Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 44 Views 44
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11053 Replies


by JTLexington k

I know the main focus is on how Pman sucks, and El Disiel is a mentally ill pauper, but...

Jamie Staples, wth? Looks like he's put on 100 lbs, and completely fell off. Am I right? I still follow him on Twitch, saw he was live and decided to click. Barely 100 viewers and looks like he's been down in the donuts hardcore. Yes I'm fat shaming.

If thats true, its pretty sad story imo. He and his brother was binking the bet with Perkins a few years back, and Jaime lost alot of weight I was hoping that he was going to continue on the healthier path after winning the bet, but i guess not.

my grandmother had dementia that grew into Alzheimer's. for the last 4 years or so my mother took care of her. she was the happiest dementia victim ever and the sweetest grandma in the world, and hung in there healthy as a horse until she caught covid and couldn't kick it.
I don't have a great love for my mom but I am so grateful that she took care of my Grammy for those several difficult years.

I couldn't imagine just letting her expire prematurely just because she had dementia and/or Alzheimer's.

by BSumner k

This is what confuses me, I am NOT saying the kids should be entitled to their parents' money. Not at all. I'm guessing this board skews young and that's why they see it from the kid's perspective.

I'm talking about as a Dad, if all my hard work led to a nice pile of money that I spent my lifetime trying to build so I could leave behind for my kids to help jump start their adult lives got spent on me in just two short years while I was a vegetable and didnt even know I had kids anymore I'd be

And I guess if you're a Yank, this is the kind of thought process that you have to work through.

For the rest of the planet/first world, the decision tree is completely different. It's more about "where's the best/safest place I can get them into so that however long they have left they will be safe and taken care of?"

It's ANOTHER way that the rest of the first world looks at America and asks "What the **** is wrong with you people?"

... has NEVER been more true than in 2025.

The Grok profile review on Tony. lol

by Old Man Coffee k

Back to sucking dicks on the ave for rent money

by Old Man Coffee k

How long before another panhandling post asking for full backing for the next tourney series?

Jacobinvegas reports the state is building at Charleston and Jones a $200,000,000 Nomadic campus with no resort fees and that Nomads have increased 20% per year in Las Vegas:

No intel if the Nomadic campus will come with a parking structure but it is definitely needed for the Nomadic method.

by BSumner k

This is what confuses me, I am NOT saying the kids should be entitled to their parents' money. Not at all. I'm guessing this board skews young and that's why they see it from the kid's perspective.

I'm talking about as a Dad, if all my hard work led to a nice pile of money that I spent my lifetime trying to build so I could leave behind for my kids to help jump start their adult lives got spent on me in just two short years while I was a vegetable and didnt even know I had kids anymore I'd be

Wow really? It wasn't at all clear that you were talking from the perspective of the aged dying parent. Usually when people take a stance of cutting government expenditure it's not to their personal detriment. Also it's easy to say one thing now, but until you are actually in that predicament it means very little. It's convenient for someone to say, oh if I was the aged dying parent I'd want my life to end as quickly and as cheaply as possible so that my kids can get all my money.

And parents don't work their whole lives just so they they can leave it all to their offspring. I don't know where that idea springs from? Everyone should be responsible for their own financial security, not dependent on their parents dying and leaving them a huge inheritance. If people have assumed your stance was from the point of view as the selfish kids eyeing their parents money as if it's theirs already it's because that is exactly what it came across as.

Rice has now made 2 videos regarding the postal address conventions as they pertain to New York. It's hilarious that he finds the need to spell these things out to us like we are little children who don't understand the most simple concepts.

Where did he get the notion that his viewers needed such a thorough education on this very important subject. I can guarantee no one was the least bit interested in this topic except for Rice himself, who seems as always to be utterly enamoured by it.

by angle_shooter k

Rice has now made 2 videos regarding the postal address conventions as they pertain to New York. It's hilarious that he finds the need to spell these things out to us like we are little children who don't understand the most simple concepts.

Where did he get the notion that his viewers needed such a thorough education on this very important subject. I can guarantee no one was the least bit interested in this topic except for Rice himself, who seems as always to be utterly enamoured by it.

I tried watching one of his videos for the first time in a month or two and stopped halfway through when he got to addressing envelopes.

Not only was it snooze fest boring he was also wrong about the nonsense he was yammering about.

It actually reminded me of when a mis reg holds a game up over a tiny amount of money or minor infraction when everyone wants to move the game along. Then the floor comes over and it turns out the mis reg is also wrong. Just torture

by angle_shooter k

Rice has now made 2 videos regarding the postal address conventions as they pertain to New York. It's hilarious that he finds the need to spell these things out to us like we are little children who don't understand the most simple concepts.

Where did he get the notion that his viewers needed such a thorough education on this very important subject. I can guarantee no one was the least bit interested in this topic except for Rice himself, who seems as always to be utterly enamoured by it.

I dont say this lightly. Have dealt with it multiple times with friends/family. Rice is mentally ill and needs help.

by borg23 k

Not only was it snooze fest boring he was also wrong about the nonsense he was yammering about.

Yes the second instalment was basically a redaction of the previously incorrect information. However he also felt the need to go over the entire lesson plan from beginning to end once more. He must have felt that we all needed another primer on this pressing subject, so who are we to question him...

Also the irony of him wearing his favourite old UPS employee uniform while giving us this information. Maybe he believes that being in uniform it will lend an air of credibility or authority on this matter.

Or maybe it's just that inflation has no effect on him whatsoever and he just enjoys wearing his old work uniforms from several years ago. Just like he prefers his Wawa sandwiches to be 3 days past their prime. Or just like he enjoys pretending to be homeless for 48hrs on expensive weekends in Vegas.

by prairiebreeze k

And I guess if you're a Yank, this is the kind of thought process that you have to work through.

