Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
There is definitely a minority of people that follow trump like he's a cult leader, but the same could have been said about a minority of dems for obama. You are right that biden doesn't really have die hard fans like these two, but it isn't because there aren't some crazies in the dem voter base - it is because biden isn't as likeable as obama and trump.
I don't think either Trump or Biden are as liked by their own party members as Obama and Romney were in 2012.
And while some of the ideas of some maga people are quite radical and they might look like they are Trump cult, they would all love any other candidate saying the same things as well
Dude, Trump is the nominee because he is who repiblican voters want, ldo. It's a ****ing personality cult.
Biden is the nominee because he is the incumbent.
Trying to pretend the MAGA chodes are not a cult is lolzen.
Oh right so they do not have a primary for the Dems
Of course there are the crazies on the right that are Maga Supporters
I would say the lefty nuts exist as well on MSNBC tears in their eyes as they say this may the last election we have, Trump will be a dictator, Trump is a Russian agent, Trump will have us arrested,
I love yesterdays on CNN Aaron Rodgers thinks Sandy Hook was all actors from an anonymous source anything to get a man that is clearly not up to the job elected
But that's not what I said. I disputed lozen's assertion that republicans dislike Trump but they dislike Biden more. Clearly they don't dislike Trump.
Only 79% of registered republicans approve of trump (Jan 2024) which is one of the lowest numbers I have ever seen if not the lowest for the frontrunner of a party, among registered party members.
In the same poll 82% democrats approved of Biden.
Moreover check the 2020 elections, trump underperformed republican incumbents for governor, house or the Senate basically everywhere
I don't think either Trump or Biden are as liked by their own party members as Obama and Romney were in 2012.
And while some of the ideas of some maga people are quite radical and they might look like they are Trump cult, they would all love any other candidate saying the same things as well
DeSantis, lake, bobert, Walker, vivek, some dude named Mehmet, etc etc etc etc etc etc would love a word with you
Only 79% of registered republicans approve of trump (Jan 2024) which is one of the lowest numbers I have ever seen if not the lowest for the frontrunner of a party, among registered party members.
In the same poll 82% democrats approved of Biden
Has the incumbent ever expressed a wish to run and lost in the primaries?
You didn't follow what happened at all is my guess, among them.
You missed the time when Trump was attacked from the right because of vaccines, and because he didn't actually build the wall he promised for example.
You missed RDS polling ar 40% among primary voters for a while.
You probably also missed actual maga politicians passing stuff trump asked not to vote for, like the tiktok ban just now
Do you think the majority of Republicans would prefer a different candidate?
Was that 40% for RDS before Trump announced he was running?
The Tiktok ban means nothing, it has 0 chance of passing and going into effect.
There is definitely a minority of people that follow trump like he's a cult leader, but the same could have been said about a minority of dems for obama. You are right that biden doesn't really have die hard fans like these two, but it isn't because there aren't some crazies in the dem voter base - it is because biden isn't as likeable as obama and trump.
Obama had more enthusiastic supporters, but still nothing like the people in the photos I posted above.
Do you think the majority of Republicans would prefer a different candidate?
Was that 40% for RDS before Trump announced he was running?
The Tiktok ban means nothing, it has 0 chance of passing and going into effect.
Also nevermind the fact that a majority of the name brand MAGA chuds actually voted no
Obama had more enthusiastic supporters, but still nothing like the people in the photos I posted above.
Yes, those people are wearing a lot of trump/USA gear, but if you have ever been to a sporting event I would imagine you would think a lot of the fans of both teams are in a cult too.
The anti-trump cult (mainly consisting of those from the left) is far larger and stronger than the trump cult in terms of sheer number of followers and what those followers are willing to do for their cult.
I said "and going into effect". It could pass in the house, but there is no equivalent bill in the Senate as of now, the Senate has many higher priorities, it might not be signed by the President. Even if it passes those hurdles, it would likely be hit with an injunction while it goes to court, possibly up to the SC. And at any time the parent company could decide it's not worth the trouble and sell it. I would lay odds TikTok will still be accessible by Americans on election day.
Yes, those people are wearing a lot of trump/USA gear, but if you have ever been to a sporting event I would imagine you would think a lot of the fans of both teams are in a cult too.
The anti-trump cult (mainly consisting of those from the left) is far larger and stronger than the trump cult in terms of sheer number of followers and what those followers are willing to do for their cult.
I do think sporting events are very cultish; that's part of why I often say here that I think competitive sports are a bad thing for society.
While I don't think those who are anti-Trump are nearly as cultish as pro-Trumpers, I agree that there is a strong anti-Trump sentiment among many (including myself).
If lozen had been talking about the "Anti-Trump Cult" instead of the "Biden Cult", many would still disagree with him, but it wouldn't be as ridiculous as his many cult equivalence claims.
I said "and going into effect". It could pass in the house, but there is no equivalent bill in the Senate as of now, the Senate has many higher priorities, it might not be signed by the President. Even if it passes those hurdles, it would likely be hit with an injunction while it goes to court, possibly up to the SC. And at any time the parent company could decide it's not worth the trouble and sell it. I would lay odds TikTok will still be accessible by Americans on election day.
It already passed overwhelmingly in the house , 352 to 65
I do think sporting events are very cultish; that's part of why I often say here that I think competitive sports are a bad thing for society.
While I don't think those who are anti-Trump are nearly as cultish as pro-Trumpers, I agree that there is a strong anti-Trump sentiment among many (including myself).
If lozen had been talking about the "Anti-Trump Cult" instead of the "Biden Cult", many would still disagree with him, but it wouldn't be as ridiculous as his many cult equivalence claims.
Wait, you mean you don't sleep next to your emotional support Biden cardboard cutout? I thought that was the done thing. I mean, not that I do that. Not at all. Just asking for a friend.
It already passed overwhelmingly in the house , 352 to 65
Whee! What about the 4 other hurdles I gave? Want to take my bet?
Doesn't matter, if other republicans got more votes than him as they did, that means republican dislike him more than they dislike other republican politicians.
Yes, there are some (sane) republicans who don't like Trump. No one said all republicans are part of the Trump cult. I hope there are enough of them willing to hold their noses and vote against Trump this year.
I know but it's a possibility that defies the logic of the ban.
A non Chinese/Russian/inimical country TikTok isn't TikTok anymore.
The reason for the ban is to deprive enemy countries from accessing too much domestic data.
And remember the topic was trump was against the ban, and maga republicans in the house didn't give a shi t and voted for it en masse anyway.
What a cult where they disregard the cult leader when they don't agree!