2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.


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15 December 2023 at 05:21 PM

4110 Replies


by herbalerv k

Probably because they quickly noticed Kessler sucks at it/ it was tilting him

It might not have just been Kessler. There may have been other players who played A-5 TD badly. You need stronger ranges than you might think.

by VincentVega k

He sounds like a judgmental prick.

I enjoy smoking the occasional cigarette and it's my life. You're not going to get lung cancer hanging out in a casino a few days a year. And as Karl mentions, if health is your real concern, stop drinking alcohol. Drunk driving kills and ruins people's lives much more than 2nd hand smoke in America. And both have effected me.

Anyway, on topic. I'll be there in a week for a week. Planning on the Monster and maybe an Aria tourney. Would Saturday or Sunday be

You can do whatever you like, and I'm free to point out your habit is absolutely disgusting and makes you look like an idiot.
My complaint is not for health reasons, the only time I'm ever around people who do this is in Vegas.
Otherwise it's never an issue.
It's banned in all indoor spaces in Ilinois (one of the few good things about living in IL)

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Vaping/Smoking = "really weak and really stupid"

Alcoholism = the strong genius' way to get through the day!


Congrats on being a willingly propagandized rube for the Coors Brewing Company or whomever else from whom you get your 250% marked-up liquor.

(and yes, you qualify as an alcoholic if you're "nursing a buzz all day" for multiple days; you don't have to black out to be an alcoholic)

Projection much? So much to unpack here.
I assure you, I'm not an alcoholic since I like to nurse a buzz on vacation.
And seeing as I only drink at the poker table, my alcohol is free.
And please . . . you think I drink the swill that comes from a major brewery?
I am a man of the people in all ways but two, and one of the exceptions is the alcohol I drink.
"propagandized rube"? That's a new one for me.
Thanks for the concern though

I don’t quite understand how a player could be specifically bad at A-5 Triple Draw, unless they are literally just forgetting what game they are playing. Isn’t it just a very slightly dumbed-down version of 2-7 TD? Like what skill does A-5 TD require that 2-7 TD doesn’t?

by NickMPK k

I don’t quite understand how a player could be specifically bad at A-5 Triple Draw, unless they are literally just forgetting what game they are playing. Isn’t it just a very slightly dumbed-down version of 2-7 TD? Like what skill does A-5 TD require that 2-7 TD doesn’t?

I am, at heart, an idiot feel player. Your assertions more or less make sense. Indeed, a-5 is a very similiar game to 2-7, and is accurately described as a “very slightly dumbed down” version of 2-7.
I have always been a loser at serious a-5 games and a winner at 2-7 games. This primarily comes down to the fact that 2-7 is, although rarely spread, still more commonly spread in the great plains than a-5. A feel player gets an advantage after thinking about a specific game( if theyre a reasonably intelligent feel player) for a long time and getting accustomed to the tide of that particular game. Much more commonly a feel player might have a big advantage over his or her opponents in a game hes played A LOT like texas holdem that he would not have over the same opponent in a game like omaha hi lo. I am to this day a winner in texas holdem and seven card stud and a loser in plo due to a difference in logic vs feel.

What's with all the BIG O being spread at the WSOP cash games. Bravo had 7 tables of $1/$2/$5 running last night. More than any other game, even more tables than $1/$3 NL Holdem.

Seems like this games popularity came out of nowhere ? I remember last year only having 1 or 2 tables of Big O spread.

When you say big o is it being played with 5 or 6 cards? Or is it dealers choice on the number of cards.

by LimpDitka k

What's with all the BIG O being spread at the WSOP cash games. Bravo had 7 tables of $1/$2/$5 running last night. More than any other game, even more tables than $1/$3 NL Holdem.

Seems like this games popularity came out of nowhere ? I remember last year only having 1 or 2 tables of Big O spread.

I would guess it coincides with the $1500 big O bracelet event bringing people into town along with the 10k coming up later in the week.

by ShadowStack k

I would guess it coincides with the $1500 big O bracelet event bringing people into town along with the 10k coming up later in the week.

Even still, in prior years during or around the BIG O and PLO8 events at most I've seen 3 tables. Also the Big O event keeps drawing more and more players each year.

I'm just curious what the appeal is and why so many people want to play cash games of it

It's a fun game if you have some gamblers at the table, miserable game if you have people just waiting for nut/nut. It's more enjoyable shorthanded for me, just my thoughts.

by ShadowStack k

It's a fun game if you have some gamblers at the table, miserable game if you have people just waiting for nut/nut. It's more enjoyable shorthanded for me, just my thoughts.

