Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

Use this thread if you have a potentially standard question, a line check, some other nonsense that is not threadworthy.

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19 January 2012 at 03:34 PM

183 Replies


by JackInDaCrak k

I feel like if the table is bad enough to table change then it's worth it to just roll the dice on next available table, which is likely to be better due to the law of averages

how do you go about it though?

I'd tell the floor that I want a table change. I have no qualms with offending the other players at the poker table, they're all there to take my money, what do I care?

by rickroll k

honestly man, you're overthinking 1-2 - none of those people are good at poker nor have any real understanding of it so you can't act as if they do

crushing a 1-2 game pays about the same as working a register but without paid time off, 401k, healthcare and other benefits

there may be competent players such as yourself, the occasional good player when there's nothing higher spreading, but it's going to be mostly people who are there for fun covering a spectrum of knowledge from viewing it no diffe

The siren song of the TAGfish: "I post about poker with other randos, so I'm obviously better than everyone else at this table. Who has the patience to think beyond Level 0, anyway?"

by Always Fondling k

The siren song of the TAGfish: "I post about poker with other randos, so I'm obviously better than everyone else at this table. Who has the patience to think beyond Level 0, anyway?"

you clearly misunderstood my post

by elmcityboy k

$1/$2 game at Mohegan Sun on Wednesday afternoon. It is a “Mystery High Hand” day AND a “Double Momentum Dollars” day (aka $4/hr in promos) so the room is packed.

I have recently table-changed to escape an extremely tight-passive and elderly table and have very few reads in this new game. Sitting with almost exactly $400 (the table max) and both the PFR and main villain in this hand cover me.

4c4d ...

Very good chance that you should be continuing on turn so tight that you might as well just use a raise or fold strategy.

Shoving river is almost 2xp, so that definitely seems ambitious. You wanna cram that much when you're the one doing the coolering, not when you've got 6th boat in a spot where no one has worse than trips.

I think I just make it 3x honestly.

by rickroll k

how does one table change with etiquette?

i always feel awkward doing it, so i tend to do it with the floor quietly while i'm up on break and then if/when i get the change i'll make some comment like "you guys are too good, scared to play with you" or something or say if there'd been a running joke about someone farting I'd work with that like "tired of getting crop dusted" or if i'm down then it's really easy "tired of losing money to you guys"

If you're doing it because they're all nits, then who cares about etiquette. Say "this table sucks, not enough action, Imma go somewhere I can gamb00l gamb00l" call them pussies and give them the middle finger for all I care.

Thinking nits are bad for the game isn't exclusive to being a cardshark or whatever.

been running like sh*t for 6 months at 1/3 so im playing 1/3 shortstacked for $200 and trying to run up and if not just quit for the day. i start out playing like vpip 10 pfr 9 and if i get deeper then widening somewhat to maybe 17/15 or something.

some pf plays - too nitty?

i have the shortstack at $240. 3 limps. tag makes it $20 OTB. i have 77 in the sb, i fold.

i have the shortstack at $375. nitty tag opens $15 UTG, old guy who hasnt 3b in a few hours makes in $35 UTG+2, i have AKs OTB. i fold.

i have KK at $375. UTG very old nit limps. UTG+2 makes it $15. I 3b to $50 with KK CO. UTG old nit 4b to $175. i fold.

i have ATs in MP at $300. UTG+1 old guy makes it $20 i fold.

and, fwiw, im not old. im like 40 (imagine what a nit ill be at age 70?)

by NittyOldMan1 k

some pf plays - too nitty?

i have KK at $375. UTG very old nit limps. UTG+2 makes it $15. I 3b to $50 with KK CO. UTG old nit 4b to $175. i fold.

I can shrug at most of them, but not this unless you had godlike reads that it's always AA ... and if you did you wouldn't post it here.
I'll even shrug at folding QQ here vs. some people, but not KK. Not in 2024.

by NittyOldMan1 k

i have the shortstack at $240. 3 limps. tag makes it $20 OTB. i have 77 in the sb, i fold.

