Introduction to Small Stakes No-Limit Hold ’em: Help Them Give You Their Money

Introduction to Small Stakes No-Limit Hold ’em: Help Them Give You Their Money

Hi Everyone:

Here's part of the Introduction to or upcoming book Small Stakes No-Limit Hold ’em: Help Them Give You Their Money. We expect to have the printed book up on Amazon in less than a month:


Let’s start this book off with a few examples. These are just a few of the many types of hands which for the live small stakes games, usually $2-$5 or less, that we play differently from the way almost all other players in these games will play them, and is also different from much of the standard advice that is out there. So why do we do this?

The answer is simple. Against poor playing opponents, the best strategy for maximizing your win rate is to exploit these players as much as possible, sometimes with plays that look extreme. Especially to an “expert” player who often relies on Game Theory Optimal (GTO) to model his strategy.

Now, we understand that those who usually play GTO will, when appropriate, exploit their opponents. They do so when they see an opponent playing very badly which will make them make changes to their standard strategy. But they usually do this only in very obvious cases.

But that’s not the way we play these small stakes games. In these games, assuming the game is eight or nine-handed, it’s common to be against four ot more terrible players, and even most of the remaining players, who are usually semi-competent, will still make some significant errors, especially late in the hand when the big bets are in play.

If you were to go into a higher stakes (live) game, usually $5-$10 and up, where there are many strong players, and do many of the things that we’ll be recommending, your results will probably be disappointing. But if you stick to a game like $1-$3 no-limit hold ’em where the maximum buy-in is usually 100 to 200 big blinds, and follow the advice that is contained in this book, we suspect that you’ll be quite surprised and pleased with your results.

Our approach is not looking to make lots of great plays where you may steal a pot or knock a player out who, if he had stayed in, might have beaten you on a later street. We’re also not interested in constantly balancing our strategy and putting our opponent(s) at an “indifference point.” The experts can worry about that stuff, and if that’s your approach, play the higher stakes or perhaps limit hold ’em where recognizing small edges is highly important. But if you simply want to let your opponents give you their money, we’ll show you how to do it.

A Few Examples

(Again, these examples show you only a small number of the many ideas we will soon tell you about.) To see what we’re talking about, here are five examples. Notice that in every one of these hands, we’re playing differently, and sometimes very differently, from the way most poker instructors, coaches, book authors, poker video content producers, etc., will tell you how to play. It's true that, in general, their advice may be reasonably good, especially against tougher players than those we’ll be addressing. But it won’t be well targeted for these small stakes games. And if you’re playing live, these are the vast majority of games that are spread in our public cardrooms.

Example No. 1: Here’s a hand that David played in a Las Vegas $1-$3 game. It’s an extreme example, but we want to start with it to show how different many of the strategies in this book are and to give you an idea of how different, in some situations, our approach to maximizing your expectation is from the typical player, and this includes most of those who are currently having some success in live $1-$2, $1-$3, $2-$5, and similar no-limit hold ’em games.

In a $1-$3 no-limit game, David was dealt the


two positions to the right of the button. The first four players limped in and David only called. The next two players folded, the small blind called, and the big blind checked.

The flop came the

J 9 7

The under-the-gun player bet, two players called, and then David threw his pair of kings in the muck.

Virtually no one else, at the time of this writing, would play a pair of kings in late position in a multiway pot this way. They would have made a substantial raise before the flop, and on the flop they would have certainly played their hand.

But let’s notice something obvious. If one of the last two positions or one of the blinds would have raised, when the action got back to David, he would have the option to make a big reraise, and if there were also a couple of callers, he would almost always be a large favorite to win a big pot assuming he got at least one caller.

As for his fold on the flop, given the way the hand was played, the reason for David’s fold is a little more complex, and that will be explained in detail later in this book. He would not have folded if the flop would have come something like the

J 7 2:

So, this example should give you an idea of what this book is about. To be specific, it’s playing your hands in the way that will exploit the weak players to the maximum. And as you can see from this example, some of the ways to do this aren't the ways that are generally advocated by the current crop of poker instructors and poker coaches as well as some of whom have been around. But there are ways, which will allow you to win the maximum at a reasonable risk that these small live stakes games have to offer.

Example No. 2: This hand was played by David. Under-the-Gun in a $1-$3 game at a full table, David held the


Instead of raising first in as most poker instructors would recommend, he limped in for $3 and got three callers behind him plus the big blind. So, after the rake, there was $15 in the pot.

The flop came the

K 9 4

and with top pair, top kicker, David bet $15 and got one caller. The pot (after the rake) is now $42.

David saw that his lone opponent only had $80 left. And when a T came on the turn, David bet $80 and was called by his opponent who was now all-in. Unfortunately, a club came on the river and this player showed the

6 2

for a flush which won the pot.

