Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 52 Views 52
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11433 Replies


by iwasbanned k

This short video is worth viewing.

This is a two minute video by Lady Trooper, voicing her displeasure on how Trooper's business plans are going for her.
Long story short: Turns out Trooper jumping in head first without having a clue what he is doing is not a good business plan.

Have done so many of these events. Low cost items like what they are selling are always a struggle as the cost of doing the event is so high and the sheer volume of sales required to break even is unrealistic and their product is not quite an impulse buy.

They have 6 months before they jack it in and gets jobs

by TheFranz k

#1 lol
#2 lol
#3 lol
#4 lol


Good one! You really put your back into that reply. Do your lols mean no?

by OFA k

Have done so many of these events. Low cost items like what they are selling are always a struggle as the cost of doing the event is so high and the sheer volume of sales required to break even is unrealistic and their product is not quite an impulse buy.

They have 6 months before they jack it in and gets jobs

I would think you aren't trying to make money at the actual event, but establish customers that will continue to order from you online in the future.

I thought they had a good concept with the lollipops. Reminded me of years ago when somebody took the lowly jellybean, added gourmet and wild flavors, and created a whole jellybean fad.

They had Pina Collada, organic fruits, and other flavors. Instead, they have seemed to ignore the lollipops and have gone with peanut brittle which reminds me of Grandma's house and crochet lace dollies. Not to mention requiring a very expense marble table to produce.

Making 20 uniquely flavored lollipops would have been so much easier.

by OFA k

Have done so many of these events. Low cost items like what they are selling are always a struggle as the cost of doing the event is so high and the sheer volume of sales required to break even is unrealistic and their product is not quite an impulse buy.

They have 6 months before they jack it in and gets jobs

I would think you aren't trying to make money at the actual event, but establish customers that will continue to order from you online in the future.

I thought they had a good concept with the lollipops. Reminded me of years ago when somebody took the lowly jellybean, added gourmet and wild flavors, and created a whole jellybean fad.

They had Pina Collada, organic fruits, and other flavored suckers. Instead, they have seemed to ignore the lollipops and have gone with peanut brittle which reminds me of Grandma's house and crochet lace dollies. Not to mention requiring a very expense marble table to produce.

Making 20 uniquely flavored lollipops would have been so much easier. I went online and noticed two or three of their lollipop flavors are out of stock, meanwhile, they keep cranking out brittle and marshmallows.

In Trooper's video today, he pretty much says the whole enchant wasn't really worth it and he should have gone home to mom for Christmas like always.

by RidePolaris k

Good one! You really put your back into that reply. Do your lols mean no?

#1 LOL

Sad to say this.

Does LT have a mother?

A family?

A day trip away?

Has she been disowned?

Is T not welcome?

by IQofTwoPlusTwo k

I would think you aren't trying to make money at the actual event, but establish customers that will continue to order from you online in the future.

I thought they had a good concept with the lollipops. Reminded me of years ago when somebody took the lowly jellybean, added gourmet and wild flavors, and created a whole jellybean fad.

They had Pina Collada, organic fruits, and other flavored suckers. Instead, they have seemed to ignore the lollipops and have gone with peanut brittle which remind

They sell an impulse item.

Paying for shipping and waiting makes it far less attractive .

by Turdzilla k

They sell an impulse item.

Paying for shipping and waiting makes it far less attractive .

$24.95 for some brittle with Timmy skin flakes? Hard to pass on. Add some Rice bathroom fur sprinkled on from Room #2109 at Harrahs and charge $32.95.

Sounds like the movie "Waiting". You will never want to eat in a restaurant again after watching it. lol

On his X account it still says he plays poker and makes YouTube videos. Says nothing about candy.

Wow at the comment section in the last video:

Just took my order to the gym as a gift for the staff. Yeah, I know "not the healthiest"; but they loved the Marshmallows and pecan pralines. I really admire what you both are doing. All the best.

A few weeks ago I took my wife to Vegas to see the different Christmas displays, which included Enchant where we stopped by the SPRKLi booth and met Christine aka Lady Trooper who was very nice to talk to. Before leaving I wanted to buy some of the brittle and pralines just to show some support and give the candy a try, but HOLY MOLY that is some DAMN GOOD candy!! Once my stash that I brought home runs out, I will definitely be ordering some more online! Great job on the candy business, guys!!

SAMPLES, SAMPLES, SAMPLES!!!!!!!….You are SO RIGHT!!!!….(once they taste your “wares”…..they’ll be HOOKED)!!!😇😍😎👍🏾

SPRKLI LLC Is killing it! I'm so happy y'all are doing so well!!🫵🫡

Been watching your videos for 10 years and must say how cool it has been to watch you grow. When we live as if the journey is the goal rather than a specific destination, life will take us to where we need to be. Keep being open minded as you have always seemed. You two are doing great things. Thanks for sharing all the highs and lows. 👍😊👍

Mr Trooper and Mrs Trooper, you are real inspiration!! Don't ****ing sop amd don't let up ! Can't wait to meet you when I'm back in Las Vegas!🫶

it’s really good brittle! probably the best i’ve had 😊

Really proud of you guys and your tenacity. Hoping the work will pay off and that a much needed break is in your future come January. Hoping the New Year brings you everything.

