Holdem Manager Support
The hud doesn't show up for HEM3 recently? I don't have an active subscription of HEM3 and hud doesn't show up on stars?
The hud doesn't show up for HEM3 recently? I don't have an active subscription of HEM3 and hud doesn't show up on stars?
This is most likely due to your expired Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan and you using an old version of HM3. I have no way to know that for sure but you can check our release notes and read all of the details since your version to see if there were HM3 updates relevant to your issue at Pokerstars. Our release notes are found here - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
Unfortunately, I can not provide technical support if your Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan is expired and you are using an old version of HM3. If you renew your S/M and still have HUD issues please see our HUD Troubleshooting Guide here - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
My support and maintenance plan expired a while back and I didn't renew it. However, it still imported and had a hud though. The big issue with it though was it didn't record tournament results correctly.
I checked and it does record tournaments when I did the importing but the hud does not show up. The thing is when I changed the hud from standard to graphical hud, it seemed to show the graphical hud for a short bit? Standard is what should be checked for hud right?
So the only way is to renew thre HEM3?
I was using a very old version of HEM3 but then installed updates and now it's on version
It then ask if I wanted to backup database and update or update or cancel? I picked backup database and update but it seemed to have did the backup really quick? That didn't make any sense. I have a huge database of over 1 million hands or so.
It now says I'm using the free version and limited to 500 hands. Now when I click on my tournament results, it seems like all of it completely disappeared except for one day? When I clicked on overall which shows my tournament stats, it shows 500 hands only. Does that mean only when I renew my subscription, then everything will be normal?
My support and maintenance plan expired a while back and I didn't renew it. However, it still imported and had a hud though. The big issue with it though was it didn't record tournament results correctly.
I checked and it does record tournaments when I did the importing but the hud does not show up. The thing is when I changed the hud from standard to graphical hud, it seemed to show the graphical hud for a short bit? Standard is what should be checked for hud right?
So the only way is to rene
Yes, the only thing I can suggest is that you update and renew your Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan.
I was using a very old version of HEM3 but then installed updates and now it's on version
It then ask if I wanted to backup database and update or update or cancel? I picked backup database and update but it seemed to have did the backup really quick? That didn't make any sense. I have a huge database of over 1 million hands or so.
It now says I'm using the free version and limited to 500 hands. Now when I click on my tournament results, it seems like all of it completely disappeared
The 'Free' license limits you to 500 hands of micro-stakes visible in the reports, and limits the HUD to 1 table of micro-stakes - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
Once you pay for the new Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan and restart the HM3 client and server to let HM3 check our license server those limitations will be removed. You should then be able to see all of your hands and use the HUD on more than 1 micro-stakes table according to your license stakes.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Okay I renewed my HEM3.
I'm curious but does this updated HEM3 version use less resources than the older version from a while back or it's the same? I was using the old outdated HEM version for a while.
Okay I renewed my HEM3.
I'm curious but does this updated HEM3 version use less resources than the older version from a while back or it's the same? I was using the old outdated HEM version for a while.
I have no idea what version you were using previously but there have likely been hundreds of updates since whatever version you were using. Most of those updates were general bug fixes related to site updates, but there were certainly a handful of performance related fixes in that time as well.
I have no way to know for sure if you will see improved performance, or less RAM use, etc. with your specific database. From what I recall you had a very large (lifetime) database that you insisted on using for live play. If you are still/currently having performance issues when multi-tabling live I would suggest you create a smaller database of only your recent 'X months' of hands for live play with the HUD, then periodically import the hands to your large lifetime database only when you need to review your much older lifetime hands and results without the need for a live play HUD when nulti-tabling.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
I have a question. Hold em manager works fine, but I can't see my raw hand histories in the history folder, even though I have set my stars settings to save for 9999 days.
Does HEM destroy the raw files after importing them?
I have a question. Hold em manager works fine, but I can't see my raw hand histories in the history folder, even though I have set my stars settings to save for 9999 days.
Does HEM destroy the raw files after importing them?
No, of course not. None of the popular trackers/HUDs 'destroy' the original files, they archive them.
- All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons.
- By default, your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive, but you may have configured it anywhere in the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import menu - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
- The archive should be organized by \Network\Year\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\PokerStars\2022\07\23) by default.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
How do I buy notecaddy products in hm3, it's impossible dude
Where i buy huds and stuffs ?
the site of notecaddy protools doesn't work
How do I buy notecaddy products in hm3, it's impossible dude
Where i buy huds and stuffs ?
the site of notecaddy protools doesn't work
Please see the answer to your duplicate post on our forums here - https://forums.holdemmanager.com/showthr...
