Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 50 Views 50
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11356 Replies


by prev k

I think he knows he can only beat the players at 1/3 so that's why he doesn't move up.

Does he though? He literally said las Vegas 1/3 players are the tightest and you can't get money out of them but also in same vlog says they know when you're bluffing and will call you down with third pair. I think he's justifying to himself his terrible results. Tightest weak players but best players around when you make a move. Does not compute.

by DizzyG k

Does he though? He literally said las Vegas 1/3 players are the tightest and you can't get money out of them but also in same vlog says they know when you're bluffing and will call you down with third pair. I think he's justifying to himself his terrible results. Tightest weak players but best players around when you make a move. Does not compute.

Yeah somehow they get away from trips when he has a boat, yet they call him down with 3rd pair when he's bluffing with Ace high. Rice truly is the gift that keeps on giving!

The reason they call him down light when he's bluffing is he is probably giving away sizing tells. Bets way smaller when he is bluffing vs when he is value betting.

He mentioned in previous videos that his river bluffs are always tiny, like 1/3 or 1/4 pot so no wonder he is getting looked up by any pair.

by angle_shooter k

The reason they call him down light when he's bluffing is he is probably giving away sizing tells. Bets way smaller when he is bluffing vs when he is value betting.

He mentioned in previous videos that his river bluffs are always tiny, like 1/3 or 1/4 pot so no wonder he is getting looked up by any pair.

I'd bet anything he has massive sizing tells. scared of their own shadow type players almost always do. Imagine him actually trying to fire off a big bluff without exploding!

Then he'll have kings on kqqxx and he'll just fire super big on turn and river and have someone who has played with him before fold and windmill a queen in his face sending him back to his his room about the game not having action and how bad does he run that his opponent didn't have kq.

by angle_shooter k

The reason they call him down light when he's bluffing is he is probably giving away sizing tells. Bets way smaller when he is bluffing vs when he is value betting.

He mentioned in previous videos that his river bluffs are always tiny, like 1/3 or 1/4 pot so no wonder he is getting looked up by any pair.

You're overthinking this. It's 1/3 and no las Vegas nit is calling down light with 3rd pair cause of bet sizing tells. Diesel is just full of sheet. And if they are and Diesel after 7 years never adjusted to this, then he is a very bad poker player.

by DizzyG k

Diesel is just full of crap.

People around here gotta stop taking every word of Rice's as gospel.

Fibbing is a regular coping mechanism for Rice.

by borg23 k

I'd bet anything he has massive sizing tells. scared of their own shadow type players almost always do. Imagine him actually trying to fire off a big bluff without exploding!

Then he'll have kings on kqqxx and he'll just fire super big on turn and river and have someone who has played with him before fold and windmill a queen in his face sending him back to his his room about the game not having action and how bad does he run that his opponent didn't have kq.

LOL I just spit up my drink. Well played. Never heard that expression before but certainty fits.

No I don’t think so I was banned, I think that it’s basically the consensus that Vegas 1-2 players are of the most elite players there are. If you bluff, they know you’re bluffing and will call with 3rd pair.

The best players (who are also having the most fun), are the ones incentivized to be successful the least. Gambling for more money, is universally known to be less fun, it’s like watching paint dry everytime I play a 5 or even 10k pot I’m just extremely bored and yearn for the chance to play $50 pots vs unshowered and unkept masterminds who were able to crack the 1-2 code and ravage the poker economy for upwards of $13 an hour before retiring into the sunset with a tidy little retirement portfolio. Instead I shovel all of my money into the garbage and spend whatever’s left on laundry.

The first time I stepped foot into Ryan fee’s multi million dollar house I felt so bad for him, because I knew he’d never retire from poker like the great mark vos or that one guy el diesel knows who retired from 2-5

by angle_shooter k

The reason they call him down light when he's bluffing is he is probably giving away sizing tells. Bets way smaller when he is bluffing vs when he is value betting.

He mentioned in previous videos that his river bluffs are always tiny, like 1/3 or 1/4 pot so no wonder he is getting looked up by any pair.

I think he was acting like the players that say things like “Other people hit their crazy draws all the time but I can’t buy a diamond when I need one.” Some people just like to be negative like that.

I’m sure he has been called occasionally when he bluffs and maybe his bet sizing makes it more likely he gets called. Players have gotten better over the years so they probably do play better against him these days.

But he still should be able to get away with bluffs more often than he was suggesting. Especially with his image and against nitty regs. And I assume he plays in rooms and tables that he thinks are soft. He moves around a lot. If he think he has a “hard” table then wouldn’t he move?

by Steve00007 k

I think he was acting like the players that say things like “Other people hit their crazy draws all the time but I can’t buy a diamond when I need one.” Some people just like to be negative like that.

I’m sure he has been called occasionally when he bluffs and maybe his bet sizing makes it more likely he gets called. Players have gotten better over the years so they probably do play better against him these days.

But he still should be able to get away with bluffs more

The reason why he gets called light is he doesn't bet big enough to get folds. His strategy for bluffing is to bet what he thinks is the least amount possible to get a fold. He also bets the river on a scare card that he shouldn't have and would never value bet if he had a hand.

by Steve00007 k

I think he was acting like the players that say things like “Other people hit their crazy draws all the time but I can’t buy a diamond when I need one.” Some people just like to be negative like that.

I’m sure he has been called occasionally when he bluffs and maybe his bet sizing makes it more likely he gets called. Players have gotten better over the years so they probably do play better against him these days.

