General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

OOTV doesnt like family comedies much huh? Raising Hope and The Middle are two of the best(possibly the best outside of NBC)comedies on tv yet no threads.

Just an observation.

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10 November 2010 at 05:31 PM

1056 Replies


by marknfw k

David Benioff and D. B. Weiss appear to be the villians in this story.

what's the problem with them?

They bore the brunt of a lot of fans anger at GoT's terrible ending. There was even a huge petition - Remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with com....

Have seen people blame this on them not having any source material to use as GRRM hadn't finished it, and also that they were more focused on a Disney contract to write the new Star Wars.

Ended up bingeing all of 3BP. Enjoyed it, but wasn't exactly doing a critical evaluation.
Upon reflection, some serious logic holes that characters never discuss.

by housenuts k

what's the problem with them?

I was like you, had no idea what d&d they were talking about. Never even heard of them before now, lol.

by thethethe k

Ha yeh same, even checked to see if Netflix were doing a d+d series I didn't know about (because that could be awesome...)

I think paramount + is doing it.

by marknfw k

I was like you, had no idea what d&d they were talking about. Never even heard of them before now, lol.

Scapegoats to avoid blaming the real villain, GRRM.

by Kurn, son of Mogh k

Scapegoats to avoid blaming the real villain, GRRM.

Yeah, **** him. He's never going to finish at this point. He should do like Robert Jordan with the Wheel of Time and get everything in place for someone else to finish it when he kicks the bucket.

by marknfw k

Yeah, **** him. He's never going to finish at this point. He should do like Robert Jordan with the Wheel of Time and get everything in place for someone else to finish it when he kicks the bucket.

Funny thing is, his proteges wrapped up the 9 book Expanse series with only 2 1/2 years between the 8th and 9th books.

The TV series got screwed when a) Cas Anvar couldn't keep his hands to himself or b) when the producers overreacted to Anvar's minor infraction and killed off a central character and ended the series 2/3 of the way through the story.

Maybe ratings and cost had something to do with the early end, but the writers stuck the landing with the books.

by Kurn, son of Mogh k

Scapegoats to avoid blaming the real villain, GRRM.

Oh not at all lol

I’m not a big GoT fan. I didn’t really like the show that much, mostly just the spectacle. It was cool and everything but I’m not a big fantasy guy. And one of them married Amanda Peet and I was supposed to do that…..

Through 3 out of 4 of The Regime and I’m confused. I was expecting more of an absurd satire, and although Kate Winslet does her fair share of chewing, even that had been slowing down. It’s certainly worth watching but Matthias Schoenaerts‘ character is too goddamn much. I think his overly seriousness and aggressive performance takes a lot of the “camp” from this show. I know that was intentional but that’s what made it sort of fun at the start. I’m 100% down for tonal whiplash if it can be pulled off well.

I’m hoping after what happens on the last 1/3 of episode 3 is where we start to see why Kate signed up for this to begin with. She was kinda batshit to start with and appears to have taken a turn that could make the rest quite interesting.

Early streaming numbers for 3 Body Problem are pretty bad. 11 million views in the first week is roughly half of what Last Airbender did on a lower budget. Actually didn't even finish the week in #1, that went to The Gentlemen, which is basically guaranteed a second season.

Finished The Gentlemen the other day and thought it was pretty entertaining overall. Story is obviously beyond stupid and full of holes but that's just what Guy Ritchie does.

hmm, very interesting. thanks

actually saw a 3bp review this week from a game of thrones guy i follow who is usually on the critical side of things, and he was raving about how good it was. even praised d&d's work, and said most of the lousy stuff in the show is from the books. maybe it's even better if they finally did a good job but fail anyway lol

Do not watch on a full stomach. You may lose you lunch...

by madlex k

Early streaming numbers for 3 Body Problem are pretty bad. 11 million views in the first week is roughly half of what Last Airbender did on a lower budget. Actually didn't even finish the week in #1, that went to The Gentlemen, which is basically guaranteed a second season.

Finished The Gentlemen the other day and thought it was pretty entertaining overall. Story is obviously beyond stupid and full of holes but that's just what Guy Ritchie does.

That sucks. Not sure I even want to continue until they commit to S2.

by Kurn, son of Mogh k

2 episodes in and I like it. If you take away some cosmetic changes (not a plot spoiler, but I'll specify below), it's tracking closer to the books than the Chinese version on Prime.


1. The action in the present is primarily set in the UK, while in the books it's in China.
2. The nano-tech scientist is a Chinese man in the books, but a non-Chinese woman in the Netflix series.


i am in the middle of episode 3 of the USA version. i like it enough to keep watching but i do have a question. i almost always enjoy the book version of something more than screen version and if i like all of season 1 i plan on committing to the book trilogy. am i hurting or enhancing my future reading by watching season 1?

I don’t really get the bad reviews for 3BP at all. By all accounts it’s an extremely dense text that would be hard to explain easily on screen

There are some issues with the show but generally I find it to be well produced and does a great job dumbing down stuff without talking down to the audience

Also anything with Benedict Wong front and center has my attention

Feels like people are bitching just to bitch

by bwslim69 k

I don’t really get the bad reviews for 3BP at all. By all accounts it’s an extremely dense text that would be hard to explain easily on screen

think i can see why ppl might not like it. if it's confusing or boring or whatever then it is what it is, you don't get points for degree of difficulty

by sublime k


i am in the middle of episode 3 of the USA version. i like it enough to keep watching but i do have a question. i almost always enjoy the book version of something more than screen version and if i like all of season 1 i plan on committing to the book trilogy. am i hurting or enhancing my future reading by watching season 1?

Answers below


In the book, the vast majority of the action takes place in China (no surprise, the author is Chinese) and you'll have to reacquaint yourself with central characters who are western with their book counterparts who are Chinese.

Example: Augie, the Hispanic female nanotech scientist on the show is a Chinese male named Wang Miao in the books. There is also a good deal of day-to-day average modern day Chinese citizen interaction in the books (which I found interesting - a peek at life in contemporary China).

Book timeline is linear, TV timeline uses flashback. Dr. Ye's story 1966-1973, IIRC takes up about 1/3 of the first book. It's been 2 years since I read the books, so I'm a little fuzzy on precise details.

The books move much more slowly than the Netflix TV version, which hits on major plot points and development and leaves out a lot of detail.

Bottom line is you'll recognize the major plot lines in the book.

by bwslim69 k

I don’t really get the bad reviews for 3BP at all. By all accounts it’s an extremely dense text that would be hard to explain easily on screen

I googled for sales numbers and it looks like the books have sold 9mil copies worldwide of which 2mil have been from outside China. That means the vast majority of people from outside China who are watching the TV show haven't read the books and don't care one bit if they are easy or difficult to adapt for TV.

Reviews aren't that bad, it's 77% on RT with 81% audience score and streaming numbers wouldn't be bad if it wasn't so crazy expensive in a world where money all of a sudden matters again.

I haven't read the book and watched episode 1 yesterday on the bike. Definitely the wrong show for that so now I have to decide if I want to invest couch time for it. Unfortunately, couch time is significantly shorter than bike time. There are other shows like The Bear that I disliked on the bike but was pretty great on the couch. The Gentlemen was great on the bike but I wouldn't spend couch time on it.

by madlex k

I googled for sales numbers and it looks like the books have sold 9mil copies worldwide of which 2mil have been from outside China. That means the vast majority of people from outside China who are watching the TV show haven't read the books and don't care one bit if they are easy or difficult to adapt for TV.

Reviews aren't that bad, it's 77% on RT with 81% audience score and streaming numbers wouldn't be bad if it wasn't so crazy expensive in a world where money all of a sudden matters again.


well, after 6.5 episodes i have decided to stop watching and read the books. the premise is interesting but the show itself is imo, not very good, at best.

i either dont care about or hate virtually all the characters. the woke undertones are annoying and the acting borders on terrible.

the sci-fi appeal of the first few episodes was eventually drowned out and replaced with a soap opera.

knowing the show creators reputation things will get worse.

fwiw the books are supposed to be some of the best scifi to come out in the past decade

main issue is it's not that popular a genre to begin with

There’s another story behind this whole thing that’s freaking wild! I’d watch a show on that!!

by sublime k

well, after 6.5 episodes i have decided to stop watching and read the books. the premise is interesting but the show itself is imo, not very good, at best.

i either dont care about or hate virtually all the characters. the woke undertones are annoying and the acting borders on terrible.

the sci-fi appeal of the first few episodes was eventually drowned out and replaced with a soap opera.

knowing the show creators reputation things will get worse.

LMAOO woke undertones

by bwslim69 k

LMAOO woke undertones

smh at an "extreme woke' take on the show.

Turning a setting in modern China to the UK is woke?

Changing many characters in the book who are Chinese into a mix of ethnicities in the UK, well, sort of maybe.

OK, so one one male Chinese scientist in the books is a female Hispanic in the show might border on woke to some viewers.

To me these changes look like trying (maybe a bit too hard) to broaden the appeal to a non-Chinese audience.

To reiterate, the show is sticking to all the main plot points of the books.

FWIW, not everything is about politics unless the viewer chooses it to be.

Really enjoyed 3BP. One of the wildest scenes I can recall watching from any show. Doubt there will be a season 2. Look forward to reading the books.

I heard Biden made it national 3BP day on Easter today too! Thanks a lot Obama!