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Please see the answer to your duplicate post on our forums here - https://forums.holdemmanager.com/showthr...
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Sorry, I was anxious looking for more than 3 days and then I went everywhere hahahaha
I been using the updated version of HEM3 as I paid for the subscription again after using the old outdated HEM3 for a while. You still have to manually import after every session after tournaments are finished correct? The thing is I notice the first session I played after using updated HEM3, it seemed to record all buyins and reentries correct and I believe the total win/loss was correct. However, everytime after that, it seemed to be not correct?
It has the same similar issues of recording buyins incorrectly like a tournament buyin is $4.10 when it's another amount. It would show a buyin for a tournament that is $12 when there is no tournament with that buyin. It would show reentry amounts incorrectly as a $22 tournament with 1 reentry should show $22 for reenter/rebuy but it shows $12? This happened for a long time a while back when I was using the outdated version of HEM3 but it still does that now? The other thing is sometimes it records place finished incorrect for certain tournaments?
Example say you finish 5 out of 200 players. It might show the correct winning for that tournament but sometimes it would show you finished at 102nd? Is there a reason why it does this still? I do import aftery every session once tournaments are finished. Only a few times did it seem it recorded everything correctly?
I been using the updated version of HEM3 as I paid for the subscription again after using the old outdated HEM3 for a while. You still have to manually import after every session after tournaments are finished correct? The thing is I notice the first session I played after using updated HEM3, it seemed to record all buyins and reentries correct and I believe the total win/loss was correct. However, everytime after that, it seemed to be not correct?
It has the same similar issues of recording b
I believe those issues should be resolved in our latest version and 37.1.
1. Try to toggle on the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import - [x] 'Allow reimport of previously imported hand histories' then import the recent files again from C:\HM3Archive using the HM3 - File - Import Folder/Files options. See the linked FAQ for more details here - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
2. If you continue to have problems: Please try to create a new small/test database: File - 'New Database...' then manually import some hands to the new database via File - 'Import Folder...' - from C:\HM3Archive - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
- All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons.
- By default, your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive, but you may have configured it anywhere in the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import menu - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
- The archive should be organized by \Network\Year\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\PokerStars\2022\07\23) by default.
3. If none of that helps, and/or the issue only is happening during live-play auto-import:
- Please zip(a) and email the original problem hand history and tournament summary files(b) to us as instructed at the bottom of this FAQ -
- Ensure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.
* (a) When sending any files please zip them (select all files with CTRL+A > right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 250MB please upload them to a file hosting site and copy/paste the download link directly into the support ticket email.
* (b) All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. By default, your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive, but you may have configured it anywhere in the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import menu. The archive should be organized by \Network\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\PokerStars\2022\07\23). It is configured in the Tools - Settings - Import menu - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
I'm using HEM and it's the latest update.
1. That seemed to be default? Or do you mean uncheck it?
2. I am using an old database for a while already. So that might be the reason? But creating a new database doesn't affect the old database?
I noticed after a session on stars earlier, the total winning/loss is correct. However, it would show for certain tournaments, incorrect place finishes. Example say you finished 5 out of 200. It would show 102 out of 200 again. If you finish say 18 out of say 2000 players, it would show finished like 1060 out of 2000 but do show the correct won though for it.
I'm using HEM and it's the latest update.
1. That seemed to be default? Or do you mean uncheck it?
That is the latest 'stable' update, it is not the latest 'beta' update.
You will receive a prompt to update HM3 whenever an update is available as long as you have enabled the Tools - Settings - General - [x] 'Check for Updates' and [x] 'Prompt for beta updates' options. You can check for new updates via the HM3 - Help - 'Check for updates...' option. You can also check for updates and release notes in our HM3 Releases forum - https://forums.holdemmanager.com/forumdi... - or in our FAQs - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
2. I am using an old database for a while already. So that might be the reason? But creating a new database doesn't affect the old database?
The old database will be why your previous tournaments you played before the update would have this issue. That won't affect the new tournaments you have played since updating to
I noticed after a session on stars earlier, the total winning/loss is correct. However, it would show for certain tournaments, incorrect place finishes. Example say you finished 5 out of 200. It would show 102 out of 200 again. If you finish say 18 out of say 2000 players, it would show finished like 1060 out of 2000 but do show the correct won though for it.
Try to restart HM3 and see if they get updated and detected properly after the restart:
- Close your poker clients, close HM3, and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
- Restart HM3 and ensure HM3 and the HM3 Server (Auto Import/HUD) are fully started.
