Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 45 Views 45
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11084 Replies


Adam Carolla is a new Nomad and also reports Jay-Z and Beyonce are the newest members of the Nomad community:

Fox News gives an update on podcaster Adam Carolla and now states Adam is in a Las Vegas hotel which would confer an honorary title of Vegas Nomad on Adam at this point.

by pig4bill k

2 hours? More like a 2 minute walk in a parking garage.

It certainly makes me curious what events made him that way. A pat on the head and a participation trophy wouldn't have done it. It must be the result of years of parental doting. Thank goodness my parents almost never said anything good about me.

It’s just autism. He has an extremely high aptitude for high school classes and SAT type tests and low aptitude for everything else. He got great results just religiously doing whatever his teachers or parents told him for the first 18 years of his life. When that stopped giving him perfect results he gave up and went the Nihilism route instead of figuring things out himself.

I never understood the writing portion of the SAT until my tutor told me to stop caring so much about picking the correct side and just focus on the structure of my argument. I didn’t understand it was a just a puzzle not some real world fact finding mission. Nomad is the mirror image of that misunderstanding. He didn’t play school like it was a game, he internalized the game structure and made that his real thought process. Thats why he crumbles when a law professor tells him the rubric doesn’t matter and thinks the way to win YouTube comment arguments is to follow some established structure and throw in a few SAT words. He doesn’t care about being intrinsically right or wrong, he just cares about committing to his position and presenting it the “correct” way.

by AceJacko k

It’s just autism. He has an extremely high aptitude for high school classes and SAT type tests and low aptitude for everything else. He got great results just religiously doing whatever his teachers or parents told him for the first 18 years of his life. When that stopped giving him perfect results he gave up and went the Nihilism route instead of figuring things out himself.

I never understood the writing portion of the SAT until my tutor told me to stop caring so much about picking the correct

This completely explains why Diesel is the way he is in the comments sections and why he creates all those mean, wrong comments vlogs and the way he "crushes" the commenters and "proves" them wrong and him right. This is why you can never win an argument against him. He doesn't allow the rules for him to lose.

I once argued that Horseshoe has shitty games cause of the type of promos they run which leads to no action games. Diesel put me on blast in a mean stupid wrong comments vlog. A few months later, he comments how bad the Horseshoe games are cause the promos don't create action and he's moving away from grinding Vegas games.

If I brought up this change of heart, he'll for sure find a way how he's still right because the situation of completely different and how he discovered this all on his own and no one in Vegas realizes this.

by AceJacko k

It’s just autism. He has an extremely high aptitude for high school classes and SAT type tests and low aptitude for everything else. He got great results just religiously doing whatever his teachers or parents told him for the first 18 years of his life. When that stopped giving him perfect results he gave up and went the Nihilism route instead of figuring things out himself.

I never understood the writing portion of the SAT until my tutor told me to stop caring so much about picking the correct

Ah, in my state we didn't take the SAT unless we planned on going out of state. For in-state schools we took the simpler ACT. Good thing too. You had a tutor? I thought we weren't even allowed to study for the test.

by pig4bill k

Ah, in my state we didn't take the SAT unless we planned on going out of state. For in-state schools we took the simpler ACT. Good thing too. You had a tutor? I thought we weren't even allowed to study for the test.

Thank goodness for tutors. Without mine in HS I would have ended eded up at Cornell.

Would be best for him if a parent, relative or trusted friend pulled him aside and rattled his skull. Dude get your **** together. If it weren’t for his parents providing the funds for his investment account he would be broke.

Making $5.12/hour is not success. Stop leaching off your parents.

by pig4bill k

Ah, in my state we didn't take the SAT unless we planned on going out of state. For in-state schools we took the simpler ACT. Good thing too. You had a tutor? I thought we weren't even allowed to study for the test.

You missed out on having El D tutor you for the SAT? For shame!

by prairiebreeze k

15 bucks an hour is not that hard even for a recfish like me that plays 150 hours a year. Geez I did twice that overall and even better than that in 5 days in Vegas playing morning afternoon and night games.

But that’s the thing about these clowns - they set the bar SO LOW that everyone else would not even see it and just trip over it. The next challenge will probably be “don’t get the hiccups for a week” or some stupid **** like that.

