Cheating on the gulf coast
What exactly is going on down south, the same stable of players literally has won every event for the past year.. i know i can't be the only one thinking something smells fishy
I have never personally felt cheated by this stable, however, I have rarely if ever had more than one of them at my table at the same time, so that hardly exonerates them. I would not be surprised if there is cheating going on... particularly chip dumping/soft play. To be honest, I'd be pretty surprised if there wasn't some of this going on.
If OP (or anyone else) has evidence, particularly that they are working with dealers, that would be very useful information. And those players and dealers sh
This sounds about right I was unaware of the pump and dump
The same players are winning because the fields are comically bad. Good players rise to the top.
You know what else helps you rise to the top studying with other players who play the same games as you.
The posters in this chat are overestimating their own skill and its honestly a failed IQ test to read.
Of course they will all go to run good and wsopc in tunica. This is where they live. These stops are some of the softest in the country and tunica is tiny compared to what it used to be. Check the field size and then realize that almost 10 percent of the field is a group of friends.
Make sure you post your hendon mobs before you post your takes and accusations lol. Its never a surprise whos crying.
This unfortunately was something I have to live and die with. It was not my intent. I had never been apart of the crypto world honestly and I trusted this guy. I invested around $80,000 of my own money and had close friends invest as well. All in all I believe we lost $120,000. It was a bad investment. Only about 6 or 7 people outside of me and my close friends invested and I personally spoke with them all after the fact. It was a hard learned lesson. Since then I have not promoted another coin. You people are just ridiculous. I guess yall haven’t ever invested and believed in something and it not work out. That’s what owning a business is like. I lost hundreds of thousands in a company I started for a friend. I guess that also makes me a piece of ****? Get a grip. Just because I promoted something and it failed doesn’t make me a cheater
Please if anyone has any evidence please step forward. I say that because it’s not possible for there to be any evidence. People are saying Id give the shirt off my back know be because it is a true statement. I’ve helped people when I couldn’t help myself hardly…. As far as the crypto I personally lost $80,000. I was fooled by someone I thought was doing something that was legit. I promoted it. It end up being a failure and cost me a lot of money. It was a hard learned lesson
Nobody needs proof to have a discussion. Nobody is going to have a video that will be sufficient proof to everyone. That’s not how it works. You start putting together multiple accounts from multiple people and then weigh likelihoods. Theres never a smoking gun. I mean **** sake people believe postle didn’t cheat and it’s on video for months. Of course the bias you have from knowing these guys and the soft fields won’t allow you to believe they could possibly be up to anything nefarious, but they’re just that elite that they run great in the biggest spots? All the mains? All the biggest tournaments in the south? Believe what you want. But ya it’s fine for people with suspicion to discuss it because It’s the only way to police this bullshit. People like you make it seem like nobody is allowed to discuss cheating without proof but reality is that there’s never proof like you think of it. You have enough people come on this thread and say they’ve seen or heard of chip dumping, squeezing other players out, soft play, etc - that’s cheating. Collusion is cheating. Very easy for a group that knows how to play the game at a high level to get away with it especially in soft fields where half the table isn’t aware of what their own hand is.
**I had someone who used to be backed by Cody tell me personally he stopped because he was uncomfortable with the chip dumping and soft collusion that was being asked of him. That was 2-3 years ago. Is that proof? No of course not. Am I not allowed to share that information with others on here though? And no I don’t feel the need to share my name because I still play with these guys and have success so I’ll continue pretending I’m unaware. Thank you for your words though.