This seems the next closest ... would raise and maybe just shove 99, would be fine folding 55 and likely 66. 88/77 are both borderline.

by rickroll k

actually this is probably a good question for the thread

how does one table change with etiquette?

i always feel awkward doing it, so i tend to do it with the floor quietly while i'm up on break and then if/when i get the change i'll make some comment like "you guys are too good, scared to play with you" or something or say if there'd been a running joke about someone farting I'd work with that like "tired of getting crop dusted" or if i'm down then it's really easy "tired of losing money to you g

This certainly counts as a not-threadworthy, low-stress question. 😉

A discreet request to a floor person does the job. Once you get called to the new table, you don't need to explain yourself, any more than you need to explain yourself when you pick up to go home.

by elmcityboy k

I don't like to be a burden on the floor, so I usually wait until there is open seating. I would also feel weird about rejecting a table change so I try to make sure that there are definitely better seats available.

This makes about as much sense as saying, "I don't like to be a burden on the cashier, so I wait until the line goes away before I bring my groceries to the register." We are asking the floor person to do their job. I personally might tip them a buck or two, just as I tip them when I ask for a meal break (so I get more time than just three missed blind buttons).

by AlanBostick k

This makes about as much sense as saying, "I don't like to be a burden on the cashier, so I wait until the line goes away before I bring my groceries to the register." We are asking the floor person to do their job. I personally might tip them a buck or two, just as I tip them when I ask for a meal break (so I get more time than just three missed blind buttons).

Well, I also always bag my own groceries to avoid being a burden on the cashier, so old habits die hard I guess...

by RaiseAnnounced k

Very good chance that you should be continuing on turn so tight that you might as well just use a raise or fold strategy.

Shoving river is almost 2xp, so that definitely seems ambitious. You wanna cram that much when you're the one doing the coolering, not when you've got 6th boat in a spot where no one has worse than trips.

I think I just make it 3x honestly.

Agreed, thanks for the feedback. If you 3x here are you snap folding to a jam?

Thanks to everyone else who responded. The result of this hand is a bit of a disaster...


I did decide to jam. My thought process in-game was that I couldn’t find a good bet-fold sizing, and villain’s bet sizing led me to believe that he always had a Kx or flush hand anyway. I wanted the max and believed that most $1/$2 villains would struggle to fold those hands here. In hindsight, I don’t think I took enough time to consider how deep we were and exactly how big my jam was…

Villain tanked for almost a full minute. By the end of his tank, I was begging for a call in my head. He did end up calling, I showed, and he turned over 55. It felt bad at the time, obviously, and worse afterwards. I still think that villain tanking here is a bit of a nitroll, but if he was struggling to call with a full house, clearly he is snap folding a worse hand, so it’s just a really bad sizing.

The sunnier coda to this hand is that I ended up taking a long break afterwards and came back to a new table that was among the best I have played at all year, so I was able to make most of my money back just by playing relatively solidly. Mental game is still one of my biggest weak points, so I am happy with how I handled everything. Appreciate the advice from everyone.

by NittyOldMan1 k

been running like sh*t for 6 months at 1/3 so im playing 1/3 shortstacked for $200 and trying to run up and if not just quit for the day. i start out playing like vpip 10 pfr 9 and if i get deeper then widening somewhat to maybe 17/15 or something.

some pf plays - too nitty?

i have the shortstack at $240. 3 limps. tag makes it $20 OTB. i have 77 in the sb, i fold.

i have the shortstack at $375. nitty tag opens $15 UTG, old guy who hasnt 3b in a few hours makes in $35 UTG+2, i have AKs OTB. i fold.