I don't think I've ever even seen that many PLO games running at the WSOP and we know how popular PLO is.

Thoughts on why (outside of a couple small casinos) its not spread anywhere else in the US at any point during the year? Only during the WSOP.

by LimpDitka k

I don't think I've ever even seen that many PLO games running at the WSOP and we know how popular PLO is.

Thoughts on why (outside of a couple small casinos) its not spread anywhere else in the US at any point during the year? Only during the WSOP.

Idk it’s being regularly spread in my area, sometimes multiple tables a night.

My guess is that people are bored of NL and PLO hi.

If I’m sitting around with nothing to do I’d rather mess around in hi/low, despite barely knowing how to play, than waste time playing 1/3 NL.

More games ran last year than you remember.

I think it's a **** game but some people like it.

by DiamondsOnMyNeck k

Idk it’s being regularly spread in my area, sometimes multiple tables a night.

My guess is that people are bored of NL and PLO hi.

If I’m sitting around with nothing to do I’d rather mess around in hi/low, despite barely knowing how to play, than waste time playing 1/3 NL.

Same . I lts my go to game if I want to gamble and just mess around. Similar to plo except much less of a chance going busto because of the Hi Lo aspect. I didn't plan on it, but I'm considering making a trip to vegas in early July just to play in the games.

FWIW I played the $5/5 big O at WSOP last summer and it played huge. Button straddle almost every hand; $250+ to see a flop.

by LimpDitka k

I don't think I've ever even seen that many PLO games running at the WSOP and we know how popular PLO is.

Thoughts on why (outside of a couple small casinos) its not spread anywhere else in the US at any point during the year? Only during the WSOP.

Pre COVID wsop had more plo than they do now. I remember 6-8 5/5 games every day and 4-6 10/25 games every day in the kings lounge. They'd also have a lot of 1/2 plo.

Venitian was also regularly getting several 5/5 plo games every day and outside of the days they had an 1100 plo tournament I haven't seen it running at all this wsop or last wsop.

by borg23 k

Pre COVID wsop had more plo than they do now. I remember 6-8 5/5 games every day and 4-6 10/25 games every day in the kings lounge. They'd also have a lot of 1/2 plo.

Wasn't the overall cash game area at the Rio larger than now? I've never counted tables.

Generally speaking, if you look at the players in your average card room in the US and the subset of those players who travel to the WSOP, I'm pretty sure the percentage of PLO players is much higher in the subset than in the overall pool.

by madlex k

Wasn't the overall cash game area at the Rio larger than now? I've never counted tables.

My sense is that the low limit cash game at Paris is comparable in size to the Rio's, but that the Kings Lounge is a bit bigger now.

Big O is big in Maryland, where they play more 5-card PLO high, and pretty much no 4-card PLO. Seems to be getting more popular. I think people want more complicated games. There are also 2 or 3 tables of all bomb pot games going at the RIO. Limit big O also seems to be getting more popular. There are usually several tables of that going at Commerce.

NLHE has mostly taken over from limit games, but people have realized 2-card poker is kind of boring, plus it is sort of solved.

Is it possible to hold a double board bomb pot event ? 4 or 5 card. Or would it be way too messy of a game to deal and award chips?

Seems to be a lot of interest in bomb pot variants of poker. I'd imagine if they could pull it off they'd get a good number of entrants.

by madlex k

Wasn't the overall cash game area at the Rio larger than now? I've never counted tables.

Generally speaking, if you look at the players in your average card room in the US and the subset of those players who travel to the WSOP, I'm pretty sure the percentage of PLO players is much higher in the subset than in the overall pool.

PLO is bigger than NLH in many European countries. They travel to WSOP, not so much elsewhere.

by Mike Femton k

PLO is bigger than NLH in many European countries. They travel to WSOP, not so much elsewhere.

I don't know where you read that.

Endless money bruh!!!!!

Sean Winter confirmed busto.

by Mike Femton k

PLO is bigger than NLH in many European countries. They travel to WSOP, not so much elsewhere.

I've read that several times over the years but have no idea which countries that might be. I remember back in the 00's PLO was the main game at Casino Schenefelde (outside Hamburg) for a while. Other than that I can't even think of a single casino where the player pool of PLO was bigger than the player pool for NLHE over an extended period of time.