I’d also like to add that I didn’t make anything by others losing money. I just supported a friend who I trusted and it end up not being as I thought it would be. If it looks bad on me I can’t change that. I lost my own money supporting it and I also know I like to see everyone succeed. I was telling people to buy because I believed they could make money. Lots of people over the years have gave me bad advice that cost me money but it doesn’t mean their a bad person
This isn’t true. The person you’re talking about if they even legitimately exist and you’re not making it up must be one of the people I’ve dropped because they lost my bankroll gambling. I’ve staked roughly 12-14 players over the years and have dropped players only for three reasons… 1 being they lost my bankroll at stops because of gambling problems or 2 they reached 50,000 in makeup and I pulled the plug or 3 being I was low on money at the time and told them I needed a month to recoup my roll and they decided to get a different backer instead of waiting. Never have a had a horse quit me because I asked them to play soft. It’s easy for someone to makeup things to try to make someone look bad. So please. Have that person share with the discussion
I’d also like to add that I didn’t make anything by others losing money. I just supported a friend who I trusted and it end up not being as I thought it would be. If it looks bad on me I can’t change that. I lost my own money supporting it and I also know I like to see everyone succeed. I was telling people to buy because I believed they could make money. Lots of people over the years have gave me bad advice that cost me money but it doesn’t mean their a bad person
All i see are posts shilling it, talking gains, where the only commenter's with a clue are saying obvious pump and dump. Then radio silence
The people who were telling me to stay away and I didn’t listen is what make it a hard lesson learned. All of those said people learned the hard way themselves at some point. I was new and didn’t know any better. Like I said. I lost $80,000 in it. Idk what you’re talking about when you say I was taking gains because I didn’t. Obviously others did. I got scummed out of my money and yet I have to read here from people who don’t even know me say I was trying to pull something. Get a life
Soooooo... you think every dealer on the crew at the Beau was a mechanic?.... even the examples in this video does nothing but increase action. Also these dealers actual mechanics are horrible. There were literally 3 WSOP Dealers of the Year on that crew... Stop blindly throwing stuff out there.
I don’t personally think bringing dealers into it is fair without clear proof. That’s something that can actually be proven or videoed or something more concrete.
The collusion among members of a group is not really provable for anyone except someone who experiences it first hand so that needs to be shared and discussed and people can do with it what they want.
I hope none of it is true personally. I like the people in that stable that is being discussed. But I’ve been cheated before so maybe baseline more skeptical and not going to blindly trust when there’s clear motive and clear opportunity.
Who are you in real life?
Soooooo... you think every dealer on the crew at the Beau was a mechanic?.... even the examples in this video does nothing but increase action. Also these dealers actual mechanics are horrible. There were literally 3 WSOP Dealers of the Year on that crew... Stop blindly throwing stuff out there.
Strawman much?
Who claimed every dealer at the Beau was a mechanic?
Three WSOP dealers of the year on the crew? Awesome. What about the other 200? Just because Tim Tebow is a man of God doesn't mean his teammate didn't murder multiple people.
And last I checked being named dealer of the year hardly makes it impossible to be a cheat.
For the record, I'm not saying any dealer(s) conspired to cheat in Biloxi or any other stop (I'm actually pretty skeptical of that but would like to hear more), but to pretend these weak reasons disprove the allegations isn't helping the case. If anything, when knowledgeable players or dealers say these types of things, it makes it more suspicious. People saying things like it's impossible to set a deck in a setting like this is ludicrous. Anyone familiar with Jason Ladanye ( should know that you can absolutely set decks without people realizing it. Again, I want to reiterate I'm not saying it happened, but it certainly could happen.
If things like :
The other thing that made me suspicious is that I witnessed dealers seemingly choosing which tables they were rotating to, and in some cases staying at the same table for extra rotations. Usually dealers follow a set pattern for changing tables and could care less where they're moved to. But I saw several instances where dealers randomly told other dealers , "I'll deal here, why don't you go to table X." There was no obvious reason for why they would do this. Maybe they were working with a partn
actually happened, then that's a giant red flag and certainly worthy of discussion.
Bro... Im be honest I saw that and was super skeptical as I too was wondering what was happening with that crypto situation. At the end of the day you came out here publicly and addressed it and that's all you can do. If people believe you or not my guy that's on them.
None of that makes you a cheater in poker. I agree with what one of the posters that said the reference to the Hendon Mobs as I can almost gurantee most of the people complaining probably don't have much of one.
I do think it's a fair question to ask... Why are these guys winning and FT so much? 💯. However, are the same people asking themselves or looking in the mirror to make an assessment about their own skills? How much time have they truly invested in the game other than consistently playing against the same terrible players thinking calling off 200bbs with one pair is optimal?
Some of these same players have A8 on a 883 flop and will SWEAR to you they FLOPPED A SET!!!!! Could this be why the results are different? I know this is why I cry on the inside when I have to miss any significant tournaments or series in that geographic area. Anybody that knows for real understand this is 10000% Facts!
Again someone can hit me personally with any kind of facts or proof and I will totally change my assessment of the situation 💯 I know Cody has multiple horses especially in that area and I personally know 99% of them. Dammit I try to take all their heads off including Cody himself and we can drink and laugh about it later and do it all over again the next day.
Now, you may feel having multiple horses in a tournament is unfair.... there's an argument for that as the optics can be really bad if multiple make it to a table together. However, you going to see that EVERYWHERE and it's not cheating. I don't necessarily love it but I haven't seen anything nefarious and been going against all of them for years.
