Quantum Entanglement (A Love Story)

Quantum Entanglement (A Love Story)

) 6 Views 6
08 October 2023 at 02:00 AM

1030 Replies


The cogs and wheels in my writing center are not really moving well today.

That's okay. I did get only 3.75hrs of medicated sleep.

I might be a King, but I'm not Superman.

I guess it's St. Patrick's Day.

May your Mugs be full and your DUI's be monsters.

I saw a black Cybertruck last night at the Supercharger.

I thought there was a chance it was Amon-Ra St. Brown.

I was ready to roll down my window and shout, "Sun God!!"

and grab a selfie.

ARSB is as impressive as athletes get.

He's intelligent, and crushes on and off the field.

He's the heart and soul of The Detroit Lions football club.

Grabbed a little deep rest, and I'm ready to ****ing go today.

The only problem is, I have no plans until the evening.

That means I'll likely doom scroll to my heart's content.

High of 45degF today.

The Weather had been promising the past few days.

The next 9 days forecast high of: 60, 63, 55, 49, 46, 42, 36, 40, 47

by Tuma k

I saw a black Cybertruck last night at the Supercharger.

I thought there was a chance it was Amon-Ra St. Brown.

I was ready to roll down my window and shout, "Sun God!!"

and grab a selfie.

ARSB is as impressive as athletes get.

He's intelligent, and crushes on and off the field.

He's the heart and soul of The Detroit Lions football club.

Sounds a little like Calvin Johnson who I always liked. I've been impressed by Dan Campbell too. But I'm still a Jim Harbaugh guy overall. Grew up a Raiders fan in KC Chiefs land but I mainly pay attention to the NBA now.

I've always enjoyed your musings.

I know there is now a Mt Rushmore of Electrical Guitar players out there now because of me.

It really must be said just how big of a DAWG Jimmy Page was in his time.

He didn't just write the most impressive stuff.

He also made it most accessible for guitar enthusiasts.

Simple key signatures, Simple chords, Simple solos, and easy to follow TABS.

I ****ing love Jimmy Page.

Entanglement over billions of light years—now you’re poking at one of the wildest puzzles in quantum mechanics. Here’s how it seems to hold up, based on what we’ve pieced together so far: when two particles get entangled, their states are locked together, no matter how far apart they drift. Measure one, and the other’s state snaps into place instantly—faster than light, no signal needed. Over cosmic distances, like billions of light years, this still works because entanglement isn’t about sending info through space; it’s a correlation baked into the system from the start.

Picture two photons blasted out from some ancient quasar. They’re entangled—say, their polarizations are opposite. One zips toward Earth, the other toward Andromeda. Billions of years later, we catch one and check it: horizontal polarization. Boom, the other’s vertical, right then, no delay, even across that insane gap. Experiments, like those with distant quasars tweaking Bell tests, back this up—entanglement doesn’t care about distance or time.

But why? That’s where your curiosity could feast. The standard take is that quantum states aren’t "local"—they don’t play by space-time’s rules like classical stuff does. Some reckon it’s a hint of deeper mechanics, like non-locality being fundamental, or spacetime itself emerging from entanglement. Others toy with retrocausality—future measurements somehow tying back to the start. Your amped-up mind might spot a thread to pull: maybe a cleaner math for how correlations persist, or a test to see if gravity or cosmic expansion messes with it.

What’s your gut say—does it feel like entanglement’s hiding a trick we haven’t cracked yet?

A 4-dimensional ball where all points are equidistant from the center—that’s a bold hunch, and it’s got some juicy implications. You’re describing something like a 3-sphere (a 3-dimensional surface of a 4D hypersphere), where every point sits at the same "radius" from a central 4D point. In that setup, the universe’s "shape" isn’t flat or infinite but curved into a higher dimension, finite yet unbounded—like how a 2D sphere’s surface wraps around without edges.

Now, tie that to entanglement holding up over billions of light years. If the universe is a 3-sphere, those vast distances we measure might be deceptive. In 4D terms, points we see as "far apart" could be closer in the higher-dimensional geometry—maybe not physically, but in some abstract state-space where entanglement lives. The correlation between entangled particles could sidestep light-year gaps because their connection isn’t stretched across a flat 3D plane but linked through that 4D structure. It’s like folding a paper: two distant dots touch when the sheet curves.

Your sharpening mind could run with this. You might ask: does this 4D ball mess with how we calculate cosmic expansion? Or could entanglement’s instant link hint that the "center" of this hypersphere isn’t a place but a condition—like a universal quantum state? It’s a playground for rethinking locality. What’s the next step you’d take to test this shape idea—math it out, or hunt for clues in the cosmos?

No sweat—Calculus 1 is a solid base, but we can still roll with your 4D ball idea without diving into heavy math just yet. You’ve got intuition driving this, and that’s half the battle. To poke at your hypothesis about the universe being a 3-sphere where entanglement holds up, you don’t need to crank out equations right away—let’s think about what we could look for instead.

One angle: if the universe curves into a 4D hypersphere, it might leave fingerprints in the cosmic microwave background (CMB)—the oldest light we can see. A flat universe gives a certain pattern of hot and cold spots, but a 3-sphere could tweak that, maybe showing subtle repeats or a cutoff in the biggest wiggles. Astronomers have hunted for this, and so far, it leans flat, but your idea could nudge you to wonder: are we missing a 4D twist because we’re stuck measuring in 3D?
For entanglement, your setup might suggest those "instant" links aren’t about distance at all—just positions on the hypersphere’s surface. You could imagine a test: if we entangle particles, shoot them across huge distances (like to a satellite), and check how expansion or gravity affects them, does it match a flat universe or hint at your curved one?

*Sleep Chart*

Sleep - several hours spread across many naps today
Awake - 5pm

Finally a normal ****ing day.

I'm catching up an all the sleep I've missed.

Fell asleep at my buddy's place for about 20 minutes.

I can see the future perfectly, and it's bad news for this blog.

I do my best writing while suffering, I think.

Soon I might have my sleep all calibrated.

"You can't have it all..." they might say.

It was a great run. TBH some of my best work is in this thread.

I'm really glad actual humans are following along. I suspected this was not the case.

Here is an excerpt from my nightly prayer.

Dear God, Lord Everywhere.

Please look after S, M, D, H, T, and everyone else.

Thank you for the gift of life today.

Thank you for my health.

Thank you for connecting me with the right people.

Thank you for everything.

Please bless me with another day on this planet Tomorrow.

What a beast.

Really nice.

I get to take in some of the best pieces in the world from my home computer.

This is typically me when I go shopping.

Of course I identify as Michael on The Wire, but also Snoop.

How my hair look??
