General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

OOTV doesnt like family comedies much huh? Raising Hope and The Middle are two of the best(possibly the best outside of NBC)comedies on tv yet no threads.

Just an observation.

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10 November 2010 at 05:31 PM

1134 Replies


it's not going to get any easier to describe lol.
but it's quite a ride.

by g-bebe k

The Curse. Nathan Fielder, Emma Stone, Benny Safdie.

Only watched the first episode last night, but what an episode it was. I have no way to describe it other than it being a mashup of Fielder and Safdie's minds and senses of humour. Will continue and see where it goes.

My reaction to that episode was “I never want to watch any of this again “.

I absolutely loved The Curse. Probably the most original show I can remember. I had no intention of watching it because Fielder’s style doesn’t work for me, though I can see the genius behind it. And Bennie Safdie just makes me incredibly uncomfortable and I have no idea why lol

I decided to after the finale aired and after a couple of episodes, I couldn’t stop.

curse finale probably my favorite oat. up there with sopranos for most polarizing.

That and for pure intent.

Was wondering about The Curse because it's one of few shows with a >50 point gap in critical score vs. audience score on RT. Usually that only happens when something is "review bombed" but that's not the case here?

by madlex k

Was wondering about The Curse because it's one of few shows with a >50 point gap in critical score vs. audience score on RT. Usually that only happens when something is "review bombed" but that's not the case here?

I only watched one episode and I think it is just a very polarizing show. I had zero interest in continuing and others posted similar remarks. Then you have other people that loved it.

by madlex k

I just checked, it's streaming for free at (German public broadcaster) just have to set your VPN location to Germany. No english language option or subtitles though.

I read that they'll film season 5 later this year.

Great news in my inbox today:

"Season 4 of “Babylon Berlin” begins Tuesday, on MHz Choice. This season aired in Germany in 2022, and the show has already been renewed for a fifth season."

$7.99 + tax per month for the add-on if you have Prime. The streaming service is a merger of Mhz Choice, and Topic. Pretty good for foreign content. Anyway, finally going to see S4 of Babylon Berlin.

by agenbite k

Great news in my inbox today

Good to hear!

I checked if there are any updates on season 5 but looks like they haven't started shooting yet. Assuming they reach the year 1933 that should be the final season even though there are more Gereon Rath books. But at that point the party is obviously over.

Rewatching Andor on Disney +.

As good as I thought it was, I had forgotten just how good. This show is ELITE and should be in the conversation for top one season shows ever.

Star Wars backstory isn’t really critical.

ETA I guess it isn’t a one season show - season 2 coming in 2025!

by brianr k

ETA I guess it isn’t a one season show - season 2 coming in 2025!

FWIW, just yesterday they announced that
Ben Mendelsohn is going to be back as Orson Krennik.

I just don't think the writing for The Acolyte is very good.

FYI, The Bear season 3 is dropping tonight US time.

3 episodes into Sugar and it is spectacular. Love it.

by g-bebe k

The Curse. Nathan Fielder, Emma Stone, Benny Safdie.

Only watched the first episode last night, but what an episode it was. I have no way to describe it other than it being a mashup of Fielder and Safdie's minds and senses of humour. Will continue and see where it goes.

Finished The Curse.

Honestly pretty underwhelmed. This Lynch-ian type stuff doesn't really do it for me I guess (at least it doesn't compare to Twin Peaks which I've seen Curse draw similarities to). By about the sixth or seventh episode it becomes obvious about 90% of the shows content is just pointless filler for this Whitney-Asher relationship. Nothing they do apart from one another has any meaning. Early on the show makes you wonder where the hell is it going but it loses a lot of momentum. I found the finale to be a struggle to hold my attention.

by Dominic k

3 episodes into Sugar and it is spectacular. Love it.

lol can't wait for you to come back in a few episodes. In a good way.

by g-bebe k

Finished The Curse.

Honestly pretty underwhelmed. This Lynch-ian type stuff doesn't really do it for me I guess (at least it doesn't compare to Twin Peaks which I've seen Curse draw similarities to). By about the sixth or seventh episode it becomes obvious about 90% of the shows content is just pointless filler for this Whitney-Asher relationship. Nothing they do apart from one another has any meaning. Early on the show makes you wonder where the hell is it going but it loses a lot of momentu

Pretty underwhelmed with The Curse as well. I won't go so far as to say I regret watching it, but I definitely will never rewatch and wouldn't tune in for a season 2.

Season 1 of Blue Lights is really good. Season 2 not out in US.

by brianr k

Season 1 of Blue Lights is really good. Season 2 not out in US.

On Amazon / Brit Box and season 2 is there too.

Clipped was great

Dark Matter was really good. I also think it ends in a pretty good place. They really didn't tease many cliffhangers either so I'm not sure there will be a season 2.

With Dark Matter,


I love that the Jason that ends up with his family is HOPEFULLY the original Jason...but mathematically would be quite improbable.

Dark Matter the book was very good for a bestseller thriller. My sage advice is to read the book and skip the tv show. You might even save some valuable time that way!

by Dominic k

With Dark Matter,


I love that the Jason that ends up with his family is HOPEFULLY the original Jason...but mathematically would be quite improbable.


Aren't almost all of them sort of the original one from her POV? (Besides Jason 2) If they all split off at the point he was abducted, they all just had different journeys and then got back to their "real" family. The one that made it just got back to them first, essentially.
