Rapidesh123, Fighting Gold!!!
Long time no see, people from 2+2, A lot has happened since my last thread. I would like to say that my
life has never be
I guess he got tired of being nice and respectful. I feel him. I'm getting tired of it too, lol. I did not do any kind of ip check or anything. I was reading the new thread and he used the spelling 1d1ot, so I searched that and sure enough Fazzy the only other person to ever use it. They also both do something weird with their apostrophes.
is it an IP thing? it really feels like it's finland
I don't know anything about his IP address. That's not available to all mods, we have to request someone higher up check that. I wouldn't be sharing who it was if I'd gone the "official" route. Just a guess on my part.
I was pointed to Rapi's thread by a very nice fellow on discord, and want to give my 2 cents. Just to make things very clear from the start, I´m not the troll. I shared my opinion on Rapi and disagreed with him on how he approaches poker in this thread, but I actually like him and want him to reach all of his goals. He posted on my old threads and gave me well meant advices. I had my own problems with someone on this forum who thought it was nice to just bash all microstakes players, which triggered me. I won´t do it to others, it´s just a matter of principles.
Well, that's it.
Yeah, it feels like finland when he isn't into his psycho phase, if he were we would identify him very fast lol.
I don't know anything about his IP address. That's not available to all mods, we have to request someone higher up check that. I wouldn't be sharing who it was if I'd gone the "official" route. Just a guess on my part.
Not sure if fazendeirobh turned out to be a troll, he seemed like a nice guy, but who knows
I live in my parents' house with my brother, they live in a small farm outside of town. Really happy to live here, grateful to have a place to live.
Whats the profit for 2023?
So what do you do with your poker profit? do you pay taxes?
I think you need to find some motivation to make more money from poker... example: wife, kids, degenerate trading( I mean investing crypto...)
honestly rapidesh, the troll guy is 100% right with you.
The only way you're gonna prove him wrong is getting a few roomates that grind, then you'll actually play and probably improve.
People that have the lazy genes like you absolutely need to have a bunch of people around to keep them from reverting back to lazyness.
Im a bit similar to you when it comes to poker and what helped me when i went pro meeting up with 2 guys to grind all night for a few months. That was pretty much the only year that i played great and a lot.
No, but I'm very likely just lazy, always studied the minimum in school/uni, but was able to focus very hard in some periods of my life, so I don't think I might have that, my shrink said I might have it though
having adhd doesn't mean that you can't focus at all, and sometimes tend to focus even more for 'some periods in your life'
as someone who got diagnosed with it at 28, i can say that i played more hands since then in a couple of years comparing to when i was 23-28
laziness is one thing , getting extreme fatigue and demotivation after playing for 30m , which leads to not be able to focus on what you're doing , forcing you to end the session , are two very different things
January results
Month was fine, couldn't play more because I've travelled for half of the month, it was really good, very beautiful beaches. I've done a lot of hiking and one in special was insane: I've walked 20 km in one day, those of which were 8 km uphill, around 30-45 degrees of inclination, after that I was the most tired I've been in my life, really good. I've changed some habits since then, no beer, eating better, doing more exercise, playing better overall too.
My second nl50 shot is going well, I will very likely play mostly nl50 reg tables from now on, will still play the best nl25 tables because they're good EV, will probably mix those even at NL100 fwiw.
Monthly graph (80% reg tables)
Some hands
H1: - So you're telling me that when I'm ready I will dodge bullets?
- No, Neo, what I'm telling you is that when you're ready, you won't have to.