For the rest of the planet/first world, the decision tree is completely different. It's more about "where's the best/safest place I can get them into so that however long they have left they will be safe and taken care of?"

It's ANOTHER way that the rest of the first world looks at America and asks "What the **** is wrong with you people?"

... has NEVER been mo

You are making the assumption that our kids have enough money to pay for that care? I doubt I'll get enough in retirement or social security to afford a nursing home in my final years.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

by Soner k

Thanks for posting this. I don’t watch his vlog regularly. After your post, I watched the whole video. At one point maybe a year ago, he was down 1 million dollars and had a challenge to get it all back. I didn’t watch the follow up videos. Did he complete that challenge and win that money back? It’s interesting how unbothered he looks calling and shoving all his chips for these amounts of money with bad/marginal hands. I have to assume he has so much more in the bank somehow. I saw the very end

He lost a million in CASH games. He considers tournament play to be separate and a different bankroll. His tournament results were much better than cash games. On his "road" challenge I think he was around $250k, so still a long way back.

In today's Day 3 of the $10,000 Vegas challenge Skater Nomad splits a hotel room with three friends at Sante Fe Station and plays craps and shaves his beard at the end of the episode likely to avoid scrutiny and appear less Nomadic looking and less likely to be victimized by anti-Nomadic regulations such as trespassing and urban camping ban.

by bobw525 k

You are making the assumption that our kids have enough money to pay for that care? I doubt I'll get enough in retirement or social security to afford a nursing home in my final years.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

Nope. Not at all actually. But your questions are the beginning of the right insight into what's fundamentally flawed in America's health care system. The way everyone else does it isn't perfect by any stretch, but your exclusively for-profit system has the entire country in a stranglehold and unfortunately that would be a helluva thing to try and unwind. Every other country looks at your system and says "whatever we do, we can't end up with THAT"

Think Blue has a fantastic new strategy…deal poker for about 3-4 hours only. Take the tips he’s earned to the Baccarat table and let it ride on one hand! He’s 2 for 2 so far, what could go wrong??

My biggest question with El Diesel's latest vlog is - how do we mail something to Pittsburgh?

by prairiebreeze k

And I guess if you're a Yank, this is the kind of thought process that you have to work through.

For the rest of the planet/first world, the decision tree is completely different. It's more about "where's the best/safest place I can get them into so that however long they have left they will be safe and taken care of?"

It's ANOTHER way that the rest of the first world looks at America and asks "What the **** is wrong with you people?"

... has NEVER been mo

Europe has to worry about poverty and an incoming (civil) war. Pax Americana can't save you forever.

Make no mistake about it, the USA has lapped the ROW.

by prairiebreeze k

Nope. Not at all actually. But your questions are the beginning of the right insight into what's fundamentally flawed in America's health care system. The way everyone else does it isn't perfect by any stretch, but your exclusively for-profit system has the entire country in a stranglehold and unfortunately that would be a helluva thing to try and unwind. Every other country looks at your system and says "whatever we do, we can't end up with THAT"

The USA has the best health care system in the world. The ROW should be thanking the USA for (many things) taking the financial brunt of developing new medicines, but you continue to screw us over.

by meshanti k

Europe has to worry about poverty and an incoming (civil) war. Pax Americana can't save you forever.

Make no mistake about it, the USA has lapped the ROW.

The USA has the best health care system in the world. The ROW should be thanking the USA for (many things) taking the financial brunt of developing new medicines, but you continue to screw us over.

I do not know where you have lived, but the US clearly does NOT have the best health care system in the world.

..... and it's not going to improve:

Hey, the new President has stripped Dr. Fauci of his security clearance and nominated an anti-vaccine absolute moron to head HHS. Stay tuned.

by Burdzthewurd k

My biggest question with El Diesel's latest vlog is - how do we mail something to Pittsburgh?


Just another day, another casino and poker room that Rice visits and Vlogs to us about without actually playing a single hand of poker.

There's always some story as to why he isn't able to get on a table. The real reason is that he's trying as hard as he can to play as little poker as possible while still maintaining the image of being a professional poker player.

by angle_shooter k


Just another day, another casino and poker room that Rice visits and Vlogs to us about without actually playing a single hand of poker.

There's always some story as to why he isn't able to get on a table. The real reason is that he's trying as hard as he can to play as little poker as possible while still maintaining the image of being a professional poker player.

I didn't understand why he wouldn't get the 2 $1 chips for his friends. He somehow claims it would be cheating to buy the chips because he didn't play. Makes no sense like most of his logic.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

by angle_shooter k

Just another day, another casino and poker room that Rice visits and Vlogs to us about without actually playing a single hand of poker.

There's always some story as to why he isn't able to get on a table. The real reason is that he's trying as hard as he can to play as little poker as possible while still maintaining the image of being a professional poker player.

It really is something how many poker rooms Rice visits and plays no poker, or sits for an orbit, racks up, and pretends he played that poker room.

by DividedWeFall k

I dont say this lightly. Have dealt with it multiple times with friends/family. Rice is mentally ill and needs help.

Meh, either that or he's just trying to get 8 minutes of anything, no matter how inane, on film for youtube. Hard to tell which.

by meshanti k

Europe has to worry about poverty and an incoming (civil) war. Pax Americana can't save you forever.

Make no mistake about it, the USA has lapped the ROW.

The USA has the best health care system in the world. The ROW should be thanking the USA for (many things) taking the financial brunt of developing new medicines, but you continue to screw us over.

American pharma should start charging them what they've been charging us. Then they could reduce our prices.
