1/3 Grinding and Bankroll
Hi all,
First post in this specific forum. Normally post in NL Strategy. Hoping for some feedback about bankroll management.
I started playing 4-5 times a week at MGM National Harbor in March after a few months off. Previously I had been playing at MD Live and lost most of what I had won (around $1,200). Anyway, I took $200 to the casino and tried my luck. No bankroll to start really.
I had a great March (+$3,000) but a terrible April (-$3,000) after trying 2/5 and losing $1k and a horrific 24-hour session where I dumped $1,800 in just cooler after cooler (set over set, AK into AA, nut flush v. boat, etc.). This month I'm up around $1,000 so far. Any tips about bankroll management that can keep me from losing it all again? Do you set some of your winnings aside for example?
I have a somewhat steady income outside of poker but my goal is to make poker a supplement to that income and not just a break-even hobby.
Appreciate the feedback.
Lost a few hundo in the mix, mainly from plo5 round lol, up around the same at plo now, considering expanding my coaching and bringing on some other players IÂ’ve met over the years as co-coaches and starting a website. Exciting!
I was starting to realize I was getting tired of the grind and often toxicity in live poker and needed another outlet. Maybe expanding my coaching enterprise is the way to go?
Edit: just lost top set to open ender in 3! potÂ…turned second nut flush draw tooÂ….
Lost with top set AGAIN at end of session against two draws to wrap up another $2k loss, missed a draw as well against a whale, $84,970 to go.
Woke up after plenty of sleep while it was still daylight, the market rebounded somewhat from the selloff, coaching session today followed by playing.
Feel like putting in a really good exercise routine today, need to relieve some additional tension from a lot of pent up frustration lately from running bad and negative interactions.
Pre session routine helped me play solid and I ran well at 1/2, now at 25/50 plo about even …losing the $300 waterfalls every down is keeping me stuck a little…playing well though and running pretty good too. Now just need to run it up. Short handed and line up is only so-so now.
Really patted myself on the back tonight, it came together nicely for a change and I booked a really meaty $5k win or so, lost an AA early on at 25/50 but won a couple others and some flips finally went my way as well. I am finally in the green this month too after tonight which is good for my confidence. Now to just keep running it up!
$79,970 to go on the challenge.
Good start to the day, 9+ hours of sleep, re-positioned some plants around the place for a better layout the other day, mixed game is running today which is nice, will play if the plo isn't that good. Gonna work out a little before heading over to play cards. can already tell my mood is better after moving August into the green.
Running bad today lost top two to wrap then top set to combo draw. Getting dinner…still pretty mellow all things considered.
Limp raised fish iso with AKQJ7ds with a lot of dead money and ran into AKKds…got a table change. No fun.
Made a comeback in the last hour or so, first A8766 on Q564cc against a claimed 789cc for nuts both with different redraws, then AA98s6s on Jh7s5s for oesfd overpair and wrap, beat out KKJJ3ss and like that I was up $2,000! Lost with top set once more and called it a night.
challenge: $78,870 to go. Let's goooo! Feeling some upward momentum finally.
Got good sleep, caffeinating now. Feeling in a good place mentally.
Started well tonight winning pots with AAKKJ and KQT96ds but then lost KKQT9 on TT5 in 3! pot to AT and AJT9 to QQ on AKJQJ (pot was $400 and she jammed $75 on river). Still feeling well all things considered. Playing as disciplined as possible.
Happy for my student toondawg’s blog, nice to create more of a community here.
Got a new student from the room, he shadowed me while I was playing, very nice fellow….lost 66 to 7x in 3! pot on 776, I was ever so slightly ahead preflop and on the flop..bummer. Also got wrap and pair in and lost that one. The grind goes on….
Pretty slow night, made a little at 5/T and then must move broke and not much happened at plo...lost with AA wheel wrap and 2 bdnfd to ?? on 853. Down $800 on the night. $79,670 to go.
I feel like a lot of people really in the poker room like me, I get a lot of hellos and chats and people asking me for my number and texting me lately. I ran into three people on my walk into the poker room yesterday. It's really nice!
It feels like a light exercise day, my lattes and music are going strong. Hoping to get a 5/5 or bigger seat later as well to keep the month on track.
To people who aren't where they want to be in life yet...don't give up, put in the work, keep a positive outlook, and remain grateful for what you do have.
Playing super patiently, got KQJT9ds and limp raised and got it in at spr 2 head up on Q84r and ran into QQJJ….so annoying. Hoping to get a seat in 10/10 or 25/25 later.
Made a come back at 10/10, won KJJT8ds Al in pre three ways very low BBs, won a double flush draw on turn against straight, won an AAnfd two pair as well. Lost AKo to 88 against a shorty at 2/5 after game broke now grinding 1/2 plo until I get too tired. Winning today at least.
Glad I am racking up some wins lately, good for the confidence and the challenge. Won about $1,800 last night after all was said and done. $77,870 to go now. Taking.longer than I expected but that's poker I guess. Expect the unexpected.
Good sleep and strong morning routine so far, sent the guidebook to another new student, gonna get a light exercise in today before hitting the felt.
Sleep like an Olympic athlete! If you want to be an elite poker player, maybe that’s not such a bad idea….