PokerStars - $0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (SB): 103.5 BB
BB: 240.38 BB
UTG: 100 BB
CO: 102.68 BB
BTN: 115.74 BB
Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K♥ A♦
fold, CO raises to 2.5 BB, fold, Hero raises to 10 BB, fold, CO calls 7.5 BB
Flop: (21 BB, 2 players) 5♠ 6♣ 2♥
Hero bets 5 BB, CO calls 5 BB
Turn: (31 BB, 2 players) 7♥
Hero checks, CO bets 15 BB, Hero calls 15 BB
River: (61 BB, 2 players) 8♥
Hero checks, CO bets 72.68 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 72.68 BB
CO shows T♦ J♣ (High Card, Jack)
(Pre 37%, Flop 22%, Turn 14%)
Hero shows K♥ A♦ (High Card, Ace)
(Pre 63%, Flop 78%, Turn 86%)
Hero wins 202.36 BB
H2: Check-raising checkraise_lux lol
PokerStars - $0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
CO: 101.5 BB
BTN: 111.4 BB
SB: 131.74 BB
Hero (BB): 103.8 BB
UTG: 66.42 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 9♣ K♥
fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.5 BB, fold, Hero calls 1.5 BB
Flop: (5.5 BB, 2 players) 7♣ 9♠ 9♦
Hero checks, BTN checks
Turn: (5.5 BB, 2 players) T♦
Hero checks, BTN bets 1.62 BB, Hero raises to 7.96 BB, BTN calls 6.34 BB
River: (21.42 BB, 2 players) 4♥
Hero bets 15.26 BB, BTN calls 15.26 BB
Hero shows 9♣ K♥ (Three of a Kind, Nines)
(Pre 40%, Flop 95%, Turn 82%)
BTN mucks 8♠ A♣ (One Pair, Nines)
(Pre 60%, Flop 5%, Turn 18%)
Hero wins 49.34 BB
Next month I predict that my volume will be insane! 50k+ hands on reg tables! Vaaaaaaaaaaamooooooooo
February Results
Month was bad, ran bad, volume was low, only 36k reg tables, got into a downswing and it affected me quite a bit. Even though downswings make me play worse, at least they make me play more and study more. I'm really more motivated to play, will just take days off when I'm obviously playing poorly.
Back to nl25, but I believe it won't take long until I'm back at nl50. Level of play in there is weak, people obv play decent in the easiest spots, but I see big EV punts in a lot of spots, not sure if population punishes them properly though.
Learned a lot this month, coach is insanely good, I'm also studying with a group of friends from metagame and I'm learning a lot, specially theory.
Some hands
H1: no respect lol
PokerStars - $0.50 Ante $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (BB): 100 BB
UTG: 65.4 BB
CO: 100 BB
BTN: 103.1 BB
SB: 103.14 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB, 5 players post ante of 0.2 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.5 BB) Hero has Q♦ 8♦
fold, CO raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, Hero calls 1.5 BB
Flop: (6.5 BB, 2 players) 9♥ 7♠ 5♦
Hero checks, CO bets 2.06 BB, Hero raises to 7.22 BB, CO calls 5.16 BB
Turn: (20.94 BB, 2 players) K♠
Hero checks, CO bets 6.56 BB, Hero raises to 25 BB, CO calls 18.44 BB
River: (70.94 BB, 2 players) J♥
Hero bets 65.08 BB and is all-in, CO calls 65.08 BB and is all-in
Hero shows Q♦ 8♦ (High Card, King)
CO shows A♦ 9♦ (One Pair, Nines)
CO wins 197.1 BB
H2: reg snap quit the table after this one haha vamooooooo
PokerStars - $0.25 Ante $0.05 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
CO: 100 BB
BTN: 106.04 BB
Hero (SB): 250.56 BB
BB: 36.84 BB
UTG: 129.04 BB
Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB, 5 players post ante of 0.2 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.4 BB) Hero has A♣ J♣
fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.4 BB, Hero raises to 11 BB, fold, BTN calls 8.6 BB
Flop: (24 BB, 2 players) K♠ 5♠ 6♥
Hero bets 5.72 BB, BTN calls 5.72 BB
Turn: (35.44 BB, 2 players) T♥
Hero bets 25.4 BB, BTN raises to 89.12 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 63.72 BB
River: (213.68 BB, 2 players) 2♠
Players agreed to run it twice.
