$25----->25k Bankroll Challenge on Ignition

$25----->25k Bankroll Challenge on Ignition

I am going to be starting with $25 in my Ignition Account and try to spin it up to $25,000.

I will start at 5nl since it is the lowest stake on the site and be playing Ignition Reg tables only.

I will be updating every 5k hands with my progress.

My expectation for each limit is as follows:

Expected Winrates for each limit:

5NL: 30bb/100

10NL: 25bb/100

25NL: 20bb/100

50NL: 15bb/100

100NL: 12bb/100

200NL: 10bb/100

Variance will be a decent factor in a lot of these winrates but these are just ball park numbers. Once I hit 25k I will take a 10buyin shot at 500nl! As far as moving up I'll move up whenever I feel like it, but probably after winning 30-40 buyins at the limit.

There will be no cherry picking here since you can't cherry pick a Bankroll Challenge. Wish me luck (or not) and follow along in this thread.

) 67 Views 67
19 April 2024 at 06:36 AM

1481 Replies


by DooDooPoker k

Are you really throwing titles around? This is the type of guy I thought you were so thank you for confirming my suspicions.

I have posted over 15k posts in the ssnl forum over the past 6 years and I've never seen you post or reply to any hand histories so just stop with the ceremony. I've literally never even seen you make one post.

You are an absentee landlord, you don't get to claim that forum. The people that contribute to that forum get to claim that forum.

What you don't get is that 2p2 is

What are you on about? You asked about a poll on this website. I literally explained to you how this website ranks 200nl (and basically why I know), no one thinks being a mod is a brag jfc, that's not why it was mentioned.

If you have posted thousands of hands in the ssnl forum how the **** do you not know that 200nl hands were posted in there? This lack of attention to detail is worrying.

Like I said, your ego can't let it go. It doesn't matter what you want to phrase 200nl as, It's established you're talking about 200nl (with a posted 72k hand sample). Now readers know that they can judge your musings about "midstakes" accordingly.

Anyway at least some of that nonsense is cleared up. GL with thread, I'll stay out of it now.

by DooDooPoker k

Thank you.

They are trying really hard to discredit me when I called myself a midstakes reg because I beat 200nl.

Mission failed.

Who is they? Am I part of they? Man I love being part of things.

I didn't even know who you were until two days ago but my opinion is certainly deteriorating steadily. When I commented on the clarification of terms I did it because I saw them being used incorrectly, not because I have an opinion of you.

Now this thread is bogged down with pages and pages of discussion over what constitutes mistakes. I understand DDP comes off as smug or arrogant to some people, but when someone contradicts him with good evidence he does listen, so I think it's just his way of talking and not him being an a-hole.
And to top it off he contributes tons of free info and good strategy discussion, which very few posters do anymore. For players like myself who are trying to learn and get good info for free, he's a valuable resource and it's a little annoying for his threads be clogged with bickering over nothing.
I understand why some of you dislike him. I wouldn't deny that his writing comes off as arrogant. But it's just becoming over the top. I want to hear the thoughts of any winning NL 200 reg. Tbh I want to hear the thoughts of people crushing any stake. As I said I'm here for the free info, not personal arguments

I made this thread as a documentation of my journey from 5nl-whever and my insight along the way. People obviously don't like my conviction in my methods which triggers them and they try to derail my thread.

End of the day, I will continue my BR challenge and post my thoughts on various hand histories. I hope people have learned something and I will be posting a 20k hand update soon.

Shout out to everybody that is here to learn and I apologize for the gossip derail. I realize I have a polarizing personality and I am definitely not for everyone.

Anyways, I won't stop documenting anything unless I get banned (it has happened before by my own fault).

Talk soon!

I think you could flip the dynamic in here super quickly if you moved up in stakes quicker. From what you are saying a lot of people want to see you back it up vs the bots. I can see where they are coming from because I assume the fish ratio / weaker regs still occupy the small stakes tables. I agree it would be more fun as well, but regardless its fun to see someone tracking their results in a bot infested enviroment. It's scary that not more people are doing it because it makes you consider if there is just no humans left. Clearly for a while people tried to gate keep iggy but I think it's one if no the lowest sites to have access to these days. I would rather play on every single site in the world rather than ignition myself.

with flip the dynamic i mean everyone would be rooting for you

I enjoy the thread and information you're providing.