Booked a small win at 25/25, the game was trash so I’ll take it. KKTT7ds all in pre three ways was the only big winning hand I played.
Booked a $1,350 win in the end, dude announced flush on the river when he obviously didn’t have a flush, and an older gentleman was in the hand against him, what an angle. I called him out for it at least. I quit as I was getting tired and the game wasn’t that good and this turd had the audacity to complain that I was quitting, and I told him I didn’t give a f what he thought.
Oh and someone blew their nose on me today as I was walking past them. live casino poker for you. . . !
The games aren’t what they used to be earlier this year. We won too much of the money I guess. Also I am unusually card dead. Life goes on…still winning something this month at least.
Challenge: $76,520.
10 hours of sleep! I already know I am going to play well. 😀
My playing goals lately have been to not get it in too light pre - mostly accomplishing that - don't overbluff, don't miss value bets. Overall I would give myself an A- on meeting these goals the past couple months. I do tend to limp my strong hands a little too frequently but it's from early position where I am setting up a limp/raise. And my low frequency postflop slowplays make sense in theory when I am heavily blocking continuing ranges and to remain balanced in my checking range and to be able to check raise some hands.
Mental health-wise, I am probably in the best headspace I have been in years with virtually no serious symptoms in a very long time. If you can call it a symptom, I would say I only suffer from occasional irritability now, but I consider that a side effect of playing poker for a living. :P
Physically, I am keeping up a daily exercise routine, some days more strenuous than others, and I am steadily increasing my strength.
My book sales have dropped since my friends suggested increasing the price, and my student base is growing, but slowly. I am not too disappointed with this as the fewer people with the guidebook the better for the longevity of the games and the more time and energy I have to play poker and not spend on coaching.
I think in a month or two I will be due for another brush-up and some more dedicated studying will be in order. The games are not getting any easier.
The sun is shining! Hooray!
Had a great date night with my ex, chipotle for dinner then headed to mgm in excellent spirits where I just started losing every pot I played so far. 25/25 big o plo5 mix is running and I am dying to get a seat. I am so so so SOOO card dead! Lost AAK95 l/rr spr sub 1 flopped nut gutter bdnfd and overpair and got it in a marginal spot with a flopped straight I was blocking, also lost top top nut gutter to open ender at a low spr and AKJT5 3! fish’s tilted open and lost to solid player’s AJJ65.
Coaching went well he actually wanted to focus on hold em today.
Beautiful sunset today took a walk by the harbor, saw some poker pals around town too:
No luck in the big plo/big o mix game, pretty card dead and my value hands didn't hold up, had nut low with nfd and got a terrible action-killing river, double flush draw nut gutter and top pair lost to top and bottom pair as well, folded to a cold 4! with AQJ53sss once in big o and would have flopped very well, my only regret was not flatting but I was not closing the action. Didn't get much action with my premiums either on good flops. Got very tired and decided to quit.
Lost around $3.3k. 2.2 at 1/2 plo and 1.1 at the 25/25. $79,820 to go.
Woke up with the sun shining again so that's always appreciated. A little bummed out things are so slow this month but happy the 20/40 mix is running, may jump in if it's decent and the plo isn't amazing. Lattes on point along with some good beats. Gotta remain patient, eventually I will start winning with top set against gutshots again and hitting my big draws a lot. Even though poker is lackluster lately, my health is really strong so I am well-positioned to take advantage of the next upswing.
You strong like bull
Thank you. Reflecting on the recent “bad run” (during which I am still winning a little), I think I’m doing a lot of things well like losing the minimum and staying emotionally stable at the tables. I am a little grumpy but in general I am not letting it impact how I play.
I bet if I was still working during the day I would be downswinging and not just breaking even. Having a relatively stress-free existence and routine has really helped me play better on average. Not perfect all the time, just better.
Won with top set today in a multi-way pot for a nice change of pace. I’m looking forward to booking a string of several thousand dollar wins like I used to in the glory days. lol.
I have a new goal, make enough to buy a place in Florida and try playing plo5 down there for a while or even hope back and forth between Florida and here. There are some really big games down there.
Won AAQ87 on 256 both my flush draws to 34 with flush blockers in l/rr 3! pot, 5/T looked good and I got KK twice but only chopped both, once all in pre to Q3s and once to AT on T83 versus AT in 3! pot. Won around $2800 on the night thankfully.
77,120 to go.
Wonderful sleep, around 10 hours again, I am really starting to value this consistency...trying not to play a bender of a session to throw it off.
Lattericanos and ATB mix on the bose speaker now, then light exercise before hopefully getting into the 10/10 later tonight. Psyched!
Getting beat up again, JT976ds lost to KJT54 in big pot on 76Qcc at 1/2, and now lots of all ins getting scooped so far at 10/10 in squeeze spots, dsAA not holding, gotta remember to remain patient and let the game come to me. T9987ds, QQT76, AAK87ds, AKTT7ds all losers today. Some were not exactly pushing a lot of equity but there was an overlay from a lot of dead money and the raiser was reliably going to isolate and force them out, or the opener was loose in LP. In for $7k. Won 3/4 with AKQJ6, but a long way to go. Short stack 20bb poker for you.