Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 55 Views 55
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11611 Replies


by mycorrhizae k

Idk man it just doesn't mean anything when economically games have to be 9max for the vast majority of players in a cardroom. Even if people have a preference, its mostly b/c its what they know, or because of what it represents (a game thats close to breaking), not because its a strong preference based on how it plays.

He's right though. Most players don't like playing short.

Of course almost anyone who is actually good at poker likes playing short bc your hourly is through the roof.

Don't people who play poker have an informed opinion?

Don't people who reference nonexistent opinion polls have an uninformed opinion?

What PR doesn't understand is the table is short because nits like him and Rice are not playing.

A table with fewer nits is faster and has more action since the number of playable hands increases.

Now I am upset.

Rice's repeat has been up for 11 hours and has no views.

Even his legion of fans abandoned him once he started working for the Man.

by Turdzilla k

Don't people who play poker have an informed opinion?

Don't people who reference nonexistent opinion polls have an uninformed opinion?

What PR doesn't understand is the table is short because nits like him and Rice are not playing.

A table with fewer nits is faster and has more action since the number of playable hands increases.

Rice, in a recent vlog, said he once moved from a 9 handed table to a 5 handed table because the pots were bigger. He also stated he only knows of one other guy that has ever moved from a full table to a short table. He likes being a no. 2.

by iwasbanned k

Question: Is there anything free in the dealer break room?
Pretty sure Diesel would be there lickety split if they had free gatorade.

If there is Diesel will probably abuse it and cause Orleans to stop offering that perk LMAO.

by TheFranz k

There's a very simple solution for pman. All he needs to do is get his grind on which should be easy. He lives a few miles from many poker rooms that operate 24 hours a day. Has anyone told him about this? Good luck to him I look forward to hearing about his progress.

He's a Vegas poker pro who mainly plays at the Sahara and Westgate LOL.

He plays the Joe Brown strip, that is the name of the back road Sahara and Westgate is on.

by Turdzilla k

Now I am upset.

Rice's repeat has been up for 11 hours and has no views.

Even his legion of fans abandoned him once he started working for the Man.

Not only did he post a re-run, but he chose a crappy re-run. I didn't even watch it the first time he posted it.

by 18000rpm k

If there is Diesel will probably abuse it and cause Orleans to stop offering that perk LMAO.

Truer words have never been spoken.

I heard they implemented cavity searches for dealers leaving the breakroom.

by Turdzilla k

Don't people who play poker have an informed opinion?

Don't people who reference nonexistent opinion polls have an uninformed opinion?

What PR doesn't understand is the table is short because nits like him and Rice are not playing.

A table with fewer nits is faster and has more action since the number of playable hands increases.

Yes, people who play poker do have an informed opinion. I've played an average of 80 to 90 days per year since 2004, and I know what the general consensus is regarding what most players prefer. Listening to table talk and engaging with other players gives you a lot of insight on what the average player prefers when they come to play. Since 1-3 dominates most poker rooms around the country, player preferences at those stakes are going to make up a large percentage of any data set of a statistical survey.

by Turdzilla k

Now I am upset.

Rice's repeat has been up for 11 hours and has no views.

Even his legion of fans abandoned him once he started working for the Man.

We are now on double repeat with a second day of a re-run as well.

by topg2024 k

We are now on double repeat with a second day of a re-run as well.

Poor thing must be exhausted. Doesn't even have the energy to ramble about nothing in front of his phone for 4 minutes then upload it straight to YouTube.

Wait, I thought Monday or Tuesday was supposed to be his update day on how much he made for the week dealing. Maybe he won't know anything until next week?

Diesel said a few days ago that this entire week would be compilations

by Burdzthewurd k

Diesel said a few days ago that this entire week would be compilations

That doesn't lessen the pain.

His first fresh vlog will be complaining about all the deductions on his paycheck to support old people and illegal immigrants.

by Burdzthewurd k

Diesel said a few days ago that this entire week would be compilations

In his defense he's trying to figure out how to look smug in that hideous purple Orleans shirt.

by topg2024 k

We are now on double repeat with a second day of a re-run as well.

by TheFranz k

Poor thing must be exhausted. Doesn't even have the energy to ramble about nothing in front of his phone for 4 minutes then upload it

by borg23 k

In his defense he's trying to figure out how to look smug in that hideous purple Orleans shirt.

There's gotta be some kind of psychological torture involved, wearing that shirt.
Orleans mgmt must figure, if you're desperate enough to wear that shirt, they own your ass.

by Turdzilla k

Don't people who play poker have an informed opinion?

Don't people who reference nonexistent opinion polls have an uninformed opinion?

What PR doesn't understand is the table is short because nits like him and Rice are not playing.

A table with fewer nits is faster and has more action since the number of playable hands increases.

