What's the deal with eggs?

What's the deal with eggs?

Now I don't think this will catch on like the highly entertaining "What's the deal with cereal?" thread, but a lot can h

) 4 Views 4
16 April 2020 at 03:14 AM

270 Replies


that's beautiful VR

by marknfw k

Yes please

by REDeYeS00 k

that's beautiful VR


also curious how you cooked the risotto

by REDeYeS00 k

also curious how you cooked the risotto

Heated 4 cups vegetable stock in a small pot until simmering.

In a larger pot, heated a tablespoon of olive oil, then sauteed most of a red onion, added garlic (had to run to the bathroom and my onion got too brown and I didn't want a brown risotto, so I stirred in a little turmeric for a better color.) Then toasted a cup of Arborio rice in the onion/garlic/turmeric oil for a few minutes, deglazed with 4 oz of sauvignon blanc.

Added the stock one half cup soup ladle at a time and worked into the rice, halfway through added my asparagus stalks (they were very thin) to cook them through. My edamame were frozen in a steamable bag, so I steamed them for the minimum time, then stirred in some, reserving some edamame and the asparagus tips for garnish. Zested a lemon while I was stirring.

Took the risotto off the heat once all the broth was incorporated, added the juice of the lemon and fresh cracked black pepper, plated in bowls, garnished with edamame, asparagus tips, and lemon zest. Topped with egg yolk.

wasn't expecting that thorough of a description
thank you very much VR, appreciate the follow up
helps me get the jist of your technique

It looks really good, but it sounds even better. Yum!

Been on an open-faced toasted sourdough egg salad run lately. Arugula microgreens are muy bueno.

Also impulse bought some Taylor Pork Roll to see what its all about and its all about delicious:

by 27offsuit k

Been on an open-faced toasted sourdough egg salad run lately. Arugula microgreens are muy bueno.

this looks amazing... right up my street.

kewpie mayo i presume?

Sometimes. I mix it up.

Been awhile so I tried an omelet again this morning. A little overdone, but still tasted good to me. Need to lower the heat a tad, and add the filling ingredients a bit sooner I think. All in all I was satisfied but definitely have room for improvement.

Still better than Jake the bakes eggs iirc.

fried egg omelette is fried... I'd eat it!


all eggs are improved immensely with hot sauce and ketchup but definitely would eat the **** out of that

by rickroll k

needs hot sauce and ketchup but definitely would eat the **** out of that

My omlette. Green pepper, onion, tomato, cheddar.



The brownishness is due to the cream I add to the eggs which gives it better structure for flipping.

imaging that construction makes a sound when tapped with the broad side of a fork
all for it

I still can't make a decent looking omelette to save my life after making a concerted effort to master them ever since 2020.

Filled with brie and tomatoes pan roasted in olive oil:

Not the prettiest, but tasty. Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, onions, and Hatch chilis. Side of hash browns with onions, ham, American cheese or Scattered Smothered Covered and Chunked if you're a Waffle House aficionado.

lovin' the work in this thread recently
