2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.


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15 December 2023 at 05:21 PM

4110 Replies


by deuceblocker k

Are you allowed to look through the mucked cards to see what someone had? Kessler may have had 3456 drawing to a 6, but nit that he is I am sure he didn't have a junk hand. Seems pretty bad particularly from the SB to call and draw 3.

Racener is ahead HU in the $10K limit holdem tournament. I have been at his table in tournaments. He is a very strong player, and aggressive bluffy, which should do well in limit holdem.

I think Turner is saying that an all-in player has to show his hand at showdown, you’re not allowed to be all-in and then just muck your hand. Rule is for anti-collusion/chip dumping.

by TheFly k

I think Turner is saying that an all-in player has to show his hand at showdown, you’re not allowed to be all-in and then just muck your hand. Rule is for anti-collusion/chip dumping.

Normally, players turn their hands face up when there is an allin in tournaments. Here it was 3-way, and there were draws which required secrecy, so they couldn't do that until showdown.

by Dr. Meh k

Come on now. Dealers are humans, too. He dosed off during break, not a big deal.

Not sure if serious. Dealers job during break is to protect the box, the cards and all the player stacks. It would be a big deal if a player rocked up early and moved a few chips across from one stack to another.

by pwnsall k

They should fix how they start tournaments

Discount for early reg works well in PokerGo and other tournaments.

by crsseyed k

If I'm in Main Event and I'm a fish and come to my starting table with Ivey, Dnegs and Hellmuth sitting down and decide to wait for others to arrive before I sit is that an angle shoot?

Yes. But in any case its a fantastic opportunity to play with some of the greats - sit down, chat with them, learn and enjoy the experience.

by NWAF99 k

Why not a 10% bonus to your starting stack for registering early?

This kinda distorts the purity of the tourney - prefer rake discount for early reg.

Only problem I have with rake discount is it would always end up being a rake increase for late reg

by deuceblocker k

……Here it was 3-way, and there were draws which required secrecy, so they couldn't do that until showdown.

Yes that part is known, but Kessler evidently tried to muck at showdown, which all-in players aren’t allowed to do.

Having a tangible benefit like increased starting stack or lower effective rake would be great for the game and players, but I don't think WSOP would ever do it, because:

1. It would likely decrease total entries sold ("I'm not going to enter unless I can do it on time"). Particularly on days when people are flying in.

2. It makes logistics much more difficult. With current state, they don't have to have as many tables deployed at once, which allows them to run more events concurrently.

by TheFly k

Yes that part is known, but Kessler evidently tried to muck at showdown, which all-in players aren’t allowed to do.

Apparently succeeded in mucking and then mixed up the muck.

Maybe wasn't aware of how that rule applies, because in HU pots in non-draw games, you flip the cards over immediately.

by raidalot k

Yes. But in any case its a fantastic opportunity to learn, chat, and play with the pros.


by deuceblocker k

Apparently succeeded in mucking and then mixed up the muck.

Maybe wasn't aware of how that rule applies, because in HU pots in non-draw games, you flip the cards over immediately.

Highly unlikely that the super rules nit does not know this rule, as the other guy pointed out.

Rule seems pretty pointless but it's funny that a rule nit doesn't wanna follow the rules.

by borg23 k

Rule seems pretty pointless but it's funny that a rule nit doesn't wanna follow the rules.

Rule definitely has a point. It’s to prevent chip dumping collusion. Not to mention possibly misreading of hand value by the player.

The guy hit the nail on the head. Kessler sells a lot of action to every event. Probably didn't want his backers to see how bad he played the hand

by TheFly k

Rule definitely has a point. It’s to prevent chip dumping collusion. Not to mention possibly misreading of hand value by the player.

Nothing is stopping someone from tabling their hand if their concern is mucking the river.

You don't need a rule to protect people from misreading their hand.

As far as collusion - a short stack dumping to a big stack eliminating themselves is a pretty bad way to collude.

It also does nothing to combat actual good ways to collude.

