Detecting Bots: Uncovering Insights from GGPoker Data Analysis

Detecting Bots: Uncovering Insights from GGPoker Data Analysis

This report exists solely thanks to datamaning and mass data analysys (MDA)

I have examined cash games on GGPoker over the past six months and conducted an analysis of bots based on the y2da report. I have identified 15 bots (11 inactive and 4 active).


What Identifies Them as Bots:

1) The combination of WWSF and WaSD is remarkable. These statistics are unusually high, which is challenging for humans to achieve. Currently, it's rare to find a regular player with this combination.

2) Their 58% WaSD suggests that their checking ranges out of position (OOP) on the river are strong enough to win at showdowns when opponents check behind, with an average fold rate of 47% against bets afterward. Most human players have higher fold rates.

Check OOP River Total (1x1 Pot)

3) Their construction of a C-betting range on the flop implies weaker ranges in larger bet sizings, leading to higher fold rates (around 50-55%) versus check-raises after C-bets between 45-90% of the pot.

4) In single raised pot (SRP) scenarios, their C-bet sizing in three-way pots does not fall below 40% when facing at least one opponent in position against them. However, this detail was omitted from their solution but may be included in future updates.

SRP Raiser Cbet 3-Way Pot vs OOP/OOP (SB+BB) - Small Betsizing exist

SRP Raiser Cbet 3-Way Pot vs IP/OOP (IP+SB/BB) - Small Betsizing does not exist

SRP Raiser Cbet 3-Way Pot vs IP/IP - Small Betsizing does not exist

**** happens that they forgot to write it into the solution, probably add it in the future.

5) Their winnings graph shows a minor downturn occurring between January 9-16.

During this period, they experienced significant losses and played many random hands, which is improbable for a skilled regular player with such a graph.

For a detailed mathematical proof, refer to the link provided.

You can also access hands played by the bots to verify and develop methods for detecting them in the future.

I am sharing this work to illustrate the importance of openly disseminating data about the game and the advantages of employing specialists in poker big data analysis. While some consider poker player education schools detrimental to the gaming ecosystem, they also produce data scientists. Following my reports on bots in the Winning Poker Network (WPN), independent teams have emerged to detect and report them, thereby fostering fairer gameplay. I hope this trend continues, with more teams working to identify cheaters at the tables. I will continue conducting research and posting findings on suspicious cases on GGPoker to contribute to a more transparent and fair gaming environment.

There can be no fair game when crucial information is concealed.

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04 April 2024 at 02:30 AM

210 Replies


if its so obvious for players to recognize and call out bots (and im not saying you're wrong), why is it so hard for GG staff to do the same? They have even more data to make a clear judgement

by Slugant k

if its so obvious for players to recognize and call out bots (and im not saying you're wrong), why is it so hard for GG staff to do the same? They have even more data to make a clear judgement

Recs don't put in enough volume to notice/care, bot pays rake, recs pay rake, makes regs want to not play on site

struggle to see how GG loses here

They are banning regs now. Lot of reddits threads about it. I´ve got banned without any specific reason. Account frozen and they dont answers emails or give any reason, don´t even know if they will refund. But bots still playing. I´m a -2bb losing reg pre rb

That SimpolDimpl bot was extremly obvious.

by mrtilt k

They are banning regs now. Lot of reddits threads about it. I´ve got banned without any specific reason. Account frozen and they dont answers emails or give any reason, don´t even know if they will refund. But bots still playing. I´m a -2bb losing reg pre rb

That SimpolDimpl bot was extremly obvious.

Ive seen 1 from an Argentinian mass tabler that probably was mistaken for a bot. Care to post the rest of them?

A well-reported Bloomberg piece on Russian botting just came out--figured it might be of interest to some itt:

by bob_124 k

A well-reported Bloomberg piece on Russian botting just came out--figured it might be of interest to some itt:

That is a deep dive that I don't really expect from a mainstream news outlet. I created a separate thread for viability as I think anyone who plays poker would find it a fascinating read.

by BlackJackDegen k

That is a deep dive that I don't really expect from a mainstream news outlet. I created a separate thread for viability as I think anyone who plays poker would find it a fascinating read.