- Launch your poker client(s).
If they do not update to the proper results after the restart try the 'allow reimport of previously imported hands' and/or 'import the hands to a new database' steps as instructed in the FAQ I linked -
If none of that helps send us the hand history files and tournament summary files with screenshots/details of errors for specific tournaments by 'Number' for us to test with.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Been a while since I used HEM. The HUD is working great but hands aren't importing to my database. The last hands in database are from november. I checked the site location for importing and the folder looks correct. It worked before no problems. Any ideas how to get hands importing?
Been a while since I used HEM. The HUD is working great but hands aren't importing to my database. The last hands in database are from november. I checked the site location for importing and the folder looks correct. It worked before no problems. Any ideas how to get hands importing?
If you have already played some hands for that site and the HUD was working, you just need to switch the active player and/or create an alias if you play multiple sites, as instructed
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
If you have already played some hands for that site and the HUD was working, you just need to switch the active player and/or create an alias if you play multiple sites, as instructed
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
That worked! Thank you.
Does Holdem Manager Hud work with CoinPoker? This is what I'm seeing and Hud doesn't come up while playing.
We only officially support the manual import of downloaded hands from their site/client - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
HM3 does not support a HUD for the CoinPoker Network sites natively as they do not write local hand history files, so you will have to use a 3rd party hand grabber/converter to auto-import hands during live play and use the HM3 HUD on that network:
- https://www.holdemmanager.com/hm3/conver... - which are created and managed by - https://elitehud.com/
- https://www.advancedpokertools.com/produ...
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
We only officially support the manual import of downloaded hands from their site/client - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
HM3 does not support a HUD for the CoinPoker Network sites natively as they do not write local hand history files, so you will have to use a 3rd party hand grabber/converter to auto-import hands during live play and use the HM3 HUD on that network:
- https://www.holdemmanager.com/hm3/conver... - which are created and managed by -
What stakes tournaments does the small stakes converter support?
For the ones on our site from EliteHUD, the pricing is near the bottom of the page - https://www.holdemmanager.com/hm3/conver...
* Stakes 2/4/8 CNY and less † CoinPoker, Pokio, PPPoker, UPoker & Poker Bros are only available with an All Stakes license.
If you have further questions about those converters on our site If you have please contact EliteHUD support directly - [email]help@elitehud.com[/email]
If you are referring to the ones at AdvancedPokerTools.com, you will have to ask their support. Please contact Advanced Poker Tools support directly - https://www.advancedpokertools.com/conta...
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
That is the latest 'stable' update, it is not the latest 'beta' update.
You will receive a prompt to update HM3 whenever an update is available as long as you have enabled the Tools - Settings - General - [x] 'Check for Updates' and [x] 'Prompt for beta updates' options. You can check for new updates via the HM3 - Help - 'Check for updates...' option. You can also check for updates and release notes in our HM3 Releases forum - https://forums.holdemmanager.com/forumdi... - or in our
I'm currently using the updated HEM3 version. It's v3.1.38.0. When I check updates, it says I'm using tatest stable version of HEM. Where is the option to check beta prompt for updates? Is that necessary? I only update HEM3 when I open HEM3 and there is message of an update and then I just update it. After playing a few sessions, it still has a few issues. Either the amount won or loss is incorrect... or it is sometimes correct... but the place finished in a few tournaments is not correct. Like if you finish say 12th out of 1000 players. It show the correct amount you won on this tournament but say it might how you finished 500 or something like that. This happens with many tournaments. Like if you finish 22 out of 200, it would show 101th place but does show the correct amount won.
The other issue is it doesn't seem to record winnings correctly in mystery bounty tournaments on stars? It shows the total bounties won incorrectly with almost every single mystery bounty tournament. Is this normal or does this have to do with my old database? It doesn't seem to record certain tournaments correctly like if it was to pay out in tickets? There is a $55 tournament on stars that pays out a silver pass worth $2500 or bronze pass for $109. It doesn't record profit correctly for a silver pass won? It seems to record it as a loss? For a $109 bronze pass, I believe it does record it correctly but it would show like you finished 101 out of 200 players which isn't correct when say you finished 22nd.
So in order to fix all these issues, create a new database and that would fix all of it? How would I do this? The thing is after every session that I'm done playing on stars, I would go to file, import files, then copy and paste all those files for the session. Then I check tournament reports which shows my net win or loss and very rarely is the win or loss amount correct. If it is correct, a few tournaments always show incorrect finish like 101th out of 200 when it should be like 22nd but profit for most of these tournaments seem to be correct.