1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

Hi all,

First post in this specific forum. Normally post in NL Strategy. Hoping for some feedback about bankroll management.

I started playing 4-5 times a week at MGM National Harbor in March after a few months off. Previously I had been playing at MD Live and lost most of what I had won (around $1,200). Anyway, I took $200 to the casino and tried my luck. No bankroll to start really.

I had a great March (+$3,000) but a terrible April (-$3,000) after trying 2/5 and losing $1k and a horrific 24-hour session where I dumped $1,800 in just cooler after cooler (set over set, AK into AA, nut flush v. boat, etc.). This month I'm up around $1,000 so far. Any tips about bankroll management that can keep me from losing it all again? Do you set some of your winnings aside for example?

I have a somewhat steady income outside of poker but my goal is to make poker a supplement to that income and not just a break-even hobby.

Appreciate the feedback.


) 53 Views 53
07 May 2018 at 09:28 PM

1333 Replies


by RangeCheck k

Because OP is probably the only one who thinks they are colluding. There is no chance in hell that a major casino will let blatant collusion go on if at least a few regs spoke up about it. I've seen a couple being pulled aside to have talk with the floor because a reg complained about them being on the phone at the same time after a hand.

Very wrong. Many regulars in the plo player pool have said they agree with me. In fact, I first heard of the complaints from other people before I noticed myself. No one has gone to the floor as vocally until I did. Now that the casino knows about it we’ll see what they do.

Lost some yesterday, winning today. Will post an update to the br challenge later. As of now around 19,000 to go. Lots of volume lately, happy about that least, even if not running the best possible …sure am enjoying kung pao chicken a lot lately!

Biggest pot today was AAQQJ back door nut spades got there on J62.

Lost KQT98ds on T72 both my bdfds in 4! pot to 77, lost KQJT9ds all in multiway, made a rebound with AAA and another dsAA however, then axn player left for 5/5 and asked if I was coming, I joined, won a couple good ones but lost 99776ds on 652 my flush draws three ways and someone got none of the pot even though no one else had a flush draw and my trips and set outs were all live...super annoying. Ended the day up $2,415 after being stuck almost $2k, so I will definitely take it! Game got better and I stayed the course after some of the tougher players quit and were replaced by some of the "all stars." 😀

$20,402 to go. Almost to the teens! Encountering some resistance. Didn't help to lose at 5/T JJ chopped v. KT, 99 lost both to QQ, AA lost to 65s.

Early morning session after I woke up fresh with the tired overnight crowd went well, smashed it for $3,427 in a couple hours. Top set held, KK held, ran good. Didn’t hurt to be to the left of one of the worst players in the field.

Going back for an afternoon session after seeing the parents.

Br challenge: $16,975 to go.

by DumbosTrunk k

The poor run continues, this time KKJ99ds 3! action player, got 4! by unpredictable player, action called then tight player backraised and we got it in four ways and I lost, thankfully to the action player’s QQ367 and not the tight player. A little bad run today but it’s a long game and the month is going very well to start out (unlike the usual which is I lose in the beginning of the month!).

It’s sorta funny because Saturdays are my worst days by far and my only losing day lifetime and I was s

Have you done any analysis of why you lose on Saturdays?

by Polarbear1955 k

Have you done any analysis of why you lose on Saturdays?

I can’t put my finger on it…just a guess- maybe the games are tougher because the weekend warriors come out? I couldn’t say for sure. Actually after today I am about break even on Saturdays.

Up another $1,770 in a late afternoon session, AKJ94 held on A739K even though the back door flush got there which I didn’t have. Lost AQJ54ds all in pre against a tilted player.

Br challenge: $15,205 to go.

Everyone always says Friday and Saturday games are way better, but I've never found that to be the case in smaller markets. All the weekend warriors are playing on the weekend while the weekdays is mostly just degens.

Early start to the day today, called in, 2 games running with a short list, will see what they look like and if it's mostly stuck degens playing all night. coffee now to start, a little browsing the web to make sure WWIII hasn't started yet, then off to play. Gonna be great!

New artwork! And doggies driving!

Rough start today, tried to gamble it up with the action players a little loose, but I lost AKQQ5 to AA and AJJ to KK, then one of them got escorted out of the poker room by security in the middle of the hand lol. Lost KQT87ds to AA as well. Productive coaching session over lunch break, back at it now. Stuck $1200.

You know better. You might want them to think you "gamble it up" and you might misplay a hand to advertise but you are not trying to gamble it up and play overly loose.

You're looking good for my May 3 date -- stop gambling it up! LOL. Why was security called? Nice artwork -- adorable doggies!

I can’t help but give more action to these types. It’s giving up a little EV at a steep discount since the money is always in play! Giving more action helped me score my biggest winning month ever in January and second biggest in February.

I’ve toned it down the last few hours though. Thanks for loooking out. Making a slow comeback.

Obviously you are allowed to gamble it up if you win!