Keep up the good work!

by ggbruuce k

I think you could flip the dynamic in here super quickly if you moved up in stakes quicker. From what you are saying a lot of people want to see you back it up vs the bots. I can see where they are coming from because I assume the fish ratio / weaker regs still occupy the small stakes tables. I agree it would be more fun as well, but regardless its fun to see someone tracking their results in a bot infested enviroment. It's scary that not more people are doing it because it makes you consider if

Yeah that is one of the reasons I'm moving up slowly but mentally it has been hard for me to play 10nl. I find myself in a bunch of spots where I'm saying who cares it's only 10 bucks.

Regardless of what people think I'm actually not broke, so I may move up to 50nl or something because it takes so long to build a bankroll...especially when variance is not on your side.

I'm not going to post bot strategy for obvious reasons but I will continue to post theory/MDA strategy.

by DooDooPoker k

Yeah that is one of the reasons I'm moving up slowly but mentally it has been hard for me to play 10nl. I find myself in a bunch of spots where I'm saying who cares it's only 10 bucks.

Regardless of what people think I'm actually not broke, so I may move up to 50nl or something because it takes so long to build a bankroll...especially when variance is not on your side.

I'm not going to post bot strategy for obvious reasons but I will continue to post theory/MDA strategy.

It shouldn't take that long to build a bankroll with your expected winrates, even if you're somewhat low volume grinder. The biggest reason why you're not close to NL50 yet seems to be your laziness

And yes you should move up to NL50. Showing a >10bb winrate at NL50-200 is much more impressive than whatever you are trying to do at NL2-25. Not sure what you are trying to prove down there. Your target group for coaching students shouldn't be NL10 players, since they are much less likely to pay whatever you are charging for coaching

I reckon I've played more short stack poker than anyone here. Back in the day 2006 era the only game running at the Chumash was a $2/$5 no limit with a $200 only buy-in meaning you have to buy in exactly for $200. They still have the same structure game at the Commerce Casino actually, it's a good game. And there are many reasons why having a short stack is an advantage you guys shouldn't be so quick to not listen to DDP here. What I quickly learned playing that 40bb game was that the value of high cards was much stronger, premium hands were now super premium hands and speculative hands were junk. And you still had to be able to fold JJ or QQ even at that stack depth to the right type of player they just never bluffed sometimes. But other people are just so much more willing to gamble with that amount of big blinds then they should be. The way to make money in poker is to exploit our skill gap and the skill gap possible between a good player and the population at short stack poker is huge. Don't dismiss that. I don't know if the skill gap at deep stakes is quite as big to be honest most people won't lose 100bb with top pair no kicker but a huge number will at 40bbs. I don't know what the math would have to be but people are really bad at around 40bb poker.

In reading Harrington on Hold'Em I believe at the end of volume II but it may be volume I there is a section where it's explained that short stacking in a game with larger stacks gives you a sort of inherent advantage. The reasoning is that these players will have to play in a way that mostly ignores your stack since they'll be deep stacked with everyone else and have implied odds with each other. So if you play a sharp game you could even have an edge shortstacking in a game filled with better players than you. The other advantage to buying in short is you look fishy.

So basically I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the idea that buying in short to a live $1/$2 might not be more profitable than buying in full. But who am I to talk?

sure yeah

except when you look at averages, the deeper the game is, the higher winrates regs have

the players who make many mistakes short would make just as many mistakes if not more when playing deeper is the point essentially, both shortstacking and playing deepstack is obviously profitable, playing deepstack just allows you to have a higher hourly

by Xenoblade k

sure yeah

except when you look at averages, the deeper the game is, the higher winrates regs have

the players who make many mistakes short would make just as many mistakes if not more when playing deeper is the point essentially, both shortstacking and playing deepstack is obviously profitable, playing deepstack just allows you to have a higher hourly

Take for example someone who raises 76s from UTG 100% of the time. That's a bigger mistake at 40bb then it is at 100bb.

by Chip Wynn k

Take for example someone who raises 76s from UTG 100% of the time. That's a bigger mistake at 40bb then it is at 100bb.

take an example, this example, all bullshit because you can always pull an example that proves your point. I don't really think it takes linus or haxton to realize that you make bigger mistakes with more money in front of you to make the mistakes with!!