Keep crushing it Troopers

Keep up the hard work. You guys are doing great!!!!!

So impressed....but Trooper - try one batch of twenty instead of two batches of 10 next time. 😀

I order those marshmallows and they tasted just like marshmallows!!!! It was amazing 😁

Now he is putting copyrighted music on a Sprklii video.

by RidePolaris k

The classic deflection; I love it! The predictability is on point. It's okay that no one loves you. Sometimes you just have to join a club or meetup, put yourself out there and meet someone special. There's someone out there for everyone.

Actually I addressed your post directly. If anyone has deflected its you with the classic strawman arguments and attacks. Maybe you attended the same Strawman 101 classes that Rice did.

It funny because it's exactly the response that Rice would have come up with. You really are two peas in pod, perhaps separated at birth. Definitely would explain the massive indent on his dome as well as why you have a burning desire to defend him on here against all the "miserable haters"

by parisron k

Now he is putting copyrighted music on a Sprklii video.

I suspect Trooper is setting up a defense to state it is all youtube's fault that Sparkli venture failed subsequent to a youtube ban and thus can absolve himself of blame during financial meltdown of the Sparkli capitalisation.

I think Trooper is setting up a defense that it is all the commercial kitchen's fault that SPRKLi is failing.

by steve420wa k

Selling candy that was popular early last century at flea markets is working out great.

Pralines and brittle are not sold at my local stores. For some reason chocolate and ice cream are popular.

Interesting that lady T said she wasn't allowed to vlog anymore. Does she think yt shorts are like Snapchat? Temporary content? Not how it works

Her 90s brows are wearing thin at this point

I don't know from pralines, I don't pay any attention to them. But as I mentioned before, Walmart, the largest B&M retailer in the country, sells peanut brittle. I saw it there last week.

by angle_shooter k

Actually I addressed your post directly. If anyone has deflected its you with the classic strawman arguments and attacks. Maybe you attended the same Strawman 101 classes that Rice did.

It funny because it's exactly the response that Rice would have come up with. You really are two peas in pod, perhaps separated at birth. Definitely would explain the massive indent on his dome as well as why you have a burning desire to defend him on here against all the "miserable haters"

I guess its very possible that RP is one of Rices burner accounts on 2+2 alongside his so called childhood friend?

by DividedWeFall k

$24.95 for some brittle with Timmy skin flakes? Hard to pass on. Add some Rice bathroom fur sprinkled on from Room #2109 at Harrahs and charge $32.95.

At least once every year the health authority shall inspect each food establishment located in the state. The health authority shall make as many additional inspections and reinspections as necessary for the enforcement of this chapter [NRS 446.885

Food and Drink Establishment Inspections are public records. Copies of inspection reports are available upon written request. Inspection requests must include the name and address of the establishment, the date or timeframe of the requested inspection, and the proposed use of the inspection information. Please see "Office Locations" for more information.

ELD goes over his important goals such as $200 for food per month and 190 hours of poker per month and less than 221 pounds.

In 2025 ELD will be more judicious with his Nomadic destinations and include only places ELD has never gone before.

by topg2024 k

ELD goes over his important goals such as $200 for food per month and 190 hours of poker per month and less than 221 pounds.

In 2025 ELD will be more judicious with his Nomadic destinations and include only places ELD has never gone before.

He'll be an Adonis at 220!


by topg2024 k

ELD goes over his important goals such as $200 for food per month and 190 hours of poker per month and less than 221 pounds

It's probably worth noting that he didn't get close to achieving any of his goals, except for visiting 12 cities.

His lowest weigh-in was 236lbs and his poker hours per month was 133 (only including months where he played the entire month, which was less than half of the year lol)

I love how business savvy Diesel was to not say the exact number of his monthly food budget to funnel people to his newsletter. Trooper should really hire Diesel as the Sprkli business manager. Sales and revenue would skyrocket as the Sprkli Youtube channel could be put behind a paywall on Patreon to generate income at $5/month.

by Koshka k

I love how business savvy Diesel was to not say the exact number of his monthly food budget to funnel people to his newsletter. Trooper should really hire Diesel as the Sprkli business manager. Sales and revenue would skyrocket as the Sprkli Youtube channel could be put behind a paywall on Patreon to generate income at $5/month.

Yes he's very guarded about discussing his monthly expenses ever since he started including it in his newsletter. Like you point out he is a shrewd businessman!

The troopers came up with the idea of selling 4 Marshmallows for $7 and apparently they will be announcing new flavours soon! Seems like they have found the product that is easiest to make and also has the highest profit margin. Now they just need the suckers to keep buying them. How much marshmallows do they think they can sell? Is it something that people buy/eat regularly?
