Rapidesh123, Fighting Gold!!!
Long time no see, people from 2+2, A lot has happened since my last thread. I would like to say that my
life has never be
its also 1% vs. the max exploit strat which is not going to happen
April Results
Started the month very well, with strong volume, but then took 5 days off and lost the pace, but played very well. My red line increased a lot thanks to some feedback from the coach, changed some parts in my game that I was afraid of changing because I was uncomfortable in those spots. I believe it's just a matter of time before the team puts me on NL100, then it will increase my hourly by a lot, I'm still mixing a lot of nl25 because there aren't always good nl50 tables running on stars. Will definitely mix some good nl25 tables even when I'm playing nl100, there are some tables in there that are just gold. Made around $1k with rakeback, had 27% rakeback this month.
Graph (almost all volume 4-tabling reg tables)
Ambition, comfort and cars.
I've been thinking a bit and I've realized why I have no ambition, it's very likely my biggest problem in life. I'm too rational, we humans always look for comfort and to be as lazy as possible to save energy. On top of that, I know that the most important thing in life is relationships, I've got a lot of very strong relationships already, I live in a comfortable house, have food to eat, so my rational brain sees that and thinks it's game over.
I've realized that in order to have ambition we need exciting goals. Farming my retirement is legit a very good and responsible goal, tbh I would love to get motivated every day by that, but it's just not fun. I need something challenging that really makes me happy, and I've been reading a lot lately about cars.
I've always liked cars, specially technology, but my rational brain thinks that it's not a good idea to buy a new car, specially when I have already a very good car to drive, that is safe, doesn't break easily, reliable and fast, maintance is cheap too. When my brain thinks about that, it's easier to think: I don't need a new car, so let's work the minimum and relax, even though I enjoy old school cars. It's even easier to rule that out, because old school cars are total garbage and can easily ruin a man's life lol, so this dream wasn't supposed to work as a motivation factor to me.
I've given up the idea of buying old school cars until recently: I've had a very cool experience that changed a bit the way I see life. As I said, I believe emotions work better as motivators than rational thought, so I had a very exciting experience that made my heart beat faster.
One friend of mine just bought a porsche, when I saw it I thought it was cool. Then he took me on a ride in it, when I saw inside I was very impressed at how many buttons there were, sick technology in there, leather interior, so many cool functions that made me think a lot about the engineering of the car.
As my friend started to drive, the car ran very smoothly, very cool and comfortable, then he clicked a button: something like turbo mode, the car got closer to the floor and got some kind of speed boost that I have 0 clue on how it works, definitely a marvel of engineering. It was sunday, so no cars were on the streets, then he accelerated, instantly my neck got glued to the chair of the car, the sound of the engine was one of the coolest sounds I've heard, very pleasing, it sounded like an engine of an airplane, we got to 100 km/h insanely fast, it was amazing.
During that experience I was really happy and laughed a lot, I couldn't explain why it was so much fun. Tbh I don't seek cars with speed, I like to be safe and it's not responsible to go very fast, specially in the city, but it was a very cool experience, I believe it changed me a bit.
Then I've thought about that in the next days, I've gotten deeper into mechanic and cars, trying to understand more, specially about 70s-80s old school cars. So I thought about my goals, and realized that I really want an old school car, this will be my goal and motivator to work more. I know those are garbage, but I'm fine with spending a lot of time and money with the mechanic, being less reliable (because those cars break a lot) and having garbage safety (tbh my biggest concern). But I drive safely and very slowly, I'm a very skilled driver and never got into an accident, I drive a lot and people in my city are known to be the worst drivers in the country lol.
I've had another experience last week, one friend of mine has a modified fiat 147, really cool. We got into it and it was so beautiful inside, I like when cars were made with metal, not plastic. But the car wouldn't turn on, so we had to push it so it lol. It only worked after we got it going downhill at a 30 degrees inclination with 2 people pushing it really hard, scary.
