Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 45 Views 45
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11101 Replies


He's a YouTuber, not a pro poker player.

Good on the trooper for trying to make it with his small business, however imo it has pretty much no chance of success.

There's just too much labor involved making that candy to be able to scale it to a level enough to be profitable enough to make a living.

Ingredients cost, packaging cost, farmers market cost, transportation cost will probably eat into a big chunk of his revenues, without even considering the time spent. He doesn't want to work for the man yet will willingly work 60+ hours a week to make less than someone working a minimum wage job.

I don't see any chance of success from this business but maybe they'll use this experience to succeed in a future business. Failing isn't always a bad thing as long as you can learn from it.

They really should have kept this as a side hustle though.

Is it already not a side hustle? Hes still keeping his main job, the thing that accounts for "the lions share" of his income, trooper thursday/sunday.

These award shows are just the people who work in poker jerking each other off, i remember when doug polk had like 10x the views and subs of all other content creators, yet was not nominated because he was mean to people in charge. Jaman, seems like a nice guy, everyone seems to like him, the fact hes nominated should tell you all you need to know. If it was a real award show theyd show el diesel cooking 4 day old left overs mixed with sardines in a rice cooker at the rio or stealing condiments from a buffet

Its convenient for el diesel, who if there is a good game, he will find it. Yet doesnt play in Texas or Florida, two places known for having some of the best games in the US. Gotta get back to those iowa games though!

BK teased something on his instagram i think it was a few days ago about some big youtube thing he was doing, probably either his own "record breaking" thing or some random nonsense thing i guess

by parisron k

In today's video, Rice drives a little out of the way to dip down into Mississippi for the first time in his life to Horn Lake, MS.

I am probably overreacting but to me, what Diesel did is sick.
Diesel drives a little out of his way, to step foot in a gas station parking lot in Mississippi, so he can shoot a short video of him bragging about now having visited Mississippi.
No one else in the world would do this.
And to me, what Diesel did, doesn't even count, as having visited Mississippi.
I don't think a week goes by, that i'm not shaking my head, what a sick bastard Diesel is.
I need to stop watching Diesel's videos altogether.
I use to enjoy laughing at Diesel's videos, now they just annoy me.
All kidding aside, Diesel is one sick bastard.

by LuvDaVlogs k

BK teased something on his instagram i think it was a few days ago about some big youtube thing he was doing, probably either his own "record breaking" thing or some random nonsense thing i guess

Just checked his Instagram and he calls himself a professional poker player. Saying that's a bit of a stretch would be the understatement of the year!

by LuvDaVlogs k

Is it already not a side hustle? Hes still keeping his main job, the thing that accounts for "the lions share" of his income, trooper thursday/sunday

How long ago was it that he said that Trooper Thursday accounts for a significant share of his income? I'm guessing it was long before he decided to go all-in on the candy shop hustle.

The imput costs would be very low and margins more than decent. But scaling it up to the next level is the hard part because it is very time/labour intensive and there's a pretty hard ceiling to how much candy 2 people can manufacture in their apartment and how much they can sell at farmer's markets.

Trooper going all-in and even doubling down on this seems like a fool's errand even to me who actually was one of the only people here who thought they were probably making good coin from it as a side hustle.

by angle_shooter k

The Troopers scaling it up to the next level is the hard part.

The Troopers don't have to worry about scaling it up, cause they ain't gonna sell that much product.
Imo, their 'business' peaked a year ago, and is on the way to a slow death.
You can't run a 'business' without shipping.

Probably 1.5 to 2 years ago he said that.

There is no scaling up at the apartment kitchen. They can only make 35k gross sales from cottage license.

The question is how much are they going to not report from their farmer's market sales and strip sales to keep it under 35k if they can even make over that.

Plus I am curious if they are collecting sales tax, as I would think that is required, only unprepared food is exempt.

by emophobic k

Poker twitter unrelenting in trying to convince people Marle, Caitlin and Nikki Limo are funny. None of you can hold Jamie's jock.

