Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

how bad must he be when a girl falls asleep while making out and snores right after?

life fish..... food arrived but didn't eat it....

o well atleast the girl grinded him on the rails of a club, almost got kicked out for grinding? Kappa

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23 June 2015 at 07:07 AM

1573 Replies


Who's hair did they put on Daniel's head? His face looks like it's a picture from 2010

by JVinegar k

He should really stay out of the super high rollers. He thinks it'll be easier to win one because the fields are small, but the toughness of the field far outweighs the number of entrants. He's pretty much drawing dead unless he really dedicates some time to learning how to play them. The $100k is basically a Triton event with more "lower tier" regs who don't make the trip and less VIPs that are at Triton to support Paul and Richard. Dnegs is such a dog in these things with how passive he plays

It might not be easier, but it's definitely his best chance.

Plus it's not like he hasn't done well outside of the WSOP in high buy-in events with smaller fields.

Everything about the latest blog is lol.

1. He's surprised that the 100k is 'very pro heavy'
2a. Playing 300bb deep against the likes of Ike Haxton instead of regging at a stack depth he's comfortable with
2b. Thinks he is good enough to confidently judge Ike's deep stack play
3. Tilting over a standard floor decision, where he was awarded 4bb uncontested.
4. Literally tears in his eyes after busting 10bb w KJo
5. Tilt rebuy into inevitable quick second bustout

If he weren't so deluded about his own skill level and had an ounce of humility regarding the insane level of luck he has had throughout his career (is there a single poker player who has ran better in terms of wealth acquisition through poker just from running well at the right time?) I'd feel bad for him. But he is deluded so it leads to schadenfreude instead.

by Kebabkungen k

Everything about the latest blog is lol.

1. He's surprised that the 100k is 'very pro heavy'
2a. Playing 300bb deep against the likes of Ike Haxton instead of regging at a stack depth he's comfortable with
2b. Thinks he is good enough to confidently judge Ike's deep stack play
3. Tilting over a standard floor decision, where he was awarded 4bb uncontested.
4. Literally tears in his eyes after busting 10bb w KJo
5. Tilt rebuy into inevitable quick second bustout

If he weren't so deluded about his own

Lol at his smug attitude towards Ike's turn bet

Ivey played the 100K NLHE and the 10K HORSE and I would certainly buy shares of his winnings at those at some markup.

I liked the 2nd HH against Artur where he lists all of his value hands on K8468 no flush and says hands like 99, JJ, QQ as if he of all people would ever actually value bet those hands on a K high board.

by Defarse k

Lol at his smug attitude towards Ike's turn bet

This sizing is a mistake, but I'll talk about that more later


Ok, so here's why it's a mistake...

[Struggles to explain why it's a mistake for a while]

"Ok, well maybe it's not a mistake per say. But ya, just uh, but ya he won the hand"


another big loss. I see players like him in 0,25/0,5

by King_of_NYC k

only thing Daniel's done sort of correctly this series is to take an occasional day off. but even Terrence said during their most recent podcast that he thought Daniel was still playing tournaments he said he wasn't going to. so he's not capable of following the simplest of his own plans.

still love the vlog tho.

End of the day not many gamblers follow through on stop losses/ plans / schedules,

Don't see why the guy who can afford it and is entertaining an audience deserves grief for this ?

by Kebabkungen k

Everything about the latest blog is lol.

1. He's surprised that the 100k is 'very pro heavy'
2a. Playing 300bb deep against the likes of Ike Haxton instead of regging at a stack depth he's comfortable with
2b. Thinks he is good enough to confidently judge Ike's deep stack play
3. Tilting over a standard floor decision, where he was awarded 4bb uncontested.
4. Literally tears in his eyes after busting 10bb w KJo
5. Tilt rebuy into inevitable quick second bustout

If he weren't so deluded about his own

The guy is showing us real life emotions and hand histories of a 100k buy in where he is ( maybe egotistically) fortunate enough to laugh off the losses , we get hand histories vs the very best and can learn from their actions , just enjoy the content

Danny out here getting dogwalked by ren lin in ****ing razz. We have hit the low point of the series boys

by Kebabkungen k

Everything about the latest blog is lol.

1. He's surprised that the 100k is 'very pro heavy'
2a. Playing 300bb deep against the likes of Ike Haxton instead of regging at a stack depth he's comfortable with
2b. Thinks he is good enough to confidently judge Ike's deep stack play
3. Tilting over a standard floor decision, where he was awarded 4bb uncontested.
4. Literally tears in his eyes after busting 10bb w KJo
5. Tilt rebuy into inevitable quick second bustout

If he weren't so deluded about his own

You sound like a very bitter individual

If thats bitterness then what are daniel with his analysis?

by cringeanu k

If thats bitterness then what are daniel with his analysis?


It's not running well at the right time. He may have had a big edge at that time. It is more his personality. GG is using him to market to fish. It is the fish that make the site. It may not matter to them if he is winning.

Watched the vlogs on and off from year 1 and have reached the point where I don't find it even mildly entertaining. He does seem more bitter then ever before which use to be amusing as it felt like a schtick but now it's just who he is all of the time. I respect him putting in the work to vlog every day and he is true legend of the game. But with no results there seems to be no redeeming part to the vlog as it's just constant complaining and losing. It's wild for all his success to have such a inferiority complex.

I think a decent % of the people that go really far in life often have some sort of underlying inferiority complex. "Normal" people are going to naturally relax when they've had enough success they are comfortable and considered a success by their peers.

by herbalerv k

End of the day not many gamblers follow through on stop losses/ plans / schedules,

this doesn't make it ok

by herbalerv k

Don't see why the guy who can afford it

neither does this

by herbalerv k

and is entertaining an audience deserves grief for this ?

and people are entertained by car crashes, but that isn't a reason to send your Ferrari into a wall year after year. especially when your stated goal is to win the race.

this isn't a big deal in the scheme of things, but it says something about his headspace when a basic plan that he's in full control over can't be kept

He is OK at NLHE and mixed/limit game tournaments up to about 10K buyin. I don't know why he is play PLO or high rollers, but maybe GG pays a percentage of his buyins. That is the only reason I can see for firing 2 100K bullets.

by deuceblocker k

He is OK at NLHE and mixed/limit game tournaments up to about 10K buyin. I don't know why he is play PLO or high rollers, but maybe GG pays a percentage of his buyins. That is the only reason I can see for firing 2 100K bullets.

because he's rich enough to play them...and he wants to win a bracelet

What's up with that younger guy that's always around the house hanging with Amanda. They say they're just friends and he is supposedly married but hangs out at Daniel's house at night while Daniel is playing in tournaments.

I dont care ...to each their own but why hide it ? Call it what it is ...

that's a pretty bold assumption there mate (you're probably right tho lol)

I only brought it up because Daniel mentions in the latest vlog how many weird youtube comments he gets about Amanda and the other guy. He talked about it for a while.

I recall them hinting at trying out swinging one time...could be related (or maybe not? who knows with these rich couples)

She 100% has swung... idk about Daniel tho