I've researched many old school cars that are on sale (still learning a lot and studying so I don't get scammed) and found a perfect car for a beginner that wants to get into this world: puma gt. It's a made in Brazil 70s car with simple mechanic (very similar to an old school VW beetle), so any mechanic will be able to fix it, it's very cheap, very cool, but it's slow and the wheel is beyond garbage (mechanic direction lol wtf), I will definitely have a test drive before buying it. Tbh I'm not super excited by this car, but it got cheap maintenance, gotta develop trust with the mechanic too, learn stuff and maybe even change my mind later about getting into old school cars (although I doubt that I would change unless the experience is insanely traumatic). The price is $15k for one that is working well with 0 big problems, but will need to save a total of $25k to have some extra for maintance.
My goal after that is my endgame though, I believe if nothing changes it will be insane: I really enjoy old school cadillacs. They were very rare in Brazil, so there are few of them left, most are destroyed, total garbage cars. But I've found out 3-4 that look to be in a good condition (and aren't super expensive). I believe I will need to save $100k for one of those (around $50k for the car and more $50k for maintenance).
So I've got a very sick goal now, will definitely work towards it, really happy and my heart is beating faster, it's a different way to live. I know it's a dumb goal, but let's see where it gets me. I was thinking about just grinding nl200 and making some safe and easy money to live comfortably, but with this goal I will have to play higher, will focus more so I can beat HS.
Some hands
H1: For a split second this reg thought I was superusing somehow haha
PokerStars - $0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
MP: 167.42 BB
CO: 324.86 BB
BTN: 214.32 BB
SB: 99 BB
BB: 100 BB
Hero (UTG): 100 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A♣ A♦
Hero raises to 2.32 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, BB calls 1.32 BB
Flop: (5.14 BB, 2 players) J♣ J♠ J♦
BB checks, Hero bets 1.22 BB, BB calls 1.22 BB
Turn: (7.58 BB, 2 players) 9♥
BB checks, Hero bets 5.4 BB, BB raises to 12.5 BB, Hero calls 7.1 BB
River: (32.58 BB, 2 players) A♠
BB checks, Hero checks
BB shows J♥ K♦ (Four of a Kind, Jacks)
(Pre 13%, Flop 99.9%, Turn 100%)
Hero mucks A♣ A♦ (Full House, Aces full of Jacks)
(Pre 87%, Flop 0.1%, Turn 0%)
BB wins 30.96 BB
PokerStars - $0.50 Ante $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 113.76 BB
Hero (SB): 101.1 BB
BB: 101.9 BB
CO: 131 BB
Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB, 4 players post ante of 0.2 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.3 BB) Hero has 8♥ A♥
fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, BB raises to 9 BB, Hero calls 6 BB
Flop: (18.8 BB, 2 players) 2♣ 7♥ T♥
Hero checks, BB checks
Turn: (18.8 BB, 2 players) T♠
Hero checks, BB checks
River: (18.8 BB, 2 players) 3♥
Hero bets 34 BB, BB calls 34 BB
Hero shows 8♥ A♥ (Flush, Ace High)
(Pre 31%, Flop 49%, Turn 33%)
BB mucks K♣ A♦ (One Pair, Tens)
(Pre 69%, Flop 51%, Turn 67%)
Hero wins 85.3 BB
What is your off-poker routine? Do you exercise? Eat healthy? Do not underestimate how these simple things can influence your motivation, and your brain in general.
decent volume for 4 tabling, its quite possible you find poker more enjoyable playing less tables , as it avoids mistakes , more time to process the hand in your head , and more room to exploit
try and push 5k more hands for the next month , and try to up that winrate to 5bbs at least
dont mix 3 stakes imo, strategies are different given rake differences , focus on getting out of 25nl , by mixing 25/50 , then 50/100
AA pretty easy xb in this spot wp, A8hh might wanna review that one , potentially losing ev on 2 streets 😉
just cant stop the routine , and who knows.. after the first 12k hands you switched your strategy , meaning you putting in the work , def wanna have a negative redline at these stakes
What is your off-poker routine? Do you exercise? Eat healthy? Do not underestimate how these simple things can influence your motivation, and your brain in general.
Recently I've been eating way healthier, still not as healthy as I should, but probably better than most people. I used to eat too much cheese, chips, chocolate and fast food. I used to cook a special meal every day, so used a lot of butter, cream and parmesan cheese, I love carbs too, so ate way more than I should back then, I also used to drink 1-2 beers or sometimes wine while cooking (which was almost every day, so those carbs add up a lot). Now that I'm broke I can't afford to cook fancy food every day, so my diet got way better, cooking very simple stuff every day, but healthy, like meat with rice, beans, some salad (sometimes), I should eat more fruit, I rarely eat those.
