Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

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19 January 2012 at 03:34 PM

183 Replies


by rickroll k

curious what you're posting this for, is this ever a call for you?

i actually posted it wrong, he RR to $80. probably makes little difference though.

i folded, but i could be convinced im wrong in position vs a linear non-nit range.

by NittyOldMan1 k

1/3 $900 effective. 9 handed

$6 straddle

UTG+1 open $15, i have 44 UTG+2, i call (I think this is bad). anyways.

UTG+3 makes it $80. UTG+1 calls. call or muck.

I played a similar hand on Friday at 2-5 where I only made it 70 from the BB with KK, and 44 called the 3bet and hit a set ... so if you can do that it'll probably work out well.

Apart from that, I fold everything but the 66 hand.

by rickroll k

i'm never folding here, you block 67 well and it's unlikely he pops it up with the wheel so you're mostly facing a combo draw, overpair, or 2p or a set, all of which you have a lot of equity against

quite often you don't improve here and need to fold river but a lot of people will go to the wall on boards like this with marginal holdings even when a 7 or deuce is spiked - it's a good spot to double up imo and you could even be way ahead of his A5o which he thinks is the nuts

interesting. i was thinking i wouldnt get paid if i hit a straight. in your experience is that not true?

i put him on either A2, two pair or a set. obv two pair and A2 more likely than sets.

by NittyOldMan1 k

interesting. i was thinking i wouldnt get paid if i hit a straight. in your experience is that not true?

i put him on either A2, two pair or a set. obv two pair and A2 more likely than sets.

ime stacks usually end up getting in on these boards and nobody ever has the nuts but sample of USA#1 is limited to a few hundred hours

5:35am, you joined this table maybe 3-4 orbits ago. Young'ish 27-34 yr old who thinks everything is an ego contest or dick swing competition on your immediate right seems to have some kinda problem with your existence for some weird reason.

HH1 Button raises to 15, they flat in the SB, you have AA on BB and make it 75. BU folds, SB calls. Flop Jxx rainbow they check, you bet 75 again. they tank for a while and fold. Then get salty and mutter "i knew i shouldve ****ing 3bet or 4bet that 3bet"

HH2 straddle UTG, they raise 15, hero in CO 3bets 45 with AJo, folds back to them they take about 15 seconds and 4bet to 135, hero folds they for some weird reason show you Kd8d as if its some kinda flex.

Hero's image should be pretty TAGy. lost a big pot when other villain caught double gut beating your flopped straight when it was only 4 handed for a bit. other than that raise or fold preflop, hasnt show down much at all. hasnt won or lost any big hands besides the ass end of the straight and the HH2 above if that is to be separate form any sizeable pots. And Fairly aggressive post flop.

Eff stacks 400, 1/3 game, 6 handed still
UTG straddle, Villain calls
Hero raises to 30 with QhQs, folds to straddle calls, villain calls

rake/promo $5+2
($83) 9d 6c 3d
checks to hero, bets 55, folds to villain who calls
($193) 9d 6c 3d 8s
Villain somewhat quickly open jams


by NittyOldMan1 k

$500 effective $1/3

one bad limper, i iso JTo OTB $20, sb calls. SB is a solid tag, does 3bet light so range cant be that strong here. limper folds.

flop T77 rainbow. sb check I go $20 SB crs to $60.

I think raising or overlimping are both fine preflop. ETA: Actually, against someone who can 3bet light, and this being the ideal spot for it (as we could easily be super wide here after a single limper), I would prefer an overlimp (maybe leaning to raise against ABC tight blinds).

Against a solid player who might be capable of putting me in uncomfortable spots, I think I lean to a flop check back, keeping the pot manageable and aiming to get to showdown. Otherwise I bet/fold. In general, I think bet/calling mediocre hands is the worst of all these plays; it builds far too big a pot for the strength of our hand, sets us up for making even bigger mistakes later, and most people who check/raise the flop aren't slowing down on the turn (so if we're not prepared to hurp durp it in on the next street then we should bail sooner). IMO.


by NittyOldMan1 k

$1.1k effective $1/3. $6 straddle.

i open KQs MP $20. solid tag sb 3b to $100. sb is probably the best player at the table. straddle folds.

I would limp in.