Calm down

by Xenoblade k

sure yeah

except when you look at averages, the deeper the game is, the higher winrates regs have

the players who make many mistakes short would make just as many mistakes if not more when playing deeper is the point essentially, both shortstacking and playing deepstack is obviously profitable, playing deepstack just allows you to have a higher hourly

There are situations where the stronger regs might be sitting 300-500bb deep and weaker recs around 80-150bb. In fact, I'm playing a game where this is relatively common, since the buy-in structure is 40bb-500bb, and the weaker recs tend to leave if they get deep/double-up. Playing relatively short in these games, where your stack is a similar depth to the weaker recs, e.g. 80-150bb, has the key advantage of reducing the potential leverage that stronger regs may exert upon you (e.g. squeezing you out of pots). Of course, if you believe you have an edge against the stronger regs and are confident of exploiting their attempts to exploit you, then you should buy-in deep; let's not forget that some regs sit deep because they don't want to look weak and often aren't well-studied in playing 300bb+.

FWIW I don't believe what I'm saying here applies to the live games DDP is playing but I could be wrong.

I always buyin for the max coz im not ghey.

by DooDooPoker k

Yeah that is one of the reasons I'm moving up slowly but mentally it has been hard for me to play 10nl. I find myself in a bunch of spots where I'm saying who cares it's only 10 bucks.

Regardless of what people think I'm actually not broke, so I may move up to 50nl or something because it takes so long to build a bankroll...especially when variance is not on your side.

I'm not going to post bot strategy for obvious reasons but I will continue to post theory/MDA strategy.

You're still playing 200nl as your main game, so that is the main reason for the low volume right? Variance wouldn't ever be a problem, unless either the goal winrates you posted in the OP are way off, or you're just not playing enough. I guess you're not playing enough 😀

Maybe if you just stopped entering irrelevant arguments like the last one on whether 200nl is or is not midstakes, and used the extra time gained to put more 10nl hands, you would move up faster.

by DooDooPoker k

Wait... you understand this is a bankroll challenge right? I'm not a 10nl regular. I only talked down to someone after they came into my thread and talked down to me.

This is my sample for the past year or so on Iggy when everyone was complaining about how hard the games were because they were bot infested. Most regulars during this period were break-even or had very low win rates.

Meanwhile I have people ITT talking about prop betting me for "a trivial amount" at 1/2 live saying I can't beat i

i've defended you a lot, but you don't have proper perspective

14k profit is nice and 100% puts you among the top regs playing those stakes, but it's literally earning less than minimum wage

so posting that you earned 14k over the course of a year is never going to impress anyone, even if you had 2-3 other sites all with that kind of income then people will still not be impressed

i defend you a lot here, but it's not because you are someone who should be put upon a pedestal, but mostly because those attacking you are 10x more insufferable

dunc summed it up perfectly

by Duncelanas k

Micro reg with huge ego is tale as old as time on these forums.

you're not as bad as they are and i am very much rooting for you - but you need to step back, take an objective aerial view and chill a bit

If I pull 20 bb/100 100k samples year in and year out on stars 25nl, it's 5k USD/yr, peanuts, nothing really, but as far as I can tell, I would be the best reg over there. Whether 14k/yr is or is not below minimum wage s irrelevant, winning at 9 bb/100 at 200nl in the current environment is really nice. The not so impressive part of ddp is everything else, if he only played, coached and posted strategy, didn't procrastinate, and kept everything else only for himself, I would be his #1 fan.

This whole thread is ******ed from start to finish lol. Why anyone who claimed to be better than every 1k/2k reg at exploiting is doing a micro challenge is jokes.

Waste of time. Ponty is more right than u doodoo tbh. Ur ego is insane. Much prefer a blog following a sicko crusher exploiting everyone at 200nl to 2k.

But u obviously couldn't do that so u chose to showcase Ur skills doing a micro challenge. Which makes sense given postings.