In the last 5 years I've exercised a lot on average, but during some 3 months of last year I've exercised only 3 times a week, lost the rhythm. But now that I'm trying to focus more, I'm exercising way more, probably 10 times/week (yeah, some days I exercise twice so I can play more). My routine is still unstable, some days I wake up at 2 AM, some days 10 AM, I need to have a more solid routine so I can focus more and make smaller changes, be more predictable and change stuff that need to be changed in my routine, test what works and what doesn't.
decent volume for 4 tabling, its quite possible you find poker more enjoyable playing less tables , as it avoids mistakes , more time to process the hand in your head , and more room to exploit
try and push 5k more hands for the next month , and try to up that winrate to 5bbs at least
dont mix 3 stakes imo, strategies are different given rake differences , focus on getting out of 25nl , by mixing 25/50 , then 50/100
AA pretty easy xb in this spot wp, A8hh might wanna review that one , poten
Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, I should definitely increase the volume, I believe I can double that if I focus really hard. I really enjoy playing less tables and focusing more on playing better, making some extra in small spots, also I hate to get into downswings, so I don't like playing zoom because winrates there are low.
I believe it's fine to mix 3 stakes if the table in the lowest stake is insane, so much EV in good nl25 tables, sometimes I'm with 3 fish in there, it's possible to make more per hour than on a meh table at nl100, so gotta get that extra EV. I don't think strategies change that much, in theory sure, but in practice it's ok to play the same strat, there isn't much difference from nl25 and nl50 (and I believe nl100 too, it has been a year that I've played there on stars, don't think it changed much).
on A8hh I've checked again because villain was checking back too many strong hands, so I've decided to check a lot so I don't bet into a range that is stronger than theory so I don't give too much EV to him.
It would be interesting to see how you would do if you stopped making these rants and excuses for a month or so. No more posts how you are better than people think or explanations why you didnt have any success.
It would be interesting to see how you would do if you stopped making these rants and excuses for a month or so. No more posts how you are better than people think or explanations why you didnt have any success.
Motivation is tricky, I'm trying to understand where I'm failing. Sure, I should quit ranting about how good my game is, but I get annoyed a bit by random people saying I'm garbage after all I went through.
The thing about the trolls and haters is that you don't even know, and never will know, if they are genuine. Maybe they don't care, don't play the game, or play vs you, think you're not even that bad, and just want to throw you off your base and deliberately put you on tilt. The point I'm trying to make is that, even if you eventually prove all the haters are wrong, you still lost the war.
Yeah, I should definitely increase the volume, I believe I can double that if I focus really hard. I really enjoy playing less tables and focusing more on playing better, making some extra in small spots, also I hate to get into downswings, so I don't like playing zoom because winrates there are low.
From what I have gathered, you are already putting in something like 30 hours of play and study per week, which is a decent amount. I wouldn't try to double that output, it is clear that you aren't built for that, and it isn't sustainable long term. I think you would be better served to have a routine where you aren't so feast or famine with your routine. You shouldn't have 5 day stretches where you don't play because you aren't motivated, especially if you are having a winning month.
tldr: Focus more on consistency rather than volume.
Motivation is tricky, I'm trying to understand where I'm failing. Sure, I should quit ranting about how good my game is, but I get annoyed a bit by random people saying I'm garbage after all I went through.
You are garbage though. Other than a short 200nl stint on the softest site ever you have a decade worth of nothingness to show. You talk a lot, but you succeed never.
and again you're just absolutely clueless about simple schedules...
you've just put in the most hours in poker in a month in your career , some people have more endurance, others not so much , some have better hand reading skills, some are very efficient at playing a b/e strat mass tabling for hours and make plenty of money from rakeback ..
you are clearly not a high volume player , and you wanna double the volume ? you've struggled with volume a lot and your brain is letting you know that , this is what we can do so use these hours efficiently .. so you just wanna double it ? think that has any chance of working ? its not your choice , its about understanding what your body can endure and stick to it ..
would play 10h a day 10 years ago, tell me to play more than 3 hours per day now , and i would be in bed for a weak after 3 days
and again you're just absolutely clueless about simple schedules...
you've just put in the most hours in poker in a month in your career , some people have more endurance, others not so much , some have better hand reading skills, some are very efficient at playing a b/e strat mass tabling for hours and make plenty of money from rakeback ..
you are clearly not a high volume player , and you wanna double the volume ? you've struggled with volume a lot and your brain is letting you know that , this
Hey MartimC, remember me?