Easy fold for me to the 3bet. Yeah, he's the best player at the table so perhaps some of his range is wider than what we currently have. And yeah, we'll have position. But the SPR will be a handcuffing 5 (reducing our positional advantage), our hand is so easily dominated, and there really is very little reason to ever have to mix it up with the best player at the table.


by NittyOldMan1 k

$1/3 1100 effective

two people limp $3, i limp 66 CO, btn limps, blinds check

flop 345 two spades, i have no spade. checked to me i go $10. bb CR's to $50.

BB's range is tough to play here, hes not that passive but not crazy either.
folded to me, what do you do?

I'm fine with the overlimp preflop.

I'm fine with the flop bet when it checks to us.

I could get behind a flop call here. I think we may have some IO on our four-to-straight due to being able to rep a busted flush. And of course I'm planning on repping the flush if it comes in. So in position I think we have some decent ways to win this hand and can apply pressure at a high SPR. Although, we ain't getting the best immediate price thanks to the large raise, so also no harm in letting it go either.


by NittyOldMan1 k

1/3 $900 effective. 9 handed

$6 straddle

UTG+1 open $15, i have 44 UTG+2, i call (I think this is bad). anyways.

UTG+3 makes it $80. UTG+1 calls. call or muck.

900 effective so with 6 straddle it’s 150ish BB…. I prefer 3!/fold with 44 or fold outright if you don’t think the raise will thin field enough.

If the table is loose but not too aggressive preflop where it’s 3+ to every flop I think flatting can work and I’m folding to the 3! Except vs perceived steal from loose aggro players but normal rec I fold to the raise. If it’s loose aggro preflop I think folding is better.

If table is tight passive raising, if table alight aggressive folding.

another approach for seeing the flop are: villain will stack off with weaker hands this deep when we flop a set so implied odds in our favor, I’m more willing to make some bad EV pre flop decisions to capitalize on profitable post flop EV ones.

Problem is mostly the fact that your absolute position rest of hand will be rough so I don’t want to bloat too much preflop no matter what. Say it gets 3! To something 30 and it’s 4 ways and flop is 478ss or something similar, large bets even with bottom set aren’t ideal with two cards to come vs recreational opponents.

Or a better example is 994 or TT4, we have a solid hand but 150+ deep - moreso 200+, we want to tread carefullly if villains start shoveling money into the pot/shoving etc.

Tho im still stacking off against most rec villains at 150BB, bit because it’s a straddle they may not perceive it as 150 and so are playing as 300BB effective with a 6 live ante or something nonsensical.

by NittyOldMan1 k

$500 effective $1/3

one bad limper, i iso JTo OTB $20, sb calls. SB is a solid tag, does 3bet light so range cant be that strong here. limper folds.

flop T77 rainbow. sb check I go $20 SB crs to $60.

I played two hands in my last session, in which I flat called in the BB after one MP limp and a TAG BTN raise, first with AA, and then with KK.

My thinking was that the MP limper was weak and the BTN would be raising wide to ISO, so didn't see the point in 3B'ing, instead preferring to see a flop with a slow played monster, having been an active 3B'er already.

I x/r flop of K44 with AA, and they both fold. But I stacked the BTN with KK after he flopped top pair with Jx and I x/r.

I wouldn't necessarily assume the blinds are always weak when they flat call pre and x/r the flop. He probably has 7x, but he could occasionally show up with some slow played big PP's.

by NittyOldMan1 k

$1.1k effective $1/3. $6 straddle.

i open KQs MP $20. solid tag sb 3b to $100. sb is probably the best player at the table. straddle folds.

Eww. I probably rage-fold if he's very good and truly TAG.

by NittyOldMan1 k

$1/3 1100 effective

two people limp $3, i limp 66 CO, btn limps, blinds check

flop 345 two spades, i have no spade. checked to me i go $10. bb CR's to $50.

BB's range is tough to play here, hes not that passive but not crazy either.
folded to me, what do you do?

This deep, I call.

by bb_love k

5:35am, you joined this table maybe 3-4 orbits ago. Young'ish 27-34 yr old who thinks everything is an ego contest or dick swing competition on your immediate right seems to have some kinda problem with your existence for some weird reason.

HH1 Button raises to 15, they flat in the SB, you have AA on BB and make it 75. BU folds, SB calls. Flop Jxx rainbow they check, you bet 75 again. they tank for a while and fold. Then get salty and mutter "i knew i shouldve ****ing 3bet or 4bet that 3bet"


Yeesh. Think I need a better read here. My gut says fold, but my brain says call.

