Detecting Bots: Uncovering Insights from GGPoker Data Analysis
This report exists solely thanks to datamaning and mass data analysys (MDA)
I have examined cash games on GGPoker over the past six months and conducted an analysis of bots based on the y2da report. I have identified 15 bots (11 inactive and 4 active).
What Identifies Them as Bots:
1) The combination of WWSF and WaSD is remarkable. These statistics are unusually high, which is challenging for humans to achieve. Currently, it's rare to find a regular player with this combination.
2) Their 58% WaSD suggests that their checking ranges out of position (OOP) on the river are strong enough to win at showdowns when opponents check behind, with an average fold rate of 47% against bets afterward. Most human players have higher fold rates.
Check OOP River Total (1x1 Pot)
3) Their construction of a C-betting range on the flop implies weaker ranges in larger bet sizings, leading to higher fold rates (around 50-55%) versus check-raises after C-bets between 45-90% of the pot.
4) In single raised pot (SRP) scenarios, their C-bet sizing in three-way pots does not fall below 40% when facing at least one opponent in position against them. However, this detail was omitted from their solution but may be included in future updates.
SRP Raiser Cbet 3-Way Pot vs OOP/OOP (SB+BB) - Small Betsizing exist
SRP Raiser Cbet 3-Way Pot vs IP/OOP (IP+SB/BB) - Small Betsizing does not exist
SRP Raiser Cbet 3-Way Pot vs IP/IP - Small Betsizing does not exist
**** happens that they forgot to write it into the solution, probably add it in the future.
5) Their winnings graph shows a minor downturn occurring between January 9-16.
During this period, they experienced significant losses and played many random hands, which is improbable for a skilled regular player with such a graph.
For a detailed mathematical proof, refer to the link provided.
You can also access hands played by the bots to verify and develop methods for detecting them in the future.
I am sharing this work to illustrate the importance of openly disseminating data about the game and the advantages of employing specialists in poker big data analysis. While some consider poker player education schools detrimental to the gaming ecosystem, they also produce data scientists. Following my reports on bots in the Winning Poker Network (WPN), independent teams have emerged to detect and report them, thereby fostering fairer gameplay. I hope this trend continues, with more teams working to identify cheaters at the tables. I will continue conducting research and posting findings on suspicious cases on GGPoker to contribute to a more transparent and fair gaming environment.
There can be no fair game when crucial information is concealed.
why ban him for a name change that gg facilitates?
bots from former ACR started playing also RNC (they are 100% also in MTTs)
kalthor and rektiss nowadays grinding nl100 nl50 and nl25.. rip nl200?
when will ggpoker react?
Are games still profitable for genuine players if there's bots like this, intuitively it seems they would just flood the player pool with bots until the EV is so low, even if you are a good player.
Very discouraging for someone who's been trying to grind up to these sort of stakes.
Does anyone know what this is doing in the GGPoker files directory stored locally?
It'll be a library for the snapchat cam thing they have at tables
Face detection wont solve bot the problem.
Credit card/bank scammers are dealing with this for a long time and they have a lot of success against all the methods of face detection.
We need to remember that we live in a era where deep faking is fairly easy.
New waves of bots keep reappearing. It's absolutely mind-boggling that I can detect these bots with such an ease with limited information yet GG let them ride for months while they destroy the pool.
100% RTA/BOTS:
Very likely, but not 100% yet:
Please report.
Do we think some of the bots could be players using RTA? It seems insane how accessible this stuff is.
thats quite scary
GG can detect screen sharing surely
kill all humans..
too soon? ):
Does anyone detect more bot and have their hand? I want to know about their logic and beat them at tables.
10$ for 100k Bot hands(or we can talk about it), please contact if you have it or you want to sell it.
they can't detect screen shares but they can quite easily spot gto hero via dns cache inspection.
they could also detect screen share in fairness depending if it injects into ggpoker or not... but they can also just completely block apps from being able to see the window at all, the question is... how do they allow screen sharing for legitimate players who stream online? At the end of the day one could do the image processing off the livestream lol.
At the end of the day you can't stop this, you just make it slightly harder, they can always do the RTA completely off-device with a phone camera or a hdmi splitter. Online poker is NEVER gonna be safe, you can only spot bad actors by statistics alone, the numbers never lie.
Look at the daily RnC leaderboards! GG is full of bots grinding them all day long and GG does nothing about it.
If one records the screen with stone aged camera and used GTO hero on another computer, GG can't detect it.
The fight versus bots is doomed for as long as the only threat for botter is to get an account suspended. Even if GG finds a perfect bot detection system that could detect bots with 100% accuracy after 100K hands, the botters would start to create new accounts for every 95K hands and so on. The only way to fight them is to make a threat big enough, and that's money. As there will be no legal consequences ever, the only viable threat is to lose the money. Running a bot business is not a cheap one, and if there would be a viable threat of not getting withdrawals out, if would soon make botting non-profitable.
Quite easy solution is that GG (or any other site) changes withdrawal policy so that after X amoun a month (like 10K) withdrawals the processing period is a bit longer (2-4 days), and all those withdrawals are prone to either manual or algorithm check. If there is any suspicious stuff going on, it goes to manual detection group (and preferably these guys should know what they are doing). If they find evidence of botting, collusion etc. the money is frozen.
This way there would be significant threat to bot account that the money could be frozen.
In my opinion, with all the information site has and could have from a player, this shouldn't even be really hard to implement. IF the sites would really want to get rid of bots.
Like where? Fast games runs only at stars and they basically killed them outside of micros with the new and improved rb system. Well acr but that is basically unregulated gg. Party had them but they are so over raked after the latest changes playing them makes no sense.
Quite easy solution is that GG (or any other site) changes withdrawal policy so that after X amoun a month (like 10K) withdrawals the processing period is a bit longer (2-4 days), and all those withdrawals are prone to either manual or algorithm check.
Punishing 97% of the pool does not sound like a smart move tbh.
Hello guys. I am currently playing NL50 on iPoker network. I haven't played much there but there are some regs who have absurd stats especially BBvsSB and BBvsBTN. They 3bet way more, use very big sizings postflop and showdown ridicilous hands. Those players are not fish who are loosing money, those players, i am pretty sure, are exploiting the pool hard. I cant imagine someone playing NL50 can be good enough to do that, so im pretty sure those "regs" are actually bots.
One more thing i have noticed, whenever the fish is broke or leaves the table, it seems like they aren't programmed to leave the table in the next bigblind, so everyone will leave the table and they will be the last one to leave the table.
Im currently playing on the ChampionPoker Skin, i already contacted Support. I really hope they do something about this.