Introduction to Small Stakes No-Limit Hold ’em: Help Them Give You Their Money

Introduction to Small Stakes No-Limit Hold ’em: Help Them Give You Their Money

Hi Everyone:

Here's part of the Introduction to or upcoming book Small Stakes No-Limit Hold ’em: Help Them Give You Their Money. We expect to have the printed book up on Amazon in less than a month:


Let’s start this book off with a few examples. These are just a few of the many types of hands which for the live small stakes games, usually $2-$5 or less, that we play differently from the way almost all other players in these games will play them, and is also different from much of the standard advice that is out there. So why do we do this?

The answer is simple. Against poor playing opponents, the best strategy for maximizing your win rate is to exploit these players as much as possible, sometimes with plays that look extreme. Especially to an “expert” player who often relies on Game Theory Optimal (GTO) to model his strategy.

Now, we understand that those who usually play GTO will, when appropriate, exploit their opponents. They do so when they see an opponent playing very badly which will make them make changes to their standard strategy. But they usually do this only in very obvious cases.

But that’s not the way we play these small stakes games. In these games, assuming the game is eight or nine-handed, it’s common to be against four ot more terrible players, and even most of the remaining players, who are usually semi-competent, will still make some significant errors, especially late in the hand when the big bets are in play.

If you were to go into a higher stakes (live) game, usually $5-$10 and up, where there are many strong players, and do many of the things that we’ll be recommending, your results will probably be disappointing. But if you stick to a game like $1-$3 no-limit hold ’em where the maximum buy-in is usually 100 to 200 big blinds, and follow the advice that is contained in this book, we suspect that you’ll be quite surprised and pleased with your results.

Our approach is not looking to make lots of great plays where you may steal a pot or knock a player out who, if he had stayed in, might have beaten you on a later street. We’re also not interested in constantly balancing our strategy and putting our opponent(s) at an “indifference point.” The experts can worry about that stuff, and if that’s your approach, play the higher stakes or perhaps limit hold ’em where recognizing small edges is highly important. But if you simply want to let your opponents give you their money, we’ll show you how to do it.

A Few Examples

(Again, these examples show you only a small number of the many ideas we will soon tell you about.) To see what we’re talking about, here are five examples. Notice that in every one of these hands, we’re playing differently, and sometimes very differently, from the way most poker instructors, coaches, book authors, poker video content producers, etc., will tell you how to play. It's true that, in general, their advice may be reasonably good, especially against tougher players than those we’ll be addressing. But it won’t be well targeted for these small stakes games. And if you’re playing live, these are the vast majority of games that are spread in our public cardrooms.

Example No. 1: Here’s a hand that David played in a Las Vegas $1-$3 game. It’s an extreme example, but we want to start with it to show how different many of the strategies in this book are and to give you an idea of how different, in some situations, our approach to maximizing your expectation is from the typical player, and this includes most of those who are currently having some success in live $1-$2, $1-$3, $2-$5, and similar no-limit hold ’em games.

In a $1-$3 no-limit game, David was dealt the


two positions to the right of the button. The first four players limped in and David only called. The next two players folded, the small blind called, and the big blind checked.

The flop came the

J 9 7

The under-the-gun player bet, two players called, and then David threw his pair of kings in the muck.

Virtually no one else, at the time of this writing, would play a pair of kings in late position in a multiway pot this way. They would have made a substantial raise before the flop, and on the flop they would have certainly played their hand.

But let’s notice something obvious. If one of the last two positions or one of the blinds would have raised, when the action got back to David, he would have the option to make a big reraise, and if there were also a couple of callers, he would almost always be a large favorite to win a big pot assuming he got at least one caller.

As for his fold on the flop, given the way the hand was played, the reason for David’s fold is a little more complex, and that will be explained in detail later in this book. He would not have folded if the flop would have come something like the

J 7 2:

So, this example should give you an idea of what this book is about. To be specific, it’s playing your hands in the way that will exploit the weak players to the maximum. And as you can see from this example, some of the ways to do this aren't the ways that are generally advocated by the current crop of poker instructors and poker coaches as well as some of whom have been around. But there are ways, which will allow you to win the maximum at a reasonable risk that these small live stakes games have to offer.

Example No. 2: This hand was played by David. Under-the-Gun in a $1-$3 game at a full table, David held the


Instead of raising first in as most poker instructors would recommend, he limped in for $3 and got three callers behind him plus the big blind. So, after the rake, there was $15 in the pot.

The flop came the

K 9 4

and with top pair, top kicker, David bet $15 and got one caller. The pot (after the rake) is now $42.

David saw that his lone opponent only had $80 left. And when a T came on the turn, David bet $80 and was called by his opponent who was now all-in. Unfortunately, a club came on the river and this player showed the

6 2

for a flush which won the pot.