Seems like a diamond draw that picked up some equity on the turn, like A5dd or 54dd. Could also be 75 that doesn't need to see a river. Or maybe just 76dd.

I probably call, but not loving it.

by docvail k

Yeesh. Think I need a better read here. My gut says fold, but my brain says call.

Seems like a diamond draw that picked up some equity on the turn, like A5dd or 54dd. Could also be 75 that doesn't need to see a river. Or maybe just 76dd.

I probably call, but not loving it.

Yah that where I was too. I reduced weight/#of turned straight combos and two pair given position and PF they weren’t the limp call with everything type player and figured I’m behind turned set and maybe some flopped sets and then remainder of the range open shoving felt like full of hands that needed to realize FE a lot.

I think as far as reads per your comment is: if they’re bad they have more value in the shove here vs a better player who would check to my obvious and high likelihood I fire turn and possibly c/raise or call possibly to stack on river with value hands.

I tanked for a bit actually and should’ve let my assessment of the K8 4bet hand hold more weight and just folded - they turned a set though.

The issue I see with their line is it gives me so much room to dump so much of my range but made me wonder what the bottom of range i call here is if not what i held as well

by bb_love k

Yah that where I was too. I reduced weight/#of turned straight combos and two pair given position and PF they weren’t the limp call with everything type player and figured I’m behind turned set and maybe some flopped sets and then remainder of the range open shoving felt like full of hands that needed to realize FE a lot.

I think as far as reads per your comment is: if they’re bad they have more value in the shove here vs a better player who would check to my obvious and high likelihood I fire tu

So, take this for whatever it's worth, because I *think* I'm good at low stakes (how can any of us really know?), and I can't really put my mind in the state it was in when I was bad, and figure out what I'd be doing as V here, if V is bad. The best I can do is just look at what I'd be doing as V now (and I'm way too old to engage in dick swinging competitions)....

First off, my impression is that the youngest live players (early 20's) are often pretty bad in live games. If this V is late 20's to early 30's, he may have gained enough experience to fix most of the worst leaks that plague newer players.

1. I generally play my entire range as raise-or-fold from every position that isn't the BTN or BB, so it's hard for me to envision what sort of hand or in what situation I'd open limp a UTG straddle in a 1/3 game, $400 deep. But, I *might* do it to LRR, or if I had a playable hand that could call a raise, but not a 3B.

2. That said, I still can't imagine too many hands that want to limp-call a $30 raise, stuck in the middle between the straddle and the PFR, off a $400 stack. The only hands I'd continue with would be medium PP's looking to set-mine (we'd be getting just slightly more than the right IO to set-mine here).

3. If we give V all the medium PP's, but not 99 (because I'd think he'd open that for a raise), then he could have flopped a set of 6's or turned a set of 8's. I'd think 6's might donk or x/r the flop on a fairly dynamic, two-tone board.

4. I could see V calling the flop with 88, and donk-jamming the turn, because it's a super-wet and dynamic board, with few true river bricks, other than another 3, 8, or 6.

5. But I could also see playing all the 1P + a draw combos this way as a bluff, as well as T7dd, T8dd, 98s, 86s, 75s, 54s - a bunch of hands that have QQ beat, and aren't *TOO* insane to limp-call the raise pre-flop, once the straddle calls.

I sort of like the turn donk-jam with a pair + a draw line, when our opponent (the PFR) has a lot of un-paired AX in his range, and we want to deny equity. I did this in my last session - I turned 2nd pair with an ISSD, and donk-jammed into the PFR. The PFR made a somewhat larger than necessary bet on the flop in that hand too, which made me think he was weak and just hoping I'd fold.

I'm not sure I'd do it with a straight here, but I *might* do it with a turned set, if my table image is maniacal and I think I'll get called.

The problem is that whereas we *want* fold equity with our 1P + a draw hands that may or may not be best, we don't really want to fold out over-pairs when we have a set or straight, and this line just looks so strong.

So, if I'm you, facing this fast open jam, I would probably over-fold against the population, which tends to fast-play thick but vulnerable value. But I could see calling against an opponent like me, who I view as capable of having some 1P + a draw semi-bluffs here. But generally, we'd need to be deeper to start, because I wouldn't be limp-calling those combos at only $400 eff.

