This is the support thread for CardRunnersEV, which is hand EV analysis software.
Hi, my preflop ranges disappear. I read here that I must rename and copy/paste one file from the backup on /config, but it reappear the newdefs3.tmp and newdefs3(that is a .txt but just named newdefs3) files all the time (both 14kb), and the file that I put in just disappear. What can I do to restore my preflop ranges? Thanks
It is done, just upgrading version and redoing the thing😀
Hi, my preflop ranges disappear. I read here that I must rename and copy/paste one file from the backup on /config, but it reappear the newdefs3.tmp and newdefs3(that is a .txt but just named newdefs3) files all the time (both 14kb), and the file that I put in just disappear. What can I do to restore my preflop ranges? Thanks
Backups of your preflop ranges are regularly stored to /config/backups.
Most likely the full directory will be C:\Program Files\GTO\config\backups
The most straightforward method for restoring to a backup file is to:
1) Start GTO+
2) Select "Settings->Import preflop ranges" from its menu
3) Select "newdefs3.txt"
4) Click on "IMPORT RANGES"
5) Navigate to the backup directory and select one of the files there
After watching the Saulo Costa video about exploiting maniacs I wanted to simulate an opponent barreling turns too tight for different stacksizes. However I need to nodelock for every turn possible to see how the OOP flop strategy differs. Could it be possible to make a 'general' nodelock so I could increase turn checks for all of the possible turns?
After watching the Saulo Costa video about exploiting maniacs I wanted to simulate an opponent barreling turns too tight for different stacksizes. However I need to nodelock for every turn possible to see how the OOP flop strategy differs. Could it be possible to make a 'general' nodelock so I could increase turn checks for all of the possible turns?
Ok, we'll see if we can offer something along those lines.
What they mentioned above, is it possible to implement that type of nodelock or is it feasible? That is, for the time it can take to solve that?
I ask this from my ignorance.
it would be ideal to be able to nodelock in the database as well and in general by groups of hands.
For example, nodelock by groups of hands (FDs OESDs TPs, etc). This can still be used today, but the lock would have to be done one by one.
But being able to make a general lock for the entire subset would be a good addon.
What they mentioned above, is it possible to implement that type of nodelock or is it feasible? That is, for the time it can take to solve that?
I ask this from my ignorance.
it would be ideal to be able to nodelock in the database as well and in general by groups of hands.
For example, nodelock by groups of hands (FDs OESDs TPs, etc). This can still be used today, but the lock would have to be done one by one.
But being able to make a general lock for the entire subset would be a good addon.
As stated above, we'll see if we can offer something along these lines.
Scy, can you put "right click" to select filters on Bet sizing Tabs?
Here the sample
Scy, can you put "right click" to select filters on Bet sizing Tabs?
Here the sample
Ok, I'll have to check for the extent of coding that is required for this.
Hi scylla, hope you are well.
I purchased GTO+ a week ago, and I love it so far.
One question, I guess this might have been asked before so pardon me for repeating.
Is there a plan to implement imports of HH into GTO+ and filter for huge blunders e.g. and analyze your HH directly in GTO+?
All the best!
Hi scylla, hope you are well.
I purchased GTO+ a week ago, and I love it so far.
One question, I guess this might have been asked before so pardon me for repeating.
Is there a plan to implement imports of HH into GTO+ and filter for huge blunders e.g. and analyze your HH directly in GTO+?
All the best!
It would be difficult to offer this, given that a HH alone does not tell us which ranges to use, or which trees to build.
Hi Scylla,
I have 2 request which I think would be helpful for this software and make it more user friendly.
1. A "Stop after the solver has finished solving this current hand" button.
Now we only have "Stop Solver" (which doesn't finish solving the hand) or "Pause".
This could be handy when a solve takes long to complete (and you have more hands to solve after) so you don't have to wait for the solver to finish.
2. An "automatic safe database after solving X amount of hands" option (and also continue solving after saving the database).
I let my computer solve during the night and sometimes the software crashes and I have to solve everything again. Would be very helpful if I could let it safe (and continue solving) automatically every X amount of solves so I at least have most of my solves saved.