Less ego is good.

by ViktorKaBloooom k

If I pull 20 bb/100 100k samples year in and year out on stars 25nl, it's 5k USD/yr, peanuts, nothing really, but as far as I can tell, I would be the best reg over there. Whether 14k/yr is or is not below minimum wage s irrelevant, winning at 9 bb/100 at 200nl in the current environment is really nice. The not so impressive part of ddp is everything else, if he only played, coached and posted strategy, didn't procrastinate, and kept everything else only for himself, I would be his #1 fan.

i'm not saying he's bad at poker

fwiw i have no doubt that he would crush me in a hu4rollz challenge

but he's flexing hard on annual earnings to people who've won individual pots over 14k and forgetting that

by DooDooPoker k

Minimum wage is $15/hr in my state.

he's flexing earning half as much as minimum wage - a minimum wage which also includes benefits which poker does not

one of the biggest instances of not realizing you are telling on yourself i've ever seen - he's so focused on his own world and his own accomplishments that he fails to see that it's not about winning big blinds, it's about making money, if we couldn't convert big blinds into hard currency but instead played for useless tokens then nobody would ever play this game

when you look at the dollar totals, it's no bueno, an amount you couldn't possibly live off of

the mcdonalds i drive by in maine has been advertising pay starts at $17 an hour for over a year now

there's absolutely nothing wrong with not being able to play for a living, most here at 2p2 don't do that anymore and many others never had

but the amount of "look at me i got it all figured out" just doesn't jive with the "he's clearly being financially supported by and living with his parents" financial results

Good to see the circus in full form here.

I thought this thread would be a fun way to track a challenge and it definitely was in the beginning, but there are far too many ignorant people chiming in and has gone from fun to toxic very quickly.

There's a reason why exactly zero 1k+ crushers post on this forum (strategy wise) anymore. It's not worth the headache for them. The noise to information ratio is too much and there's too many people who barely understand the game acting like they are authorities on the subject.

Most of the responses ITT are personal attacks and incentivizes are not aligned to continue. Another problem is some of moderators are just as petty as the ignorant people so you get a vicious circle where there is no order.

I know for a fact I've helped people get better at poker for free and contributed more than 99% of posters on this forum. But what I've realized is this is more of a gossip forum than a strategy forum. Again, this is why no crushers post strategy on 2p2 anymore. The people posting above me are the problem.

I'm not sure if I'll be back but I'll be taking a long break. You can thank the gossip queens for ruining it for everyone else that actually wanted to learn how to play poker.

Ok good luck finding anyone who has a better 1k winrate than me.

Ur being an idiot seriously. You have a HUGE ego. Kinda embarrassing tbh given youre now a micro player.

You suck. You was in a c4p and you got access to some mda and go super ego. Then u decided to do a micro challenge. Just be honest with yourself.

We've all been there....every reg here seems themselves in you. An idiot .

Don't put yourself in the 1k+ guys posting in this forum or act like you know their reasons FFS [emoji23]

You are the ignorant person. Not even close. You are the circus

Perhaps your Great Mind should discuss the ideas that the small minds in here have been shouting at you.

It's a shame that now nobody can learn to play poker anymore because of the gossip queens in your blog.

by DooDooPoker k

if only you saw the irony that you are the one refusing to discuss ideas

when presented with data which doesn't make you appear to be a crusher, instead of adjusting your stance and moving on - or like your gal eleanor advocates, carrying on a discussion about it, you do what eleanor hates and go to ad hominem attacks on those people and tell them you're taking your ball and going home

check my posting history, i've engaged with you faithfully, asked genuine questions, called out your stupid haters, etc

but the minute i say "maybe someone making less than half what minimum wage pays shouldn't be telling everyone how great he is" you suddenly think i'm against you

honestly, i think you're way better than this, i read your stuff and find it interesting and think you got this figured out way better than I do - but then i see you talk about shortstacking 1-2 at foxwoods and thinking jfc, this kid who would probably crush me in a heads up is willfully forcing himself on a pathway to guarantee he will never get anywhere in this game because he's more about imaginary stats like what what ROI he receives on his $40 buyin vs what money he actually makes - which is really all that matters

the problem is that YOU act like you understand the game when the highest stake you played is 200nl on ignition! and seriously, comparing yourself (implicitly) to 1k regs?

if you actually think you are so much better than the people replying to you then why aren't you at higher stakes? Why haven't you gone pro or at least made decent money? I notice you joined 6 years ago - 6 years of poker and all this time on 2p2 and studying strategy and you have 70k hands at 200nl, seriously take a look and reflect. I have 100% been in the place where I thought I was the best reg in the pool or knew better than everyone else and I was proven wrong time after time. The only difference is that I understand that you have to put your money where your mouth is - no one will respect you if you spend 90% of your time arguing on forums and have literally nothing to show for it. It's almost like you enjoy 2p2 more than actually playing poker.
