We Go Marching to the Beat of Our Own Drugs LC Thread

We Go Marching to the Beat of Our Own Drugs LC Thread

nothing to write home on but rolling papers
good thing the family lives in zigzag oregon

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02 March 2025 at 02:54 AM

113 Replies


by REDeYeS00 k

check all applicable boxes adjacent to biblical events personally eye witnessed by you over the past nine months

sequential order not as important during these early rounds

[x] (finger)nail turns to blood
[x] frogs
[x] gnats
[x] flies
[ ] livestock pestilence--not sure what that is. Like flatulence?
[x] boils--assuming Schnauzer bumps count
[x] hail--was within 2 miles today--perhaps a lot closer. Should get at least half credit.
[ ] locusts--missed it by three years
[x] darkness
[ ] death of the firstborn

How big will my check be? When can I expect it?

by Tom Ames k

How big will my check be? When can I expect it?

squeeze your eyes tight and imagine the biggest fake check you have ever seen
then think about how long it would take amazon to ship it to you for free
also a good chance doge intervenes somewhere inbetween here and venice beach
otherwise you should have already taken it to the bank

by Mark_K k

In which cryptocurrencies?

I have yet to dabble in crypto, sadly.

by Mark_K k

In which cryptocurrencies?

whichever one is next pumped and dumped from the front steps of the white house

by REDeYeS00 k

squeeze your eyes tight and imagine the biggest fake check you have ever seen
then think about how long it would take amazon to ship it to you for free
also a good chance doge intervenes somewhere inbetween here and venice beach
otherwise you should have already taken it to the bank

Far beyond my wildest dreams!!!

by REDeYeS00 k

whichever one is next pumped and dumped from the front steps of the white house

Truer words ...

by cokeboy99 k

Celebrating St Patty's Day early!

Only my Manicurist truly knows... 'You're soaking in it'.

by cokeboy99 k

Celebrating St Paddy's Day early!



by Garick k



He's the patron saint of people born with a pencil embedded in their temple.


What is with the billylean threads that force you to the new site design?

by whatthejish k

What is with the billylean threads that force you to the new site design?

The best I can figure out is that if someone makes an OP using the new format all readers become their slave.


by MSchu18 k

Only my Manicurist truly knows... 'You're soaking in it'.

I can't imagine having my fingernails so short. Seems painful to keep them that way.

by REDeYeS00 k

whichever one is next pumped and dumped from the front steps of the white house

That was TSLA

by whatthejish k

What is with the billylean threads that force you to the new site design?

Correct. Terrible implementation of a terrible idea. Instead of separating the view from the data, they seem to have tightly coupled them.

by whatthejish k

What is with the billylean threads that force you to the new site design?

I wish they would have some kind of symbol in the margin letting us know so I can quit accidentally clicking on them.