I have found you , you have been a bad bad boy.
You have lost many players money on app games and you blame it on the app owners, but I have found out the truth. It was you who did the scamming. You may have played poker ok one day, but you have been broke a long time now.
We will talk again soon Martim
Hey MartimC, remember me?
I have found you , you have been a bad bad boy.
You have lost many players money on app games and you blame it on the app owners, but I have found out the truth. It was you who did the scamming. You may have played poker ok one day, but you have been broke a long time now.
We will talk again soon Martim
Yo get the popcorn ready
Hey MartimC, remember me?
I have found you , you have been a bad bad boy.
You have lost many players money on app games and you blame it on the app owners, but I have found out the truth. It was you who did the scamming. You may have played poker ok one day, but you have been broke a long time now.
We will talk again soon Martim
hey Carlos? just cause i posted your name on feedbacks and disputes , you dont have to make **** up on pgc
can we get a mod to see this please
this is just nonsense
i never even had any other players money on apps lol, again if i did they can jump in and say smtg
the only time i had issues on apps , was for getting banned for winning too much bro
you're just drawing more attention to yourself , i posted there precisely before i went nvg so you could make things right.. again anyone that 'had money with me on apps????' that i 'lost??' can chime in
this is just gonna get worse and worse for you , just pay what you owe to my players
im getting myself involved in this when the money you owe is not even to me , i have nothing to gain financially here, other than keeping my reputation , and if people go through me to get them in with you guys i have to fight back, when you're scamming my players
Hey MartimC, remember me?
I have found you , you have been a bad bad boy.
You have lost many players money on app games and you blame it on the app owners, but I have found out the truth. It was you who did the scamming. You may have played poker ok one day, but you have been broke a long time now.
We will talk again soon Martim
I have made an unjust mistake here. I have accused the wrong man. I want air to clear that this Martim is not the Martim I am looking for. This Martim has
I got ripped off by a Martim that I met at Borgota Casino and played on some app games under him, and I thought this was the guy. I did not do enough research and realize this is not him. I was overwhelmed by my distress over the past week. Sorry for the mistaken identity here.
I've taken immediate action by reporting the posts, hoping that the moderators will remove them.
all g
i mean, keep this last post at least pls, and if the mods could delete the graph and the names i mentioned would apreciate
damnit, almost had some drama
Interesting that both guys have problems with someone else, they thought they have found each other and, yet, each of them picked the wrong guy it seems 😀
well, Martim is a name of Portuguese origin 'son of mars' , there were only 3 Martim's when i was born , and its still confused today by 'Martin' even in Portugal, as many people straight away start speaking in english , as i could easily pass as a foreign by looks and height
in 1881 was the first time the name was used , as a surname in the UK, guess he found one of those 36 😀
big coincidences happen
Edit: actually wrong about this , it was first used in 1147 as a first name , to a royalty guy named 'Martim Moniz' in Portugual , but seems like it wasn't used further for a long time after
To all procrastinators reading this thread 😀
Rapi you got some serious flaws in your logic. A 2bb winner playing 200k hands a month is NOT better than a 5bb winner playing 50k hands a month. The 5bb winner is a better player period. Sure, if the 2bb winner really wants to 4 table zoom for 200 hours a month (unsustainable) then he will technically win more money. But the 5bb winner will arguably be much better off overall cause he plays less hours per month and has time for other things like a life/studying so he can be an 8bb crusher. His sessions will also be much less stressful than the 2bb winner cause he will have fewer and less severe downswings.
How many monthly graphs have you seen with 200k hands a month? Have you even played more than 100k hands in a month recently? Last month you didn't even hit 50k.
not to mention the most fun poker is fewer tables with max focus, ideally at higher stakes