Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11506 Replies


i thought this thread were experts in cb?

Jacob in Las Vegas reports on the Trump hotel (lack of self parking garage and no rewards program) and Trump plan to win electoral votes in Nevada by the no tax on tips and no tax on overtime proposal.

Lol this guy just destroyed Pman's oh woe is me tweet. He's absolutely right. Pman knows and talks to lots of actual crushers both cash and tourneys. He pet sits for a crusher for goodness sake.

But nope, instead of actually working on his game, let's attention seek.

There might be no one with more desire to be a known poker pro yet do absolutely nothing to get there.

Of course, Diesel refers to Fall as Autumn, when way the majority of the US says Fall. Maybe it's a NY thing? Or he is just always different. lol

by Koshka k

Lol this guy just destroyed Pman's oh woe is me tweet. He's absolutely right. Pman knows and talks to lots of actual crushers both cash and tourneys. He pet sits for a crusher for goodness sake.

But nope, instead of actually working on his game, let's attention seek.

There might be no one with more desire to be a known poker pro yet do absolutely nothing to get there.

All the suggestions for Pchild to improve require W*RK and Pchild suffers from anxiety, claims to be on the spectrum, has trouble sleeping, ADHD, OCD, and probably has a peanut allergy or lactose intolerant or some other kinds of maladies and is allergic to the sun, and therefore no way he can W*RK.

Could everybody get serious and suggest ways that Pchild can become a winning poker pro that doesn't require any W*RK or effort?

by topg2024 k

ELD has accomplished not living on the street and having a steady supply of inexpensive airbnbs and hotels and comp food. The poker facade mainly helps ELD's psychological status. The bigger question is what will happen when ELD's vehicle wears out due to the cross country trips? Will he dip into the dividend fund to put a new engine in it? Or buy a minivan.

Good luck wearing out a Toyota.

Now an accident could be a real problem.

by borg23 k

Good luck wearing out a Toyota.

Now an accident could be a real problem.

The Nevada dust and heat will take its toll on the battery and starter and alternator especially with the frequent moves and traffic idle ELD makes with three times per week room changes. It is a miracle no maintenance was needed by ELD in his three year long video span. What about tires and probably front brakes at least? They should be due soon as well. Maybe ELD is waiting to get back to a trusted mechanic in New York? Also what about rock chips on the windshield is ELD immune to rock chips on the road or from repaving?

After getting stranded by Ellis Island one Summer I now preemtively replace my car battery every year.

by topg2024 k

The Nevada dust and heat will take its toll on the battery and starter and alternator especially with the frequent moves and traffic idle ELD makes with three times per week room changes. It is a miracle no maintenance was needed by ELD in his three year long video span. What about tires and probably front brakes at least? They should be due soon as well. Maybe ELD is waiting to get back to a trusted mechanic in New York? Also what about rock chips on the windshield is ELD immune to rock ch

Are you taking into account Rice’s superior driving skills? I mean he said it himself, he’s a world class driver.

by FL Pkrdlr k

Are you taking into account Rice’s superior driving skills? I mean he said it himself, he’s a world class driver.

I'm surprised no one recruited him to drive the F1 series in Vegas.

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by FL Pkrdlr k

Are you taking into account Rice’s superior driving skills? I mean he said it himself, he’s a world class driver.

LOL,nice one.

Yeah, Nomad was boasting alot in a classic earlier video about how superior driver he is. Nomad thinks that because he drives alot in city traffic like Vegas and New York, he is a better daily driver than the worlds elite racecar drivers.

With the totally unmatched skillsets Nomad has in so many areas, how isnt he amongst the absolute most successfull people in the world? He should be up there with Bill Gates,Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.

by Petrucci k

LOL,nice one.

Yeah, Nomad was boasting alot in a classic earlier video about how superior driver he is. Nomad thinks that because he drives alot in city traffic like Vegas and New York, he is a better daily driver than the worlds elite racecar drivers.

With the totally unmatched skillsets Nomad has in so many areas, how isnt he amongst the absolute most successfull people in the world? He should be up there with Bill Gates,Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.

Don't forget his ability to mindlessly regurgitate punch lines from 30-year-old sit coms. Unironically two that are set in NY

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by ibelieveyouoweme$80k k

I'm surprised no one recruited Rice to drive the F1 series in Vegas.

With a few practice laps under his belt, Rice would crush the F1 field.

That is, if Rice could fit into an F1 car?

by rickroll k

i thought this thread were experts in cb?