Are you the one calling 200bb in level 2 with one pair?
Soooooo... you think every dealer on the crew at the Beau was a mechanic?.... even the examples in this video does nothing but increase action. Also these dealers actual mechanics are horrible. There were literally 3 WSOP Dealers of the Year on that crew... Stop blindly throwing stuff out there.
Don't put words in my mouth. I have no doubt that most of the dealers are honest. I'm just spreading awareness about what is going on elsewhere in the poker world.
This "stay off my turf" sort of attitude I got from some of the dealers at the series you mentioned was something I've never experienced though.
Normally there's sort of a comradery when a dealer recognizes an advantage player. After all we're both there to make money.
When I get this attitude like they're trying to run me off it makes me wonder if they're making money from more than just dealing.
TwoPlusTwo is back…
Took an hour to figure out how to sign on
First off, congrats on a heck of a series in Biloxi, Cody and Preston. Tell your friends to hook me up in Cherokee. Also, should get the dudes buried in makeup on the plan.
Second off, the run Preston went on was incredible. People chattered of this then. Then he went on 6 figure downswing and everyone shut up. Preston is a good dude and a family man. I have good faith he’s just better than most at the table and punishing people.
Cody was just in a $400 for 40 bullets, not sure how you do that cheating. Don’t know how you do that any way. Lmao Cody. Cody not bad at the pokers either and he showed out this last week.
The logistics for these guys to cheat with dealers is incredibly hard just logistically. The same dealers don’t deal every stop. And most of these massive drops have 100+ dealers. So I’d like to understand how they are cheating here. These guys put in more bullets than most but start with the same amount of chips. If they were cheating, wouldn’t they be in for less bullets?
Now some of these runs they’ve been on are incredible and improbable, maybe I’m naive to it all. I once went to Biloxi and won 4 tourneys in 2 weeks. Hadn’t don’t that again but that happens. But the improbability of these runs happening certainly should raise your attention and look at things closer. But to make a thread and blast them without evidence is ridiculous.
One talking about chip dumping or old horses talking about stuff should post evidence if such has happened. Just shouldn’t blast here without proof. Also, wsop and a lot of these brands are lazy AF, and don’t do late reg tables correctly. When friends and stables get sat next to each other because they open up late reg tables vs pulling big blinds is bad for the game. Chip dumping can definitely happen and that’s why we need the brands to be better here. This isn’t directed at this stable as there are way more stables and groups of friends and it happens to all of them at times.
I’m a big fan of these guys and this stable. I have no financial gains here. I’d be surprised and heartbroken if proven otherwise here. These dudes give it there all and mad respect to how hard they grind live.
I remember FTing a live streamed FT with my wife and we got called out for cheating when we got 3rd and 4th. Obviously no cheating took place. We even offered a chop 4 handed as I didn’t want any Foxen scandal or anything even tho our tourney was only a 200k prizepool. Just saying there are many awkward times at tables with loved ones, good friends, horses, and what not at same table. But people tend to hate and just be jealous more often than speak truths.
So post some facts or move on. Beat these dudes on the felt vs key board warriors.
Cheers to all and hope everyone the best of luck at tables unless you’re at my family’s table.
I’ve been a part of three stables in my life: one live, two online. Never have I been asked to chip dump, soft play or collude. I have too much respect for the game to ever cheat or compromise its integrity in any way. Never have, never will.
People see what they want to see. I have no desire to try to convince anonymous posters online. Those who know me know my character and the work I put in, and that’s all that matters to me.
Ya’ll enjoy the witch hunt, but be mindful of mistaking speculation/accusations for hard evidence. A lot of innocent men have spent life in prison.
I’ve been a part of three stables in my life: one live, two online. Never have I been asked to chip dump, soft play or collude. I have too much respect for the game to ever cheat or compromise its integrity in any way. Never have, never will.
People see what they want to see. I have no desire to try to convince anonymous posters online. Those who know me know my character and the work I put in, and that’s all that matters to me.
Ya’ll enjoy the witch hunt, but be mindful of mis
People have seen you get chip dumped to and called you out.
That's why you walked away for two levels during a run good event.
Do not lie. There's multiple people at the table who saw this and would vouch. Reputable people too.
Is this true? Who dumped? Someone else in the stable? Give us the hand history if it was truly a dump. Keep in mind if he was receiving then maybe can’t control what someone else decided to do. Still speaks volumes if it was legit.
