Rapidesh123, Fighting Gold!!!
Long time no see, people from 2+2, A lot has happened since my last thread. I would like to say that my
life has never be
the idea behind learning theory isn’t to beat nl50 specifically mate, it’s to build solid foundations so you won’t be destabilized moving up, your strategy will still be solid at any stakes
Sick, thanks a lot, Xenoblade. Yeah, gotta study more to be more confident, it really makes sense, going to study more, not sure if I can put 10h/week though.
Sick, thanks a lot, Xenoblade. Yeah, gotta study more to be more confident, it really makes sense, going to study more, not sure if I can put 10h/week though.
Are you saying you think 10h/week is too much?
Seems like the bare minimum for anyone who is a legitimate professional imo. If you don't have to work a job or do something like take care of a family member, then I don't think there's really any excuse for studying any less than that. And I think on some level you seem to understand why:
It's way harder to play vs someone who is fighting to survive, so they do their best, study more.
I think the main difference between you and many of the professional lower stakes regs you're playing against is that you don't actually need poker to survive. You have a roof over your head and food in your stomach without it. From your own account, you seem to live relatively comfortably thanks to your parents. By my estimation, you don't really face much repercussion for laziness or poor decision making because of that
I'm still one of the ones who thinks you can get your way back up to 200, but as was already said, I also think it's pretty apparent that your approach is flawed and it's holding you back. Technically to some degree, but mostly your mental game approach. If you don't take that seriously then I think you're going to have a pretty difficult time moving back up
Maybe someone has pointed this out before, but why play in stars?
The main point is to make money not prove something, why grind in the toughest field possible.
Studying is important for sure, but constantly keeping yourself up to date where are the best games and testing different sites is as important. You have so much experience, could easily beat even 200 in softer sites.
Maybe someone has pointed this out before, but why play in stars?
The main point is to make money not prove something, why grind in the toughest field possible.
Studying is important for sure, but constantly keeping yourself up to date where are the best games and testing different sites is as important. You have so much experience, could easily beat even 200 in softer sites.
Idk if its changed by highest WRs were on stars. +iggy sounds like a cesspit nowadays
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Rapidesh mainly played on Bodog but got himself banned after joining his stable. Not sure if I understood why.
So, stars is not necessarily his own choice.
You can try WPT Global. GG probably has softer tables but higher rake.
Maybe someone has pointed this out before, but why play in stars?
The main point is to make money not prove something, why grind in the toughest field possible.
Studying is important for sure, but constantly keeping yourself up to date where are the best games and testing different sites is as important. You have so much experience, could easily beat even 200 in softer sites.
Rb is good on stars now, will try to play more this month to get more rb.
It's cool to play vs the same players every day. I enjoy to learn how metagames evolve, I prefer to face weaker regs, and they are very common. But it's fine to have a tough player at the table: gotta play well, sometimes we learn and we can copy their strats. I like studying people's games and by 4-tabling reg tables I see the biggest spots and take notes vs regs and fish too.
Are you saying you think 10h/week is too much?
Seems like the bare minimum for anyone who is a legitimate professional imo. If you don't have to work a job or do something like take care of a family member, then I don't think there's really any excuse for studying any less than that. And I think on some level you seem to understand why:
I think the main difference between you and many of the professional lower stakes regs you're playing against is that you don't actually need poker to survive. You
10h/week is low, imo you gotta study 50% and play 50% on tough limits, probably like 20h-24h/week seems reasonable to me
I'm doing fine, played a lot last month and started well this month. Working a lot, soon will see good results.
lol , a 30m quick review per day played is more than enough studying .. the issue is the lack of basic fundamental understandings of poker and basic math , if you cant calculate pot odds in 2s during a hand , and understand how to proceed , i guess you could still use pio , but you might be better off watching the famous 'flat call' video than putting your hands on gtowiz
also at this point poker will die before you make it to midstakes ...
there's a 0% chance you'll ever become a pro player, because you have so much to learn , and time is running out
lol , a 30m quick review per day played is more than enough studying .. the issue is the lack of basic fundamental understandings of poker and basic math , if you cant calculate pot odds in 2s during a hand , and understand how to proceed , i guess you could still use pio , but you might be better off watching the famous 'flat call' video than putting your hands on gtowiz
also at this point poker will die before you make it to midstakes ...
there's a 0% chance you'll ever become a pro player, bec
Moving from nl25 to nl200 should be a matter of less than a year if you have the right guidance and work ethic, why you think poker will die in the next two years?
