Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13816 Replies


by lozen k

Yet your OK with Biden bribing the government to fire a prosecutor

So were you and all republicans because this happened in full public view and nobody viewed it as salacious until conservatives desperately needed to show bribery is okay. If what Biden did is similar to Trump, why didn’t republicans who make up all sorts of scandals like Obama ‘s birth certificate or Clinton Foundation = theft mention it in real time? Note after Trumps attempted bribery loyal Trumpers made sure the transcript was not accessible by federal employees like it nor would and a whistleblower had to tell us what happened because everyone knew 100% in real time Trumps actions were corrupt.

And FYI don’t answer. This is a rhetorical question. I’ve explained this to you many times. You’re to put it politely not a deep thinker and to put it bluntly not a thinker period. Just stop bringing it up and I don’t have to keep correcting you.

by ecriture d'adulte k

So were you and all republicans because this happened in full public view and nobody viewed it as salacious until conservatives desperately needed to show bribery is okay. If what Biden did is similar to Trump, why didn’t republicans who make up all sorts of scandals like Obama ‘s birth certificate or Clinton Foundation = theft mention it in real time? Note after Trumps attempted bribery loyal Trumpers made sure the transcript was not accessible by federal employees like it nor would and a whis

The whole world may have been for it and it can be out in the open but its still a bribe ?

by lozen k

Yet your OK with Biden bribing the government to fire a prosecutor

This is probably the 5-6 time Losern brings up this Biden "bribery" statement and gets schooled by everyone.

He will never grasp how stupid this whataboutism on the Ukraine is. Some dogs are just too dumb to learn, regardless of age.

With Turning Point USA at the wheel, Trump's campaign is in for a bumpy ride

MAGA youth have devised some pretty harebrained ideas, it’s still interesting
to watch the GOP leadership seemingly let the kids occasionally take the wheel.

These stereotypical, opportunistic PR stunts are missing the point entirely,
to the extent there’s any novelty in seeing Trump in places often frequented by Black or Latino people,
it’s arguably because Trump’s history of racism would seem to make these stops unlikely.

he may regret putting these youths in the driver's seat:
They may be sending him full-speed ahead into a brick wall this November

by lozen k

The whole world may have been for it and it can be out in the open but its still a bribe ?

So like going to a restaurant and paying for a meal is a bribe now? Like that’s the level of degradation cultural conservatives are being forced to operate at because of Trumps actions and general low intelligence in the community?

Hey lozen, can you tell us the one again about how you're not a Trump supporter? That one's my favourite!

by d2_e4 k

Hey lozen, can you tell us the one again about how you're not a Trump supporter? That one's my favourite!

Everyone loves the classics!

by Inso0 k

Jesus, Biden is starting to look like Richard Lewis did in the final season of Curb.

The movements. The skin. The speech.

omg i can't unsee it now

by lozen k

Biden clearly brags about the fact he would not give Ukraine a billion $$ in loan guarantees unless they fire the prosecutor a clear bribe

at the 1:01 mark

I find it slightly funny, that Trump supporters think Biden, as VP, had this much power to influence and override the IMF, World bank, European Union, and president Obama about loans to Ukraine. This is why you can be so easily persuaded, because you really don't seem to have much understanding about how the world works at large.

And of course, if there was something corrupt happening at Burisma, there's obvious and clear proof that this new Ukrainian lead council was told to bury any investigation and not seek out corruption charges against Burisma.

That's a joke, because obviously there isn't. But I'd welcome any actual real evidence that points to a nefarious plot of some sort, that rises to the level of corruption of even a 1/100th of what Trump actually did while in office. If that exists at all, I'll be first to push for a Biden impeachment.

Freak Daddy,

Why do you think Hunter was working for Burisma? Do you think it's possible that he was employed because of his name or is that outside the realm of possibilities for you?

There is a huge middle ground between "it is total coincidence that Hunter had that job and had the last name" and "Hunter was just a vehicle for Joe Biden to sell his influence on American policy to foreign powers."

by d2_e4 k

Hey lozen, can you tell us the one again about how you're not a Trump supporter? That one's my favourite!

Sure I would not vote for Trump if I was an American . I would have voted for any of the other primary individuals in the Republican Party. I could never vote for Biden either he is way to far left.

If I had to vote RFK would get my vote. If the only two candidates were Trump and Biden and I had to vote either than I vote Trump.

Biden is too far left?

by biggerboat k

Biden is too far left?

For me its on the border, Trans Issues , Climate change, defund the police . I also think he has lied to often about Hunter .

And his cognitive skills. I would have voted for him in 2020 because he said he would unite folks and hinted he would be a one term president

to often

So you just parrot what Fox News told you? Cool.

by lozen k

If I had to vote RFK would get my vote.

