Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 53 Views 53
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11474 Replies


by Old Man Coffee k

Wonder if El D/Rice is going to this tomorrow:

The Orleans will be hosting auditions tomorrow, 4/16, for summer dealers in the room at 930 and 11am, 1230, 230, and 330pm. If you would like 11am or 4pm start times, you will be required to know all mixed games. If Hold'em only, that shift will start at 6pm. Dress in black pants and a white button down.

I doubt Rice has worn a shirt with a button on it in years.

Looks like our hero just got done "working out" again before posting the latest video.. Also, true to his word, that flight scheduling story WAS really interesting.

Overall, really enjoyable video. If you've never been to an airport or an a plane, you will find it interesting. ED is the king of content creation!

But on a serious note, pretty sure the channel is largely one giant troll job. ED finds it amusing. And likely makes a few bucks while he's at it. Good for him.

by RidePolaris k

I think most of the YouTubers who comment on his vlogs are just supporters and enjoy the content. I haven't come across any that seem jealous or view him as a demi-god of sorts. I, like them, try to support anyone that takes the time to film, create content, and upload it, even if I don't think it's top notch material. I like variety and options, and go through the top vloggers' content pretty quickly, so the more the better.

I don't like Rice's "variety of opinions" and assume that anyone who engages with him is trolling.

Rice knows less than zero about investing and a financial plan.

It appears he plans on living off an inheritance.

May his parents live to be 100.

by Old Man Coffee k

Wonder if El D is going to this tomorrow:

Rice wearing long pants and a clean white shirt?

by Pete_Peters k

Looks like our hero just got done "working out" again before posting the latest video.. Also, true to his word, that flight scheduling story WAS really interesting.

Overall, really enjoyable video. If you've never been to an airport or an a plane, you will find it interesting. ED is the king of content creation!

But on a serious note, pretty sure the channel is largely one giant troll job. ED finds it amusing. And likely makes a few bucks while he's at it. Good for him.

Constantly being out of breath, having trouble with reading comprehension, and pushing a hotel baggage cart with cardboard boxes bungee corded together is a giant troll job? He is even trolling when he thinks no one is looking? Oh yeah and he wears 3XL basketball shorts every day to troll us too, man do I feel stupid, Diesel really got me good lol.

The vlog is a honest depiction of what happens when you isolate yourself from society in dating, work, family life, etc. and how it impacts intelligence. Diesel started off as an Ivy League grad with a law degree and now 4 years later he can’t even read a coupon book, lying and getting mean to anyone that points it out. Sure, some of that is mental illness/genetic stuff but living alone and being in his own head all day for years has rapidly increased his decline.

by Lionelhuttz k

Constantly being out of breath, having trouble with reading comprehension, and pushing a hotel baggage cart with cardboard boxes bungee corded together is a giant troll job? He is even trolling when he thinks no one is looking? Oh yeah and he wears 3XL basketball shorts every day to troll us too, man do I feel stupid, Diesel really got me good lol.

The vlog is a honest depiction of what happens when you isolate yourself from society in dating, work, family life, etc. and how it impacts intellige

Excellent post, was gonna write up something along the same lines.

The reason Diesels trainwreck of a life/vlog is so entertaining to watch unfold is because its _not_ a troll mission.

by pig4bill k

A lot of financial planners are recommending doing it now, because taxes as a part of your income will never be lower. Better to take the tax hit now, and have your nest egg grow without being taxed for the next 20, 30, 40 years.

And to add to this…

A big factor in choosing whether to go with a Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA or 401k plan is what you think your tax rates will be in retirement. For example, let’s say you are pulling in over $100k from your job now but you know that in retirement, you’ll only need to withdraw about $40k a year (from downsizing, simpler lifestyle, whatever), then you are much better off getting that tax deduction now via the Traditional IRA (or 401k plan) instead of the Roth. You’d save so much more in taxes getting that tax deduction now while your income is higher. Roth is usually the way to go for most people but it really does pay to think about your specific situation.

by Mother Mucker k

And to add to this…

A big factor in choosing whether to go with a Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA or 401k plan is what you think your tax rates will be in retirement. For example, let’s say you are pulling in over $100k from your job now but you know that in retirement, you’ll only need to withdraw about $40k a year (from downsizing, simpler lifestyle, whatever), then you are much better off getting that tax deduction now via the Traditional IRA (or 401k plan) instead of the Roth. You’d save so much

If I was still working, thus is the order I'd invest:

401K - up to the level of whatever your employer match is

HSA - if you have a High Deductable Health Plan. You avoid all income and FICA taxes because the funds are used for future health care costs

Roth IRA

Then the rest I'd split between maxing out 401K and taxable investments.

by Old Man Coffee k

Wonder if El D is going to this tomorrow?
The Orleans will be hosting auditions tomorrow, 4/16, for summer dealers.
Dress in black pants and a white button down.

by Turdzilla k

Rice wearing long pants and a clean white shirt?

I'm wondering what Rice's excuses will be for not having the guts to show up for the dealer auditions?
You know Rice won't except responsibility for not showing up.

by iwasbanned k

I'm wondering what Rice's excuses will be for not having the guts to show up for the dealer auditions?
You know Rice won't except responsibility for not showing up.