Marle's "jokes" are... terrible. She's never been funny and only the simps like her "brand" of humor.

Some of Caitlin's stuff is worth a chuckle or two. The rest just bombs.

Nikki isn't funny at all either. Every time she's on Berkey's pod is another ep you can safely skip.

by parisron k

Probably 1.5 to 2 years ago he said that.

There is no scaling up at the apartment kitchen. They can only make 35k gross sales from cottage license.

The question is how much are they going to not report from their farmer's market sales and strip sales to keep it under 35k if they can even make over that.

Plus I am curious if they are collecting sales tax, as I would think that is required, only unprepared food is exempt.

Probably -500 that they're not remitting sales taxes and -110 that Hamster isn't filing tax returns. (She has to, as she presumably has alimony income that her ex's return would flag her SSN.)

by iwasbanned k

The Troopers don't have to worry about scaling it up, cause they ain't gonna sell that much product.
Imo, their 'business' peaked a year ago, and is on the way to a slow death.
You can't run a 'business' without shipping.

I don't believe they would have stopped shipping to their regular customers who they were previously shipping to. They have an email and cell number on the website for "enquires" about ordering.

by parisron k

Probably 1.5 to 2 years ago he said that.

There is no scaling up at the apartment kitchen. They can only make 35k gross sales from cottage license.

The question is how much are they going to not report from their farmer's market sales and strip sales to keep it under 35k if they can even make over that.

No chance that they will adhere to the 35k limit, they will sell as much as they can make/sell. Like I said I'd be gobsmacked if they aren't still shipping to their regular customer base.

That would be pretty stupid of them unless the people mailed them cash in an envelope. lol

Transactions would show up somewhere.

by parisron k

That would be pretty stupid of them unless the people mailed them cash in an envelope. lol

Transactions would show up somewhere.

Lots of people make/receive payments via PayPal and Venmo. Trooper already takes donations via PayPal and Venmo so it would be pretty simple.

Maybe that was part of their plan to move forward, when the IRS suddenly decided to cancel the plans to get full reporting on Paypal, venmo, etc. type payments totaling over $600 for the year.

by Petrucci k

Exactly. That is why he has so incredibly few big losing days, because he simply quits if he loses 1 buyin for the most part.

He has this figured out...

What is more exciting to watch?

A losing poker session or sugar melt?

by FL Pkrdlr k

I left a comment on his video advising him not to come to Florida, the games are too good and he might get stuck a buy in or two. He told me to stop being miserable [emoji14]

Rice doesn't have a beach body.

by Turdzilla k

Rice doesn't have a beach body.

Beached whale?

by FL Pkrdlr k

I was hugely disappointed that El Diesel didn’t give us the finger countdown when he listed the last 4 states he’s yet to visit. I kinda lost track of how many he had named without the visual aid.

I am surprised he doesn't consider a flyover as a visit.

He would spend more time in a state's airspace on some flights than an 18 minute visit.

by Turdzilla k

I am surprised he doesn't consider a flyover as a visit.

He would spend more time in a state's airspace on some flights than an 18 minute visit.

I'm surprised he calls himself a poker player yet hasn't played any meaningful poker in 2 months. I guess he's a content creator now.

by LuvDaVlogs k

Its convenient for el diesel, who if there is a good game, he will find it.

Didn't you watch this 7 states in 24 hours vlog? He found a great 5-10 game with lots of action and then he left after a round. The bio reads if there's a great game, I will find it. It doesn't say he'll stay and play in it.

by Turdzilla k

I am surprised he doesn't consider a flyover as a visit.

He would spend more time in a state's airspace on some flights than an 18 minute visit.

Lol so true. Although he seems to be partial to driving the cross-country long hauls, likely so he can sleep in his car on the way. He only takes short-hop flights to see parts of baseball games and to fill in the weekend hours between mid-week hotel stays.

by DizzyG k

I'm surprised he calls himself a poker player yet hasn't played any meaningful poker in 2 months. I guess he's a content creator now.

He will make videos waffling on about almost anything except actual poker related content.

#pokerlife tho...