This makes you not a serious person.

by lozen k

I also think he has lied to often about Hunter .

But you'll vote for a serial liar.

by ec_outlaw k

So you just parrot what Fox News told you? Cool.

No news Max

by lozen k

For me its on the border, Trans Issues , Climate change, defund the police . I also think he has lied to often about Hunter .

And his cognitive skills. I would have voted for him in 2020 because he said he would unite folks and hinted he would be a one term president

If Biden is too far left , I’m not surprise the conservative in Canada under the PC label that u support, as totaly ejected the PC members out for just having the old reform party in it .
like the tea party ejecting all the other right center Republican from The GOP .

The left over conservative in both countries have vastly become far right movements.

Ps: u would probably called Bernie sanders a communist right ?

by Luckbox Inc k

Freak Daddy,

Why do you think Hunter was working for Burisma? Do you think it's possible that he was employed because of his name or is that outside the realm of possibilities for you?

Dear LuckBox,

Sir... of course I fkn think he was employed because of his name.

Do you understand that to prove some kind of nefarious corruption, you need something called evidence? Republicans combed over Biden's laptop and went through all of their files and couldn't find anything of note. They said in their own report, conducted by Republicans, there was no evidence of wrongdoing. Yet you continue to believe the Russian propaganda, instead of your own party?

To what end? Where does reason enter in?

by FreakDaddy k

Dear LuckBox,

Sir... of course I fkn think he was employed because of his name.

Do you understand that to prove some kind of nefarious corruption, you need something called evidence? Republicans combed over Biden's laptop and went through all of their files and couldn't find anything of note. They said in their own report, conducted by Republicans, there was no evidence of wrongdoing. Yet you continue to believe the Russian propaganda, instead of your own party?

To what end? Where does reason ente

We reached a point where real existing evidences is fake evidences and non existing evidences is real evidences .
The dark ages of mid 12-1400 with supernatural superstitions, burning witches , etc has come back ….

by lozen k

No news Max

lol... so basically the fascist times.

This is what I genuinely can't understand about non-billionaires who call themselves conservatives today. How do you not grasp that if your party (no matter which country) is openly saying they will not compromise on issues, isn't fascist? Or are you OK with fascism because you believe it will benefit you in the short term? Although invariably, fascist end up eating their own.

Outside of a few countries, I think we teach history just horribly wrong. About every major generation (~80 years), we just keep repeating this same bullshit. There's a significant step forward for the rights of people, and then the suppressors of those rights do a major push back, by stopping all compromise, and it becomes a, "the means justify the end", to get their way and world view pushed upon others. It leads to many wars, pain and death by millions, just to lose and go back to the beginning again.

This is how it plays out historically. Let's look at the logic and compare the sides:

(Side A) One side wants to expand or add rights of individuals (ADD = positive)
(Side B) The other sides wants to remove or take away rights (take away = negative)

If Side A accomplishes its goals... how does it effect side B? Well, it really doesn't on the whole does it?
If Side B accomplishes its goals... how does it effect side A?

I feel like I want to draw this in crayon sometimes honestly.

Some more question for conservatives:
In all the books, movies, poetry, art, etc... do you think your side (world view) is being expressed as the good guys, or the bad guys?

In Star Wars, do you think you're the rebels?

How many bullies in school do you think turned out to be conservative vs liberal?

How many racists do you think turned out to be conservative vs liberal?

Who is more likely to have people wearing Nazi symbols at a political protest, conservatives or liberals?

Do you see that I'm trying to draw up some basic red flags for you? Do you know why that is? Because when you've spent your entire life in your head, surrounded by your own thoughts and people who support the same thoughts you have, it's really difficult to penetrate any of that w/ logic or reason.

/end rant 😉

/Please reflect

/End needless wars by being open to being wrong

by FreakDaddy k

lol... so basically the fascist times.

This is what I genuinely can't understand about non-billionaires who call themselves conservatives today. How do you not grasp that if your party (no matter which country) is openly saying they will not compromise on issues, isn't fascist? Or are you OK with fascism because you believe it will benefit you in the short term? Although invariably, fascist end up eating their own.

Outside of a few countries, I think we teach history just horribly wrong. About eve

News max was a joke .

OMG Joe Biden’s uncle was eaten by cannibals according to Joe

by FreakDaddy k

lol... so basically the fascist times.

This is what I genuinely can't understand about non-billionaires who call themselves conservatives today. How do you not grasp that if your party (no matter which country) is openly saying they will not compromise on issues, isn't fascist? Or are you OK with fascism because you believe it will benefit you in the short term? Although invariably, fascist end up eating their own.