Now some of you might say that if David had raised before the flop, as most players would, he would have won the pot. But notice that he got his opponent to call a large bet (for this game) getting 1.5-to-1 odds when he needed to make a 4-to-1 shot. So, theoretically, David won much more playing the hand this way than he would have won playing the hand in a conventional manner. And over time, these theoretical wins do turn into real money.

Example No. 3: Here’s a hand that Mason played. A timid early position player limped in, and Mason had concluded that this player absolutely never bluffed. Everyone folded to Mason who called with the 77 on the button. The small blind folded and the big blind checked.

Three random cards, including one overcard to the sevens, flopped. The big blind checked, the timid player bet a modest amount, and Mason folded.

Example No. 4: Here’s another hand that Mason played. In a $1-$3 game, an overly loose-aggressive player, two positions to the right of the button, raised to $10. The button called and Mason, who held the


in the big blind called. Notice that the standard play would be to make a big reraise.

The flop came the

J 6 3

Mason checked, the loose-aggressive player bet $15, the button folded, and Mason called with his ace-king and three-flush. The turn was the 6 giving Mason a four-flush. Mason checked, the loose aggressive player bet $25, and Mason called.

The river was the A. Mason checked, the loose-aggressive player bet $50 and Mason called with his (now) aces-up and king kicker. The loose aggressive player then turned over the

A 2

Notice that he had bet a total of $100 on all four streets and never had the best hand.

Example No. 5: And for our final example, here’s a hand that David played. Before the flop in a $1-$2 game that had a maximum $300 buy-in, David called a limp with the

8 7

Five players, not including the small blind, saw the flop, and after the rake there was $10 in the pot. The flop was the

A 9 4

which gave David a flush draw. An early position player bet $8, and David called. Now there was $25 (after the rake) in the pot and both players had plenty of chips. The turn was a blank and David’s opponent bet $15 into the $25 pot bringing it to $38 (after the rake). This meant that David would be receiving immediate odds of $38-to-$15, or 2.53-to-1, to call. And since making a flush on the river is approximately 4-to-1, even if David can collect an additional bet when his flush comes in, this does not seem like enough to warrant a call. But David went ahead and called, bringing the pot to $52 (after the rake).

The flush card came on the river. The early position player checked, and David bet $70, $18 more than the size of the pot. And after thinking for a while, the early position player called and his top pair lost to the flush and David made $108 on his $15 call, which is approximately 7.2-to-1 on a 4-to-1 shot.

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20 November 2023 at 04:32 AM

320 Replies


The third best selling 'poker' book is a 60 year old book about blackjack. Sad!

by Mason Malmuth k

I guess that didn't last long. I took this screenshot just now.

And Beat The Dealer is already down to 11. Very odd system they have there - would be more useful if they used some kind of rolling average instead what sells best in a particular day or whatever they use now.

saw the preflop chapter which is only 1-1.5 pages, was a unique take compares to other books take!

Any plans to have the book available on Audible?

I am playing 1/3 as we speak. I told myself I am going to do nothing but check or call tonight. I started with $250 and have about $600 now. I will update later, 1/2 live cash players really are largely that bad. To top things off I announced my strategy to everyone haha.

by Icall77 k

I am playing 1/3 as we speak. I told myself I am going to do nothing but check or call tonight. I started with $250 and have about $600 now. I will update later, 1/2 live cash players really are largely that bad. To top things off I announced my strategy to everyone haha.

Lol, I would love some sample hand histories.

I did make use disclaimer that “Poker players lie, Phil.i am experimenting with telling them the game is over and that Inintebd to raise. That seems to be slowing them down for now, I am not planning to raise but I am tightening up a bit. Up 450 now.

by Bozo7 k

Any plans to have the book available on Audible?

Not at this time.


The table ended up busting around midnight. I cashed out $800 for a $600 profit. Anyone could easily do this and win, just play EP ranges less the bottom 15% of hands, only check or call, keeps pots cheaper on two eariest streets. Never chase a 4 flush or open ender. People really are so bad at this place that following those rules will pay, The $100 an hour win rate is very repeatable. Poker is the best lol.

Ordered this book the other day, should be arriving tomorrow at 10:AM and I simply cannot wait.

Racing through trying to finish "No Limit Hold'em Theory and Practice".

I am a beginner in hold em and have been playing for around a year, progressed to NL 5.

I have read quite a few book on GTO, such as "Modern Poker Theory: Building an Unbeatable Strategy Based on GTO Principles" and "Optimal Poker" by Andrew Brooks.

I find solver outputs and the information featured in these book as extremely helpful especially for a guidance on how to play common spots I find myself in. Even from a defence posture and mixing strategies and constructing ranges (All be it at a very amature level).