Those who still choose to watch and summarize that drivel ar

by borg23 k

of course it's not hard if you're actually trying to win. if you're trying to just play every hand and have fun obviously you're going to lose and it's the cost of entertainment. that's what's so putrid about his low win rate. he's playing the absolute lowest stakes possible and his opponents are basically total amateurs, OMCs and people blasting.

These vloggers really think they are trying. Some of them look miserable after another bad beat or another losing session.

And it’s amazing to see players that play for years, want to win, and would be much better if they were the most unimaginative nit ever.

by Old Man Coffee k

You missed out on having El D tutor you for the SAT? For shame!

High test scores are important to ELD and the Nomadic Method since College is something to take up the free time between High School graduation until someone turns 21 and can participate fully in the Nomadic Method since casinos only allow 21 and up to get players cards and rent rooms.

As a suggested video, Las Vegas vlogger Jay Cation has a video on the flagship hotel of the Nomadic Method:

Diesel wins another argument, but he has played poker with 100k to 200k different people? I guess if he played at least 15 years (has he?) and since he likes to change tables/casinos so much, maybe it's possible.

I have never played with El Diesel but I can confirm he never shows up with a 9 there. The only hand in his opening range that contains a 9 is pocket 9s, and that would have been snap folded, possibly out of turn, the instant an overcard hit the flop.

In todays episode ELD reports on his rent as a Nomad with fewer casino nights and more airbnb nights in 2024. This was due in part to the Red Rock Massacre and the fluctuating casino hotel prices which previously from 2020-2023 were on average of $8 per night on weekdays but in 2024 room rates inflation occurred plus loss of the Rio from the Nomadic Method and its subsequent renovation and increased rates plus Harrahs having an increase in conventions thereby driving up weekday rates due to convention business guests. This room rates are predicted to get worse as rich Californians monopolize hotel rooms across the area. Plus the loss of Tropicana and Mirage low cost rooms and replaced with high cost Fountainbleau rooms.

by parisron k

Diesel wins another argument, but he has played poker with 100k to 200k different people? I guess if he played at least 15 years (has he?) and since he likes to change tables/casinos so much, maybe it's possible.

He should be slow rolled 100% of the time at showdown.
No exceptions.

by parisron k

Diesel wins another argument, but he has played poker with 100k to 200k different people? I guess if he played at least 15 years (has he?) and since he likes to change tables/casinos so much, maybe it's possible.

he actually sounds like he's about to cry here.

And of course his "gotcha" this time is that someone couldn't literally poll every single poker player alive to confirm they all agree he couldn't get to the river with a 9 in this spot.

by borg23 k

he actually sounds like he's about to cry here.

And of course his "gotcha" this time is that someone couldn't literally poll every single poker player alive to confirm they all agree he couldn't get to the river with a 9 in this spot.

His favourite line of defence is pulling people up on spelling and punctuation. In Rice's world any language infringement whatsoever automatically invalidates the entire argument. Case closed!

In this instance it's bleedingly obvious what the commenter is saying. Rice claiming he can have pocket 9s here is wild considering he only plays AA and the occasional KK. The chance of him 3-betting with 9s is the same chance of him getting into Hakisan nightclub after just finishing one of his 48hr homeless challenges.

Diesel is still just living with his parents until March Madness right? He’s not even trying to pretend to be a poker player now. Time for him to vulture ultimate X and look to go on SSDI. These recent vlogs will be great evidence that he is disabled.

I’m very disappointed about how much of a worthless, simpleton, loser Trooper is. He tries to go “straight” then just lights money on fire and complains his land lord is out to get him.

All he has do to get right is say he isn’t cutting it as a toffee maker and say he has to hustle slots or Lady Trooper will leave him. Do a Rounders knock off for AP slots and then sell shares of his “action” to the windowlicking troops. They will buy “AP slot shares” so fast it’ll make Troopers peanut head spin. Trooper has bragged before about how he could make it as a slots hustler, he can’t because he is a slow adult, but what he can do is fake it and soft scam his followers that are tired of buying junk candy for old folks. Make clubs or kidwell play Worm, either way he will make a bunch of cash.

by parisron k

Diesel wins another argument, but he has played poker with 100k to 200k different people? I guess if he played at least 15 years (has he?) and since he likes to change tables/casinos so much, maybe it's possible.

