What's the deal with eggs?
k eggbros, time to ask the thread.
I randomly improvised kind of a lazy man's shakshuka last week -- I had some leftover pasta sauce so I heated that up, threw in a couple eggs to poach, and devoured.
It was so good that I'm a mission to do the real thing, so ... anyone have a particularly great shakshuka or uova in purgatorio/eggs in purgatory recipe?
my mom would make it occasionally and it was pretty boss
whatever you do, never buy ready to eat shashuka in the grocery store, it's one of the worst foods imaginable
k eggbros, time to ask the thread.
I randomly improvised kind of a lazy man's shakshuka last week -- I had some leftover pasta sauce so I heated that up, threw in a couple eggs to poach, and devoured.
It was so good that I'm a mission to do the real thing, so ... anyone have a particularly great shakshuka or uova in purgatorio/eggs in purgatory recipe?
why you just give me a new cooking addiction?
have also made lazy ones but never from a recipe
seems like a good place to start, from kenji's serious eats days
damn you, the freezing rain just started and i don't have any peppers
k eggbros, time to ask the thread.
I randomly improvised kind of a lazy man's shakshuka last week -- I had some leftover pasta sauce so I heated that up, threw in a couple eggs to poach, and devoured.
It was so good that I'm a mission to do the real thing, so ... anyone have a particularly great shakshuka or uova in purgatorio/eggs in purgatory recipe?
Both of these are in my Recipe bookmark folder, but I've never tried either and one is behind the NYT paywall.
It’s March it’s corned beef season. Cooked one last Sunday and used the last chunk of corned beef and the potatoes, carrots a d made hash. It was an above average breakfast experience.

It certainly appears above average.
by quite a bit, Nit!
feck yeah!
Does anyone own an EggPod? I got an email offer for $19.99 + $6.95 process & handling.
Is it good?
so kioshk!
Toasted sourdough English muffins, with a frozen sirloin burger patty and eggs mixed with egg whites that were cooked in same pan as burger.
Delightful little lunch that I have often, usually w white bread but found these muffins as a BOGO and have been enjoying them.
Yeah, anything I make is really never presented well, and I literally considered not sending it because of that, but I enjoyed the meal so much this particular day that I said forget that nonsense, here it is!
I do appreciate the honest reception and all of your much more photogenic contributions as well.
I obviously haven't visited this thread in a while. I know I saw this before, but looks like I never commented. I'd personally use sausage, but I think it looks great. I also don't think it needs to be photogenic... you can tell when it tastes good. I'd gladly throw this in my rotation.
Sausage is a great choice but I use burgers for the macros
simple and fast this morning

Picture perfect!
B e a utiful
Very nice. I thought you were American REDeYe, have you converted to proper bacon?!
you can pry the crisp streaky bacon from my cold greasy hand
that was actually ham that i tore into smaller pieces to fit into the pan
Hmm, I've always heard how bland the food is in UK and now I get a hint of why. They think ham is bacon?!?
they prefer back bacon over belly cuts
RED, lidded and everything spice or just salt pepper... and? Looks good!
lidded and just maldon & cracked black
cooked in irish butter
added the ham at the start, should have waited. it shrank quite a bit and was a touch chewy.
Hmm, I've always heard how bland the food is in UK and now I get a hint of why. They think ham is bacon?!?
Ham and back bacon are not quit the same.
I always hated back bacon an english friend made me try a high quality one properly cooked and its actually delicious. To me its something entirely different than streaky bacon but not bad by any stretch of the imagination.
The key to back bacon is that you only let it kiss the pan. it overcooks super fast and gets dry and stringy.
Baby got back!