Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

how bad must he be when a girl falls asleep while making out and snores right after?

life fish..... food arrived but didn't eat it....

o well atleast the girl grinded him on the rails of a club, almost got kicked out for grinding? Kappa

) 38 Views 38
23 June 2015 at 07:07 AM

1572 Replies


Chea-T-O... Imma gonna buy that book, lol.

well that sure was a stud hand vs eveslage earlier

He has 2.5x the starting stack in the $50K 9-game early on.

He would be better cutting out the NLHE tournaments over 10K and the PLO tournaments over 3K. He is fine at any level of limit and mixed games tournaments. He is a tournament player and never was top level technically at any game. Top NLHE players have advanced. PLO wasn't spread much live in the US, except in some locations and some high stakes games. He seems never have learned to play it well. He missed several 5J and 10K NLHE tournaments he would be very $EV+ in.

However GG may want him playing the SHRs as the vlogs do well, and would really do well if he final tabled one of them.

by deuceblocker k

He has 2.5x the starting stack in the $50K 9-game early on.

He would be better cutting out the NLHE tournaments over 10K and the PLO tournaments over 3K. He is fine at any level of limit and mixed games tournaments. He is a tournament player and never was top level technically at any game. Top NLHE players have advanced. PLO wasn't spread much live in the US, except in some locations and some high stakes games. He seems never have learned to play it well. He missed several 5J and 10K NLHE tournam

Field size is probably his main motivator for choosing events tbh (smaller=better). It's not about EV it's about bracelets.

He's 7th of 28, 14 places paying in the $50K 9-game.

by deuceblocker k

Daniel is 7th of 28, with 14 places paying in the $50K 9-game.

Daniel is -$920,597 for the series and holding steady.

Daniel is winning at life.

Watched the entire 8 hrs of the players championship yesterday. Daniel was at the featured table most of the day and I must admit he played almost every game perfectly.

Ya not sure why people think Dnegs is worse at limit mix then nlhe… he played a lot in Bobby rooms game and did decently although it was a while ago now. Always thought big bet games were his weakest games. To be fair I think the same about Ivey and everyone thinks of him as a big bet player.

by smoothcriminal99 k

Ya not sure why people think Dnegs is worse at limit mix then nlhe… he played a lot in Bobby rooms game and did decently although it was a while ago now. Always thought big bet games were his weakest games. To be fair I think the same about Ivey and everyone thinks of him as a big bet player.

Ivey came up playing LHE and stud. And online, he played 99% HS mixed games ($1k/$2k FLO8/8-game, $4k/$8k triple draw)...at least in recent times, after FT went under. The first few years of FT is when you could catch him playing HS NLHE but then again, you could also catch other old school live players playing HS NLHE like Mike Matusow, Patrick Antonious, Gus Hansen, Guy Laliberte. etc etc...

I think he's just a popular player so he gets a lot of coverage anytime he's in a big tourney.

by smoothcriminal99 k

Ya not sure why people think Dnegs is worse at limit mix then nlhe… he played a lot in Bobby rooms game and did decently although it was a while ago now. Always though big bet games were his weakest games. To be fair I think the same about Ivey and everyone thinks of him as a big bet player.

Well he's clearly so much more confident in the limit games. When he describes any limit game it seems like he thinks there's just one right answer in each scenario, and he doesn't even mention balance or any kind of complicated ranges. Contrast that with his no limit hand descriptions where he'll go on and on about his and his opponents exact (supposedly) balanced ranges and what the optimal bet size is, and then mix that together with random poker concepts and inevitably come to a mediocre conclusion. It's more evidence that he should just give up on any kind of GTO and try to find what he thinks the best play is in each scenario from experience and reads like he does in limit. Obviously that's a lot harder in no limit than limit, but it's probably still the better method for him. I have to imagine he would have e.g. folded the top pair top kicker vs a set on the river when he kept saying the guy had a set of jacks, if he wasn't constantly thinking "I'm too high up in my range to fold". Especially because he doesn't realize the solver does often fold these hands he thinks are like super big non-gto laydowns; it's just that the solver folds a percentage of the time and he either always calls or always folds, so basically always calls in situations like these.

Players have improved way more in NL than in these mixed limit games. It makes sense that he's still pretty good in all of the mix games.

What makes no sense is being good in all of those games and being suckered into a HU NL match with a HU NL crusher. Being better than someone at a bunch of games and then only playing them at their game with zero handicap is hilarious.

His ego won't even let him realize he's a fish in these high roller NL events.

by borg23 k

Players have improved way more in NL than in these mixed limit games. It makes sense that he's still pretty good in all of the mix games.

What makes no sense is being good in all of those games and being suckered into a HU NL match with a HU NL crusher. Being better than someone at a bunch of games and then only playing them at their game with zero handicap is hilarious.

His ego won't even let him realize he's a fish in these high roller NL events.

A lot of players have gotten very good at the limit games that have been around for a while. I'm not sure they are actually more complicated than no limit on balance, obviously they have more cards, but the limit betting greatly simplifies things. I'm suggesting he would do better at any game if he completely ignores GTO other than just to be aware of generally what it is and that some players use it. This includes limit hold-em which is the most solved game so by your argument he would do the worst at it vs a well studied player, even worse than nlhe if it's just about how solved the game is and how studied players are at it.