I like how his only attempt to win the argument is him saying oh well lots of people could get to the river with a 9. And yes lots of people could reach the river with a 9 but there's zero chance he would. Also even if he did reach the river somehow with a 9, he's never raising the river bet with just a 9 with AK already there on the turn which is firmly in villain's range and also the flush getting there.

So a raise from Diesel or anyone that reaches the river with just a 9 is just nonexistent. Also funny that he thinks a raise from $30 to $85 would fold out sets cause the guy was so scared. Yet Diesel misreads another villain who still calls. Does he reevaluate his misread? Nope blames it on the villain finally taking a stand like he knows the villain's history of being bluffed so much and he took his stand at an unfortunate time where he was bluffing.

by parisron k

Diesel wins another argument, but he has played poker with 100k to 200k different people? I guess if he played at least 15 years (has he?) and since he likes to change tables/casinos so much, maybe it's possible.

No it's not possible. Not by a long shot. He's doing the same thing he did with his overtime hours calculations. He's double counting.

In this instance it's all the people in the player pool who he plays with regularly. He might be lucky to play with 20-30 different players a day. That would still only be 5000-7500 players a year. Except for the fact that it's a much much lower number of unique players who he has played varying amounts of times each.

by Lionelhuttz k

Diesel is still just living with his parents until March Madness right?
He’s not even trying to pretend to be a poker player now.

Someday Rice will admit he's not a full-time poker player anymore.

I want Rice to take the Bar Exam as one of his “challenges”.

If for no other reason than as a mental exercise / personal challenge.

They offer bar exams in February (and July) , so he could do his studying during his winter break at his parents’ house .

he should be able to pass the exam with 2+ months of study time.

by topg2024 k

In todays episode ELD reports on his rent as a Nomad with fewer casino nights and more airbnb nights in 2024. This was due in part to the Red Rock Massacre and the fluctuating casino hotel prices which previously from 2020-2023 were on average of $8 per night on weekdays but in 2024 room rates inflation occurred plus loss of the Rio from the Nomadic Method and its subsequent renovation and increased rates plus Harrahs having an increase in conventions thereby driving up weekday rates due to con

Wait wait wait, i thought inflation didnt do anything to him because of his lifestyle?!?!?!?!?!?!

Youre telling me, someone who has below minimum wage income, with no assets, can have inflation effect them??? How i dont get it. The price of things are increasing, and his income is decreasing or staying the same, so why does inflation bother him???? Hes immune to it i thought, because he relies on living and eating hand to mouth. Thats what he said, are you telling me that el diesel, who dominated academia, could not understand something so basic???

by AreYouQualified k

I want Rice to take the Bar Exam as one of his “challenges”.

If for no other reason than as a mental exercise / personal challenge.

They offer bar exams in February (and July) , so he could do his studying during his winter break at his parents’ house .

he should be able to pass the exam with 2+ months of study time.

The Bar Exam is for suckers. ELD can get a provisional license in Oregon:

Ideally ELD can practice at a Community Legal center to defend tenants from evictions and while he is at it can also teach the Nomadic Method to clients who lose their eviction case due to the legal system being rigged, of course and not due to ELD's legal practice. ELD would blend in with his beard in the mountainous regions of Oregon. Landlords routinely issue eviction notices which are not grammatically correct and contain mispellings which would be great arguments to make by ELD.

Lol diesel is still the best poker vlogger of all time. “I made 27k in poker last year and inflation will never be a problem for me”

1 year later: “A Wawa sub is $9 and they charge extra for American cheese, I’m ruined!!!

Diesel can’t pass the bar at this point in his life, he can barely read grocery store coupon books and that’s one of his favorite hobbies. He’s an illiterate Ivy leaguer, he misread a car wash sign once and he went to Cornell. He’s been a pro poker player for multiple years and he says 3betting a linear range just isn’t for him. The rooms got too expensive in Vegas and he quit poker to move into his parents house on Long Island.

by Lionelhuttz k

Lol diesel is still the best poker vlogger of all time. “I made 27k in poker last year and inflation will never be a problem for me”

1 year later: “A Wawa sub is $9 and they charge extra for American cheese, I’m ruined!!!

Diesel can’t pass the bar at this point in his life, he can barely read grocery store coupon books and that’s one of his favorite hobbies. He’s an illiterate Ivy leaguer, he misread a car wash sign once and he went to Cornell. He’s been a pro poker player for multiple years and h

He made $27k in 2024? Is that from his Patreon?

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