I think any decent CFP nowadays would have taught Rapi how to spot his big leaks, and hopefully also do a db review for him at the start, so he would know beforehand - if he didn't - what are his most important leaks that he should be prioritising. Maybe I have a supermemory and pattern recognition abilities, because drilling mine, and they were quite a few, didn't require more than 1 hr a day 5 days a week for 1 month or so.
Drilling chess tactical patterns is way, waaaaaaaaaaaay more difficult than poker, it's not even close. So if you guys suggesting 10 hrs a week+ are confusing chess for poker, I'm sorry. Def agree chess requires more than 10 hr/week, maybe 20-25, to become relatively proficient in any reasonable timeframe.
Studying x hours is overrated. I think for most people it's very helpful to surround yourself with other poker players irl. Talk poker IRL/online, have some type of regular meetings 2-4 times per week with a coach ideally or possibly a friend or two.
I have never tracked my studying hours and never will. It's hard to even define what counts as studying.
lol , a 30m quick review per day played is more than enough studying .. the issue is the lack of basic fundamental understandings of poker and basic math , if you cant calculate pot odds in 2s during a hand , and understand how to proceed , i guess you could still use pio , but you might be better off watching the famous 'flat call' video than putting your hands on gtowiz
also at this point poker will die before you make it to midstakes ...
there's a 0% chance you'll ever become a pro player, bec
You underestimate me a lot, there are definitely some range cbets in my game that shouldn't be there and you know that (but you don't know that I know that), but there's a reason why I make them, so you mistakenly think I'm worse than I am for those small details. It's fine to have "wrong sizings" in a lot of spots in our games, as long as in the biggest EV spots (and small common spots) we play well. If you're interested to play some 1h of HU on stars on play money to see my level, you will see that I'm far far better than what you think I am, sure you won't waste your time doing that, but if you're curious, then we can play.
Why do you think poker will die? Because of greed from poker sites? I don't think AI/bots/colluders will be any problem, because the sites that are protected against those will get more players, for me the biggest concern is ggpoker raising rake and stars having few games on nl50, so I have to mix some nl25 (and will likely mix those even when I'm at nl100).
Don't think anybody underestimates you. I think you're being fairly estimated as just not being any good at the game. As for the quoted part, just lol. There's a plethora of examples where sites have become unplayable yet you think this won't be ''any problem''.
You underestimate me a lot, there are definitely some range cbets in my game that shouldn't be there and you know that (but you don't know that I know that), but there's a reason why I make them, so you mistakenly think I'm worse than I am for those small details. It's fine to have "wrong sizings" in a lot of spots in our games, as long as in the biggest EV spots (and small common spots) we play well. If you're interested to play some 1h of HU on stars on play money to see my level, you will see
If you are range cbetting boards where the ev loss is big but not big enough to change your strategy, you handicap yourself from exploiting people in future streets where they have 10x leaks and your ev will be a lot higher. I am all for simplification when you arent good in a game but there is a line. Example is pokerdetox taking 1% pot loss which is absurd, i had to read it twice to make sure this is what they were teaching. I think they changed their strategy because it wasnt working properly. Even 0.6% is quite big ev loss imo, especially if you think how terrible are most people playing turns and rivers
you will see that I'm far far better than what you think I am, sure you won't waste your time doing that, but if you're curious, then we can play.
im unsure if you'll understand this but..
the point of playing poker as a professional is not to show that you are good.
It's to make money.
There is no gaging, other than money earned.
You could be the bestest best theory writer on 2p2, if you play 25nl fulltime, you are not good.