Also the article is paywalled

by PabloMoses k


Also the article is paywalled

The link from the twitter in this thread should bypass the paywall as he has some token added or I included another link if that doesn't work.

by 10najkrajsi k

here is my list

rico lomoco

rest of the bots on this list and the Lab 77 list have been banned or left the tables.

Sad to see there’s more bots than I would’ve guessed there were from playing these games. Hope GG can keep on top of it now

Thanks Carreira! I send it to security, i already sent them few more bots 3 days ago

Any guesses on bot accounts in PLO5 (2.5/5 and 5/10 limits)?

There seems to be couple of accounts that don’t play under their own name, play insane hours and seem to be big winners.

If these are not bots, why is GG not forcibg these pros to play under their own name?

Nosegay can be added to this list. He has the exact same statistics on Smarthand as Metaga1 and other confirmed bots.

Also, I've started a Discord server so that regulars at 100/200 can share this information with each other more quickly.

Lmao @ "Nosegay"

online poker is dead is no joke anymore. it really is dying slowly but surely. this new information proves that botting and AI are killing the industry and it will not take long till situation is same as it is in chess. no big money can't be made and even the top of the food chain will have to humbly retire, i bet most won't since peoples egos and addiction to the game. very sad but it was just matter of time. moneymaker gave us more time but this new info is telling that botting has been killing the games for a while now and one has to be very good to sustain any winning ratio in the ecosystem. most are not. sites don't care enough because they bring liquidity, only when someone pretty much makes the work for them and shows nicknames of players proven to be bots. plus the AI, we are doomed.
even live games are in dangerzone. because many pros see this online doom and switch to live, which makes the field more solid than before. no easy times ahead for anyone and people start tio question "why am i even bothering". sad.

yeah crazy to think GG charges pre-flop rake then they kick u for bumhunting , then they have bots sitting there they do nothing about

when u hit the downswing (which in that rake comes very quick) u need a real ironmind to think u can grind it through

this last era. of online poker where everyone wanted to suddenly be a coach has been bit funny to observe with all its tragedy like the regs crowding at GG bcz the fish is there yet GG raking the games to be unbeatable so the highest majority had made more playing nl50/nl100 elsewhere than nl500 on GG ...

by TucoSalamanca k

Any guesses on bot accounts in PLO5 (2.5/5 and 5/10 limits)?

There seems to be couple of accounts that don’t play under their own name, play insane hours and seem to be big winners.

If these are not bots, why is GG not forcibg these pros to play under their own name?

what names do you suspect that are playing high volume?

by Djerevan k

yeah crazy to think GG charges pre-flop rake then they kick u for bumhunting , then they have bots sitting there they do nothing about

when u hit the downswing (which in that rake comes very quick) u need a real ironmind to think u can grind it through

this last era. of online poker where everyone wanted to suddenly be a coach has been bitGfunny to observe with all its tragedy like the regs crowding at GG bcz the fish is there yet GG raking the games to be unbeatable so the highest majority had ma

GG will get as many people online either way. They really make more grinding .50/1.00 than 2.5/5 dollar? At the end of thousands of hands? When people say "it cant be beaten", that leans more professionals. But im interested to see these numbers.

by 10najkrajsi k

Thanks Carreira! I send it to security, i already sent them few more bots 3 days ago

Some of them are back, i saw Norgenten and Nosegay on 200nl yesterday.

The Notorious Nosegay

Is someone able to analyse Amrotu

by Fishreg1 k

Is someone able to analyse Amrotu

Not a bot

The situation on GG Poker is worsening every day; the Rush and Cash pools are full of bots. The pools are also getting smaller month by month. I believe that GG Poker tolerates these bots; there is no other explanation for it

by YouNeverKnow12 k

The situation on GG Poker is worsening every day; the Rush and Cash pools are full of bots. The pools are also getting smaller month by month. I believe that GG Poker tolerates these bots; there is no other explanation for it

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


The Notorious Nosegay

So this one seems to have done a name change to NoseMC. Why are GG not banning this one? It's pretty clear to anyone who plays it.
