2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.


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15 December 2023 at 05:21 PM

4110 Replies


Raise the blinds, let's get this moving. lol

I can see that there's some nuance to this game and that some of these spots are probably pretty interesting if you like to play this variant, but overall I'm going to say that limit 2-7 triple draw is not exactly sensational television.

by DuckU k

Anyone know roughly how many runners the 1:00pm Daily Deepstakes are getting and how late they've been running? Thanks.

Realized I posted a broken link on that earlier question, so...


Very glad I tuned into this 2-7 final table, although I have a feeling I'm gonna regret it in the morning trying to get to work.

Hahaha wow... the stream stopped at exactly the 6:00:00 mark. I wonder if that is that maximum for PokerGo, so any table that goes longer has to start as a new stream, new URL, etc. Chat is losing its mind, though.

They stopped play for the day with it almost dead even 3-way with Ivey and Mercier still in it.

I’m glad I tuned in too. I loved that story Ivey told about playing in Atlantic City.


Kidding. I didn’t hear him say a single word the whole time.

by BringBackMo k

McEachern in the $25k high roller last night was absolutely brutal.

you don't say

But it's time to put him out to pasture.

no truer words


by brianr k

I’m glad I tuned in too. I loved that story Ivey told about playing in Atlantic City.


Kidding. I didn’t hear him say a single word the whole time.

Maybe now people will stop complaining everytime pokergo isn't broadcasting a mixed game final table with big name pros....

I mean sure we are all rooting for guys like ivey to win a bracelet, but a lot of these mixed final tables are painfully boring to watch. I think the ivey table has been 3 or 4 handed for like 8 hrs. Does anyone really want to watch that ?

Maybe there is a reason pokergo primarily sticks to NLH and PLO

Limit games just seems so ******ed and low skill.

Pot limit 2-7 would be so much more intresting and harder game to master.

You could see some crazy bluffs. No one is going to make any crazy bluffs or sick hero calls when you can only min bet for like 5% of your stack I really have hard time understanding why people play that ****.

by VincentVega k

Care to elaborate on this?

Mercier had to help push Ivey's bets to the dealer after every street because that mixed game TV RFID table is gigantic. And Ivey's discards he would just toss in front of him and Mercier was placing them on the RFID reader..........like every time.

by DogFace k

I can see that there's some nuance to this game and that some of these spots are probably pretty interesting if you like to play this variant, but overall I'm going to say that limit 2-7 triple draw is not exactly sensational television.

2-7 triple draw is about the only other game I care to watch other than NLHE. I guess I like it because it's the exact opposite of NLHE.......limit game, draw, and trying to make the worst hand.

by DogFace k

I can see that there's some nuance to this game and that some of these spots are probably pretty interesting if you like to play this variant, but overall I'm going to say that limit 2-7 triple draw is not exactly sensational television.

I find deuce to be a really interesting game, and I don't even play much mix, but I do have a lot of fun playing deuce when I do. Like a lot of things, it's a lot more interesting if you know the game a bit. And, everyone has their own preferences. I mean, I can't stand to watch NLHE because it is painfully slow and I don't play much big bet so I don't really appreciate all the nuance of the decisions.

by MTTg k

Limit games just seems so ******ed and low skill.

Pot limit 2-7 would be so much more intresting and harder game to master.

You could see some crazy bluffs. No one is going to make any crazy bluffs or sick hero calls when you can only min bet for like 5% of your stack I really have hard time understanding why people play that ****.

Those of us that play limit games really appreciate this perspective. People who normally play NLHE, for example, who find themselves in a LHE game, almost always lose and often are complaining the entire time about how bad of a game LHE is. It's always a joy to watch. It really is miraculous how NLHE players will voluntarily play a game and **** all over it the entire time. It's not like when I play NLHE I just sit there and bash the game the entire time for how much people are tanking, how bad the coolers can be, etc.

There's still a lot of skill in limit games. Small leaks in your game will really cost you because you can't just stack the fish despite making a bajillion errors elsewhere. And they're so much more fun to play due to the speed of the came, generally more fun atmosphere, etc.

