Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11506 Replies


Stratosphere Nomad reports he hates being a man and that women can get free housing.

Further he reports that inflation benefits women and capitalism hurts men and homeless women can provide service to get a place to live. Additionally the more kids a woman has the more government comps she receives. Even a woman without kids can get government comps by avowing she was trafficked or fleeing abusive men.

by DTEJD1997 k

It is indeed looking like 2024 will be one of the best every for El Diesel!

At these lofty heights, he has to kind of be careful.

What happens if he is playing on the road in the middle of nowhere (Columbus), and he encounters another great ACE CRACKENING?

OR, what happens if he has another ace crackening while camped out in his parent's basement?

I would worry that would ground him, and he might not get out again to travel.

El Diesel should probably move down in stakes, playing with a much sma

He prob doesn't need to make money while at the basement. No rent, they probably feed him all the sardines and rice he wants.

Nothing like getting advice on local foods and local quality food strategy from the king of sardine slurry himself, and the guy that everyday lives on the absolute lowest quality foods money can buy. Absolutely amazing.

by iwasbanned k

Simply put, El Diesel is a fake poker professional.
Diesel doesn’t want an action game.
He wants a game with rocks and the occasional fish or drunk who is spewing chips.

Bingo. He doesn't want a great game. He wants a 10 handed game with 8 OMC and one drunk going off to pay his AA/KK.

by borg23 k

Bingo. He doesn't want a great game. He wants a 10 handed game with 8 OMC and one drunk going off to pay his AA/KK.

He should plant a rock garden. Same thing.

by Koshka k

I'm losing interest as well. Just like Trooper went from poker vlog to lifestyle vlog, Diesel has gone from poker vlog to travel vlog.

It is interesting to look & compare the differences between the Trooper & El Diesel.

The Trooper couldn't reliably make money playing poker, and he has backed off of it 95%+.

El Diesel sorta makes money playing poker, but it is single digit earnings per HOUR, say $6/hour? That is well below minimum wage. That is also crazy below what he could make working a fryolator at White Castle!

So both of them pivoted. El Diesel actually started dealing and cleaned himself up & worked hard. I was shocked at the good results he had. He was actually making progress. Now, he has backslid and is driving around aimlessly, heading back to his parents basement. He has also cut WAY back on the amount of poker his playing, even at the low levels.

It now appears that El Diesel now has no future plans OTHER than hope that he can cut his expenses to the bone (live in parents basement) and harvest $$$ from the YouTube. I would posit that El Diesel's views on his videos are going to fall off a cliff UNLESS he starts dealing again, OR starts playing substantial poker again OR does something new, innovative & interesting. Driving from secondary & tertiary casinos walking in and then walking out, eating sardine slurry in parking lots is going to lose it's appeal to 98% of YouTube viewers VERY quickly. Who is going to PAY for his newsletter? Nobody.

This guy supposedly went to, and graduated from Cornell & law skool? really? With all that education and "intelligence", this is the best he can do?

Now contrast that to The Trooper.

I don't think The Trooper graduated from college (maybe I'm wrong?). The Trooper would certainly mix it up and get into wild games & wild situations. Frequently he came out on the short end of the stick, but at least he TRIED and reported wins & losses (for the most part) to his viewers. The Trooper has also dated WOMEN. Some of them were surprisingly good looking! He is also in a long term relationship with what appears to be a pretty nice woman now! The Trooper has a car AND an apartment to live in! He can use the bathroom WHENEVER he wants! He can get mail and send & receive packages. He has a bed to sleep in EVERY night! He has a seemingly nice woman.

The Trooper has also pivoted away from poker and into business. While the results of the candy business have yet to be fully determined, he is making sales, he is trying to expand, he has been making SOME forward progress. Even with the recent setbacks, he still has a CHANCE of making it work. He & Cristina will make several hundred dollars of sales at a decent farmers market in one day. IF they can increase production, could they make a $1,000 a day in sales? Can they start getting people to buy off their website? If they can do $1,000 a day in sales, they SHOULD be able to have a $500 gross margin (maybe more?). Do 2 farmers markets a week at about $1,000 in sales each, do a few hundred a week in mail order, and they SHOULD be able to keep the lights on and generate a living. With the expanded kitchen, could they double sales? Can they expand margins & efficiency? If so, then they have a decent little business.

So I've got to give it to the Trooper. He didn't have the resources that El Diesel had, but look at what he HAS been able to accomplish. Night & day comparison.

You are actually selling Trooper a little short. He worked for a while as a dealer. He further monetized his channel selling coffee. He set up a web site that sold t-shirts and hats that I'm sure paid a bunch of monthly bills. He had viewers sending him gift cards and cash. He got staked multiple times for the WSOP. He had an online poker site sending him on vacations.

He hosted and got paid to have a poker game at the Westgate for years (Can you imagine Rice hosting a game? Baseball trivia and cups of meat.) Of course, Trooper's ego and hard headed ways ruined a lot of potential, but he was always plugging away with multiple income streams.

Meanwhile, Rice walks around gas station parking lots, parking garages, and empty football stadiums. Contrast with Trooper's "Taste of Vegas" scenery which probably was responsible for 1000s of views, while Rice shows what he can heist from the casino all-you-can-eat buffet and cook in his hotel room.

by IQofTwoPlusTwo k

Meanwhile, Rice walks around gas station parking lots, parking garages, and empty football stadiums. Contrast with Trooper's "Taste of Vegas" scenery which probably was responsible for 1000s of views, while Rice shows what he can heist from the casino all-you-can-eat buffet and cook in his hotel room.

This is the crazy thing with Diesel. I can understand showing things you like to do but you also have to be cognizant of what viewers would be interested in. I mean you are doing a vlog to get views/subs.

