Vegas Trip in April
I know it's way too early, but I'm excited and the trip is booked. Will be flying in April 26 and home on May 3. I work in horse racing, so traveling on Derby Day is not ideal, but I'm not going this year so all is well. I will work half days while I'm there, though, which I did that in the fall when I took a full week of vacation, so I know I can do it 😉
We are staying at the Hilton Grand on the north part of the strip because my husband's conference is at the Fontainebleau, so it's basically across the street. Might end up playing more at Wynn and Venetian than Aria.
I'll update this every once in a while with local poker hands/stories to keep it interesting until April. Plus, we have nine-day trip to Ireland at the end of March for my birthday, so maybe I'll post a little about that, too. Not sure if the 10 euro betting limit legislation passed in Ireland, but if it didn't, we might get a night of poker in -- we are traveling with our best friend, who is from Dublin but is not a poker player.
Anyway, I'm excited!
Thanks for following!
It took me a little while to get use to the new format, but I'm good with it now. I miss the up arrow, but that's the only thing I miss (so far).
Played an interesting game yesterday. I don't normally play in this game, but my husband had to work for a few hours, so I headed out. It's 1/2 NLHE w/ a PLO DBBP followed by one hand of PLO, but they added a second hand for me 😉
OMG, the loose/passive play is almost unbearable. Very first hand a guy limps from LP w/ AKo and bemoans his loss to some random pair that hit on the river -- no betting the whole time. Amazing. Plus, they chase anything.
So many times I should have bet to take it down, but you just never knew what they were going to show up with. So frustrating. One guy called a raise pre w/ 4c5c (not against me), called a big flop bet w/ a club draw and bottom pair, then called all in (a little bigger than pot) on a blank turn when he still had only bottom pair -- he won w/ a pair of 5s vs. the nut flush draw. I guess it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great.
I raise pre from MP w/ AJ, get two callers, flop is JKX. I bet and get an LP call and a fold. Check/check turn, he bets a blank river, I fold and he shows KK. I think they were all just hoping to hit the per hour high hand for a whopping ~$40.
Somehow, I was in for $500 and down to ~$230. I announced that the next last PLO hand was my last hand:
Everyone limps in, as always. I am in LP w/ something like KT76 w/ two diamonds. Flop comes 9TJ w/ two diamonds. Guy bets, I call, two more callers. LOL. Turn is the beautiful Q. He bets, I gii, and he calls w/ 99XX -- no other draws. River is an A and I double up for a $40 loss on the night.
They also had a pull tab, $10 each, for four bottles of bourbon. I don't really drink bourbon, but I like it and I have friends who do, so I bought three of the 16 tabs. Right before the reveal, I offered to split with anyone and one guy took me up. Of course, I won! He wanted one of the nicer bottles, and I let him have it because he was so down on the night. No biggie. I still took home about $90 worth and now have a gift and bourbon for when friends come over.
(Larceny 1.75L small batch and Elijah Craig 750ml, which is my neighbor's go-to.)
Played in a 1/2/5 PLO-only game last Sunday vs. the usual NLHE players. Only five of us showed up, unfortunately. I was up ~$200 when this hand happened:
BTN ($450) straddle $15, I ($700) pot $50 from SB w/ 9cJhKsAs, folds to BTN who pots.
We have lots of history going back and forth. He knows a little about poker, but not much, and he's doesn't study and is not a PLO player. I know he is doing this very wide, so I repot and we gii.
He has TdTh3d4d, so I'm a slight favorite. He says, "I can't believe you don't have a pair." LOL. He still doesn't realize he was a slight dog. However, the poker gods were in his favor. We ran it twice: he flopped a set on the first board and I rivered as straight, but he rivered diamonds. His TT held the second board. Oh, well. I had to leave soon thereafter because my husband cut his hand, and my pre-vet degree makes me the doctor in the family.
Haven't played otherwise, but I might tonight.
Played the better, slightly splashier 1/2 w/ PLO DBBP and two rounds of PLO after on Saturday night. Hubby played with me, which was fun. It's getting close to 2 a.m. (now actually 3 a.m.) and I'm on my last hand, which is PLO. Hubby is cashing out up a whopping $80 after being in for $1, 400. I'm in for $500 and up about $950.
Straddle is on. Pot, pot, call, I call the $150, guy to my left hems and haws and folds. Straddle shoves ~$400, shove $500, shove $500, back to me. I have KdQhTd9h. Ahhhhh. I know these guys are just gambling, but I really don't want to lose $500 on a gamble, even with this hand knowing they don't have much. I sigh fold.
Guy who folded shows me KhQdTs3h, so I'm feeling pretty good. Third all-in flips over KxTh2hXx. I'm feeling even better.
Flop is AhJh2s Turn is 7h. River is a blank. Ahhhhh. Th2h takes it down. The guy to my left went a little nuts 😉
Nice to have an $845 win, but that would have been even nicer! At least the guy who won was in deep, and I don't think he can really afford it, so I felt slightly better.
Might get a game or two in before the Ireland trip. Someone on these forums said there is a lot of dodgy sh!t going on in Dublin. Oh, well, at least we'll be there with locals.