2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.


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15 December 2023 at 05:21 PM

4110 Replies


Anyone else unable to see previous bracelet events on demand? Was hoping to watch a bit of last nights action before watching tonight to remember how the game is played lol can't find it anywhere though :(

by POGcrazy94 k

Anyone else unable to see previous bracelet events on demand? Was hoping to watch a bit of last nights action before watching tonight to remember how the game is played lol can't find it anywhere though :(

I just noticed this too, all of the previous final tables from this years WSOP seem to have magically disappeared?

Not just me then damn you PokerGo

Both Lena and Isildur in the 10k big O. 200+ entrants so far.

I'm enjoying this, 2-7 single/triple draw are awesome

I was watching the free youtube coverage and thought it was really interesting

Merciers accidental bluff was weird

I can't make head or tail about what earns a ban from the chat, but I just got dinged with a – wait for it – two-hour ban. Funny stuff.

Last night, I got hit for the words "crotch," (for crotch theory optimal) "Doyle," "ass," and the big one, "taboo." Ironically, the last one was literally from asking which words we're not allowed to say... and it got me booted for 30 minutes. The bans must be progressive in terms of duration.

by Parallax k

I just noticed this too, all of the previous final tables from this years WSOP seem to have magically disappeared?

Under 'demand', there's a thumbnail called 'WSOP 2024'. Clicking it links to two thumbnails, one to 2024 Main Event and the other to all the events PokerGo has covered so far this year.

They had disappeared earlier but back now 👍

Wong's heads-up is like Glaser's entire Wednesday night. Rooting for Ivey for historical purposes or whatevs, but man, I feel Wong's pain here.

Ivey ahead 9-1 HU, looking like #11. Probably already decided, but the TV and reports are delayed.

My chat ban outlasted Danny Wong. 😀


[Pretty epic final hand for Ivey to draw into 23457 against a pat hand to win the thing. I'd feel bad for Wong, but Wong drew two on the last draw and hit an 87 like 5 hands earlier.[/spoiler]

Phil was down to 1 big bet 3 handed yesterday #goat

by DogFace k

I'm going to say that limit 2-7 triple draw is not exactly sensational television.

I disagree, it’s like a slow-burn drama and I love it. Dealer f up adds to the drama in this epic bad beat.

Ivey is probably an excellent HU player. He won his first bracelet beating Amarillo Slim (who was then supposed to be one of the best HU PLO players) at PLO, down heavily going to HU.

He made some plays that many people would not make HU against Wong. For example, he called after the last draw with 22 and it was good. He also patted JT874 after the first draw and it held up.

by buscali20 k

Phil was down to 1 big bet 3 handed yesterday #goat

Yeah, I was on here blabbing about how boring 2-7 TD is last night. Then I turned it on shortly before going to bed and Phil was sitting on 120k chips.

He was on maybe 2-2.5M chips a short time later. I ended up staying up too late and getting a short night of sleep because I kept watching.

So, thank you to the players and PokerGO. Maybe 2-7 TD is not such bad TV.

I will say that it seemed to get more interesting when the blinds became significant. At that point it more closely resembled a big bet game in drama and tension because, well, at that point it WAS a big bet game. The pots really started to matter.

by deuceblocker k

Ivey is probably an excellent HU player. He won his first bracelet beating Amarillo Slim (who was then supposed to be one of the best HU PLO players) at PLO, down heavily going to HU.

He made some plays that many people would not make HU against Wong. For example, he called after the last draw with 22 and it was good. He also patted JT874 after the first draw and it held up.

These plays I mentioned could be exploitative. If Wong wasn't value betting light after 3rd draw, his bets might be weighted towards bluff, which could be called light. Ivey might also have had a read.

If Wong was folding too much to a pat hand after drawing 2 on 2nd draw, and wasn't bluffing into a pat hand much, Ivey could pat lighter. It is almost like a snow to pat a hand that weak, except you try to show it down rather than bluff on the end.

I ****ing love mixed games and watching them,. i actualy miss the days wsop would stream overhead with only player commentary chatter or tuch would get some cash game specialist in and jhust ask him questions it was awesome for me to learn

NLH gets stale super quick. its not even close, most of the FTs are shove and folds half the time too

Bucket hat boom incoming

by deuceblocker k

These plays I mentioned could be exploitative. If Wong wasn't value betting light after 3rd draw, his bets might be weighted towards bluff, which could be called light. Ivey might also have had a read.

If Wong was folding too much to a pat hand after drawing 2 on 2nd draw, and wasn't bluffing into a pat hand much, Ivey could pat lighter. It is almost like a snow to pat a hand that weak, except you try to show it down rather than bluff on the end.

There’s the old saw about the rookie pitcher throwing for the first time to Ted Williams and complaining to the ump that a called ball had actually been a strike. “Listen kid,” the ump is said to have told the pitcher, “Mr. Williams will let you know when your pitch is a strike by swinging at it.” Along these lines, Mr. Ivey will let you know when it’s correct to draw, stand pat, call, or fold.

by PeteBlow k

Bucket hat boom incoming

+ the creepy guy tinted glasses

Definitely a look!

Ivey Ivey Ivey!

by POGcrazy94 k

Ivey Ivey Ivey!

Yes! Yes! Yes! 😀
