General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

OOTV doesnt like family comedies much huh? Raising Hope and The Middle are two of the best(possibly the best outside of NBC)comedies on tv yet no threads.

Just an observation.

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10 November 2010 at 05:31 PM

1054 Replies


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Loving Reacher 5 episodes in, but regarding the most recent ep:


LOL at the company moving 650 warheads or whatever they are in a truck with a single driver and no security.

And that’s a wrap for Letterkenny! Damn good season and a really nice send off. Best season in quite few. One of the reasons I enjoyed Shoresy so much is that it’s a similar vibe but with an actual arc. This last season of LK managed to fit one in there and it was all the better for it!

by DC11GTR k

And that’s a wrap for Letterkenny! Damn good season and a really nice send off. Best season in quite few. One of the reasons I enjoyed Shoresy so much is that it’s a similar vibe but with an actual arc. This last season of LK managed to fit one in there and it was all the better for it!

Wasn’t crazy about the final episode but the season arc was very good.

It was total fan service but the show was kinda that in general lol

Can’t wait till Shoresy season 3!!

by nyc999 k

Loving Reacher 5 episodes in, but regarding the most recent ep:


LOL at the company moving 650 warheads or whatever they are in a truck with a single driver and no security.

Exactly what I was thinking while watching that scene.

But, isn't the hardware useless without the software that locks in the target.

by thethethe k

Upright - After getting in a road accident with each other, a middle aged musician and a rebellious teenage girl road trip across Australia together. Really, really enjoyed this.

I watched this a couple of years ago and thought it was great. Season 1 started in 2019. After a long break they did a Season 2 in 2022, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. And if you have a sinking feeling you recognize the teenage girl, but can't place her in something else, that is actress Milly Alcock who played the younger Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragon.

Other Australian shows from the last several years I enjoyed include "The Tourist" and "Troppo."

I’m literally watching it now. Only 3 episodes in and, yes, it’s great! I haven’t seen anything from Tim is many years and had no idea he was in this. Will probably marathon it through season 2 so I’ll report on the quality once I get there. Tomorrow I’m guessing lol

by BadLieutenant k

Exactly what I was thinking while watching that scene.

But, isn't the hardware useless without the software that locks in the target.

That whole scene was honestly cringe. First of all, no way they transport weapons like that. Second, they were stopped in the middle of a road for at least half an hour without any other cars coming along? And the driver just gets out of his truck loaded with major cargo without a second thought.

Half way through Upright season 2 and it’s really good. Season 1, especially how it wrapped, was fantastic! Was worried S2 could be a mistake but its existence is justified.

Another episode of Reacher where I was stunned with the unrealism. Driving through the streets of New York on major roads having a shootout between two cars and NO TRAFFIC ANYWHERE.

Kind of wondering if the showrunners just expect people to suspend any disbelief.

by filthyvermin k

are you saying genocide and racism are ok if it's 1943 and everyone is short on everything, and no guarantee of victory?

cuz i can think of another example of genocide and racism in 1943

You say that pondering food by boat over sub-infested waters to a region that was not under attack constitutes "genocide and racism." Sounds like you have one answer to every question.

by DC11GTR k

Half way through Upright season 2 and it’s really good. Season 1, especially how it wrapped, was fantastic! Was worried S2 could be a mistake but its existence is justified.

Excellent I will load it up and take a look at season 2 of Upright.

I have started season 2 of "The Tourist" and it is off to a great interesting start.

5/6 eps done of Slow Horses s3 and its awesome. Probably my favorite season.

by ladybruin k

Excellent I will load it up and take a look at season 2 of Upright.

I have started season 2 of "The Tourist" and it is off to a great interesting start.

I guess you are outside the US. Netflix has picked up The Tourist from HBO Max and will air season 1 on Feb. 1st and season 2 on Feb. 29th.

I haven't finished season 1 yet from last year, but plan on catching up and watching Season 2 on Netflix.

It's amazing how popular shows become after they are picked up by Netflix, even ones that are cancelled first or concluded, like Suits regained huge popularity after all seasons hit Netflix recently and they are even making a show Suits LA now, I can't remember if Netflix is making it or not.

Damn i was hoping the Tourist referred to a tv adaptation of the Olen steinhauer Milo Weaver books. It looks like a movie is finally in the works though.

I will never understand people complaining about movies that are "unrealistic." they're movies, not reality. Entertainment. It doesn't matter that there was a gunfight in the middle of NYC an no cops came until after it was over.

Stop thinking of movies and TV as reflections of reality and you'll start seeing some amazing art, instead.

by Dominic k

I will never understand people complaining about movies that are "unrealistic." they're movies, not reality. Entertainment. It doesn't matter that there was a gunfight in the middle of NYC an no cops came until after it was over.

Stop thinking of movies and TV as reflections of reality and you'll start seeing some amazing art, instead.

those people are insufferable pedants - i know because i'm one of them (nobody would watch lord of the rings with me because I'd say things like "the elves shouldn't be there!")

i'm in recovery and seeking treatment for it

but i still lose it when it's just something incredibly dumb and the entire plot is driven because of one character doing something incredibly stupid

main character is at someone's house, he sees the dog ripping up the sofa, pieces flying everywhere, and does not call over the owner of the house but decides to silently resolve the issue himself getting the dog to stop

in the process the dog makes an even bigger mess and then finally leaves the room right before the owner of the house enters and just assumes the main character went into a fit of madness and destroyed the couch

in a comedy -sure go for it, the payoff is the scene itself which was hopefully executed well and had a good cut scene sequence of the boss believing it was him and him getting fired

in a non comedy where they are trying to create conflict and struggle and give a reason why our hero lost his job through no fault of his own, this is just incredibly stupid because even if he were so unrealistic as to not say "hey your dog is tearing up the couch" and for no reason whatsoever decide to silently intervene, they then do not ever say "oh your dog was going nuts and I tried to help but arrived too late" which any reasonable person would understand "oh obviously this happened" so then they don't ever have the main character explain "oh it's the not absolutely insane thing that it looks like" but they just sheepishly don't say a word

that's the stuff that really drives me crazy

Another good one.

2+2 Approved shows.

by ladybruin k

I have started season 2 of "The Tourist" and it is off to a great interesting start.

Thanks for recco. Enjoyed the first 2 eps of s1 tonight

i loved the gambling korean show on disney and now im almost done with Moving and it is really good too.

Any other korean recommendation?

by SerOuanling k

i loved the gambling korean show on disney and now im almost done with Moving and it is really good too.

Any other korean recommendation?

i don't remember the name, but i like the one about the girl who was bullied in high school, and she grows up to be like a hitman or something, and she's trying to get revenge lol

it's on netflix

by Dominic k

I will never understand people complaining about movies that are "unrealistic." they're movies, not reality. Entertainment. It doesn't matter that there was a gunfight in the middle of NYC an no cops came until after it was over.

Stop thinking of movies and TV as reflections of reality and you'll start seeing some amazing art, instead.

+1 The willing suspension of disbelief is what makes this stuff fun.
