Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 52 Views 52
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11407 Replies


by DividedWeFall k

You are a lawyer and chose to eat at Sizzler?

Just say you are kidding so it will all make sense.

This board is so miserable. I'll bet most of you don't even find Diesel's chicken story from today's vlog hilarious.

by Pete_Peters k

This board is so miserable. I'll bet most of you don't even find Diesel's chicken story from today's vlog hilarious.

ugh I said I was done with El D. now I have to see...

by Langdon k

ugh I said I was done with El D. now I have to see...

Just another example of no self awareness El D. the super mooch.

The pizza story:

Victim: Hey, I'll buy you a slice of pizza too.

El D: So is that pizza gonna happen or what? I can't wait around all day. (And as it turns our hero cleans the pizza place out of condiments and paper plates to store in his car.)

The chicken story:

Seems the victim told a story about a chicken restaurant going out of business and closing, he was offered all the chicken they still had left before they closed for the night.

El D: How did you eat all that chicken?

Victim: I didn't, it's up in my room.

El D: Well, what's it doing up there? Bring it down, let's eat! (No idea if he took any chicken for later after the feast).

by Pete_Peters k

This board is so miserable. I'll bet most of you don't even find Diesel's chicken story from today's vlog hilarious.

that was a terrible story

by Langdon k

that was a terrible story

Every story he tells is absolutely terrible, and so not interesting its unreal.

The thing that keeps me in to watch Diesels videos at this point is the trainwreck factor-basically to see just how much stupid stuff he is able to do and how much ridicilous stuff he is able to barf up.

by angle_shooter k

You must be a new viewer. Rice does this kind of "challenge" all the time.

I watched a few of Diesel's first few blogs when he first started but was so painfully bored and unentertained I quit, until just last week or whatever.
now I am happy to quit again and offer zero additional clicks

are there any good poker vlogs that can still be entertaining?

So, Diesel routinely begs for food at the poker tables, and if anyone mentions any kind of food that might be given for free to him then he will hound them until the food is in his belly.

by IQofTwoPlusTwo k

Just another example of no self awareness El D. the super mooch.

The pizza story:

Victim: Hey, I'll buy you a slice of pizza too.

El D: So is that pizza gonna happen or what? I can't wait around all day. (And as it turns our hero cleans the pizza place out of condiments and paper plates to store in his car.)

The chicken story:

Seems the victim told a story about a chicken restaurant going out of business and closing, he was offered all the chicken they still had left before they closed for the ni

Lolol Diesel pestering people to buy him food is so funny. “I make more money than I’ll ever need and inflation doesn’t exist! Now, buy me some food and let me pick it up so I can steal condiments. Also, everyone is miserable and will end up broke except for me because I am always right!”

by Langdon k

are there any good poker vlogs that can still be entertaining?

I hate to lump all vloggers into one type, but speaking in generalizations, there's 3 reasons someone would start a poker vlog.

1- They feel that their "story" is special in some way and want the clout/notoriety that comes with a successful YouTube channel.

....This fails when the hero has a lack of self-awareness and doesn't understand how monotonous and average their life really is. So it becomes a self-centered journey of praise accumulation and fails on delivering entertaining content, or anything worthy of poker related content that the audience can relate to or learn from.

2- They want to monetize and earn some YouTube revenue as another income stream.

....This fails when the hero becomes lazy and spams vlogs/content solely in the effort of reaching the milestones needed for monetization. Kind of like the Corey kid who, while he is a good vlogger, re-released the same video content series multiple times over the past 3 months with new thumbnails and titles instead of pumping out new content.

3- They are a student of content creation and poker, are goal oriented, and want to deliver a passion project and increase their earnings and professional network along the way.

Very few people can get this mix right like the standard bearer, Andrew Neeme. He carefully made stories and journeys in each episode and never "phoned it in" to siphon views. It is the most professional display of a true content creator & poker player that we've ever seen. Jaman does a great job as well with his attention to detail and slick editing chops even though they can sometimes be a little repetitive. "If you've seen one, you've seen them all." It doesn't take away from the effort being A+ though. I would lump RDP, Rampage, Mariano in this group as well.

There's a lot of entertaining, smart, and charismatic poker players, but if they don't have the need for clout & validation, the want to conquer YouTube as a revenue stream, or just want to focus on the games everyday... the "most entertaining" players will never be seen.

You just have to filter through the grifters and clout chasers, and there’s much better content out there.

by foatie k

I hate to lump all vloggers into one type, but speaking in generalizations, there's 3 reasons someone would start a poker vlog.

1- They feel that their "story" is special in some way and want the clout/notoriety that comes with a successful YouTube channel.