Started making a small comeback then one of the colluders got me with a shitty qT653 for $780 pre (harder to beat me without her husband at the table!) with my aces, last $450 in on a decent flop three ways and she hit her shitty flush draw. She also stacked the action player too this hand and then snap quit. Oh well I could have just as well scooped and been up today. Wasn’t meant to be.

Getting tired now will call it a session soon down a couple grand.

$17,595 to go on the challenge. clock is ticking for some of the earliest guesses...! Paid off with some second best hands rather than making snug laydowns in smaller pots, AK to KK on AK7, A4 to AT on AT4 (low to med sprs), A4 to 64 on A235 for side and main pots. Wrapped up winning a few hundo off this new maniac with AAQ99 and called it a day. Definitely could have been a little different result had I played better, even though I still lost the two biggest pots with AA. Good sleep, some exercise, coffee. Just called ahead and the only plo game just broke (early Monday) so it may be a while until I get to play today. Might have to play...gasp...TWO card!

I don't know what happened yesterday, I had a very good pre-session routine, maybe I got titled a little at 2/5 losing $100 to the foreign pros and got upset. It was a little frustrating to take a coaching call in the middle of a very good game, had to quit and lost my seat at the table and then was stuck in a mediocre game for a few hours.

by DumbosTrunk k

I can’t put my finger on it…just a guess- maybe the games are tougher because the weekend warriors come out? I couldn’t say for sure. Actually after today I am about break even on Saturdays.

I absolutely agree this is why. I play at mgmnh and talk to people around me, ask what they do, and ive definitely noticed plenty of guys with high paying lawyer or government drone type jobs who seem smart and competent the rare times I play on friday night or sat or sun, whereas when i come in during typical work time, i run into mostly retired crowd, business owners, traveling electricians, people on vacation or visiting family, etc.

I have basically completely stopped playing on weekends, but I actually used to feel like friday nights were good because it had a mix which also included people coming to drink and have fun, but many go busto friday, the rest saturday, and sunday was the true hell day.

Mid session update, won a few hundo at 2/5 until plo opened up, game was ok but got much better recently. About even on the day. Gave a little action to the fish and didn’t get there. Went for a mid session jog in the beautiful sunny weather. Feel refreshed.

by Javanewt k

Obviously you are allowed to gamble it up if you win!

Same line of thought that fish use when they play bad hands as after all when they played it a week ago it won. If a table has enough fools and there are no other sharks or you get to see what the other sharks have done before you act you can long term profitable make an exploitive change and loosen up a little but realize the risk. From what I can tell Javanewt is a good player; very easy to fall into the trap if it worked yesterday it was a good play rather than it worked yesterday because despite my bad play I was on the good side of variance.

Very swingy session, game was very good, lost top two fd blockers and back door nut flush draw to wrap plus fd, folded winner in big pot too was worried my fd was no good multi-way. Won a bunch of others and lost top two fd to wheel towards the end. Up around $1,300. Might hop in the 20/40 mix for a little variety before calling it a night.

Up $1,344 last night, crazy game with two big action players driving the swings. Player suggests bomb pot which I sit out, and of course he stacks two players including the biggest action one with top set. Pfft. I don't think bomb pots are good for the game, they break too soon.

My biggest loss was AJ843ccdd in SB versus them in bb and straddle J85ddc4c turn $825 flop $1,200 turn against QT9dd and he scooped a non-club T river.Got cripple this hand and added on, won KKQ42 against whale 953 my fd, he turned trips but I rivered my flush. Was up then stuck then up stuck! Yeesh. Happy to have booked a win in the end.

Slept in today after a more stressful then usual session. Beautiful day, coffee and vlogs, going to get a walk in and then a tinder date later.

$16,251 left on the challenge.

by Polarbear1955 k

Same line of thought that fish use when they play bad hands as after all when they played it a week ago it won. If a table has enough fools and there are no other sharks or you get to see what the other sharks have done before you act you can long term profitable make an exploitive change and loosen up a little but realize the risk. From what I can tell Javanewt is a good player; very easy to fall into the trap if it worked yesterday it was a good play rather than it worked yesterday because des

You know we were joking back and forth based on the challenge, I hope 😉 I just want him to win the $50,000 around May 3, and if gambling it up works, I'm good with it! LOL. (I'm really for his A game.)

Good luck on the date. I met my husband on Match.com ~2005! (Although from what I've heard, Tinder might be a different type of dating.)

I thought you were playing around; after all I wrote from what I can tell I think you are a good player, but having seen very successful players lose their focus from the often dull process of playing properly and winning money to the excitement of gambling it up wanted to stress the value of remembering why you are at the table.

Winning a few hundo today so far, a little upstuck after losing AQJ98 to straight on 985, rivered the nut flush but he rivered a straight flush. Also lost A9643ds versus two short stacks multi-way, pretty neutral ev spot. The grind goes on.
