Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

Feel free to add your own. I'll give two really quick.

1. This girl I'm friends with on facebook makes a post about how she is now pregnant. (She's 19 btw) obviously every random girl she is friends with on facebook felt the need to congratulate her on such an amazing accompolishment. That was midly annoying to sift through, but I understand it's a big deal and all...I just have a cold heart as of late lol.

Anyways about 2hrs later she makes a new post about being pregnant because the first wasn't enough. Awesome. Like 15 mins ago she makes ANOTHER post about it saying "Can't sleep, tummy hurts, hello prego life 😀😀"

It took every ounce of my energy not to type something extremely rude like, "we ****ing get it, your pregnant."

2. Me and my friend drive 30 mins to play beerpong with these chics we met randomly one night. 2 are definitely good looking....ones a chubbba wubba though. Ok lookin face but yeah....Anyways were all playing BP along with 2 other dudes that we didnt know would be there..( I guess I understand them wanting to have 2 of their guy friends there since we've never formally hungout, but whatever...) my friend randomly makes comments the whole time whenever the chubba wubba talks to me such as "that's all you" or "wheres your girl at" when she leaves the room.

Any clue why he feels the need to say things like that? He's always been considering kind of the **** blocking type amongst our ground of friends even if it's never negatively effected me. J/W if someone can get all psychological on me and tell me why he always does that.

) 6 Views 6
05 October 2009 at 05:44 AM

1195 Replies


by pokeraz k

Crazy talk.

Generally thought Walken SNLs were weaker than most. Cowbell sketch was awesome but I think the king Walken sketch was

Those plastic square things they tie loaves of bread with.


A fellow named Tom, quite a chum,
Would say, “If you know you know, let’s assume.”
He’d chuckle and smile,
A carefree style,
And say, “Wisdom’s in what we presume.”

The Little League World Series

by pokeraz k

A fellow named Tom, quite a chum,
Would say, “If you know you know, let’s assume.”
He’d chuckle and smile,
A carefree style,
And say, “Wisdom’s in what we presume.”


by feel wrath k

The Little League World Series

When I was a kid there was some brand of LLWS held in my hometown every year that was remarkably all white kids and mostly teams from nearby states. When I discovered that wasn't THE LLWS, I somehow instantly and permanently lost all interest in any variety of LLWS. I just didn't trust them any more.

Generally thought Walken SNLs were weaker than most. Cowbell sketch was awesome but I think the king Walken sketch was

"The rest of the interview will be centaur questions."

The Meg being more entertaining than the lest 10 comic book movies. Only 10 years late watching on the HBO.

You’ve watched 10 comic book movies?

by ninefingershuffle k


Only 2 weeks away from seeing what the ad-wizards came up with to show me as commercials for the next 6 months during NFL games.


Me no write good.


by txdome k

Only 2 weeks away from seeing what the ad-wizards came up with to show me as commercials for the next 6 months during NFL games.

I am Nostradamus and predict some Mahomes and Reid ads!!!!

hoping for a slew of Jake Fromm State Farm ads

by johnzimbo k

I am Nostradamus and predict some Mahomes and Reid ads!!!!

Whatever happened to just putting hot chicks in commercials instead of athletes trying to be funny? Give me that LSU gymnast chick or that chick with a mole from the 90s over two NFL players singing what a girl wants.

Also, chicks getting way too into fantasy football. Most people already hate fantasy football guy, why would y'all add on to the horrible Tuesday conversation?(probably multiple humorists have said the same, it still rings true).imo

Pollsters thinking telephone surveys are in anyway accurate. Nobody with any sense or under the age of 70 is talking to these people. Minimum 3 times a day from current state and previous state.

by Bidz k

that NFL preseason games exist

that's the pre-preseason.
The real preseason is the first 4 weeks of the regular season.

by REDeYeS00 k

hoping for a slew of Jake Fromm State Farm ads

Never occurred to me until seeing this spelling. Is Jake, Jon Frum's grandson? Secondarily, does he deliver as well as Jon?

by REDeYeS00 k

hoping for a slew of Jake Fromm State Farm ads


I'm still trying to decide if that would be an improvement in their ad campaign. He would surely be a worthy replacement for Fraudgers.

Any tattoo that parents get about their kids, especially the footprint/handprint ones.

How about the opposite? BiL has his parents DOB on him (among many other images). Not sure why he did it.

by golddog k

Never occurred to me until seeing this spelling. Is Jake, Jon Frum's grandson? Secondarily, does he deliver as well as Jon?

amazing reference

John Frum (also called Jon Frum, John Brum, and John Prum) is a figure associated with cargo cults on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu. He is often depicted as an American World War II serviceman who will bring wealth and prosperity to the people if they follow him. Quoting David Attenborough's report of an encounter: "'E look like you. 'E got white face. 'E tall man. 'E live 'long South America."

In the 1990s, there were still reportedly over 5,000 members of the John Frum movement. Belief in John Frum is in decline, however; as of 2022, there are fewer than 500 practitioners. Currently, only the village of Lamakara is faithful to the John Frum faith on the island of Tanna. The rest of the island has been mostly converted by Christian missionaries based in Sulphur Bay

tattoos in general IMO, but tbh they're such a personal choice that almost anyone analysing and rationalising anyone else's choice of something to have imprinted on their body for the rest of their life almost always ends up in a 'wtf'

by AzOther1 k

How about the opposite? BiL has his parents DOB on him (among many other images). Not sure why he did it.

first half of a human tombstone
are these the same parents who tattooed the soft spot on top of his head when he was a toddler to track how fast he grew?

Restaurants listing what farm their meat is from. Nobody knows or cares what the place is. Also, I'm sure I've seen Snake River Farms in dozens of restaurants. The farm isn't anything exclusive or bragworthy. Almost as dumb as certified angus beef.
