Road to crushing high stakes PLO

Road to crushing high stakes PLO

Old time nlhe pro here, did very well in the early years up till 2016. Got wiped out by serious illness for 6 years. Just getting back on my feet now and started learning plo (mainly 5c) this year.

Let’s see if the dream is still alive in 2023.

The approach is simple, study effectively 3-5hrs every morning, play 1k hands at night. Going full monk mode. The goal is to make 30k+/month.

Will update weekly with my progress.

Also happy to talk in depth strategy in this topic. Feel free to drop any hh’s.

) 11 Views 11
27 October 2023 at 03:54 AM

129 Replies


Thanks for all the kind responses guys. Here's a quick write up of my new direction.

We pursue poker for money and meaning. Meaning is found in intellectual stimulation, creativity and positive work relations.
I got into poker when I was 17 in a state of severe psychological damage and very low self esteem. Suddenly I found something I was naturally very good at and when I starting making 50-100k/month from it it was incredible, it gave me everything.

After 6 years I lost interest. What is the coolest thing in the world at 18, became repetitive, frustrating, lacking creativity, inspiration and positive work relations. I took a step back from poker and searched and traveled. Then I became very seriously ill for many years. At some point wanting to pick up work again, I got back into poker, learning plo5 from scratch, the process which I logged here.

The process of learning was the most fun, but now that I have most of the game figured out, what remains is again a fairly repetitive grind of studying situations for even deeper understanding, while grinding out low edge very high variance games.

What used to be 100k/month variance free became in a best-case execution 50k/month at extremely high variance with a number of additional downsides: little in terms of creativity or positive work relations, poor future prospects, no prospect for further growth. Look at the top poker players, none of them scream alive and fulfilling potential the way that industry leaders in tech and engineering do. Even in chess you do not see greatness, the top players all have an element of narcissism. The greatest thing in these games is to be better than another in a format that produces nothing.

Now with AI booming, the option to build the future is more accessible to anyone than ever before. To truly succeed now in poker an effort of absolute excellence is required. That effort of excellence applied to the AI boom will undoubtedly result in a better prospect by every metric, earnings included, than poker.

With a little push from friends, I have now started on this. Starting a new venture is like looking into the abyss of unknowns. Maybe I will continue logging my progress in the space here.

Gaining proficiency, I feel filled with that excitement and drive that I long lost and its the greatest feeling ever.

You are obviously very switched on and the way you write about poker is interesting and engaging, i would be interested in reading your journey into a new career as it happens, and the nuances of how you approach it.

by crimsonchin k

Thanks for all the kind responses guys. Here's a quick write up of my new direction.

We pursue poker for money and meaning. Meaning is found in intellectual stimulation, creativity and positive work relations.
I got into poker when I was 17 in a state of severe psychological damage and very low self esteem. Suddenly I found something I was naturally very good at and when I starting making 50-100k/month from it it was incredible, it gave me everything.

After 6 years I lost interest. What is the coo

Would be very interested in seeing how you transition into AI from scratch, please keep posting and logging how you’re going about it! Would be nice just in case one day myself and others want to do the same

Build a 100m company. Lets go!

Crucial to wealth creation is leverage. The beauty of AI is that it allows a single user to tap into unprecedented amounts of leverage. Lets build from scratch and ignorance, a Airbnb like platform.

Step 1: grind a basic python/javascript module to understand how coding works at a fundamental level

Step 2: build "manually" with chatGPT and VScode the core features of a marketplace to understand how the process is structures

Step 3: use a more advanced tool like replit to properly prompt to do the same. See what problems you run into.

Step 4: Problems from above arise from not thinking out design properly. Frontend, backend and database design need to be thought out before hand to build in a strategic manner

Step 5: Design the user interface in Figma. Designing the UI forces you to think about the functionality.

Step 6: Return to replit with this understanding. Build the marketplace now in a thoughtful manner.

I now built a fully functional basic market place with registration, login features leading to buyer: search ads, purchase, manage orders and seller: list add, manage orders. With the optionality to switch between roles. It took less than 2 hours with the proper structure to build this.

Step 7: Where are the vulnerabilities in building towards a product deployment and scaling? > Keeping good coding practice. Ask GPT to tutor you on good coding practice. Hire experienced developer to go through your current files and elaborate and guide the process.

This is where we are now.

As a poker player workign in tech with AI - please continue to write on your path and learnings. Very interesting to follow from the outside. Best of luck with everything!
