Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs
Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.
This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.
Links to their youtube channels
Andrew Neeme
Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.
This now stands for this thread:
Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.
I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.
Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.
Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.
No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.
Update April 2018
OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.
If exiled and you can't post in thi
Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled
A new update March 2019:
Think Blue has a fantastic new strategy…deal poker for about 3-4 hours only. Take the tips he’s earned to the Baccarat table and let it ride on one hand! He’s 2 for 2 so far, what could go wrong??
Nothing better than gambling after work and losing what you earned that day plus some more. It really does wonders for one mentally.
Yes the second instalment was basically a redaction of the previously incorrect information. However he also felt the need to go over the entire lesson plan from beginning to end once more. He must have felt that we all needed another primer on this pressing subject, so who are we to question him...
Also the irony of him wearing his favourite old UPS employee uniform while giving us this information. Maybe he believes that being in uniform it will lend an air of credibility or authority on this m
Probably not, since UPS doesn't deliver to PO boxes.
Or maybe it's just that inflation has no effect on him whatsoever and he just enjoys wearing his old work uniforms from several years ago. Just like he prefers his Wawa sandwiches to be 3 days past their prime. Or just like he enjoys pretending to be homeless for 48hrs on expensive weekends in Vegas.
Probably more like, he paid for those things dammit, and he's going to get his money's worth out of them until they're full of holes and threadbare.
It really is something how many poker rooms Rice visits and plays no poker, or sits for an orbit, racks up, and pretends he played that poker room.
Havent watched his videos in a while....where is he at now?
I heard Thailand might soon be getting casino's. I'd love for him to go over there for a few months and live large in a $500/mo rental and grind. He could actually afford the street food over there instead of eating his canned baked beans or whatever he eats every night.
Europe has to worry about poverty and an incoming (civil) war. Pax Americana can't save you forever.
Make no mistake about it, the USA has lapped the ROW.
The USA has the best health care system in the world. The ROW should be thanking the USA for (many things) taking the financial brunt of developing new medicines, but you continue to screw us over.
What alternate reality do you live in?
I didn't understand why he wouldn't get the 2 $1 chips for his friends. He somehow claims it would be cheating to buy the chips because he didn't play. Makes no sense like most of his logic.
Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
Maybe the last time they didn't pay him, and two bucks doesn't grow on trees.
This stupid derail sucks more than the rest of this thread
An excessive amount of drugs are made in the USA and the USA gets access to new drugs (even the ones made in the ROW) before the ROW.
Even non-USA companies rely on the USA's (pricing) freedom to make their drugs financially viable.
Havent watched his videos in a while....where is he at now?
I heard Thailand might soon be getting casino's. I'd love for him to go over there for a few months and live large in a $500/mo rental and grind. He could actually afford the street food over there instead of eating his canned baked beans or whatever he eats every night.
$500? He could legit get a place for $150 and that would only be bottom tier but not bottom of the barrel. Would be interesting to see him try to manage his electricity bill regarding the A/C.
Thailand would be awesome if he provided the inevitable video where he discovered SHE is actually a ladyboy.
Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
Probably not, since UPS doesn't deliver to PO boxes.
Probably more like, he paid for those things dammit, and he's going to get his money's worth out of them until they're full of holes and threadbare.
Usually the bigger Post Offices can accept street addressing and accept a UPS to a PO Box where the PO Box number is added to the street address to the Post Office location but this has to be confirmed at each individual Post Office.
Usually the bigger Post Offices can accept street addressing and accept a UPS to a PO Box where the PO Box number is added to the street address to the Post Office location but this has to be confirmed at each individual Post Office.
And the Pony Express can deliver your letter across Nevada and Colorado for 98 cents.
I shudder to think what we would all do without Rice to patiently explain everything to us like we are 2 year olds. He genuinely believes that he is the only person on the planet that knows anything. If this is not the most extreme case of conceited egomania then I don't know what is.
Even when he is told things or corrected by his viewers in the comments, it's always several months later that he will conveniently "discover" it for himself and then promptly make a video "educating" everyone else who couldn't possibly have already known it well before him.
I shudder to think what we would all do without Rice to patiently explain everything to us like we are 2 year olds. He genuinely believes that he is the only person on the planet that knows anything. If this is not the most extreme case of conceited egomania then I don't know what is.
Even when he is told things or corrected by his viewers in the comments, it's always several months later that he will conveniently "discover" it for himself and then promptly make a video "educating" everyone else
I want him to explain it as if I'm a 3-year-old.
ELD reports he did not play at Live Pittsburg and that he had a glass pitcher of water in his car which when frozen the glass pitcher cracked. This caused injury to ELD by cutting his hands.
ELD heads to Washington Pennsyvania to Hollywood Casino. ELD takes pictures of the poker room chairs and the drink trays and signs which has a misleading arrow on the sign. ELD gives the poker table felt a high review and reports that cheese pizza is $3.59 per slice.
Stonegate Las Vegas reports Nomads taking over the area. Channel 8 reports under Nevada law public fires are legal if providing warmth and cooking for Nomads:
ELD reports he did not play at Live Pittsburg and that he had a glass pitcher of water in his car which when frozen the glass pitcher cracked. This caused injury to ELD by cutting his hands.
ELD heads to Washington Pennsyvania to Hollywood Casino. ELD takes pictures of the poker room chairs and the drink trays and signs which has a misleading arrow on the sign. ELD gives the poker table felt a high review and reports that cheese pizza is $3.59 per slice.
As a Pennsylvania native this irks me. It's Pittsburgh. Pittsburg is in Kansas I believe.
Also, Rice will pay $3.59 for a slice of pizza but $9 for a Wawa hoagie is too much. Again, this is logic only Rice can understand.
Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
ELD that he had a glass pitcher of water in his car which when frozen the glass pitcher cracked. This caused injury to ELD by cutting his hands.
If they checked every car in the state of Pennsylvania, Rice would be the only one dumb enough to have a glass container full of water that freezes over and cracks.
And to top it off, he cuts himself cleaning up the mess.