*** 2024 Mega Thread - NC/LC NSFW ***
Due to budget cuts, it has been decided that BBV will have only one LC/NC thread for 2024. Opening more threads in 2024 will result in infractions, bans, burnenings, etc.
Henk, go and send some Ms. Antjes into the refs cabin...
Ms. Antjes sent! 😀
They played high tempo the first half hour or so, alright, now they both seem fuarked, the break didn't help either...
getting more intense again
Ms. Antjes saved it, for now...
Somehow I think dis will go to penalties...
England might snatch it last-minute though
niet lekker! :(
I blame Biden
I did some research, seems the Henks are better suited for the final
Sheep remembers this, very good commercial. 👍
Sorry Sheep and Henk from the Netherlands.
It was a nice run tho
It is bcos you are a witch, prolly
Well, I'm not a witch, but I recently solved Religion! 😀 The scholars of RGT are still undecided though.
Calm down. It's for your own good
If mmmKay's mom agrees, I might have my first acolyte! 😀
Helmut Kohl