Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


Broke-brains. yhtsi

by Schlitz mmmm k

Broke-brains. yhtsi

oh my god i can't boleave it that is shocking and devasting i cant boleeeeeeave it

btw for what it's worth there are already books about how good trump is to relate to "commoners" and it's often by people who dislike him but aren't as stupid as that guy in the video to dismiss his communicative skills

by Luciom k

btw for what it's worth there are already books about how good trump is to relate to "commoners" and it's often by people who dislike him but aren't as stupid as that guy in the video to dismiss his communicative skills

Someone managed to stretch out "Trump appeals to complete morons because he is himself a complete moron" to book length? Lol well done to them.

There is a pretty good chance that Jeff Yass will keep Trump from going too far off the rails.

by d2_e4 k

Someone managed to stretch out "Trump appeals to complete morons because he is himself a complete moron" to book length? Lol well done to them.

no actual experts know his timing, the way he uses irony in particular, voice tone and so on, are particular effective, an article about this just came out on politico. and again we are mostly talking people who dislike him a lot.

for ex, this is someone who clearly despises him but gives trump credit for having a "rethorical genius"

He’s always been funny,” Jen Mercieca, the author of Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump, told me — “branding” and “framing” his foes in way that “undermines their credibility” and “reaffirms the us-versus-them polarization” all “under the guise of just joking.” Practically every joke is “an in-group and out-group joke,” and “laughing at the joke is a sign of loyalty,” Mercieca explained.

“That,” she said, “is how autocrats work.”

I hope she's not giving him some sort of credit for doing any of that on purpose. That's just his personality, and he has no sense of humour to speak of (I doubt anyone who has actually spoken to him would call him "funny", at least not if it's meant to mean "witty") - all his "jokes" are just kindergarten level insults.

As if having an effective rethoric or being funny had anything to do on the qualities of actually running a country .

It’s great to win election but nothing much more then that …

Disenthrall from demagogues. If only they weren't so broke-brain

He has zero sense of humor. I don't think I've ever seen him laugh.

I distinctly remember the 2012 Comedy Central roast where he announced his first run and the rules he had in place on what the rosters weren’t allowed to say

The man is famously thin skinned and joyless

fwiw, he does always seem happy when he's touching Ivanka though....

Almost all of the Haley primary voters (and some of the Trump primary voters) are not Trump "cultists". Yet a high percentage will vote for him. Some will because they are racists. But I believe that most will because, aside from covid, Trump's past presidency didn't result in anything that particularly bothered them personally. Some things associated with Biden do bother them, and even some Democrats, personally. Trumps nastiness, laziness, autocraticness, or other bad attributes may not be enough to make up for how some people are bothered by things like trans stuff, leniency to criminals or the undocumented, eliminating student debt, excessive affirmative action, anti religious attitudes or other issues that partially depend on empathy they don't have. Democrats could be in trouble if they don't try harder to satisfy those non empathetic.

by David Sklansky k

Almost all of the Haley primary voters (and some of the Trump primary voters) are not Trump "cultists". Yet a high percentage will vote for him. Some will because they are racists. But I believe that most will because, aside from covid, Trump's past presidency didn't result in anything that particularly bothered them personally. Some things associated with Biden do bother them, and even some Democrats, personally. Trumps nastiness, laziness, autocraticness, or other bad attributes may not be en

Half these people barely have enough brainpower to remember to continue to breathe, and you're acting like they are performing some delicate balancing act on the issues involved.

The biggest thing is if the 2 major candidates end up 48% to 45% national popular vote Republicans are probably a big favorite whether they got 48 or 45. There isn't much Dems can do besides win the popular vote by 4.5+ given tipping point states are currently about that much redder than the nation. That will probably change drastically if Trump wins again though.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Trump on whether Putin was behind Navalny’s death

Imagine lololololozen will say the left is clearly muddling the waters here and trump clearly implicated putin

I'm in no way a Trump fan, but this seems like a silly question which was one of the more reasonable and honest proclamations he has made. Of course it is true that almost no one knows for sure how the guy died, and Trump certainly wouldn't know, unless Putin had personally called him and confessed. I don't think it's of any benefit for the leader (or potential leader) of one country to publicly accuse another world leader of murdering his political rival. Sure, Putin likely had him killed, but it's not like that was much worse than sending him to a Siberian prison for the next 30 years (and I would view it as more charitable than that). But the US still has to deal with this guy, and I don't think going out of your way to publicly accuse him of thing he may or may not have done would be in any way productive.

by d2_e4 k

I hope she's not giving him some sort of credit for doing any of that on purpose. That's just his personality, and he has no sense of humour to speak of (I doubt anyone who has actually spoken to him would call him "funny", at least not if it's meant to mean "witty") - all his "jokes" are just kindergarten level insults.

Plenty of adults still have a kindergarten level sense of humor. I don't remember ever thinking much he said was funny, but I don't think all the people who laugh at his joking insults he makes at his rallies are faking the laughter.

by chillrob k

I'm in no way a Trump fan, but this seems like a silly question which was one of the more reasonable and honest proclamations he has made. Of course it is true that almost no one knows for sure how the guy died, and Trump certainly wouldn't know, unless Putin had personally called him and confessed. I don't think it's of any benefit for the leader (or potential leader) of one country to publicly accuse another world leader of murdering his political rival. Sure, Putin likely had him killed, b

it's not even sure Putin had him killed, but that's not the point, what's absolutely certain is that Putin is responsible for his death, given he shouldn't have been in prison to begin with.

I think claiming that wouldn't sour relationship more than sending weapons to Ukraine to kill russian soldiers lol

by d2_e4 k

Half these people barely have enough brainpower to remember to continue to breathe, and you're acting like they are performing some delicate balancing act on the issues involved.

... another reason why some will vote for trump

by Luciom k

it's not even sure Putin had him killed, but that's not the point, what's absolutely certain is that Putin is responsible for his death, given he shouldn't have been in prison to begin with.

I think claiming that wouldn't sour relationship more than sending weapons to Ukraine to kill russian soldiers lol

I basically think of Putin as probably similar to Trump in that he would take a personal insult more seriously than an act of war against his country.

Mike Pence weighed in on Trump referring to Jan. 6 rioters as 'hostages,' calling the rhetoric unacceptable.

Trump says Jan. 6 rioting is normal political behavior.

They want to accept election results when they win and they want to start a revolution when they lose.

I was meaning to point out that Pence specifically said recently that he was not endorsing Trump for president, and the most important reason was the January 6 incident.

For those of you who still think it was no big deal, I think you would probably think differently if you had been here and people were yelling that they wanted to kill you.

Trump lawyers say Trump can't secure a bond to appeal the fraud verdict

by Luciom k

Trump lawyers say Trump can't secure a bond to appeal the fraud verdict

No potential lenders want to accept any of his properties as collateral.

If that isn't an ironic confirmation of the verdict ...

by Tom Ames k

No potential lenders want to accept any of his properties as collateral.

If that isn't an ironic confirmation of the verdict ...

Because bond issuing as per article requires liquid collateral usually.

I suppose with huge haircuts he could secure a bond using property, but for approx half a bill he might need more than a billion in property without any mortgage on it and I am not sure he has that much