But he still should be able to get away with bluffs more often than he was sugges

He's too scared too bluff big. Like the thought of doing it,getting caught and losing money makes him physically ill. He also thinks small pots shouldn't be bluffed at. He looks at every hand in a vacuum and is living on such a thin edge where every dollar matters he just can't put in meaningful (to him) money without a good hand.

Rice completely contradicting himself in today's video. Responding to a comment about being able to play less if you have a higher winrate he says this is wrong and you should play much more if you have a higher winrate. But this contradicts his claim that he doesn't move up in stakes as he earns enough already to fund his lifestyle.

Also some lol comments about interviews for jobs.

by Husker k

Rice completely contradicting himself in today's video. Responding to a comment about being able to play less if you have a higher winrate he says this is wrong and you should play much more if you have a higher winrate. But this contradicts his claim that he doesn't move up in stakes as he earns enough already to fund his lifestyle.

Also some lol comments about interviews for jobs.

When he starts going off about retiring plans i just cant take it anymore,omg dude. You are homeless, can barely beat live 1/3,eats worse than people in prison and gets a complete meltdown on camera if he loses a buyin.

Jesus, how are you even talking/discussing retiring good god.

And of course he cant bring himself to understand that you have the option of not playing until you cant stand on your feet anymore due to burnout, lack of food and lack of sleep if you earn alot more pr hour than he does.

by Husker k

Rice completely contradicting himself in today's video. Responding to a comment about being able to play less if you have a higher winrate he says this is wrong and you should play much more if you have a higher winrate. But this contradicts his claim that he doesn't move up in stakes as he earns enough already to fund his lifestyle.

Also some lol comments about interviews for jobs.

Fairly sure ED posted a video about his resume which contained a reference to poker. If a candidate for an associate position submits a resume with poker on it, he's not even getting an interview.

ED's issue largely seems to be that he views the world solely through his lens....

I hope Rice reports on the employment process for dealing with the WSOP.

What have you been doing for the last seven years?

I have been playing the lowest stakes, most miserable form of poker for $8 an hour.

Great, you can deal $1/3 from 4 AM to noon.

What is Rice's retirement goal?

Driving around aimlessly and not paying poker?

by Husker k

Rice completely contradicting himself in today's video. Responding to a comment about being able to play less if you have a higher winrate he says this is wrong and you should play much more if you have a higher winrate. But this contradicts his claim that he doesn't move up in stakes as he earns enough already to fund his lifestyle.

Also some lol comments about interviews for jobs.

Today's video was seriously deluded.

Sure, tell me what you would do if you made $50/hr, homeless man who pulls all-nighters at his job to avoid getting a hotel room and then eats sardine slurry and mayo on the hood of his car at abandoned gas station shacks.

Has Rice ever commented on the meds he takes or should be taking?

by ark_angel k

Today's video was seriously deluded.

Sure, tell me what you would do if you made $50/hr, homeless man who pulls all-nighters at his job to avoid getting a hotel room and then eats sardine slurry and mayo on the hood of his car at abandoned gas station shacks.

Pure delusion.
He makes a video about 3 comments,all of which are perfectly accurate. He thinks he's making great points to contradict them while totally embarrassing himself in the process and declares himself the winner of the "debate". And it's not the first video he's made like this. He smugly thinks he has these "gotcha" moments for the "haters." It's pretty amusing.

The more stuff like this he posts the more obvious it is why he did poorly in law school and why nobody would hire him when he graduated.

Poker can offer a lot of freedom. But you can also become a slave to it and that's the path he's on.

by borg23 k

Pure delusion.
He makes a video about 3 comments,all of which are perfectly accurate. He thinks he's making great points to contradict them while totally embarrassing himself in the process and declares himself the winner of the "debate". And it's not the first video he's made like this. He smugly thinks he has these "gotcha" moments for the "haters." It's pretty amusing.

The more stuff like this he posts the more obvious it is why he did poorly in law school and why nobody would hire him when he

He is clearly unemployable for basically any job, and i would be surprised if he doesent qualify for disability money from his function levels we have seen in his vlogs/videos. Its a mystery to me why he doesent apply for that, or get that process going. Maybe he is though for all i know.

Imagine working alongside Rice in any position,imagine having to co operate with him about any task jesus krist.

Diesel gets in his own way

I actually think he's exactly where he should be. Making $13/hour playing 1/3 and playing when he wants is him making it.

Otherwise he'd be constantly quitting/getting fired from jobs and talking about how he was the best but management were just idiots.

I know many of these loser types.

They are relatively intelligent but have 0 EQ, they have unfounded ego and pride and refuse to work jobs they consider beneath them. They think they should instantly be in a senior role or management because they're a genius and if people can't see that they're just idiots.

They scoff at anyone that has accomplished something saying they could easily do the same if only they were given the same opportunities and had the same luck. Yet they never hold down a job for more than a few months and have squandered every opportunity they have. They mooch off their parents and friends and yet they're too good to work a retail or fast food job when they have no money.

Diesel is probably on the minor end of that type but that's exactly the type of person he is.

3,000 hours to make 20k sounds miserable even for the person who loves this game more than anyone.

by prairiebreeze k

3,000 hours to make 20k sounds miserable even for the person who loves this game more than anyone.

How is 3,000 hours possible if he spends 2 months a year in parents basement showing us how to reorganize plastic utensil packets?

The mind of El Diesel...

"You can't play long hours and make your best hourly. The longer our sessions are the worse we play. People with good hourlys are fresh rested and motivated each session they also have a life outside poker which is very important"

Diesel replies "I don't think it falls off a cliff though. I'd rather play 8 hour days and make $14 per hour than play 4 hour days and make $25 per hour."