I find books by Sklansky still very beneficial as, although I have certain betting frequencies and sizing in my head from GTO principles and in certain spots know what the optimal play is. Understanding poker in a logical fashion is hugely beneficial.

Can I give an example if I may, I have a few tables, notes and statistics how to play certain spots IP vs OP etc. This all helps with barrelling the turn, bet sizing and watching for any deviations from this by my opponent. However also reading the Bet sizing chapter in "No Limit Holdem Theory and practice" discusses the same topic using logic in a qualitative sense also. For example Sklansky states in this chapter "Bet more than your opponents can call profitably, but don't bet so much that you blow your opponents off their hand. Bet an amount that entices them to make a bad call.".

I find that having A GTO frame work is a great starting point and that any poker logic and insights that I can gather from other sources can only be beneficial.

I am looking forward to adding such knowledge with this book.



by the pleasure k

saw the preflop chapter which is only 1-1.5 pages, was a unique take compares to other books take!

any thouhts on their preflop hand section?
like I said it was a unique take never thought about it in that way

by the pleasure k

any thouhts on their preflop hand section?
like I said it was a unique take never thought about it in that way

When it comes today I will look at it


did Bart ever do a full review?

How to beat the rake in low limit poker? Answer - Don't play!
In most every low limit poker game that lasts several hours or more everyone at the table is stuck! Only the house is winning!

by Toupee Jay k

How to beat the rake in low limit poker? Answer - Don't play!
In most every low limit poker game that lasts several hours or more everyone at the table is stuck! Only the house is winning!

We address this in the chapter "Tend To Prefer That The Pot Be Multiway."


by Toupee Jay k

How to beat the rake in low limit poker? Answer - Don't play!
In most every low limit poker game that lasts several hours or more everyone at the table is stuck! Only the house is winning!

Lol @ only the house is winning in LLSNL games. Yes, obviously rake sucks and you'd win gobs more without it. But you're doing something terribly wrong against the typical run-of-the-mill LLSNL lineup if you can't beat it.


by Mason Malmuth k

We address this in the chapter "Tend To Prefer That The Pot Be Multiway."


The chapter title is sarcasm?

by PointlessWords k

The chapter title is sarcasm?

How would you know? I'm sure you haven't read a word of the book and thus have no idea what it says.


by Toupee Jay k

How to beat the rake in low limit poker? Answer - Don't play!
In most every low limit poker game that lasts several hours or more everyone at the table is stuck! Only the house is winning!

What a bizarre take.

by Toupee Jay k

How to beat the rake in low limit poker? Answer - Don't play!
In most every low limit poker game that lasts several hours or more everyone at the table is stuck! Only the house is winning!

This would be true if people do not reload or do not reload often In wealthy areas where poker is popular many of the players are willing to reload amazingly often. So stacks can grow over time even with the rake.

by Mason Malmuth k

How would you know? I'm sure you haven't read a word of the book and thus have no idea what it says.


Easy, I ask the authors.

Is this sarcasm or did you mean this in earnest??

Pretty easy to see that you didn’t mean it as sarcasm and you know refuse to admit it

Can you name three hands that have more EV multi-way as opposed to heads up?

I don’t know if I can name one.

by PointlessWords k

Easy, I ask the authors.

Is this sarcasm or did you mean this in earnest??

Pretty easy to see that you didn’t mean it as sarcasm and you know refuse to admit it

Can you name three hands that have more EV multi-way as opposed to heads up?

I don’t know if I can name one.

I always find it amazing how people like you can't wait to attack our work when you have no idea what it says. I won't post the chapter here, you'll have to get the book to read it. But I will post the first sentence which is:

One obvious reason to prefer multiway pots is the rake.


by PointlessWords k

The chapter title is sarcasm?

Three reasons to sometimes prefer multi way are:

1. Hands that have about the same EV if played either head up or multiway in a rakeless game, usually have a lower EV heads up if there is a rake because the rake is taken from them more often than it would be multiway.

2. If one of the players multiway is a calling station and another opponent is a good player, you won't' get bluffed out very often by the good player. The syndrome is true to a lesser extent even if there is no calling station. in the pot.

3. If the multiway pot includes players who can't get away from middling hands even when facing a big bet, then the more such players are in the pot the better your chances of making money with those starting hands that tend to make either very good hands or nothing.

Those are facts. There are also facts that can be used to argue the other way, but it is almost impossible those arguments could always override the above three. If I am wrong, then please name them.

I’ll buy your book

1.) what exact hands are you referring to ?

2) my gut tells me that getting bluffed less is not worth the accompanying decrease in EV we get from adding extra players to a hand

3) see number 2