It's the same thing with his long standing desire to not show daily poker results, wanting to show everything else about being a poker pro that others don't show. You give the viewers what they want, not what you want. Finally after many years, he's realized people actually want to see daily results. No one cares how you've done the past 10,000 hours over a decade beyond a cursory wow that's cool.

What you should always try to do is show stuff that both interests you AND your viewers. No one cares that much about Council Bluffs. People care about Las Vegas. That is precisely why Trooper had an audience. He showed the Strip on an almost daily basis. Look at how far his vlog has fallen and why his candy channel hasn't taken off. No one cares about sights and sounds of farmer's markets.

And as I've said many times, if you are going to show the candy making process that you are selling to viewers and promoting that channel at the farmer's markets, you would think you would be as hygienic as possible. You should be wearing an kitchen apron, a hairnet, a mask and disposal gloves at all in the kitchen and washing your hands often.

Trooper-related posts should be allowed in this thread as he is still in Las Vegas and within memory was a poker player.

This is my favorite Vegas vlogger. I won't out this cool cat but he, unlike Diesel or trooper, is open to improve and seeking out coaching. He's a winner and the grind will never quit

by TheFranz k

This is my favorite Vegas vlogger. I won't out this cool cat but he, unlike Diesel or trooper, is open to improve and seeking out coaching. He's a winner and the grind will never quit

Stop trying to make PMan happen!

by IQofTwoPlusTwo k

You are actually selling Trooper a little short. He worked for a while as a dealer. He further monetized his channel selling coffee. He set up a web site that sold t-shirts and hats that I'm sure paid a bunch of monthly bills. He had viewers sending him gift cards and cash. He got staked multiple times for the WSOP. He had an online poker site sending him on vacations.

He hosted and got paid to have a poker game at the Westgate for years (Can you imagine Rice hosting a game? Baseball tri

You're selling El D short. Do you think Trooper ever documented the devolution of a shack in a random parking lot? Did Trooper monetize his experiences by creating a PDF newsletter for dozens of fans? Did Trooper ever travel to an MLB game and buy an actual physical ticket in person at the box office? Did Trooper ever walk a golf course without having to pay?

by Old Man Coffee k

Stop trying to make PMan happen!

He's so fetch though. Did the graph give it away?

by Old Man Coffee k

Did Trooper monetize his experiences by creating a PDF newsletter for dozens of fans (like Rice did).

Dozens? I think you're being kind.

by Koshka k

This is the crazy thing with Diesel. I can understand showing things you like to do but you also have to be cognizant of what viewers would be interested in. I mean you are doing a vlog to get views/subs.

It's the same thing with his long standing desire to not show daily poker results, wanting to show everything else about being a poker pro that others don't show. You give the viewers what they want, not what you want. Finally after many years, he's realized people actually want to see daily

Koshka, you only want to see his daily poker results so you can achieve some of that confirmation bias you got going on. You already know in your head what Nomad is making from poker on an hourly basis and you want to see his daily results so you can get some confirmation. You're not genuinely interested in the results, but need to feed on the fact that his results will be below the bar you've set for all poker vlogers.

It's a bit comical how disingenuous you are.

by RidePolaris k

Koshka, you only want to see his daily poker results so you can achieve some of that confirmation bias you got going on. You already know in your head what Nomad is making from poker on an hourly basis and you want to see his daily results so you can get some confirmation. You're not genuinely interested in the results, but need to feed on the fact that his results will be below the bar you've set for all poker vlogers.

It's a bit comical how disingenuous you are.


He just wants Riceboy to be transparent and provide actual results of what an accomplished poker professional earns for a living.

Aka…How soon can he get in Dads/Moms basement and live rent/food/utilities free for 4 months.

Not comical. But really freakin sad.

by RidePolaris k

Koshka, you only want to see his daily poker results so you can achieve some of that confirmation bias you got going on. You already know in your head what Nomad is making from poker on an hourly basis and you want to see his daily results so you can get some confirmation. You're not genuinely interested in the results, but need to feed on the fact that his results will be below the bar you've set for all poker vlogers.

It's a bit comical how disingenuous you are.

He can't have confirmation bias without detailed results/ evidence of El Diesel's poker wins and losses. If the self proclaimed poker professional gave a detailed account of his results and koshka only pointed out Diesel's losses and ignored his wins to show he sucks at poker then you would have confirmation bias. Right now it's just an opinion. And like others I would also like to see his results being he's a " poker pro" with a vlog.

by iwasbanned k

Dozens? I think you're being kind.

by DividedWeFall k


He just wants Riceboy to be transparent and provide actual results of what an accomplished poker professional earns for a living.

Aka…How soon can he get in Dads/Moms basement and live rent/food/utilities free for 4 months.

Not comical. But really freakin sad.

ELD has accomplished not living on the street and having a steady supply of inexpensive airbnbs and hotels and comp food. The poker facade mainly helps ELD's psychological status. The bigger question is what will happen when ELD's vehicle wears out due to the cross country trips? Will he dip into the dividend fund to put a new engine in it? Or buy a minivan.

TBC has accomplished this also, but he doesn't have to stay at airbnb's, it's all hotels for him and he travels by planes, trains and Ubers getting chauffeured around the US.

in all seriousness, i'm debating stopping by council bluffs for a few days for some pokerz

anyone been there? is it the special magical place that rice makes it out to be or not?

by topg2024 k

The bigger question is what will happen when ELD's vehicle wears out due to the cross country trips?

His parents will gift him another one ?

But he gives more daily results than any poker pro

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

Except for Neeme, Jaman, Rampage, Mariano...

by rickroll k

in all seriousness, i'm debating stopping by council bluffs for a few days for some pokerz

anyone been there? is it the special magical place that rice makes it out to be or not?

This might be a good question to ask in the Council Bluffs thread:
