[Global Poker] Unofficial Discussion Thread
Hopped on today and the Global Poker section is not there anymore.
Edit/MH: As there are no Sponsored Forums now, their forum has been closed and locked, basically to be fair to the other sites. However, you can still read old posts there, at https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/252/g...
Please use this thread for future discussions.
Thank you.
circling back I don't get this. they've respected the authority of states that have threatened litigation to this point. federally I don't see hardly any businesses getting prosecuted for operating illegally that aren't directly stepping on some specific toes for the next ~4 years for quite obvious reasons. your state may get axed as legal Igaming spreads and more states want a slice of the pie, but other than that...
That is not a good argument, i don't know about second half of the comment, but first half is a very bad argument that instills imagery of a drug dealer saying 'I stopped once the cops told me they'd come for me'. I know that's not a 1:1 thing, but that's what comes to mind when I read the first half of your comment.
While I have no idea if they will be shut down due to a legal standpoint (I think probably not), when I said consensus seems they will shut down, I meant due to loss of players over the long term. Complaints are all along the same lines among the player base. With many players who have left stating similar reasons such as bonanzas being taken away.
I don't think it's absurd to suggest they could remain open indefinitely, but they'd need harsher security checks, crack down on multi accounts, and likely it would be mandatory to bring back bonanzas and advertising on FB, x, etc. (Based on all users complaints). They'd likely need to anonymize the pool like ignition does, and reshuffle folded hands back into the deck to eliminate the effectiveness of collusion. There is so much work that would need be done (albeit, very easy changes to make), that I don't think they actually will do any of it. I think they'll live and die on the original idea behind the site and never upgrade towards a more traditional and feature rich website. (HH's that are more extensive, anonymous tables, reshuffling dead cards in, run it twice features/rabbit hunt features, etc)
Players are going to be flocking towards feature rich sites vs global poker which has stagnated.
Interesting and insightful. Do you think global poker is going to go offline? I keep reading articles about them losing legality in some states, and I've read the various threads regarding sweepstakes laws which seem to indicate the company isn't operating in the legal grey area people think they are. The RNG certification hasn't been recertified in years as well.
I don't know if I'm way off base, but it seems like consensus is that global will shut down shop within the next few years barrin
You were saying this under your old banned handle Lucy's Fur now your still saying it under this "new" account you created. Do you not have anything else to do? Perhaps a hobby like gaming? Just leave "rigged" Global to the players who wanna play on it. You and the Russian dude should just talk on discord.
How did you get it?
To be fair i didn't notice AnonMuffinFckr = Lucy's Fur. Is it possible to check this somewhere?
Lloyd, excuse me, i just take a small part here. Because we are all sitting in the same sandbox. It's interesting what people discuss here. I don't even read Pokerstars, nor Partypoker's threads. If i wanted to reach some "special" aims, i would go there 😀
You were saying this under your old banned handle Lucy's Fur now your still saying it under this "new" account you created. Do you not have anything else to do? Perhaps a hobby like gaming? Just leave "rigged" Global to the players who wanna play on it. You and the Russian dude should just talk on discord.
Brother; you don't get to make wild claims or tell people where to play. Well, actually you can. We just don't need listen. You can think what you want, I'm not responsible for this nonsense. If you want to believe GP is rigged, then do so, but it's more likely the players are just better. You can be mad that I'm well read on the subject all you want, I don't care. Be mad.
Here is a relevant thread relating to sweeps law where this was discussed when GP first came online -> https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/252/g...
Here is a thread about it shutting down -> https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/ne...
Nevada pull out -> https://www.bing.com/search?q=global+pok...
Interesting and insightful. Do you think global poker is going to go offline? I keep reading articles about them losing legality in some states, and I've read the various threads regarding sweepstakes laws which seem to indicate the company isn't operating in the legal grey area people think they are. The RNG certification hasn't been recertified in years as well.
I don't know if I'm way off base, but it seems like consensus is that global will shut down shop within the next few years barrin
There's no reason to think that Global will go offline. It's part of a multi-billion dollar public company, even if Global broke even it would still have value to VGW as a product that introduces a non-zero number of players to their more profitable offerings (slots). Them pulling out of states is likely due to the lobbying of legal sites who don't want interlopers in their new market, unless poker gets legalized on a national level I don't see anything happening on that front to negatively affect Global.
Got an email saying I'm banned when i did nothing wrong. No specific reason stated. I've been asking for 2 weeks if they're going to pay me nobody will answer. What do I do in this situation? I have over $1000 that I earned grinding tournaments. Has anyone agreed to their arbitration process and is it legit or just another scam?
Got an email saying I'm banned when i did nothing wrong. No specific reason stated. I've been asking for 2 weeks if they're going to pay me nobody will answer. What do I do in this situation? I have over $1000 that I earned grinding tournaments. Has anyone agreed to their arbitration process and is it legit or just another scam?
There was a ban wave based on what I've read online across multiple forums. I saw multiple people state they had over 10,000 in their accounts when their accounts got banned. I assume based on everything I've read recently; that these users were botting, using an external tool, or sending in too many sweeps requests.
I assume their arbitration process will favor them by a large margin. I'm not entirely sure how valid the clause is within their TOS. I'd like to think there is a legal loophole to hold them liable within NA region, and without having to jump through the hoops they setup, but IDK. I seem to recall steam was forced to drop arbitration clause from their TOS because of a strategy that involved recruiting thousands of people to file for arbitration. By doing this, they effectively would cost steam a quarter billion dollars, and so steam said 'handle it through the court system, we're dropping the arbitration clause'.
If you cheated, I'd not even bother going to arbitration. They likely have proof. Even if you didn't, I'm kind of shocked with how large the bans have been (allegedly). They don't refund players who got cheated, so it's kind of in their interest to catch people cheating and pocket the funds. I'd be interested to see where the line is. At what point do they say 'well, he came close enough to cheating, at least to the extent we can justify banning his or her account and taking the funds'. When there is a financial incentive for them to ban users, it does make me question if the users actually cheated.
I don't blame you if you're skeptical, I know most people who come here complaining about bans are actually cheating in some way. All I can do is swear on my life that I was not. As a matter of fact, I am down several thousand on Global lifetime and have never once withdrawn.
I did send in some sweeps requests but not that many. Maybe like 200? And it was about 6 months ago and they all got credited so I doubt it's that.
I don't blame you if you're skeptical, I know most people who come here complaining about bans are actually cheating in some way. All I can do is swear on my life that I was not. As a matter of fact, I am down several thousand on Global lifetime and have never once withdrawn.
I did send in some sweeps requests but not that many. Maybe like 200 And it was about 6 months ago and they all got credited so I doubt it's that.
You're in a rough spot, because I also play video games that have ban waves, and when they do - Same thing. People claim they didn't cheat. It's impossible for us to know as external observers. That said, an awful lot of people are claiming to have their funds confiscated, and an awful lot of people have quit the site over the past year. Even streamers who do so on GP's behalf have made remarks about potentially quitting the website.
From where I sit on the sidelines, it seems a storm is brewing. When you look at all data points, *something* is going on. I can only guess as to what though.
1.) They are cracking down on cheaters.
2.) They are cracking down on AMOE abusers (mail in sweeps peoples)
3.) They are trying to overcome losses accumulated by state wide bans. (Unwise, and improbable)
4.) They made a mistake and inappropriately flagged a bunch of accounts that were actually on the up and up. (Highly Plausible)
There is something going on, but we'd be a fool to select any given explanation as fact. My gut feeling is that a rug pull is coming in some form or another. The reasoning behind this is the number of users claiming they were taken for thousands upon thousands of dollars by the website itself. The logical counter argument is 'those users were cheating'. The logical counter argument to that is 'why isn't GP redistributing confiscated funds to affected accounts?'. The logical counter counter argument to that is 'because they can get away with simply keeping it. People will still play.' The counter counter counter argument is 'but people aren't still playing, they are bleeding users as per the forums and known regs who state as much'.
I don't know. That's my final verdict. I don't know why you were banned, but I am concerned you may have been unjustly banned, but I'm naive and stupid. I tend to believe people when they say they didn't cheat, because I don't cheat myself.