2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.


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15 December 2023 at 05:21 PM

4110 Replies


So many in this site need to learn how to quote. Edit out what’s irrelevant, stop being so lazy and quoting entire slabs of text.

by BSumner k


by BSumner k


Hellmuth is almost 13 years older than Ivey, ever factored that in?

And Hellmuth is a **** human, so **** him.

Ivey is currently in 12th in $50,000 8-handed NLH πŸ˜‰

by philurivey k

Ivey is currently in 12th in $50,000 8-handed NLH πŸ˜‰

Yeah, but awfully early. Still in late registration.

Dylan Weisman currently 3rd in chips in the 10k Big O. David Benyamine is in 6th. 19 left.

Ivey 12th in the 50k. Isildur 13th (not sure if +EV to give him 50k to play this but hey). 68/134 remain but late reg still open today.

Scott Seiver 2nd in chips after day 1 in 1.5k Razz

Today they run a 1.5k DBBP PLO/NL mix lol. Most fun tourney on schedule? Lowest hands/hr event for sure? O/U on number of people who bust level 1 would be a thing too I think πŸ˜€
edit: nvm it's not ALL dbbp lol, just every 8 hands. Sad. All DBBP would be fun ICM later I think.

The Double Board Bomb Pots occur on the first hand of every game change, which takes place every eight hands. All players must ante for the bomb pot. A separate button will be used, and move one position every eight hands to determine who has the button for each bomb pot. The main button will freeze during the bomb pot and resume after the bomb pot is complete. https://www.pokernews.com/tours/wsop/202...

edit: to pwnsall: I don't know calvin anderson at all so whatyagondo. 80% of some of these fields are someone noteable to some.

Not including Cal in the updates

I think we can all agree that Hellmuth is the Greatest Of All Time, Since Ever (GOATSE).

by AlanBostick k

I think we can all agree that Hellmuth is the Greatest Of All Time, Since Ever (GOATSE).


Thankfully this came up instead of the actual image πŸ˜ƒ

I never understand why so many people try to register an hour or less before a big tournament starts. Why wouldn't you just register the night before or any time before other than then.

Now it looks like they delayed the start by 30 minutes.

I guess soft table draws aren't really a thing in a $50k, but how would you like to wake up and know you have to play this on day 2?

by DogFace k

I guess soft table draws aren't really a thing in a $50k, but how would you like to wake up and know you have to play this on day 2?

All in blind every hand

by Loctus k

Dylan Weisman currently 3rd in chips in the 10k Big O. David Benyamine is in 6th. 19 left.

Ivey 12th in the 50k. Isildur 13th (not sure if +EV to give him 50k to play this but hey). 68/134 remain but late reg still open today.

Scott Seiver 2nd in chips after day 1 in 1.5k Razz

Today they run a 1.5k DBBP PLO/NL mix lol. Most fun tourney on schedule? Lowest hands/hr event for sure? O/U on number of people who bust level 1 would be a thing too I think πŸ˜€
edit: nvm it's not ALL dbbp lol, just every 8 ha

Not sure if +EV to buy Isildur in but if I had 50k to spare and wanted someone fun to rail I would buy him in

by parisron k

I never understand why so many people try to register an hour or less before a big tournament starts. Why wouldn't you just register the night before or any time before other than then.

People in general are idiots. People in Vegas are extremely stupid overall.

by DanteA k

Not sure if +EV to buy Isildur in but if I had 50k to spare and wanted someone fun to rail I would buy him in

It's funny what time has done because he's probably +EV in any field in the WSOP other than the biggest buyin NL events (and maybe PLO highrollers?). Ironic after taking $6 million off of durrrr in that game..

by NWAF99 k

All in blind every hand

Just get it in against Brewer and you're pretty much guaranteed to win.

by parisron k

I never understand why so many people try to register an hour or less before a big tournament starts. Why wouldn't you just register the night before or any time before other than then.

Out of curiosity, what does the line look like if the computers are working?

I'm the type who buys his ticket for anything well in advance, just so I don't have to worry about it. But the need to do so would vary greatly from event to event. Taylor Swift's Eras Tour? You could attempt to buy tickets 30 seconds after they become available and come up empty. Oakland A's home game? I wouldn't be surprised if you could show up five minutes before first pitch and they just let you in for free on the promise to buy something at the concession stand.

As we like to say in poker... it depends. πŸ˜€

On to the next one, I will catch that Hellmuth soon enough!

Isildur 1st/13 remaining in 50k going into day 3 (has ran like god preflop tbh, judging by pokernews updates through the day). Bruce Buffer 13/13 πŸ˜€

106k locked up, 2 mega up top

wonder if Blom has a backer

by Loctus k

Isildur 1st/13 remaining in 50k going into day 3 (has ran like god preflop tbh, judging by pokernews updates through the day). Bruce Buffer 13/13 πŸ˜€

106k locked up, 2 mega up top

Martin Kabrhel also sitting on a healthy stack, at least by this event's standpoint (37x). Fearless prediction: he makes tomorrow's PokerGo-streamed table, NVG loses its collective mind.

Blom with the chip lead in the $50K in the money and going into day 3.

by Wilbury Twist k

Martin Kabrhel also sitting on a healthy stack, at least by this event's standpoint (37x). Fearless prediction: he makes tomorrow's PokerGo-streamed table, NVG loses its collective mind.

Funny that Blom busted Kabhrel before he bought in again 😃

by damian^ k

wonder if Blom has a backer

Yeah, also wanna know this

Bruce Buffer still in the 50k with 13 left. WTF. lol

by DanteA k

Funny that Blom busted Kabhrel before he bought in again 😃

Twice would be nice. 🍰