River #2: (213.68 BB, 2 players) 9♦
Hero shows A♣ J♣ (High Card, Ace)
Board #1 (Pre 69%, Flop 75%, Turn 73%)
(High Card, Ace)
Board #2 (Pre 69%, Flop 75%, Turn 72%)
BTN shows 4♥ A♥ (High Card, Ace)
Board #1 (Pre 31%, Flop 25%, Turn 27%)
(High Card, Ace)
Board #2 (Pre 31%, Flop 25%, Turn 28%)
Hero wins 102.84 BB
Hero wins 102.84 BB
H3: vs reg, sick call, bad blockers by me, but I had a good feeling he had A high and I thought he wasn't sick enough to go for it
PokerStars - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
SB: 100 BB
Hero (BB): 101.4 BB
UTG: 102.2 BB
CO: 102.04 BB
BTN: 100 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 9♥ J♦
fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.48 BB, fold, Hero calls 1.48 BB
Flop: (5.36 BB, 2 players) 6♥ Q♠ Q♥
Hero checks, BTN bets 1.52 BB, Hero raises to 5.6 BB, BTN calls 4.08 BB
Turn: (16.56 BB, 2 players) T♣
Hero bets 18.96 BB, BTN calls 18.96 BB
River: (54.48 BB, 2 players) 4♣
Hero bets 74.36 BB and is all-in, BTN calls 72.96 BB and is all-in
Hero shows 9♥ J♦ (One Pair, Queens)
(Pre 34%, Flop 26%, Turn 23%)
BTN shows K♠ A♠ (One Pair, Queens)
(Pre 66%, Flop 74%, Turn 77%)
BTN wins 192.4 BB
H4: rapidesh special! vamoooooooo
PokerStars - $0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (SB): 158.1 BB
BB: 131.4 BB
UTG: 126.32 BB
MP: 135.94 BB
CO: 100 BB
BTN: 80.7 BB
Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has T♥ T♠
fold, MP calls 1 BB, fold, fold, Hero raises to 5 BB, BB raises to 14 BB, fold, Hero calls 9 BB
Flop: (29 BB, 2 players) 5♣ 6♥ 4♦
Hero checks, BB bets 13.78 BB, Hero calls 13.78 BB
Turn: (56.56 BB, 2 players) 8♣
Hero checks, BB checks
River: (56.56 BB, 2 players) J♦
Hero checks, BB bets 26.88 BB, Hero raises to 130.32 BB and is all-in, fold
Hero wins 106.32 BB
this is the ultimate proof that in poker you either have it or you dont
Most of us that were pros with 0 studying 6-10 years ago can easily come back and do good at 50nl-100nl if not 200nl with 0 effort while people spending 2-6hrs per day studying can barely surive at 25nl after over a decade of effort.
this is the ultimate proof that in poker you either have it or you dont
Most of us that were pros with 0 studying 6-10 years ago can easily come back and do good at 50nl-100nl if not 200nl with 0 effort while people spending 2-6hrs per day studying can barely surive at 25nl after over a decade of effort.
Micros are a huge rake trap, and the average player, including fish, are much better than they were 10 years ago.
this is the ultimate proof that in poker you either have it or you dont
Most of us that were pros with 0 studying 6-10 years ago can easily come back and do good at 50nl-100nl if not 200nl with 0 effort while people spending 2-6hrs per day studying can barely surive at 25nl after over a decade of effort.
I don't think so, the average player before solvers were created was pretty weak, people got better.
Talent is overrated, hard work is more important
I'm killing the games with a sick winrate, just need to put more volume with good quality of play.
Micros are a huge rake trap, and the average player, including fish, are much better than they were 10 years ago.
i was a pretty average mostly rakeback grinder for years. i came back last year for a few months and easily won at 12bb at 25nl, 9bb at 50nl and did 4bb at 100nl over a large sample. I only quit because i hated it and my job/crypto pays way more.
