmers hold

24:55 - 30kg DBs

2 sets:
10 Overhead Plate Situps
10 Strict Hanging Leg Raise
15 Oblique twists with med ball (each side)
7 Alligator Rolls (each side)


So much fun! I switched to hook grip halfway through and it became so much easier.

Open Gym + Crossfit

OHP: 42.5x5, 47.5x5, 54x5, 42.5x5x5

Metcon 1
4 rounds for time:
60 Double Unders
10 Burpee Box Get Overs, 30"

8:33 - 45 double unders

Metcon 2
30 minutes Zone 2:
10 minute assault bike: 83 calories
10 minute ski: 2000m, 2:30
10 minute row: 2:20


That was a full day including biking to and from there. I was meant to do 47.5x5x5 for OHP but 54x5 felt so heavy! I have never really spent much time on OHP and it always kept going up, but this might be the first time it's gone down. So my strength is 5kg under all my maxes everywhere. I am bringing back the 1 heavy day per week and hopefully I smash through them.

Double cardio Sundays in class is fun.


3 Snatch Grip High Pulls + 3 Muscle Snatches + 3 Overhead Squats: 30, 35, 35, 35, 35

5 Box Jumps, 30"
7 Toes to Bar
9 Wall Balls, 9kg



It's my 4th day in a row going, which I almost never do and I definitely feel beat up. It's not aches and niggles, but just overall fatigue and tiredness from cardio. Tomorrow is a day off and day after is only lifting, so I should be good after that.

No pain during weightlifting! 35 felt SO heavy though. I am excited to grind back up to my previous PRs. The metcon was a short and sharp and fun. Toes to bar were unbroken for 5 rounds and then I lost it in the 6th where it was 4,1,1,1. Round times were 0:52, 1:03, 1:08, 1:10, 1:14, 1:26. I always wonder if I would go faster if I started a round every 1:05 or something. Probably.

Open Gym

Front Squat: 70x5, 81x5, 92.5x5, 70x5x5
Bench Press: 50x5, 60x5, 67.5x5, 50x5x10
Ring Rows: 5x12


It was a big mistake to stop doing 1 heavy day a week with no cardio. I just feel so much better and stronger and it's a nice break mentally from metcons/classes.

531 goes medium/light/heavy across 3 weeks, then add weight to your training max. This week is the light week. All those lighter sets at the end are AMAZING for form. I got sloppy over the last few months with not recording myself and not thinking about any cues. It's all coming back to me now. I think that alone could add a few kgs to my PRs (that I had lost). Feel good.

The big cue from front squats today was to keep my feet screwed out throughout. Weight distribution felt great.


5 sets:
50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 2x22.5s
12 Dumbbell Front Squats, 2x22.5s
-rest 2:00 between sets-

1:26, 1:49, 2:05, 2:54, DNF


A bad session after a while. My lower back blew up, but I quit before it became too bad. This used to happen very frequently before, but now not so much. I don't think I did any damange by how early I stopped.

Open Gym/Crossfit

OHP: 40x5, 45x5, 51x5, 40x5x5

2 Rounds:
20 Strict Chin Ups
40 Bench Dips
60 V-Ups

13:55 - strict pull-ups


Really fun. The only negative from today is my grip/biceps/elbows feels like it isn't okay. It's not my usual tennis elbow. It just feels a bit off. I felt it during the 51x5 and during the eccentric part of pull-ups. I am travelling in 3 weeks and hopefully some rest is what it needs.

Another takeaway is that I need to come up with a structured plan to test things. A cardio test and a strength test every 2 months just to see where I'm at. It was a bit of a wake up call last week to see my strength was down a bit and I never actually know where my cardio is at.

2k/5k row?

by feel wrath k

2k/5k row?

Yeah, perhaps. But I don't really have the heart for it if I'm not going to set a PR. Perhaps something like Jackie or Helen.

Did you post something and delete it in the dating thread? We need a TR!!

by arjun13 k

Yeah, perhaps. But I don't really have the heart for it if I'm not going to set a PR. Perhaps something like Jackie or Helen.

Did you post something and delete it in the dating thread? We need a TR!!