Thank you!
Hi Scylla,
I have 2 request which I think would be helpful for this software and make it more user friendly.
1. A "Stop after the solver has finished solving this current hand" button.
Now we only have "Stop Solver" (which doesn't finish solving the hand) or "Pause".
This could be handy when a solve takes long to complete (and you have more hands to solve after) so you don't have to wait for the solver to finish.
2. An "automatic safe database after solving X amount of hands" option (and also continu
Ok, we will consider adding a button here.
This is already available.
For this, store all the files that you want solved to a directory like C:/tmp.
Then, go to the "Folder" icon, and instruct GTO+ to solve all files in that directory.
The savefiles will be updated after every solved tree.
See the screenshot below.
Ok, we will consider adding a button here.
This is already available.
For this, store all the files that you want solved to a directory like C:/tmp.
Then, go to the "Folder" icon, and instruct GTO+ to solve all files in that directory.
The savefiles will be updated after every solved tree.
See the screenshot below.
1. Great, thanks!
2. Really awesome! And it also works with database.gto files. Wish I knew about this option before.
Thank you for your help!
when I open "Play Against Solution" it often crashes for me, any ideas why? when sim is opened RAM is enough etc.
Scy, this was already requested a while ago.
Could aggregate reports be obtained from the database?
For example, of a subset of 163 flops, I would like to study in an Excel how the probe / Delayed strategies are formed (clearest example), what is the composition of sizings / check / raise vs delayed / or sizes of delayed etc, in different boards.
Pour that data into Excel and create subgroups of boards, for example A high Khigh Tlow etc.
It would be the same report that you give us in turn agg report, but for the entire subset, not just for the tree we chose.
this is the example. Flops and overall turn strategy.
You see a tendency of "checking" a lot and mostly "bet 150%".
I hope I have explained myself well, thank you.
Sorry, this is a question 😀
At what % Dev are the turn resolved by default?
Scy, this was already requested a while ago.
Could aggregate reports be obtained from the database?
For example, of a subset of 163 flops, I would like to study in an Excel how the probe / Delayed strategies are formed (clearest example), what is the composition of sizings / check / raise vs delayed / or sizes of delayed etc, in different boards.
Pour that data into Excel and create subgroups of boards, for example A high Khigh Tlow etc.
It would be the same report that you give us in turn agg repor
For this, click on the middle button below "Database".
See the screenshot below.
And use the navigator to go to any decision that you like.
You can sort by "Tree" to ensure that the available trees are always sorted in the same way.
At the moment the navigator will only work on the flop.
In the near future, we will also offer this for the turn/river data.
I was precisely referring to the same data from different flops, but starting with the turn, thank you very much!
Scy how are you?
Could a nodelock be implemented to tell the solver that X action I do not want to be taken?
Here the example:
Of the 3 betting options, I want to abandon the medium sizing.
But I don't want to merge, let me explain?
Merge, for example with the big bet, will be a suboptimal strategy (mix frequency error)
compared to the solver deciding that % again between the 3 remaining options (bet big bet small check).
This can be done in edit tree or by exporting Turns by deleting the action.
The problem with this is that in database mode, deleting an action causes you to lose the reports.
This gives many benefits when studying and simplifying, because the data is "saved" in DB Mode and even by deleting the nodelock we could return to the base strategy.
Exporting turns is much more useful if we want to test different action nodelocks and/or add/remove sizings for something specific. and have the possibility of comparing with the base strategy on another window
But those changes in DB Mode make you lose all the other reports.
I think it shouldn't be that difficult to implement a nodelock to tell it what action NOT to take.
Thank you very much as always!
Scy how are you?
Could a nodelock be implemented to tell the solver that X action I do not want to be taken?
Here the example:
Of the 3 betting options, I want to abandon the medium sizing.
But I don't want to merge, let me explain?
Merge, for example with the big bet, will be a suboptimal strategy (mix frequency error)
compared to the solver deciding that % again between the 3 remaining options (bet big bet small check).
This can be done in edit tree or by exporting Turns by deleting the action.
The p
Ok, we'll see if we can include this in a future release.