If you suck deep, there's nothing wrong with cutting your session short some of the time if you do run it up deep and the table conditions aren't the best (especially when you aren't in the best mental frame of mind, which on a downswing you often aren't). Although most times if you're shortstacking correctly you can often go hours nursing it and there are no deepstrack re-evaluations to be made.

All of the folds are obviously nitty. They are are also all completely fine, imo.


by NittyOldMan1 k

been running like sh*t for 6 months at 1/3 so im playing 1/3 shortstacked for $200 and trying to run up and if not just quit for the day. i start out playing like vpip 10 pfr 9 and if i get deeper then widening somewhat to maybe 17/15 or something.

fwiw, this seems just incredible boring. there are plenty of other things to do that aren't sitting at a poker table watching chips get passed around while you stare at the dealer.

and have you been running like sh*t or playing like sh*t? they are different and if it's the latter, playing ultra nitty isn't going to help. you're just trying to reduce variance by avoiding spots that aren't massively ahead but ultimately you'll just lose chips slower. honestly, i'm not sure if it's the former that playing ultra nitty will really help either. typically playing nitty just allows others to have a better understanding of what your range is, thus making it easier to play against you.

by NittyOldMan1 k

Hand 1: i have the shortstack at $240. 3 limps. tag makes it $20 OTB. i have 77 in the sb, i fold.

this is probably way over nitty. your standard 1/3 player will just call the $20 here and check/fold OTF unless they flop a set or OESD. a better situation would be to learn if the BTN is a player you can 3! and get to fold now or on a later street.

by NittyOldMan1 k

Hand 2: i have the shortstack at $375. nitty tag opens $15 UTG, old guy who hasnt 3b in a few hours makes in $35 UTG+2, i have AKs OTB. i fold.

instead of telling us UTG2 has not 3! in a few hours, in which V could have had any hand every hand, tell us what you're seeing UTG2 get to showdown with when they cold call. if you're seeing them cold call and get to SD with AK/AQ/AJ/QQ/JJ then this could be a disrespectful fold (ie a fold that should never happen and thus we are disrespecting their game for being so face up), but if you're not it could be that they just haven't gotten very many hands over a few hours

by NittyOldMan1 k

Hand 3: i have KK at $375. UTG very old nit limps. UTG+2 makes it $15. I 3b to $50 with KK CO. UTG old nit 4b to $175. i fold.

this one is though. i understand why you're assuming it's AA basically always. 1/3 players are typically not going to limp/raise much other than AA and it's doubful they limp/cold 4! really anything other than AA or possibly KK. we have KK, so that makes it more likely for the AA. unfortunately, unlike the previous hand, you're just never going to play with this guy enough to get anywhere near a good understanding of if this is anything other than AA unless he just does it routenly.

blah, i guess folding is fine here. calling sucks because we're $200 eff with $350 in the middle, so we can't fold unless an A flops, so we're basically getting it in on a very high % of flops.

by NittyOldMan1 k

Hand 4: i have ATs in MP at $300. UTG+1 old guy makes it $20 i fold.

def nitty. same as with hand 2, would like to know what V is showing up with when he opens. is he raising 99/88/77? or broadway Kx, Qx?

alternatively, like hand 1, it would be more useful to you to learn and understand if V is someone who you could 3! now and take the pot away either now or post flop.

@ Johnny

3betting at these stack sizes is going to create very small SPRs where it will prolly be quite difficult to get someone off better.

Obviously all the folds would be nitty. But they are all kinda close spots too. You could argue to do something different in each case. But folding is hardly a mistake in any of them, especially if your confidence is shaken and you can't continue to take the mental beatdowns that poker is currently throwing you.


by gobbledygeek k

@ Johnny

3betting at these stack sizes is going to create very small SPRs where it will prolly be quite difficult to get someone off better.

you're glossing over the whole areas where i ask other relavent information

I'm not meaning to totally gloss it over and I agree further information can certainly be relevant... I'm just saying that overall it's relevance is reduced as the SPR shrinks (where it is harder to "outplay" opponents).