We've pivoted. Now we're experts in the ideal humidity range for commercial candy making in the desert.

by topg2024 k

The Nevada dust and heat will take its toll on the battery and starter and alternator especially with the frequent moves and traffic idle ELD makes with three times per week room changes. It is a miracle no maintenance was needed by ELD in his three year long video span. What about tires and probably front brakes at least? They should be due soon as well. Maybe ELD is waiting to get back to a trusted mechanic in New York? Also what about rock chips on the windshield is ELD immune to rock ch

Diesel flips out about car maintenance, he hates paying for it so much he has said when his current car breaks down he will trade it in for a bicycle. There’s some video where he complains about paying for something to be fixed and of course he whines every time he has to fill up his tires with air.

I know some posters will disagree but I am pretty sure his parents will just give him one of their cars and buy a new one for themselves when he needs one, it’s probably how he got his current car too. Or he inherits like an old Buick or Lincoln from a grandparent or something like that.

by agamblerthen k

We've pivoted. Now we're experts in the ideal humidity range for commercial candy making in the desert.

gg wp

by Lionelhuttz k

Diesel flips out about car maintenance, he hates paying for it so much he has said when his current car breaks down he will trade it in for a bicycle. There’s some video where he complains about paying for something to be fixed and of course he whines every time he has to fill up his tires with air.

I know some posters will disagree but I am pretty sure his parents will just give him one of their cars and buy a new one for themselves when he needs one, it’s probably how he got his cu

Very interesting about the hating maintenance part. So it seems that basically Nomad wants everything to be free in life, so he can just sit on his ass doing nothing because living doesent cost any money.

He dont wanna pay for car repairs,dont wanna pay for food, flips out when he doesent get 4 daily drinks for free in Vegas,he wants his "friends" to pay for him when they are out eating at a resturant,lives 2-3 months each year in parents basement so he doesent have to pay any rent++. Fantastic mindset.

by Petrucci k

Very interesting about the hating maintenance part. So it seems that basically Nomad wants everything to be free in life, so he can just sit on his ass doing nothing because living doesent cost any money.

He dont wanna pay for car repairs,dont wanna pay for food, flips out when he doesent get 4 daily drinks for free in Vegas,he wants his "friends" to pay for him when they are out eating at a resturant,lives 2-3 months each year in parents basement so he doesent have to pay any rent++. Fantastic m

I'm curious how some here have come to the conclusion Zach hasn't had any maintenance done on his car? Did he say so? Please fill me in if I missed it. Thanks.

by parisron k

Of course, Diesel refers to Fall as Autumn, when way the majority of the US says Fall. Maybe it's a NY thing? Or he is just always different. lol

Is Autumn not the official word for the season? Are there other words for the other seasons other than Spring, Summer, and Winter?

Mom, why is that man grasping at straws like that? Because he is mentally deranged, dear. Do not go near that man.

by Lionelhuttz k

Diesel flips out about car maintenance, he hates paying for it so much he has said when his current car breaks down he will trade it in for a bicycle. There’s some video where he complains about paying for something to be fixed and of course he whines every time he has to fill up his tires with air.

I know some posters will disagree but I am pretty sure his parents will just give him one of their cars and buy a new one for themselves when he needs one, it’s probably how he got his cu

I bet dollars to donuts El Dad takes Dieselwagon down to a local auto shop every year during Diesel's stay with the family

NY State requires an annual inspection/emission test and El D wouldn't be caught dead paying $37 for that scam (not to mention oil changes, brakes/rotors, tire rotation etc)

by parisron k

Of course, Diesel refers to Fall as Autumn, when way the majority of the US says Fall. Maybe it's a NY thing? Or he is just always different. lol

this is pretty weak.
you can criticize him for Bally's/Horseshoe but calling autumn Autumn is pretty normal

by Langdon k

this is pretty weak.
you can criticize him for Bally's/Horseshoe but calling autumn Autumn is pretty normal

It struck me as odd the second I heard it, and couldn't remember the last time I heard anyone say that.

ChatGPT says 75% to 80% of Americans say Fall and not Autumn.

I can't wait to see the new Autumn TV line up. lol

by Alpha Fish k

I bet dollars to donuts El Dad takes Dieselwagon down to a local auto shop every year during Diesel's stay with the family

NY State requires an annual inspection/emission test and El D wouldn't be caught dead paying $37 for that scam (not to mention oil changes, brakes/rotors, tire rotation etc)

Rotors and tire rotations are for suckers. Just replace the brake pads only.

by RidePolaris k

I'm curious how some here have come to the conclusion Zach hasn't had any maintenance done on his car? Did he say so? Please fill me in if I missed it. Thanks.

Zach? Do we have an ID for Rice?

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Yes, we saw his name, linkedIn and some college photo awhile back.

by parisron k

Yes, we saw his name, linkedIn and some college photo awhile back.

Does he have a Hendon mob?

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