Is anyone still not banned from his comment section that can ask him directly?

by steve420wa k

I have the majority of my cash sitting in my brokerage paying 5% APR. I'll make a couple grand or so this year doing nothing, ty thread for confirmation that this is a good idea.

Learn some good option strat and pick up a couple more grand. You only have to commit 5 thou or so, shouldn't interfere much with with you 5%.

by Petrucci k

I wonder how the thread views the realistic chances of Diesel actually dealing 4-6 weeks during the summer?

At this point i would say close to zero. Like 99 percent it wont happen, and he is just talk talk no action. Yeah, sure the lightening strikes home once in a while but besides that this isnt happenning.

Make a poll. Or set up betting odds.

by IQofTwoPlusTwo k

When ever I need real in depth financial investment advice, I always go to the poker room and look for the guy hustling a free slice of pizza.

Listen closely, and you too might learn how to hustle a free slice of pizza.

Lmao@ getting to Vegas airport 2.5 hours before a 6am flight.
I might have gotten a 5am Uber to the airport if I wanted to have some breakfast before the flight.

by Mother Mucker k

And to add to this…

A big factor in choosing whether to go with a Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA or 401k plan is what you think your tax rates will be in retirement. For example, let’s say you are pulling in over $100k from your job now but you know that in retirement, you’ll only need to withdraw about $40k a year (from downsizing, simpler lifestyle, whatever), then you are much better off getting that tax deduction now via the Traditional IRA (or 401k plan) instead of the Roth. You’d save so much

I think the last 3 years have woken a lot of people up that never knew inflation in their adult lives. Does anyone remember $2 basic cheeseburgers at McDonald's? It wasn't that long ago. Locally, they're $3.29 now. Imagine 30 or 40 more years of that, and how many brackets you'll move up. And then imagine the governments raising taxes, because they seldom lower them.

by parisron k

He's pretty slow, and he flashed the bottom card, but using a cut card should solve that. He doesn't want to flash that bottom card in an audition though. He should practice placing the cut card. The speed will come with repetition.

Wow, Rice is planning on showing up for the poker dealer audition after all.
And here I was thinking Rice didn't have the guts to show up.

by ark_angel k

Is anyone still not banned from his comment section that can ask him directly?

I told YouTube to never recommend his videos. He’s not even getting an accidental click from me.

He’s a single example of millions who’ve had their minds melted by any variety of stimuli or lack thereof. He’s a classic example of what happens if you don’t have a balanced life.

But please go ahead and keep chasing comps that get worse every single year. Be enslaved by the quest for free crap that you can’t even take full advantage of. Just Be The Hamster.

by borg23 k

Lmao@ getting to Vegas airport 2.5 hours before a 6am flight.
I might have gotten a 5am Uber to the airport if I wanted to have some breakfast before the flight.

It's just another 48hrs homeless "challenge", he's does a bunch of these each year on expensive weekends.

That's why he got there so early, because he didn't have a room for that night. And it's why he was happy that his flight back got delayed. It means less hours bumming around Vegas over night waiting for his room check-in the following day. Vegas's gain is SF's loss I guess.

by pig4bill k

He's pretty slow, and he flashed the bottom card, but using a cut card should solve that. He doesn't want to flash that bottom card in an audition though. He should practice placing the cut card. The speed will come with repetition.

You can see almost every card that he deals, maybe it's just that the table is too low or the angle that he is sitting at. But either way he should be more mindful of that.

Where I play dealers slide the cards across the felt instead of pitching them and I much prefer it. Less exposed cards or dealing errors and no chance of anyone seeing a card.

by prairiebreeze k

But please go ahead and keep chasing comps that get worse every single year. Be enslaved by the quest for free crap that you can’t even take full advantage of. Just Be The Hamster.

What's he going to do in 10 years time when he's still only earning $2 per hour in comps but everything has doubled in price.

Oh wait, I'm just being miserable. Because inflation is a myth like the abominable snowman or sasquatch. Rice will be the one having 4 milkshakes a day shaking his head in disbelief at everyone else earning the big bucks just so they can afford to pay for food like suckers.

I love that being a dealer is a big come up for el diesel.

Please keep giving us advice diesel you’re so knowledgeable!!!

by pig4bill k

I think the last 3 years have woken a lot of people up that never knew inflation in their adult lives. Does anyone remember $2 basic cheeseburgers at McDonald's? It wasn't that long ago. Locally, they're $3.29 now. Imagine 30 or 40 more years of that, and how many brackets you'll move up. And then imagine the governments raising taxes, because they seldom lower them.

$1 cheeseburgers was not too long ago.

I remember back to $.15 burgers at McDonalds and a sign which had a running total that said something like over 50 million served, and the numbers would change unti eventually it simply read "Millions Served"

I'm calling it here first. I think Diesel gets a dealing job of some form going forward if he gets hired at Orleans and see how much more money he'll make vs his woeful win rate at poker. He will easily 3x to 5x his earn which for him means he can retire in a year or two.

Either he'll try to get a cash game dealing job or maybe he'll travel the circuit dealing tourneys since they'll probably be more desperate for extra dealers so he'll be able to deal.

Honestly I think following the WSOP circuit events is the best thing for him. He can deal in small spurts of time and get to travel and probably get his lodging discounted or maybe even comped.