His biggest mistake was to believe he could compete specifically in an online heads-up game versus Doug. The first day they played live and Doug looked much weaker; even on the first hand he admitted he made a non-gto mistake which Negreanu took advantage of. If Negreanu has any advantage at all it's table presence and live reads (that's why when his Frankenstein's monster nlhe strategy concludes things like "I'm too high up in my range to fold" it's a real tragedy since he's just letting GTO concepts, which are not natural for him, handicap his strengths). Definitely his ego got the best of him.

I mean think about it: if you're actually going to use reads vs a player in nlhe, then why, for that specific situation in that specific hand, would you ever care that in general averaged over all situations the player might be exploiting you with a bluff...But anway, I'm not trying to give him too much credit because he should know that there's no such thing really as an automatic call of a non-nutted hand in any sound strategy, whether old-school or GTO or whatever, and he clearly doesn't know that so he sucks in that regard.

by borg23 k

Players have improved way more in NL than in these mixed limit games. It makes sense that he's still pretty good in all of the mix games.

What makes no sense is being good in all of those games and being suckered into a HU NL match with a HU NL crusher. Being better than someone at a bunch of games and then only playing them at their game with zero handicap is hilarious.

His ego won't even let him realize he's a fish in these high roller NL events.

Some of it is trying to stay relevant some of it is ego. I think because of his attitude most are inclined to think of it as a total ego thing but in reality he has to kinda defend himself against people who attack his sponsors and he had a really bad look when Doug harassed him about more rake is better so some of it is business. He got gg sponsor after pokerstars dropped but the reality is if he loses a milly in a publicity stunt it’s way better then a sponsor dropping him for making a site look bad.

didn't he play doug knowing he was a dog and just played to try and improve his game?

by namisgr11 k

Daniel is winning at life.

There's no denying that.

by REALphysical k

A lot of players have gotten very good at the limit games that have been around for a while. I'm not sure they are actually more complicated than no limit on balance, obviously they have more cards, but the limit betting greatly simplifies things. I'm suggesting he would do better at any game if he completely ignores GTO other than just to be aware of generally what it is and that some players use it. This includes limit hold-em which is the most solved game so by your argument he would do the w

another problem is its extremely difficult to play every hand GTO (literally no one can play like this, not even linus)...so not only is he handicapping himself with all this GTO stuff but he's probably misplaying hands THINKING it's solver approved when it isn't

by damian^ k

didn't he play doug knowing he was a dog and just played to try and improve his game?

Maybe, but he clearly thought he would improve fast enough so that he would lose significantly less than he did or even win. I remember Negreanu made some bold claim long before the match that he could study for a week or a month and beat 25/50 nlhe on pokerstars, something to that effect, and Doug really jumped on him for that. Or even granting him the foresight to know he would lose one million, if he's being at all honest in these hand reviews, then we can conclude he did not improve nearly as much as he thought he would. In fact most people here seem to feel that he plays nlhe even worse than before the match. I think if he made no attempt at all to be balanced in a GTO way, and just used his knowledge from studying it so he knows how a GTO style player is thinking, then he would have actually improved significantly.

Listening to him talk about nlhe strategy it seems clear that he just doesn't "get" GTO on any intuitive sense. It just doesn't click for him; he doesn't know what the point is. He is at heart an exploitative player; he doesn't want to play defense, but he seems to have let himself get roped into trying to play defense almost all the time in nlhe. And I never hear him use GTO as a basis for exploiting other players. The GTO concept is always just about what he should do with his hand, and most of the time it's just that he has to meet minimum defense frequency or that his bet size or his opponents bet size has to be a specific size and not others. That's maybe the most rediculous thing he repeatedly says, that a specific bet size must be used in a specific situation...I mean come on, your biggest weapon in nlhe is to use different bet sizes. Maybe he views GTO as a way to force a single bet size and make nlhe more like lhe...

by Polarbear1955 k

Pretty sure you are wrong. I certainly do not want him to win a bracelet.

My gut instinct was that it would be good for the poker economy if he won one, but then thinking about it more, isn't that the opposite of the Moneymaker effect? Wouldn't it be better if total amateurs win?

Is there a personal non-financial reason you don't want him to win?

So Danny needs second to get out of the hole for this wsop? Or 1st?

by damian^ k

didn't he play doug knowing he was a dog and just played to try and improve his game?

Agreed he recognized he was a dog. Sure he saw some benefit knowing his prep was going to improve his game in the long run, but more so I think he saw a back door crazy vindicative spot if he did actually beat doug and knew all the pressure would be on Doug to just take care of business. Non-monetarily, losing wasn't going to hurt him.

He knew he was a dog but likely still underestimated by how much given his ego and irrational self-belief as others have correctly pointed out.

Daniel is playing the $50K PPC.
Still plenty of high rollers left in the Series for him to take his losses above 1mill.

At this point, the question is, can Daniel get to his usual $1,000,000 in losses.

Daniel is -$920,597 for the wsop series.

Barring a horrendous bad beat, Daniel is gonna Cash the $50K PPC event.
Daniel would have to brick the rest of the wsop series to have any chance to reach a 7 figure loss for the 2024 wsop series.

can someone explain why this is a split pot?

I've never played much Omaha Hi/Lo 8 or Better but would have thought the best high and low in this hand would be A2345 which Ausmus has yet the pot was split, what'd I miss?

by yimyammer k

can someone explain why this is a split pot?

I've never played much Omaha Hi/Lo 8 or Better but would have thought the best high and low in this hand would be A2345 which Ausmus has yet the pot was split, what'd I miss?

Flush high

by <*Krill>< k

Flush high


I'm blind as a bat, wouldn't you love to have me in your game?