If Kessler wasn't all in he's allowed to muck so what does this rule actually accomplish?

Now with that said being it is a rule and he's a rules nit he should have showed his cards.

by borg23 k

Rule seems pretty pointless but it's funny that a rule nit doesn't wanna follow the rules.

This, Kessler has always come across as a bit of a tool imo. Hilarious he thinks the rules he so frequently quotes dont apply to him.

by DogFace k

Would guess 50-150 entries. I played one last year.

Warp speed structure. Cross your fingers and hope you get dealt the winning bingo card.

Thank you for your help and response.

by borg23 k

As far as collusion - a short stack dumping to a big stack eliminating themselves is a pretty bad way to collude.

Is this the scenario for which the rule exists? C’mon man, you’re better than that.

by VincentVega k

He sounds like a judgmental prick.

I enjoy smoking the occasional cigarette and it's my life. You're not going to get lung cancer hanging out in a casino a few days a year. And as Karl mentions, if health is your real concern, stop drinking alcohol. Drunk driving kills and ruins people's lives much more than 2nd hand smoke in America. And both have effected me.

Anyway, on topic. I'll be there in a week for a week. Planning on the Monster and maybe an Aria tourney. Would Saturday or Sunday be

WRONG. 13,000 die from drunk drivers in USA in 2023, but 41,000 die every year in USA from 2nd hand smoke.


by BulltexasATM k

The guy hit the nail on the head. Kessler sells a lot of action to every event. Probably didn't want his backers to see how bad he played the hand

He must not sell action at much of a markup.

Yeah, he said he was drawing to a 6, maybe 3456, but maybe it was worse than that. If he is going to be allin by the end of the hand, he can play worse 1-card-draws, as less reverse implied odds. I am not sure exactly what the opening ranges should be in A5 triple draw, but lower than in 2-7, because you don't need to worry about making a straight.

I noticed that two, for the Updates on the WSOP site, that multiple people seemed to be choosing A5 triple draw for some reason.

by deuceblocker k

He must not sell action at much of a markup.

Yeah, he said he was drawing to a 6, maybe 3456, but maybe it was worse than that. If he is going to be allin by the end of the hand, he can play worse 1-card-draws, as less reverse implied odds. I am not sure exactly what the opening ranges should be in A5 triple draw, but lower than in 2-7, because you don't need to worry about making a straight.

I noticed that two, for the Updates on the WSOP site, that multiple people seemed to be choosing A5 triple

Probably because they quickly noticed Kessler sucks at it/ it was tilting him

by TheFly k

Is this the scenario for which the rule exists? C’mon man, you’re better than that.

the rule accomplishes nothing.

In tournaments you shouldn't be allowed to muck the winner since it affects everyone. Mandatory showdowns imo.

by borg23 k

the rule accomplishes nothing.

All-in players needing to show hand? Then you don’t understand purpose of the rule, which no doubt originated from chip dumping collusion efforts.

by TheFly k

All-in players needing to show hand? Then you don’t understand purpose of the rule, which no doubt originated from chip dumping collusion efforts.

again it accomplishes nothing. it won't stop any actual chip dumping.

so instead of calling with 10 high on the river i can bluff all in with 10 high and have the guy I'm dumping to call. bfd. not to mention just dumping without being all in. jizz stains like Men the master are still allowed to play wsop events so it's not like they're actually concerned with cheating. not surprising they have a pointless rule to pretend they're doing something about cheating.

It's a good rule for people selling pieces lets be honest, which is a multi million dollar enterprise in the wsop
people that have oversold events in the past etc

by herbalerv k

It's a good rule for people selling pieces lets be honest, which is a multi million dollar enterprise in the wsop
people that have oversold events in the past etc

what does it accomplish? it literally just stops the laziest dumbest way to chip dump at best.

It also does nothing to stop people from overselling.

This article is hilarious https://www.poker.org/latest-news/so-una...

Notes that someone was correctly able to identify all A-4 cards, then offers 20 alternative explanations for how it might not have been card marking before concluding "we can't rule out cheating"... what?