Is this true? Who dumped? Someone else in the stable? Give us the hand history if it was truly a dump. Keep in mind if he was receiving then maybe can’t control what someone else decided to do. Still speaks volumes if it was legit.
Some young guy to flap. Someone at the table said "way to make it not obvious" and everyone started talking about it after he left.
He tried mucking his hand and the dealer flipped it.
The river flap shoved and the guy called J high.
We were all shocked that it was that blatant.
He walked away from the table until it broke which was 2 levels or so.
He was on his rail for day 2.
I have never personally felt cheated by this stable, however, I have rarely if ever had more than one of them at my table at the same time, so that hardly exonerates them. I would not be surprised if there is cheating going on... particularly chip dumping/soft play. To be honest, I'd be pretty surprised if there wasn't some of this going on.
If OP (or anyone else) has evidence, particularly that they are working with dealers, that would be very useful information. And those players and dealers sh
Seems like you read Kessler’s op and not what I actually said. Full screen shots are in his comments.
To summarize… I said I also don’t like multi-bags, but mostly for other reasons (they remove so much from the prizepool). I also mentioned I agree with his take in theory, but hadn’t personally seen anyone chip dump in these events. Never said it hasn’t, can’t or will never happen between bad actors.
People have seen you get chip dumped to and called you out.
That's why you walked away for two levels during a run good event.
Do not lie. There's multiple people at the table who saw this and would vouch. Reputable people too.
Who chip dumped to me? Which event? How did the hand play out? Genuinely curious.
I leave the table all the time for various reasons. Only once have I left for that long during a RunGood event and it was because of a medical emergency in St. Louis. Casino emt’s can confirm this.
You started a thread about cheating in the Gulf Coast right after Cody just demolished the fields down there in the gulfs biggest tournament series of the year - but can’t fathom why he’d think you were talking about him. Then you claim his old horses told you some ****, but you still weren’t talking about him huh? Lol
Anyway - I’m a dealer all over the mid south. I know **** yall can only speculate about and it doesn’t seem you’d have the knowledge to figure it out on your own. If one of yall wa
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What makes me the most suspicious here is the tactics by all the low post count accounts defending the accused.
Oh he fires a lot of bullets so he cant be cheating!
Unless of course the accusation was about chip dumping. Then a lot of bullets would totally fit the profile. What do you know one of the main accusations is chip dumping.
Essentially most of the attempts at defence are simply deflection with some insults sprinkled in to discredit the people posting their concerns.
Aside from that its mostly the call for proof that as other have explained cant be given. People even claim chip dumping and collusion could be proven easily and shouldn't be mentioned unless you have proof.
So if its so easy to proof explain to me how to proof either of those in a life event that has concluded?
How do you prove somebody colluded 3 weeks ago in a live tournament conclusively?
Just like the crypto scam. The defence for that was i am actually the one who was scammed. Which is possible. But for now we just know rug pull has taken place. the main face of the coin was warned of this being a rug pull and still got taken for a fool?
From my experience with successful live pros they tend to have street smarts. this just doesnt seem to fit the bill.
What was the benefit promised to the face of the coin for chilling it?
I am doubtful about this.
I have no intimate knowledge of this situation one way or the other but just based on the way the defence in here is mounted I have become much much more suspicious.
What makes me the most suspicious here is the tactics by all the low post count accounts defending the accused.
Oh he fires a lot of bullets so he cant be cheating!
Unless of course the accusation was about chip dumping. Then a lot of bullets would totally fit the profile. What do you know one of the main accusations is chip dumping.
Essentially most of the attempts at defence are simply deflection with some insults sprinkled in to discredit the people posting their concerns.
Aside from that its mos
If I were chip dumping do you think I’d make it less obvious and only dump the chips if I were at the same table as someone who I have action on? But instead I buyin and whatever table I draw I walk up to and say “yall come get it. I’m all in dark” then I lose and stand up go rebuy and then whatever the next table I draw I’m all in dark yet again the same way…. If I were chip dumping I this would not be the approach and I’d be sitting and waiting hoping to get into a spot to dump chips…
The crypto thing I got paid absolutely nothing to promote the coin. The guy who I was promoting it for was a friend of mine who explained things in a way that made sense to me and I genuinely thought it was going to make money for everyone who got in. Like I said it was first go round in that. I cost random ppl a combined total of like $4,000. It sucks that I cost those people that amount truly. I cost myself around $80,000 and people who were super close to me around $40,000 as well. I was fooled and it hurt myself and others around me. I was told the more people who got in the more it would help and the more value the coin would have