Even if we did start out deeper, there just aren't that many semi-bluffs in my range as V here, because I'd probably just open them for a raise, not limp-call with them. Maybe this V has more, if he's limp-calling a lot of SC's and S1G's pre.

I dunno. V shouldn't have straights on the turn, but he might. His value should mostly be 88 or 66, which is only 6 combos. It *feels* correct to call with QQ, but I wouldn't expect V to be semi-bluffing with 1P + a draw often enough to make calling profitable, so I would mostly just rage-fold.

Here is a fun/easy spot! Just looking for multiway strat advice in a juicy spot.


$1/$2 game on a Monday afternoon

EP - MAAG playing around $250. Not a ton of reads at this point, but definitely loose passive.

MP - Wily older 2-5 reg. Guessing he bought in for the max of $400. Not a super intimidating player, but wouldn’t be shocked if he was a small winner in the games.

BB - Unknown MAWG, seems to be on the tight side, has around $200.

Hero - Younger white guy, easily the most aggressive player at the table. I won a couple big pots at the start of the session, but my stack has been ground down over the last 90 minutes. I still cover these three, though.


Open UTG1 to $10. EP calls next to act, MP calls, and BB defends.

Flop is Ah Ad 9d ($41 before rake)

BB checks, hero bet $15, everyone calls.

Turn is Ah Ad 9d 6h ($101 before rake)

BB checks. Hero?

My first thought is to go bet-bet-bet, but it’s pretty hard to get all the money in that way. My next thought is that the other ace is likely out there (not to mention 99 and 66) and will bet-call a check-raise. Do we risk the check? Do we ever trap and go check-call?

Also curious if other people open fold (or even open limp) this particular suited ace at a very passive table.

I would just bet $30 on the turn. Anyone with a flush draw or Ax is likely calling. Flush draws won't call the river if they miss.

by elmcityboy k

Here is a fun/easy spot! Just looking for multiway strat advice in a juicy spot.


$1/$2 game on a Monday afternoon

EP - MAAG playing around $250. Not a ton of reads at this point, but definitely loose passive.

MP - Wily older 2-5 reg. Guessing he bought in for the max of $400. Not a super intimidating player, but wouldn’t be shocked if he was a small winner in the games.

BB - Unknown MAWG, seems to be on the tight side, has around $200.

Hero - Younger white guy, easily the most aggressive player a

You're only getting calls from Ax, maybe some 9x, and maybe some TT-KK. I would just bet 2/3 pot and pray someone calls. If you bet small, it looks like you're super nutted.

how many live hours do i need for an (somewhat) accurate winrate?

utg i'm folding A6s

as played i'm checking, you have nothing but a bluff catcher there 3 ways

by shynepo3 k

how many live hours do i need for an (somewhat) accurate winrate?

Go to the winrates thread and prepare to be told that you’ll never know for sure

by feel wrath k

Go to the winrates thread and prepare to be told that you’ll never know for sure

by elmcityboy k


Open UTG1 to $10. EP calls next to act, MP calls, and BB defends.

Flop is Ah Ad 9d ($41 before rake)

BB checks, hero bet $15, everyone calls.

Turn is Ah Ad 9d 6h ($101 before rake)

BB checks. Hero?

My first thought is to go bet-bet-bet, but it’s pretty hard to get all the money in that way. My next thought is that the other ace is likely out there (not to mention 99 and 66) and will bet-call a check-raise. Do we risk the check? Do we ever trap and go check-call?

Also curious if other people

I fold this hand pre- full ring unless either significantly deeper e.g. 300bb+ or its the softest lineup ever.

AP I bet small (25% to 35%) to target flush draws or stubborn 9x, given we are still 4 ways OTT. No way I'm checking and risking a check-through from hands like A4o. Also if someone is going to get frisky with trips, they may raise a small bet.

by rickroll k

utg i'm folding A6s

as played i'm checking, you have nothing but a bluff catcher there 3 ways

? He has the second nuts

A6ss is a fold utg

As played bet bet bet. We want stacks in by the river

Bet enough on the turn to make a river jam half pot ish. So maybe like $70

We want AK to A10 to call and hope a flush draw calls and gets there on the river