Players who are nits and hate playing short handed assume that most players are like them. They hang out and talk with other nitty grinders every day and have a very skewed view of the poker population. Everyone falls victim to confirmation bias to some degree. Actively looking and listening for things that will confirm what they already believe and conveniently ignoring anything to the contrary.

Aside from polling the poker population or a significant representation of it, the next best thing would be to ask poker dealers what they observe. A poker player's view on stuff like this will always be fraught with bias.

by pig4bill k

Not only did he post a re-run, but he chose a crappy re-run. I didn't even watch it the first time he posted it.

Funny, that's about the only video of his I've watched in the past 6 months. I'm way more interested in road trips than poker results from 5 or 6 years ago. I may even try to beat his record someday. I think I'll have a chance, because I won't have to:

a) Drive through a snow storm because I was staying with my parents for the holidays;

b) Start in Connecticut because it's the closest casino to my parents' house;

c) Double back to end at Harrah's because that's where I have a free room;

d) Eat $6 sandwiches from Wawa.

Taking the Nomad Poker Trail without Ricenomics restrictions is much easier.

by angle_shooter k

Players who are nits and hate playing short handed assume that most players are like them. They hang out and talk with other nitty grinders every day and have a very skewed view of the poker population. Everyone falls victim to confirmation bias to some degree. Actively looking and listening for things that will confirm what they already believe and conveniently ignoring anything to the contrary.

Aside from polling the poker population or a significant representation of it, the next best thing

I don't know why this keeps coming back at me. I was never accused of being a nit nor am I bringing up the idea that most poker players prefer games that are 7+ handed as a means of defending myself from an accusation. That never happened. This has nothing to do with what I prefer. Personally I enjoy 6 and 7 handed games the most. I was responding to another post about Rice and merely stating what I've observed over 20 years. I know that the older players making up a large chunk of the 1-2 and 1-3 games nationwide don't like 6 handed or less. That Math significantly helps put my argument in a strong position. This isn't a personal thing, it's just a stats debate.

by RidePolaris k

I don't know why this keeps coming back at me. I was never accused of being a nit.

Anyone who defends Rice as much as you do has to be a nit, in life and in poker.

by RidePolaris k

I know that the older players making up a large chunk of the 1-2 and 1-3 games nationwide don't like 6 handed or less. That Math significantly helps put my argument in a strong position. This isn't a personal thing, it's just a stats debate.

Lol what math? What stats? You are just talking out your ass.

What you think you "know" is based on a tiny insignificant sample of the population. It's also subject to your own biases. Anyone as adamant as you are about a subject like this is riddled with bias. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, I'm just saying your testimony is basically worthless. It's just as worthless as mine, and my experience and observations lead me to the exact opposite conclusions as you draw. Which means nothing.

Like I said, one individual poker player will never be a reliable authority on something like this. Short of running a poll or survey with statistical relevance, the next best thing would be asking dealers who have dealt across various stakes and rooms and who are relatively neutral.

I guess I'll chime in, although I expect to be immediately informed that I'm hijacking the thread. 🙄

by angle_shooter k

Lol what math?

Y'all talking past each other.

The argument is whether a majority of live poker players want to play in very shorthanded games. Someone suggested this is wrong because 5/10 players do like playing shorthanded. RP is saying, correctly, that the vast majority of players are playing1/3 and 1/2, therefore what 5/10 players prefer has little bearing, mathematically.

FWIW, here in New England I can't think of a time when the number of players got down to 3 or 4 players and the dealer themself didn't call the floor over to at least discuss breaking the game. Maybe once... at Foxwoods at 4AM... and it was the only low stakes NLHE table running... and we were snowed in.

Heck, I've seen a new 1/3 game not run because only 5 players showed up, or have put down their chips and then wandered off.

Maybe that's just a cultural thing, because we've had live poker in New England for so long (pre-dating the online shorthanded bonanza). Maybe the floors tend to get chintzy once players are getting half-rake, as it the usual rule around here once the game goes to 5 players.

So newer/rec players kind of come to accept that short-handed tables breaking is the normal way of things. And sometimes, after all the bad players went broke and left, if it's just me and another reg and one or two nits at the table, then any one of us could be itching to leave and just book the win or otherwise call it a night.

I wouldn't be shocked to learn that isn't how things go in Ohio or Texas or Cali or Vegas. Maybe in those games there's always one "bad" player with an endless bankroll at every table, and so why would anyone not just sit there, forever, and print. Must be nice if so. 😃

OMC are not primarily sitting at a poker table to play poker.

They have nothing better to do, they get free coffee, see their friends, and minimize a potential loss.

The more players the better the chance they will be called holding the nuts.

OMC are not primarily sitting at a poker table to play poker.

They have nothing better to do, they get free coffee, see their friends, and minimize a potential loss.

The more players the better the chance they will be called holding the nuts.