Now some of you might say that if David had raised before the flop, as most players would, he would have won the pot. But notice that he got his opponent to call a large bet (for this game) getting 1.5-to-1 odds when he needed to make a 4-to-1 shot. So, theoretically, David won much more playing the hand this way than he would have won playing the hand in a conventional manner. And over time, these theoretical wins do turn into real money.

Example No. 3: Here’s a hand that Mason played. A timid early position player limped in, and Mason had concluded that this player absolutely never bluffed. Everyone folded to Mason who called with the 77 on the button. The small blind folded and the big blind checked.

Three random cards, including one overcard to the sevens, flopped. The big blind checked, the timid player bet a modest amount, and Mason folded.

Example No. 4: Here’s another hand that Mason played. In a $1-$3 game, an overly loose-aggressive player, two positions to the right of the button, raised to $10. The button called and Mason, who held the


in the big blind called. Notice that the standard play would be to make a big reraise.

The flop came the

J 6 3

Mason checked, the loose-aggressive player bet $15, the button folded, and Mason called with his ace-king and three-flush. The turn was the 6 giving Mason a four-flush. Mason checked, the loose aggressive player bet $25, and Mason called.

The river was the A. Mason checked, the loose-aggressive player bet $50 and Mason called with his (now) aces-up and king kicker. The loose aggressive player then turned over the

A 2

Notice that he had bet a total of $100 on all four streets and never had the best hand.

Example No. 5: And for our final example, here’s a hand that David played. Before the flop in a $1-$2 game that had a maximum $300 buy-in, David called a limp with the

8 7

Five players, not including the small blind, saw the flop, and after the rake there was $10 in the pot. The flop was the

A 9 4

which gave David a flush draw. An early position player bet $8, and David called. Now there was $25 (after the rake) in the pot and both players had plenty of chips. The turn was a blank and David’s opponent bet $15 into the $25 pot bringing it to $38 (after the rake). This meant that David would be receiving immediate odds of $38-to-$15, or 2.53-to-1, to call. And since making a flush on the river is approximately 4-to-1, even if David can collect an additional bet when his flush comes in, this does not seem like enough to warrant a call. But David went ahead and called, bringing the pot to $52 (after the rake).

The flush card came on the river. The early position player checked, and David bet $70, $18 more than the size of the pot. And after thinking for a while, the early position player called and his top pair lost to the flush and David made $108 on his $15 call, which is approximately 7.2-to-1 on a 4-to-1 shot.

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20 November 2023 at 04:32 AM

320 Replies


Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

by RedOak k

The chapter on button straddles says to move out of the sb or bb if the button is straddling. I felt that having the bb is a perfectly fine position to be in when there is a button straddler (when utg acts first preflop) as you now get to act last if there is a raise before the button or act 2nd to last if there is no raise. The cutoff would be my 2nd position of choice whereas utg would be my least favorite spot. Granted I won't get to see any free flops from the bb when there is a button strad

I've never heard of a place allowing button straddles where the preflop action didn't start with the SB. I'm sure that's why they meant the straddle is terrible for the blinds.

Recently I was in Vegas and at Caesars Palace poker, there button straddle does not start with the SB preflop. I'm guessing there are a few other places in Vegas that might do it this way too.

My understanding is that a Mississippi straddle the preflop action starts with the SB. But personally, the Caesars Palace rule was the first time that I played such a button straddle where the action starts with the UTG preflop and not the SB.

by AcesFull k

Recently I was in Vegas and at Caesars Palace poker, there button straddle does not start with the SB preflop. I'm guessing there are a few other places in Vegas that might do it this way too.

My understanding is that a Mississippi straddle the preflop action starts with the SB. But personally, the Caesars Palace rule was the first time that I played such a button straddle where the action starts with the UTG preflop and not the SB.

Interesting. Does the button still go last preflop? Action skips him to go to the blinds after the cutoff?

Action skips to the blind IF it's folded to the button straddle. But if there are any action (limps or raises) in front of the button straddle, then he will act in turn.

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by chillrob k

I've never heard of a place allowing button straddles where the preflop action didn't start with the SB. I'm sure that's why they meant the straddle is terrible for the blinds.

If your poker room has the sb act first for a button straddle, then you should ask them to change it to the way they do it in Vegas. The action starts utg and if there are no raises, then the action skips the button, and goes to the blinds. If the blinds limp, then action goes back to button. If blinds raise, then the action goes back around the table in order with button going last. Limps are allowed and button is skipped to let blinds act first. Only a raise before the button forces the button to act in turn.

by David Sklansky k

I will think about it.

I dropped the ball in a 1-2 game with $5 button straddle the other day. All folded to sb who limped, I had AQo in the bb and just limped as the button straddler had made it $35 earlier with AQs. I had planned to trap and 3 bet. Button then raised to $35 and now sb called $35. Here I should have made it $140, but instead I chickened out and I folded! Flop came A74 and button cbet 15 and sb called, Turn went ck, ck when a blank hit, and sb bet $35 on river and button folded. I also could have made it $15 preflop as a defensive raise to prevent having to call a bigger raise to $35.