There’s a post that should still be there from yesterday but no full TR

At Home

Deadlift: 100x5, 110x5, 125x5, 100x5x3

C2 Bike: 30 minutes, 12600m, 2:22.8


Hungover, sleep deprived, ate McDonald's for breakfast and may or may not eat it again for dinner. A Chicken burger and chicken selects though, lots of protein. I squeezed this in just now. Now to shower, walk the dog, and Masters Sunday!

Open Gym

Front Squat: 80x5, 92.5x5, 102.5x5, 80x5x5
Bench Press: 57.5x5, 65x5, 72.5x5, 57.5x5x10
Farmer's Carry: 32sx60mx3


I thought 102.5x5 was RPE 9 and was so slow, but it looks more like RPE 7 on the video. That's one cycle of squats and bench done. I'm going to up the training max by 2.5kg on both. It's meant to be 5 for lower body, but squats felt a lot heavier than bench.

Ahhhh, I messed up my training maxes. I'm supposed to be using 85% of a 1RM for what I'm doing and not 90%. No wonder my squats were so heavy. I was meant to do 105x5 in 3 weeks and that is my rep PR. I fluked into using the correct TM for bench, OHP, and deadlifts because I was being cautious due to my shoulder and back.

I'm going to reduce it for squats by 2.5 for the next cycle. It will be weird to lower the weights, but what's done is done.


5-4-3-2-1 minute
Max Distance Run
-Rest 1:00 Between sets-

No clue

EMOM 8: 1 Ring Muscle up

Did 1 and failed and then did 5x12 ring rows


The run was promising. I did a bit more than 1km in the first 5 minute section, held that pace, and went faster in the last minute.

I did one ring muscle up, but was so scared about my shoulder. The good news is that I *think* my shoulder problem is on its way out, but it is now purely tennis elbow. I am travelling in 2 weeks, so I might do 8 days of no weights and see if that helps.

the Quarter Finals workouts are really nice. Would need to be done with 'age group' weights when performed by mere mortals but I think they look like lots of fun

I'm guessing the 3rd one would be your favourite?


7:00 AMRAP
1000m Ski
In remaining time:
Max reps Strict Handstand Push Ups

-rest 5:00-

7:00 AMRAP
1000m Ski
In remaining time:
Max reps Push Ups

-rest 5:00-

7:00 AMRAP
1000m Ski
In remaining time:
Max Dumbbell Bench Press (2x22.5kg)

1.4m assault bike - 16/58/23


Really, really fun day. The ski-erg ran out of batteries just before I started, so had to switch to a bike. Everything felt strong. 16 strict HSPU is nice.

by feel wrath k

the Quarter Finals workouts are really nice. Would need to be done with 'age group' weights when performed by mere mortals but I think they look like lots of fun

I'm guessing the 3rd one would be your favourite?

You're foiling my plan of ignoring the quarterfinals to pretend it didn't exist. I am really bummed about not making. I was basically the cutoff in our gym. Everyone ahead of me made it, and I was best of the rest. And yeah, the 3rd and 4th probably are my favourites. C&J is probably one of my better lifts.

I also realized I was stuck in training for the Open like the old days. These workouts are very Open-y. But now, the Open is more engine and low skills and the more crossfitty workouts are in the quarterfinals. I just need to show up next year lean and with a good engine, and I should be good. I am making it my mission to qualify next year.

by arjun13 k


7:00 AMRAP
1000m Ski
In remaining time:
Max reps Strict Handstand Push Ups

-rest 5:00-

7:00 AMRAP
1000m Ski
In remaining time:
Max reps Push Ups

-rest 5:00-

7:00 AMRAP
1000m Ski
In remaining time:
Max Dumbbell Bench Press (2x22.5kg)

1.4m assault bike - 16/58/23


Really, really fun day. The ski-erg ran out of batteries just before I started, so had to switch to a bike. Everything felt strong. 16 strict HSPU is nice.

You're foiling my plan of ignoring the quarterfinals

are you entered as India or UK?

why not do the QF workouts anyway to see where you're at?


Teams of 2
8 sets (each/1:1)
50 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb (Or 5 Strict Pull Ups)
5 Overhead Squats (70kg)

1:02, 1:01, 1:09, 1:02, 1:02, 1:12, 1:03, 1:02 - 30 double unders, 4 strict pull ups, 40kg overhead squats

4 rounds:
15 Stick Sit Ups
30 Flutter Kicks (each side)
4 Around the Worlds (each side)
30 yd Isolateral DB Farmers Carry (left), 32kg
30 yd Isolateral DB Farmers Carry (right), 32kg


First time overhead squatting pain free. I actually think my shoulder is 98% healed, but my tennis elbow is pretty bad right now. And I have been confusing the two. That's really good news though. A little bit of rest and I should be back to weightlifting and everything else!!!

by feel wrath k

are you entered as India or UK?

why not do the QF workouts anyway to see where you're at?