Johnny, maybe this is the thread where someone can convince GG to play looser than 8VPIP?

8 VPIP = maniac, right?


by JackInDaCrak k

Johnny, maybe this is the thread where someone can convince GG to play looser than 8VPIP?

there is a reason i had a 1 sentence response to him and not a post with a more in-depth discussion. not my first rodeo.

This one for sub...

Foxwoods on a big tier credit day

HJ has only been at the table for like 7-12 hands but has limp/called all of them, also playing them "weird" post. Sounds French, and seems like he's pretending he has no idea ... but is obviously playing way too loose pre. Played one hand with him where I raised Axs from his limp, HU bet a flop with some minor draws and A high and he called so I checked down and he had AK. Has called and bet rivers IP when it made no sense and people folded also shown 2 pair when it was super any2 bottom pair on flop type. Did get called on call/call/bet IP later and just said "I have nothing, was just bluffing".

CO old guy limp/calling entire range

folds to
HJ limps
CO limps
H on BTN makes it 12 with T9s
folds to HJ
HJ call
CO call

Flop: 876hh, x, x, H bets 15, c, c

Turn: 876hh 8, x, x, H bets 25, c, c

River: 8768 4, V snap shoves 210, snap calls (but only has like 50), H tanks and thinks nobody is bluffing here but can hear ghosts of submersible saying "lol call, line makes no sense" and maybe fish can have worse and be overplaying or maybe playing hh weird and... H calls and HJ has 87o and CO has KK.

Why post results?

Also, raise pre is weird. Particularly at that size.

More importantly, pot flop

We should size down multi-way, even holding the nuts.

Also, Hero has playable hand on button versus limpers' weak ranges. Isoing here it completely reasonable.

not sure if everyone realizes, but i'm like 99% sure this is a 1/2 hand not a 1/3 hand. foxwoods still spreads 1/2 for some odd reason and i don't believe they spread 1/3.

i'm pretty much always raising OTB with T9s vs limping weak players.

sizing is pretty bad though. like, yes, i get its 6x over 2 limpers isn't "bad" but the lower the stakes in live poker, the more the dollar amount actually matters. $10 more isn't even lunch in conneticut/north east in 2024. no ones folding to that and T9s seems like it would play well multiway but it really doesn't and we're going to run into reverse implied odds very often when there are many players postflop.

i'd really be looking to go like $20 because i want 1 caller or all folds.

agree we should be betting this flop much bigger than ~40% psb. 1/2 players aren't folding if they hit this board at all. balance at 1/2 is not worth the value you miss in spots like this because you're 80+% and he isn't going anywhere ever.

Effective stacks about 100bb. Person A in the CO raises. Person B in the BB nervously 3-bets. Person C (who was UTG and folded) says, "I fold kings." Person A looks at person B aggressively and says, "ALL IN". Person B looks like he's going to faint but calls. A flips over QQ. B flips over AA. There is a Q on the flop. B curses. C says, "It's not over YET!".

I was person B. It was the second time I was way behind and someone told me "It's not over yet." I friggin hate that. Am I alone?

(He probably should have saved his comment about folding kings until after the hand as well, but that's another story.)

by DalTXColtsFan k

Effective stacks about 100bb. Person A in the CO raises. Person B in the BB nervously 3-bets. Person C (who was UTG and folded) says, "I fold kings." Person A looks at person B aggressively and says, "ALL IN". Person B looks like he's going to faint but calls. A flips over QQ. B flips over AA. There is a Q on the flop. B curses. C says, "It's not over YET!".

I was person B. It was the second time I was way behind and someone told me "It's not over yet." I friggin hate that. Am I alone

His preflop comments with action still pending deserve a KITN / stern talking to by floor.

His flop comments should be answered with a fistbump and a gleeful "YES, I'm still live, LET'S DO THIS!" (and you're doing things completely wrong doing anything else).