I assume this book is only useful for small stakes cash games and not for small stakes tourneys, right?

by Popeye k

I assume this book is only useful for small stakes cash games and not for small stakes tourneys, right?

More limited use for tourneys, but would say some.

by Popeye k

I assume this book is only useful for small stakes cash games and not for small stakes tourneys, right?

The more the tournament is playing like a small stakes cash game, and this usually means early in the tournament when the stacks are moderately large, the more useful the book will be.


by David Sklansky k

Obviously it's not a "fact". But it's hard to see how doubling the stakes with a hand that is already profitable on the button, won't raise your EV at least somewhat if no one is slowplaying. And even if they are, that has an upside if those slowplays are almost always with hands that you don't want to play against.

And if you are somehow in a game where min raising has a much different impact than merely doubling the stakes and if that impact is negative to the point that a limp is better, then

What hands are being slowplayed that 76s doesn’t want to play against?

by RedOak k

If your poker room has the sb act first for a button straddle, then you should ask them to change it to the way they do it in Vegas. The action starts utg and if there are no raises, then the action skips the button, and goes to the blinds. If the blinds limp, then action goes back to button. If blinds raise, then the action goes back around the table in order with button going last. Limps are allowed and button is skipped to let blinds act first. Only a raise before the button forces the butto

LMAO most people at the table dont even know how many letters are in the alphabet and you think this is a good idea???

by AAJTo k

LMAO most people at the table dont even know how many letters are in the alphabet and you think this is a good idea???

Yeah that sounds awful, lol.

by AAJTo k

LMAO most people at the table dont even know how many letters are in the alphabet and you think this is a good idea???

yes, it is a great idea to have utg act first when there is a button straddle. Having sb act first is horrible as now the blinds are penalized to act first pre-flop as well and now must play super tight and thus killing action. If sb has to act first, then the best strategy is for both bb and sb to sit out when the button straddles and then either buy the button the next hand (or for the sb, post sb on button (if allowed) or behind button. )Of course if everyone does this then the whole table will sit out on the bb straddle and then the bb straddle will have to be removed or else everyone will stop playing.

i'm so happy that my cardroom doesn't do button straddles. it sounds awful for the game in almost every way.

by CanadaLowball k

i'm so happy that my cardroom doesn't do button straddles. it sounds awful for the game in almost every way.

If your the only one doing it, it's great

by RedOak k

yes, it is a great idea to have utg act first when there is a button straddle. Having sb act first is horrible as now the blinds are penalized to act first pre-flop as well and now must play super tight and thus killing action. If sb has to act first, then the best strategy is for both bb and sb to sit out when the button straddles and then either buy the button the next hand (or for the sb, post sb on button (if allowed) or behind button. )Of course if everyone does this then the whole table wi

No one is going to stop playing

by PointlessWords k

What hands are being slowplayed that 76s doesn’t want to play against?

I threw out a small extra reason why a post sweetener in late position can be a good idea. Which was that the reason not to do it, namely the possibility of a slowplay reraise could conceivably help you more than it hurts. But I agree when you have 76s would not be one of those times.

by PointlessWords k

What hands are being slowplayed that 76s doesn’t want to play against?

You realize calling 76s vs a limp-RR is a terrible play correct?

by metsandfinsfan k

If your the only one doing it, it's great

No it’s not. It’s makes people tighten up pre by a lot.

by chillrob k

I've never heard of a place allowing button straddles where the preflop action didn't start with the SB. I'm sure that's why they meant the straddle is terrible for the blinds.

I've seen it both ways.

by DooDooPoker k

You realize calling 76s vs a limp-RR is a terrible play correct?

I wasn’t arguing against that but to answer your question, it depends.

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by David Sklansky k

I threw out a small extra reason why a post sweetener in late position can be a good idea. Which was that the reason not to do it, namely the possibility of a slowplay reraise could conceivably help you more than it hurts. But I agree when you have 76s would not be one of those times.

Oh I thought you meant a slow played limp call. Limp rr is no longer a slowplay

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i think that perhaps much this book will unfortunately not be very applicable to my room's 2/5 games. there's no way anyone gets away with limping pre-flop on a regular enough basis in these games. maybe at the 1/2 tables, but the rake there is so disgusting, i can't really bring myself to play them anymore

by CanadaLowball k

i think that perhaps much this book will unfortunately not be very applicable to my room's 2/5 games. there's no way anyone gets away with limping pre-flop on a regular enough basis in these games. maybe at the 1/2 tables, but the rake there is so disgusting, i can't really bring myself to play them anymore

Limping in and when it's right to do so are just a small part of this book. Also on page 33 it says:

The weakest of your hands that sometimes are worth a limp should absolutely be folded if the answer to No. 1 is “quite often.”

and No. 1 is

1. Do the players behind you often raise preflop?

But there may still be some times when limping is correct, see the book, and there's a lot more in the book than just the discussion of limping first-in.