I enjoy the break from NLHE final tables, which can get to be a bit mind-numbing after the first 20 or 30 of 'em. With that said, even a final table with Mercier, Ivey, and Glaser couldn't keep me awake for the duration.

I will check out the resumption in play, which I believe is around 8 pm EDT.

Did PokerGo announce they’ll show the rest of the tournament or are they sticking to their schedule?

by Dr. Meh k

Did PokerGo announce they’ll show the rest of the tournament or are they sticking to their schedule?

Not sure if it will be on Pokergo or YT.

by parisron k

Not sure if it will be on Pokergo or YT.

They said on the broadcast it will be on YouTube

by MTTg k

Limit games just seems so ******ed and low skill.

Pot limit 2-7 would be so much more intresting and harder game to master.

You could see some crazy bluffs. No one is going to make any crazy bluffs or sick hero calls when you can only min bet for like 5% of your stack I really have hard time understanding why people play that ****.

I mostly play limit games, and it’s largely because they are just more fun. That said, while I think they are more fun for the players, I would admit they are generally less fun for a TV audience.

This is really the reason that NLHE took over 20 years. it’s certainly not the most fun game to play, it’s just the easiest to watch on TV and the boom happened because the majority of new players were being exposed to poker not by playing it but by watching it on TV.

I enjoyed the 2-7 action last night, and will certainly tune in at 5 today. Agree with some of the sentiment that it's a refreshing break from NLHE. Having DeathDonkey jump in to provide analysis was huge. I might have checked out after a few hours but his presence at the mic helped everyone follow the reasoning behind some of the turn and river decisions.

Benny Glaser put on a clinic, too. He just ran like ass. Meanwhile, for all the rooting and respect for Ivey, most of what happened for him last night was pure rungood. He made at least three wheels that we could remember. Plus, you know that moment in a NLHE tourney when someone gets chopped down to like 4x, then quadruples up by getting AA on the very next hand? Yeah, Ivey did the equivalent on back-to-back hands.

The only complaint I had with the broadcast is that the graphics often lagged behind the action. This caused some minor confusion at times, or it spoiled some of the drama in the hand. So e.g. in one hand, it looked like Mercier had called the river with a pair of sixes, when it fact it was a queen. Or later in the night, there was a hand where Ivey patted a No. 4 on the turn. Mercier drew one with a chance for a No. 4 or a wheel, depending on the card. He raised the river, Ivey called, and we didn't know what Mercier had until he said it.

by answer20 k

Lon in a live setting is disaster waiting to happen. Lots of stumbling over 'facts' and undramatic pauses in spots where we already know what he's going to say.

I notice the over-dramatic reaction from Lon more than anything else.

I'll have an event playing in the background while I'm doing something else and hear his voice rise with emotion as if someone had just spiked a one outer on the river to win a huge pot, only to see something which had no effect like a meaningless turn card and all players have yet to act, leaving me thinking wtf is going on here then realize I just got "Lon'd" yet again

by DuckU k

Anyone know roughly how many runners the 1:00pm Daily Deepstakes are getting and how late they've been running? Thanks.

Decent numbers this week. Over 740 on Wed June 12, over 800 on Tue. Got over 1000 last week as well. $23k to $29k for 1st. $250 entry, $500 (2x min cash, 15% paid) Decent structure.

by Wilbury Twist k

I enjoyed the 2-7 action last night, and will certainly tune in at 5 today. Agree with some of the sentiment that it's a refreshing break from NLHE. Having DeathDonkey jump in to provide analysis was huge. I might have checked out after a few hours but his presence at the mic helped everyone follow the reasoning behind some of the turn and river decisions.

Benny Glaser put on a clinic, too. He just ran like ass. Meanwhile, for all the rooting and respect for Ivey, most of what happened for him la

Agreed. Plus isn't there a way to show how many draws remain on the graphics? The announcers frequently did not know and I was too busy to keep track myself.

Is anyone out there at WSOP right now that can report on the COVID situation? It’s spiking again with a new variant.

Helpful, thanks!