Funny, you ask. I've just had a nightmare with my (Indian) passport. It got lost in the mail and we're going to Greece in 2 weeks. They finally found it today after officially declaring it lost. It's been one week of 4 hours on the phone everyday, scrambling to get an emergency passport, and then all the visas after that. I've actually been eligible for a British passport for a few years but been too lazy. I will do that soon.

I'm registered as India, but for all the masters categories it is irrelevant. Top 25% worldwide qualify. I actually ended up 18/242 in 35-39 India. But it doesn't matter.

I feel like I haven't earned doing the quarterfinals workouts, so don't want to do it.


Deadlift: 90x5, 102.5x5, 117.5x5

Metcon - Half Murph
800m Run
50 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
150 Air Squats
800m Run

The pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats can be partitioned in any way

24:07 - 5 rounds of 10/20/30


Fun. I squeezed in the deadlifts before Murph, but didn't have time to do the back off sets.

I underestimated/didn't plan enough for Half Murph and it was way too high RPE. Everything was fine until the last run where I walked a lot because my core was SO fatigued. First run was in 3:40. Then round times were 2:30, 2:53, 2:58, 3:11, 3:08. The last "run" was in 5:15!!!!

This is murph prep for a few weeks leading into Murph. My time last year was 48:30 doing 10 rounds of 10/20/30. 45 would be cool, but I would need to lose weight for that.

how is Tia having a kid and then coming back and just destroying the quarter finals?

pretty impressive and you'd think she'll be improving relative to everyone else as they go deeper into the season

Open Gym

Front Squat: 72.5x5, 82.5x5, 92.5x5, 72.5x5x5
Bench Press: 55x5, 65x5, 72.5x5, 55x5x10


Cycle 2 begins for squats and bench, DL and OHP are a bit behind. Squats training max went down after my mess up and this is a much better RPE. It felt good.

I woke up yesterday and walked up the stairs and my right knee hurt!!! There was then no pain rest of the day, including half Murph. It happened again today after waking up. Quick googling seems to be runners' knee, which is just tendonitis I think from overuse. I went into squats today planning on stopping if it hurt, but there was no pain. My tennis elbow is also pretty bad right now. I am being stubborn because I am going on holiday in a week and plan on taking 7-8 days completely off. It's my first holiday in 18 months after the breakup and my mom dying, so I haven't really had any time off exercising.

by feel wrath k

how is Tia having a kid and then coming back and just destroying the quarter finals?

pretty impressive and you'd think she'll be improving relative to everyone else as they go deeper into the season

Better drugs?


3 Squat Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats (Touch and Go): 35, 37.5, 40, 40, 40 (every 3 minutes)

300 Double Unders
50ft Dumbbell Farmer Carry Lunge, 22.5s
50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge, 22.5s
50ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge, 22.5 (25ft Left/25ft Right)

1+20 (175 DU in 4 minutes, 17.5kg DBs)


I was worried about today with my knee still hurting when climbing stairs. No pain whatsoever. It was my first time doing snatches in months. My left shoulder pain is gone, but my tennis elbow is there. I desperately need a week off.

The metcon was basically a 4 minute AMRAP of double unders and then the rest. It was okay.


Metcon - Gwen
15-12-9 Clean and Jerk (for Load)
Every 4:00, complete 1 set


For time: 100 burpee box jump overs



Top 3 gruelling sessions of all time. Loved it now that it's done. I built some mental toughness and some fitness.

Gwen was interesting with no weightlifting in months. Set of 15 was mostly fine, just max HR. Set of 12 became close with some iffy jerks. I had to rest a lot in the rack position in the set of 9. Close to RPE 10.

100 burpee box jump overs was even more of a grind. HR probably hit 190 early on and then it's just keep grinding. I entered a dark place. Split times were pretty consistent every 10 reps - 1:01, 1:12, 1:17, 1:16, 1:20, 1:28, 1:23, 1:28, 1:19, 0:47