Bhruv, you've been playing as a pro for almost a decade and you still can't beat low stakes on the easiest site in the world: bodog/bovada
If you are range cbetting boards where the ev loss is big but not big enough to change your strategy, you handicap yourself from exploiting people in future streets where they have 10x leaks and your ev will be a lot higher. I am all for simplification when you arent good in a game but there is a line. Example is pokerdetox taking 1% pot loss which is absurd, i had to read it twice to make sure this is what they were teaching. I think they changed their strategy because it wasnt working properly
The aggregate loss for the 184 flop subset when you always range cbet (IP SRP b25) is 0.60%, not exactly irrelevant but far from high imho, when you consider what they are trying to achieve, simplified GTO on earlier streets.
the point of playing poker as a professional is not to show that you are good.
It's to make money.
There is no gaging, other than money earned.
This is true and I've been a terrible poker professional in the last 2 years, specially when it comes to volume and money management.
but my skill is good, I've never played so well and never been so confident about my game, so when someone come here and says that I'm as bad as most nl25 regs out there it makes no sense. I've written a bit about some insights I've got some weeks ago, so sharing here:
The best player
Recently I was playing smash bros with a friend, we're decent, he is better than I am in the game, but not by a lot.
It was the like the second or third match of the day, I've chosen one of my best characters (mr. game and watch) and I often lose the match vs his best character (hero). But in that specific game I started pulling off some crazy combos and I've made a sequence of plays that I've never done before (although I've seen people do), it was insane, won by 3-1. We were both stunned at the combos I've made, it was like S rank level of play and I was pretty sure that I didn't have those tricks under my hat.
Today I thought a bit after getting schooled playing vs some random micro reg and remembered that day that I've made those combos on smash bros. But I thought in the reverse way: this guy is worse than me in the game because of this, this and this, but he owned me here, just like I did on smash bros vs a superior opponent. Maybe it's inevitable to lose, it's part of the game to get owned, it's even natural!
Just think for a bit, there is my A game, B game and C game, it can't be that I'm so better than my opponents that my C game wouldn't be outclassed by their A game. I've realized that I'm losing a lot of EV on the tables because of that fear of getting owned. My volume used to be garbage because of the pain of losing, I overvalue a high winrate over high winnings.
Then after thinking for a bit, I came to the conclusion that if I played more, even though in my B game, I would very likely make more money. Then thought for a bit: who is the best player? The answer is clear: the one who makes more money. It doesn't matter if your winrate is 2bb/100, if you can pull 200k hands/month, then you will be better than someone making 5bb/100 over 50k hands/month playing the same game.
It's obvious that my biggest problem is not being a good professional, so I will have to break through this barrier and learn how to accept the pain of losing so I can play more. Maybe I can even improve my B game, or manage to play more time in my A game by doing that!
rapi , i dont underestimate you , i have never seen you play , poker for me its math and data
in this case im looking at data , you post 5 hands per 10k hands you play, its literally impossible to access if you're winning or not ..
also you talking about very specific nodelocks , and i wont expand on that, but yeah you are allowed to cbet range on a lot of boards ,but others will make you lose ev if you do by overexploiting
i have no interest in playing you heads up , as i consider myself an hu specialist too , and playing you might get me outed on other sites , also i dont need to play you to know that i have 50 times more study time than you in hu and pbb 5000 times more hands played , at way higher stakes vs regs . i know the outcome already .. doesnt matter the sample .. everything over 2k hands, you'll get absolutely destroyed .. why tf would you wanna play me hu , focus your volume on moving up stakes ...
Clanty mentioned the MartimC guy in one of the RIO videos, which made me interested, so I checked and he seemed pretty legit in my opinion, enjoyed reading his thread, but regarding ego specifically, Idk who is worse, Rapidesh or him 😃
' either you live by the sword , or die by the sword '
If you are range cbetting boards where the ev loss is big but not big enough to change your strategy, you handicap yourself from exploiting people in future streets where they have 10x leaks and your ev will be a lot higher. I am all for simplification when you arent good in a game but there is a line. Example is pokerdetox taking 1% pot loss which is absurd, i had to read it twice to make sure this is what they were teaching. I think they changed their strategy because it wasnt working properly
Not absurd at all. Some of the best regs in the world have done it for years.
0.5% loss rate, 1% loss rate. 0.75% 0.6%
somewhat irrelevant tbh.
All meaningless stuff. Detox results will have absolutely nothing to do with 1% or 0.5% loss rate.