....This fails when the hero has a lack of self-awareness and doesn't understand how monotonous and average their life really is. So it becomes a self-centered journey of praise accumulation and fails on delivering entertaining content, or anyt

I do really like Boski, and DePaulo is entertaining

I miss the Depaulo supporting characters - it’s almost all just MTT hand histories now.

that sparklisweets troll account only makes positive comments on diesel's youtube videos lol

diesel is such a shameless cheap ass, asking for pizza and chicken from random strangers

I guess him bringing a paper cup full of meat is his way of paying it forward.

by brianr k

I miss the Depaulo supporting characters - it’s almost all just MTT hand histories now.

Broke degen depaulo was way more fun and funnier to watch.

Binked a couple of big scores, sponsored being bought into tournaments by acr running sims and trying to regurgitate their outputs Depaulo is mostly a boring watch with the occasional funny comment.

Unless a guy has a super interesting play style there's just nothing really interesting about constant hand histories.

by prev k

diesel is such a shameless cheap ass, asking for pizza and chicken from random strangers

I guess him bringing a paper cup full of meat is his way of paying it forward.

The audacity of telling a guy to go to his room to get him chicken was absurd.
He must have been in heaven eating that free food.
His head might have exploded if it was during one of his stupid homeless challenges.

The funniest is what he did with the pizza. When someone you just met offers you something (just to be polite/friendly) most people would either politely decline or if they accept the offer they would reciprocate in some way. Happens all the time. But what you don't do is then remind/hound the person to get you the free pizza. At that moment you go from being just a free loader to a beggar.

As soon as Rice realised there was the chance of free pizza he became a heavily invested party. Once he saw that the pizza was not eventuating he sprung into action, taking matters into his own hands and offering to go and get it. He's literally killing time at the tables anyway playing for that sweet comps/promo $$, any free food he can obtain probably triples his hourly. Not to mention he's happy to not be dealt in as it lowers his variance while he's still earning the comps/promos.

by angle_shooter k

The funniest is what he did with the pizza. When someone you just met offers you something (just to be polite/friendly) most people would either politely decline or if they accept the offer they would reciprocate in some way. Happens all the time. But what you don't do is then remind/hound the person to get you the free pizza. At that moment you go from being just a free loader to a beggar.

As soon as Rice realised there was the chance of free pizza he became a heavily invested party. Once he saw

When some nit or otherwise bad for the game player leaves the table for an extended amount of time, I politely ask the dealer to put them in the lobby in Bravo so they can't earn comps / tier credits. Promo grinders can suck it.

by Koshka k

Don't forget day 4 and 5 where he's thinking about just taking the rest of the challenge from playing and probably will just gonna sleep 16 hours a day till it's over. His brain has to be mush and in a fog. Of course he doesn't want to play poker in this condition.

The 4th day of the challenge Rice only played 4 hours because he apparently had some other things to do. I'm willing to bet those other things were staying in his room watching King of Queens reruns and old Trooper videos.

Rice was initially planning on doing the MGM buffet box for the last day as well but he didn't play enough hours so now he can only afford a breakfast sandwich. His plans for the last day aside from getting his breakfast sandwich is to not play any poker and instead wait in his room until exactly 1.03AM (at which point he can eat something not paid for with comps earned during the challenge)

never heard of this guy, figured I'd give it a shot.
the first hand is one of the most poorly played hands I've ever seen. like car crash bad entertaining. that's as far as a I got
Underdog Poker Tome
(I don't know how to imbed the YouTube video, if you can help, help)

Can't wait for the challenge when Rice only eats meals given to him from strangers for a week.

Ironically, it'll probably be the best week of nutrition he's ever had. If I was in the right mood and an NPC like Rice was pestering me for a free meal, I'd probably hook him up.

That Herbs and Rye fella has the patience of a saint.

by Langdon k

never heard of this guy, figured I'd give it a shot.
the first hand is one of the most poorly played hands I've ever seen. like car crash bad entertaining. that's as far as a I got
Underdog Poker Tome
(I don't know how to imbed the YouTube video, if you can help, help)

instead of putting the entire link just put the unique id of the video ( AwM-a1sF2Q0? )

Broken YouTube Link

by Langdon k

never heard of this guy, figured I'd give it a shot.
the first hand is one of the most poorly played hands I've ever seen. like car crash bad entertaining. that's as far as a I got
Underdog Poker Tome
(I don't know how to imbed the YouTube video, if you can help, help)

Saw the hand tattoos, made a quick judgement about his poker ability....

which was instantly validated by the first two hands. I love when guys like this start poker vlogs and talk through their HHs with all of the right buzzwords but none of the skill.

When is someone here going to make a vlog purely to recap El D vlogs + offer El D trivia at the table

by prev k

instead of putting the entire link just put the unique id of the video ( AwM-a1sF2Q0? )


by Pete_Peters k

This board is so miserable. I'll bet most of you don't even find Diesel's chicken story from today's vlog hilarious.

Actually thought it was disgusting. Anyone who eats greasy chicken at the poker table (especially during Covid times) should be banned from the poker table.

And that goes for almost all finger food eaten while playing poker. People are nasty.