I never studied a day in my life. Everyone that i know that came back had the same ease. Micros are still SUPER soft.
Rapidesh barely winning on bodog, the softest site around, is really the epitome of the micro forum. He'll never succeed even if a top pro coaches him fulltime 8hrs per day. Its like a big dong, you either have it or you dont.
i was a pretty average mostly rakeback grinder for years. i came back last year for a few months and easily won at 12bb at 25nl, 9bb at 50nl and did 4bb at 100nl over a large sample. I only quit because i hated it and my job/crypto pays way more.
I never studied a day in my life. Everyone that i know that came back had the same ease. Micros are still SUPER soft.
Rapidesh barely winning on bodog, the softest site around, is really the epitome of the micro forum. He'll never succeed even if a top p
'over large sample' + 'came back for three month's' = something not adding up 😃
i was a pretty average mostly rakeback grinder for years. i came back last year for a few months and easily won at 12bb at 25nl, 9bb at 50nl and did 4bb at 100nl over a large sample. I only quit because i hated it and my job/crypto pays way more.
I never studied a day in my life. Everyone that i know that came back had the same ease. Micros are still SUPER soft.
Rapidesh barely winning on bodog, the softest site around, is really the epitome of the micro forum. He'll never succeed even if a top p
Graphs or didnt happen
February Results
Month was bad, ran bad, volume was low, only 36k reg tables, got into a downswing and it affected me quite a bit. Even though downswings make me play worse, at least they make me play more and study more. I'm really more motivated to play, will just take days off when I'm obviously playing poorly.
Back to nl25, but I believe it won't take long until I'm back at nl50.
Hmmm. Losing 9bb/100 redline, breakeven blueline. Games are soft for you?
Fun hands you post though.
250k hands is more than rapidesh plays per year.
Point is. I like many put 0 effort and can still beat micros pretty easily.
Rapidesh and his micro forum warriors put thousands of hours of study time and can't even stay at 50nl playing 2-3 tables concentrating hard.
Poker you either have it or you don't. Then after that there's levels of 'having it" and theres the amount of work you put in.
250k hands is more than rapidesh plays per year.
Point is. I like many put 0 effort and can still beat micros pretty easily.
Rapidesh and his micro forum warriors put thousands of hours of study time and can't even stay at 50nl playing 2-3 tables concentrating hard.
Poker you either have it or you don't. Then after that there's levels of 'having it" and theres the amount of work you put in.
Would love to see your graph and 250K hands sample micro champ
Some wild stuff ITT. Had some time to read like 33% of it. OP seems a nice enough guy who is getting hate for being lazy lol, unless I missed him being a d-bag. Guess I’ll follow for entertainment if anything, gl OP
250k hands is more than rapidesh plays per year.
Point is. I like many put 0 effort and can still beat micros pretty easily.
Rapidesh and his micro forum warriors put thousands of hours of study time and can't even stay at 50nl playing 2-3 tables concentrating hard.
Poker you either have it or you don't. Then after that there's levels of 'having it" and theres the amount of work you put in.
Rapidesh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Random db talking **** and making unsubstantiated claims.
Even if his results are usually disappointing, at least he has the balls to post them and is very transparent. Where is your graph? Post it or what you claim never happened and is just a lie.
this is the ultimate proof that in poker you either have it or you dont
Most of us that were pros with 0 studying 6-10 years ago can easily come back and do good at 50nl-100nl if not 200nl with 0 effort while people spending 2-6hrs per day studying can barely surive at 25nl after over a decade of effort.
And what exactly are you accomplishing by coming into this person's blog and insulting them? Such a toxic attitude. Let them be.
And what exactly are you accomplishing by coming into this person's blog and insulting them? Such a toxic attitude. Let them be.
Doing a public service to hopefully wake a man child playing 30hrs of poker a month while living in his mom's basement and calling himself a pro when he hasnt even won 10k at the micros in a decade.
If people would stop enabling him, he could probably start to build a career or find something he can live off in the future before its too late.