TR 09/01 to 09/06 (more of the same!)

TR 09/01 to 09/06 (more of the same!)

Just landed and checked into my room at the Venetian. Feels good to be back out here again. This will be similar to all

01 September 2024 at 07:04 PM

82 Replies


Made it home safe and sound. Getting home as early as I did was actually kind of nice. Thanks to all who followed along! I realize my trip reports are always pretty much the same but I actually enjoy doing them. It a good way to fill downtime which I usually have plenty of.

I like staying at the Venetian/Wynn end of the strip because those are to 2 best places for tournaments and I much prefer touney poker to cash. Plus all my favorite food places are at the Venetian. But next trip I really do need to mix up my food choices as I always go to the same places for the exact same food. Then again I have been to Vegas so many times I know what I like, want and crave.

Mostly wanted to give my impressions of the new Venetian poker room. I really liked it. It is a very comfortable room to play in. No matter what seat I was in I was never bumping elbows or knees with the person next to me. It also seems extremely well run. They really keep the list moving and I never waited for a seat more than 5 minutes. They have lots of chip runners and seem very efficient.

The promotion this month was risk it or take it mystery high hand. The way that worked was your first draw was a prize fron $100 to $1000. You then had a choice to keep it or risk it on the second drum. The second drum had 5 10Ks 10 5Ks and 10 2500's. It also had lots of zeros and some get half of what you risked. The nittyness of Venetian regulars was on full diplay often keeping rather than risking 100 or 150 intital prizes. I woulda risked any thing less than 1000. I did get on the board once with Q's full of J's. It was in the morning so there weren't many games going yet so it had a chance. But with 5 minutes to go somebody hit aces full and never even came close to another high hand. Not exactly sure of the math but they had the numbers listed somewhere and a guy at our table said he crunched it and said 250 or less you should risk it.

The room is nice and bigger than I thought it would be. The $3 comps are nice but will be interesting to see what happens when that goes down. The location isn't bad but again not sure how being off the casino floor will matter or not. It certainly won't attract the wandering drunks. But it was very busy with lots of games running and it was the most effcient poker operation I have seen to date in Las Vegas.

by Randall Stevens k

I almost wanted you to do a french toast-off at The Henry, but their eggs benedict is always a winner.

You prompted me to search for an old pic of Henry's French Toast. That **** is crazy!

by Langdon k

haven't seen the Venetian pool, hope you can snap a little photo
good luck in the tournament.

Back when it was my favorite place on earth! It's no longer like that :(

At least they still have the most comfortable pool chairs I have experienced.

by mrbaseball k

Back when it was my favorite place on earth! It's no longer like that :(

At least they still have the most comfortable pool chairs I have experienced.

Yeah, I used to love the Venetian pool. Great vibe and music with the beach club next door and always smoke shows everywhere. Best hotel pool and also the best hotel gym I’ve ever experienced

I haven’t stayed there since they re-did it but it’s a shame they haven’t replaced the big pool

by mrbaseball k

You prompted me to search for an old pic of Henry's French Toast. That **** is crazy!

If you haven't tried it, put Bardot's french toast on your list.

The Henry's french toast and short rib benedict are always great. The Reuben has slipped, but I still enjoy it.

by mrbaseball k

Sitting at the bar in Grimaldis right now, sipping on a beer and just ordered food. I lasted longer than I thought after last break busting out in 6th place. I busted out at exactly 10pm which means I leatherassed that tourney for 10 hours!

Anyway 6th paid 2404 or a profit of $2004. Hard to complain about that. I am hungry and exhausted. I shoved my final 300k chips with A5 suited and ran into AK and didn't improve. We played 6 handed for at least an hour. The whole thing is a blur about right no

Late to the party, but congrats on the nice tournament score! Always bittersweet with a 6th place though.

Just booked my January trip so we're gonna do this all over again in just a couple of months. I'd like to say that next TR will be unique but I can't guarentee that. It will likely be just like this one and the last 20. I will however make an effort to eat some different food. Then again?????????

by mrbaseball k

Just booked my January trip so we're gonna do this all over again in just a couple of months. I'd like to say that next TR will be unique but I can't guarentee that. It will likely be just like this one and the last 20. I will however make an effort to eat some different food. Then again?????????

I also recently booked a January trip.
I am looking forward to some spicy cashew chicken
